Guild Wars 2 - Temporary Additional Rules

Temporary Additional Rules

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:44 PM PST

Heya folks, hope everything is going well!

I'd like to quickly mention two new rules that are enforced starting after the release of the new game update that we are expecting on Tuesday, 7 February 2017. We (the moderation team of this subreddit) enforce these rules to ensure that the community is a place where you can discuss anything, but also not have game experiences or storylines ruined. Thus, the following rules will be enforced temporarily:

-Spoilers, or any mentions or forms of spoilers, may not be placed within titles of a post until 1 month has passed after the release (7 March 2017).

-Comments placed within threads that are not marked as SPOILER that contain spoilers must exist within the spoiler tags until 1 month has passed after the release (7 March 2017).

Posts which do not adhere to this will be removed and may be re-posted after being fixed. We hope this community will be a place where you can keep coming to without having content ruined, and these temporary rules will help us enforce this.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.


submitted by /u/davadude
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I feel like GW2 has not enough fanart - here a Faolain!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:26 AM PST

Floating Rock is very happy.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:31 PM PST

Hey kid, do you wanna buy some chicken?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:46 PM PST

The Ascension has some issues with harvesting.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:10 PM PST

Please make Koda's Warmth Infusion Effect more visible!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:33 PM PST

Hey guys!

As I've recently finished my Koda's Warmth Enrichment for my newest Norn Berserker I was kind of let down as the visual effect of the Enrichment is rather unremarkable and much smaller than the effect from the Koda's Braziers in Bitterfrost.

But see for yourself:

For over 500 gold and the time it took to get the gold and the aura infusion itself it should be at least like the Braziers effect imo. Right now it's more of a disappointment and when I don't hide my backpiece I rarely ever see the aura myself.

submitted by /u/Elendil358
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An Overlooked Star Wars Reference in the Personal Story

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

I was replaying the personal story today, and during the chapter "Retribution" I came across a Star Wars reference many of us might have overlooked:

Prior Historian: You realize this "pact" only has a one in three thousand seven hundred and twenty chance of succeeding?

As you might recall, possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1. Its the small things that make a game great. Thanks devs for little bits like these!

submitted by /u/Spuddish
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Please let us exchange Legendary Insights for Magnetite Shards

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:03 AM PST

I have almost 450 Legendary Insights already and I am pretty sure that I won't make legendary armor ever. I would be really happy to have a way to spend them on something else.

The best way would be if Glenna could exchange 1 Legendary Insight to 5-10 Magnetite shards. This might also come with the nice side effect, that the community might stop asking for insanely high amounts of LI for pug groups. People would start spending them so people would have less in LI in general.

submitted by /u/2girls1up
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Guild permissions - Inviting, Kicking, Promoting, and Demoting should not be one checkbox

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:54 PM PST

Currently, the guild permission for kicking members, inviting new members, promoting members to higher ranks, and demoting players all are considered a single permission.

The decision to make this sort of administrator powers all one rank permission doesn't make sense to me, considering that the rest of the guild permissions are completely septate. There are eight different permissions that deal with the guild bank permissions - four for each section of the guild bank. And yet, inviting and kicking people is the same one?

As a co-leader and officer, it would be very nice to have these permissions seperated. There is no reason to group up such important day to day funcitons of running a guild while simultaneously having plenty of other, (in my opinion, less important) permissions separated. I don't need to differentiate arena decorators and guild hall decorators. However giving people the power to invite, but not to kick without a higher power's permission is much more important.

TL;DR, set the guild rank permissions so 'admin lower ranks' is separated into 'kick lower ranks' 'invite new players' and 'promote/demote lower ranked members'

submitted by /u/Aroswing
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Digital GW2 HoT Deluxe Upgrade - 50% off in gemstore (1200 gems)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:46 PM PST

  • Additional character slot

  • Heart of Thorns Glider Skin

  • Miniature Revenant Rytlock

  • Revenant Finisher

  • Mordremoth's Bane Guild Decoration

submitted by /u/Lexard
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Possible Copyright Infringement / Is this an Asura?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:27 AM PST

Someone posted this picture of another online game on the german forums, asking if this may be a case of copyright infringement. Since nothing ever happens on the official german forums and mod activity is close to zero, I thought I'd just relay his question to reddit.
The game is called "The Sorceress" and can be found on Steam.
Thread on the german forums

EDIT: lol compare this to this, thanks for pointing that out u/Herorelic !

submitted by /u/Highw4ys
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[Theory] [Spoilers] Queen Jennah Is Evil

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST

Alternatively: Maybe Caudecus Was Right

Hello, beautiful people of the GW2 Subreddit. I have come to you once more to present a theory for your consideration. This theory is more humble than the Parallel Universe Revenant Theory I posted a while back, but I hope it entertains you nonetheless.

Through the narrative of Guild Wars 2, we are constantly told two things about Queen Jennah: that she is capable, and that she is egalitarian. For those of you who don't know what that is and can't spare a quick Google search (Or Bing/Yahoo; I don't discriminate. Egalitarianism!), egalitarianism is defined as "the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities." On the surface, this seems to be correct. She acts with kindness towards all that enter her throne room, and she is making an effort to press for peace with the Charr.

But this isn't the case at all, dear reader, and I intend to prove to you that Queen Jennah is as much a snake as the White Mantle that she contends against.

To start, Queen Jennah employs a secret police. The Shining Blade are as much assassins as they are body guards, and they execute their authority with acts of brutal, exacting justice. For the Human Commoner story, Countess Anise helps coordinate the assassination of Commander Serentine. While it is true that Serentine was commiting an act of sedition, there is no attempt made to arrest her. Yet, she was the leader of the Ministry Guard; a position of authority at least equal to Logan Thackeray's. Playing through the human My Parents Are Missing story, we again see the Shining Blade acting less as law enforcement and more as executioners. You and the Exemplars you are working with take no prisoners as you go through the story. You kill every White Mantle member you find, on your quest to find out the truth of your parents. The Shining Blade even say the mantra of "Dark times call for dark deeds" if you interact with a random guard in the Queen's throne room. Which, when you think about it, is kind of odd. Not like, in a conspiracy theory sort of way, but you're saying 'hi' to them and they just sort of scream "DARK TIMES" at you.

I understand that Kryta does not follow a modern justice system. For Six's sake, the only time we see the court of justice in action, it devolves into you killing Minister Zamon in front of his peers (and potentially, his sister). Still, you handsome and beautiful devils, I'm looking at this from the lens of a modern man, so cut me some slack, ALRIGHT?!

Perhaps it is a fear of the Shining Blade that keeps the common man praising Jennah, because it sure isn't her politics. During Living Story S2's "Party Politics," the player can tell Minister Wi that the queen is intending to raise taxes on landowners, to which Minister Wi says, and this is a quote, "I thought only workers paid taxes. Whyever would you tax land owners? That's ridiculous!" Let that sink in. Read it again. Noble landowners do not pay taxes in Kryta. Given that the nobles, by their own admission, are rich (you know), why NOT ask these noble land owners to pay taxes? Why hoist the burden of keeping Kryta afloat entirely on the back of its common man? I'd tell the workers of Kryta to rise up, but I might get killed by Jennah's secret police for being a dissident.

Let's rewind the track a bit: I said earlier that one of the cornerstones of Jennah's rule is that she is pursuing peace with the Charr. One of the ways that she fostered good will between humans and Charr was by the cruel manipulation of Logan Thackeray, the man who loves her. When Destiny's Edge was preparing to confront Kralkatorrik, Queen Jennah called Logan back to her side...which she did not even need to do. Logan did not save Ebonhawke. He did not even save the queen. He freed some Charr and led them out to battle the Branded, thus fostering good will between the humans and Charr, before Queen Jennah created an illusion of Kralkatorrik so real that it confounded even the Branded. Her actions were cunning and deliberate. She did not need Logan for anything except to further her political agenda, and because of her ambition, Snaff and Glint died.

This isn't even the most disturbing example of Queen Jennah's callous disregard for others. Let us speak of The Great Collapse.

Before the Crown Pavillion dominated the west side of Divinity's Reach, we had a giant sink hole...and according to the official Guild Wars 2 wiki, before it was a giant sink hole, it was the Arts District of Divinity's Reach. The Shining Blade and Seraph evacuated the area as it was collapsing, as they were able to predict the Collapse due to some 'warning signs.' If it is not immediately suspicious that the Shining Blade was involved with an evacuation at all, then the fact that they seemed to have prior knowledge of the disaster should set off those alarm bells. Also according to the wiki, citizens report that "the collapse [happened] in multiple stages with cracks appearing first, and a main collapse happening later." That doesn't seem like natural detereoration to me, but alright. I'll say it was just an accident.

I won't make accusations against Queen Jennah (because I don't want her secret police to kill me). Instead I will let her actions speak for herself. Divinity's Reach has a refugee problem, and now, they have an area they need to rebuild. The Queen, however, raises a monument to her own glory over it. The Crown Pavillion replaced the Great Collapse, and thus it replaced the Art District. All of those people who were evacuated can never return home, because Queen Jennah decided that celebrating her reign was far more important than anything like a roof over one's head.

Last but not least, she is not even responsible for the only evidence that commoners are receiving more civil rights. According to a Seraph (That's right; a Seraph, not a Ministry Guard)on Melandru High Road, it was Minister Caudecus who banned public flogging as a punishment.

It makes me wonder why the political posters we tear down in game in our unflinching support an oppressive and egotistical monarch aren't a little more biting. Jeez. For a political mastermind, Caudecus sure is a dumbie.

What I'm getting at is that when the new Season 3 story comes out, consider the White Mantle's fight from another perspective. Consider that you might be defending one horrible dictator from the machinations of another.

And consider that I wrote all of this to entertain moreso than prove a point, so I hope you enjoyed it!

submitted by /u/WhenDaxAttacks
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Remember to get your Lunar New Year celestial mini in Guild Wars 1 before 7th!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:51 AM PST

Go to Shing Jea and get those four festival quests. Each of them gives you 25 Lunar Tokens. Trade those 100 tokens for a celestial miniature :)

It's easy and fast to do, but you need to have Factions campaign as far as i think. I did it in less than an hour :)

submitted by /u/Evangeder
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Timberline Falls is so damn pretty

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:19 PM PST

Season 5: A Noob's Journey Concludes

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:20 PM PST

As is my wont, this will be a long post about a personal experience that is meaningful to me. This is your chance to escape.

OK, so I just played my last ranked of the season, which was my first ever PvP season. I started very much a noob stuck firmly in bronze, feeling like nothing I did made any difference to the games I was in. I was getting all the sweet rewards, sure - but that MMR meant something, somehow. I wanted to improve.

So, I did. I watched streams, read posts and guides here on the sub or linked from here, asked the players who beat me extra hard how they did it. Then I got new character slots and played the classes I struggled against until I understood them. In the process I fell in love with a few, going from Thief/Ele as my queue-classes to queuing on or swapping to Druid, DH, Warrior and even my old Mesmer.

I climbed through silver. My winrate shot up from about 35% to 80%. By New Year I was in silver-3. A week later I had made it to gold for the first time. Oscillated between gold-1 and silver-3 for a week or so, then climbed almost to gold 2 and felt amazing about life. Then... I started losing constantly. My winrate fell to about 30% for a week or more, and I was back deep in silver 3. Why had games suddenly gotten so much harder? I don't know - but they forced me to improve again.

I watched the tournament of Groucheroo, which was both amazingly educational and really entertaining. I watched more streamers and read more posts. Thus equipped, I learned to really watch what was happening when my team was losing, and paid attention to how we won.

For the first time I began to win well-chosen 1v2s consistently. I found myself looking at double thief on my team and thinking 'yeah, let's do this' instead of 'sigh, this is going to be hard'. More and more I began to notice and value specific members of my team, supporting them and being supported by them, playing to our strengths and finding the enemy's weakness.

Tonight I made it back to gold-1, and am pleased to end it there.

I'd never been a fan of PvP before, but this season - it's just been so much fun. I've even enjoyed most of my lost games. I've met some great players in both my own and enemy teams, made new friends, learned so, so much about the game - this largely through the generosity of posters on this sub and streamers/youtubers. I've also made hundreds of gold and equipped one of my toons with full ascended everything for the PvE I hope to do after the season's finished.

PvP has a reputation for salt and unpleasantness, and there has been a little of that - but mostly it's just been really, really good experience. Anet, I've really appreciated the way the season was designed and implemented. It was so accessible and enjoyable to participate in. I'm also glad you're tweaking the matchmaking algorithm for next season, because it's one of the few things that sometimes did get me down.

Having said all that - I'm glad the season's ending. It means I can finally leave the mists and chillax in the open world a bit.

Thank you to everyone on this sub who shares their knowledge or experience with noobs like me, and everyone who streams their PvP with commentary or does youtube videos - you're a huge boon to this community. And everyone who plays in sPvP with their cheerful face on and is nice to teammates and opponents alike - you're the best. It's great to finish my first PvP season feeling like I've seen the best of the community instead of the worst.

submitted by /u/Sihmm
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Bring back previous zerg battles as independent raids

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:47 PM PST

Wasn't sure how to title it, but oh well. I don't like writing page after page, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

Basically, LS1 wasted so much good content as one-offs, and I genuinely think they should rework some of that treasure into actual raid scenarios. I mean, god damn. Twisted Marionette or Battle of the Breachmaker back in action? Yes please. It could be new fractals for all I care, but for 10-50 man premade groups. Up to Anet to design this, but just do it. D:

submitted by /u/DankArrow
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Please, add the option: Hide/Show All Player Names in Squad.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:19 PM PST

Sometimes it's really not worth to join to the squad, because the game gets laggy because I have to see every player in squad, and this is absolutely unnecessary.

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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The End of PvP Season 5 Everybody!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:45 PM PST

1812 Dragon Bomb Overture

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:05 AM PST

Getting into raiding is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do in GW2

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:23 PM PST

A couple of weeks ago, I joined a friendly raiding guild. I joined them in a SAB run and after hours of research and build preparation for the run I ran it fairly well. We didn't finish it, but the rush I got from coming so close to killing her and the level of difficulty was so appealing to me.

I decided to dive wholeheartedly into raids and because my guild wasn't always willing to teach me new runs I started pugging on VG.

Unfortunately, every single run since then has ended with everyone quitting because of inexperienced players, or me being kicked because I don't have the LI to prove my worth.

By this point, I've run VG (and failed or been kicked) so many times that I'm pretty discouraged by it.

I really want to get into this endgame content but elitism and unwillingness to forgive mistakes is making it incredibly difficult. I can't even join half of the LFGs because of the ridiculous requirements because I've just started!

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you

Edit: I'm on NA btw. The reason I started pugging was because I am impatient and I wanted to play as much as possible regardless of the loot cap. I know having an established team is better, of course.

submitted by /u/RandyPistol
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Giganticus Lupicus in Bitterfrost Frontier?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:16 AM PST


While wandering through Bitterfrost Frontier i found those remains (located in Grawl caves in Brakbrak Ice Snarl)

Is those the bones of Giganticus Lupicus? The skull shure looks canine (comparison to german shepard) but the bones (and skull itself) looks a bit too big (at least for the only one Lupicus we see in Arah). What do you think?


Great Giant

Virtually nothing is known about their culture or history, and what little we do know about their physiology comes from the gargantuan skeletons that can be found across the world (although particularly in the Crystal Desert and the Desolation). Since giganticus lupicus refers not to one race but several, it is unsurprising that there is dramatic variance in the size and skull structure of these ancient skeletons.

So it indeed is Gianticus Lupicus, just different race. Thanks TEGG_2859

submitted by /u/Lokstar_Val_Hallen
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[QoL request] Content alert

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:27 AM PST

I don't care if available ingame or provided by an player made overlay: I really would like to see a content alert functionality. I played WoW Legion for a short time and my favorit addon was a tool that informed you when someone put something in the lfg with your predefined search words. For example if have "dwayna" in my alert list, as soon as someone posts "dwayna up" in the lfg, I get informed. That'd be so cool for many achievements, rare events not on a timer, etc etc. Is this even possible with the GW2 API to read the lfg content?

submitted by /u/KyrgyzManas
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[Academic Survey] Gaming Investment and Management of Terror

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:54 PM PST

Dear All,

We are third year undergraduate students at Middlesex University, London, investigating the characteristics of Massive Multiplayer Online Gamers for our dissertation project.

To do this, we have created a survey investigating the effects of character attachment and investment in MMO Gamers, on Beliefs about Death and Experience of 'Dying'. You may be interested in taking part!

The survey will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. All information provided will be anonymous, with your participation being greatly appreciated.

Please feel free to forward the survey link to any MMO Player you know who may be interested.

This survey has been given approval by Middlesex University's ethics board, and permission to post the above link has been given by the mods of /r/Guildwars2.

For those interested in a complete project, summaries of the findings will be submitted on the 4th May 2017 onwards, upon request.

Finally, for those of you who may be interested in previous academic work, our supervisor (Dr Mark Coulson), has published with regards to MMO gamers: please find a link to his google scholar page, as well as a link to one of his studies.

Google Scholar -

Virtualy Real - A Psychological Perspective on Massively Multiplayer Games -

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

*Currently we have over 1k plus participants. Please continue to contribute to some new and interesting research!

/u/Meitheforcebewithu Is a part of the study, and may also answer your questions.

submitted by /u/Hanzolol
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Quick Guide to Boons and Conditions

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:57 AM PST

Is Heart Of Thorns still worth buying at 50% off?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:39 PM PST

I got an email about heart of thorns being 50% off. I used to play but didn't have enough time to play and just kinda stopped but the deal comes with a free lvl 80 so that would help me get into it. I always had the problem of feeling a little disconnected from the other players especially later on when the hype died down. Any way to combat that if it is worth it? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Doodawsumman
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