Guild Wars 2 - Lake Doric Event Map

Lake Doric Event Map

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST

Final fight is not fun(Spoilers)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:29 AM PST

Way too many CC in such a small room. You got like 1-2 secs to react or you get knocked down hard. The Jade add really made it much more annoying.

submitted by /u/Slowpokeslowbread
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Secret Achievements (Spoilers)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:47 AM PST

In the quaggan village near Saidra's Haven, if you bring Ishoonoo some jellyfish, you unlock this achievement. Jelly fish can be found in fishing traps around Saidra's Haven.

In lakeside Bazaar, if you go to the bar with one drink drake inside, /dance for that achievement.

In lakeside Bazaar, you need to bring honey to Blaine (who is in the well). Honey is obtain north in the eastern hunting grounds east of the normal apple trees there (the tree looks like all the other normal trees, just go to each one until you get a kick option)Edit: look at this map here

Bring a fresh seafood, live crawdad to the cooks in Siadra's Haven, throw a rotten (chum bucket fish) at a white mantle, said fish are obtained from the fishing traps along the lake at either town. Ap is called A Good Use - you must use the items fishing traps four different times, this includes fresh seafood, crawdads, throwing rotten chum, giving pearls, or giving the quaggan some jellyfish.

At Soren's Rest poi, kneel

At Saidra's Haven, there is an event where you need to rescue villagers from being burned alive at the stake.

Thats all the ones Ive found/know of


i you get the priestess of mellandru to open the door at SE and you reach the coffin inside you get na achiev too "not all who Wander are lost". - Wulfgarion

submitted by /u/7hejanitor
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These wing 4 respawns are a little far from the bosses

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:00 PM PST

People are not interested in donating to decorations

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:03 PM PST

Topic title ^

Decoration prices are ridiculous, as well as its systems.

First of all, Scribing Kits use way too many materials, way too much clicking, and they are used in every decoration. Even a pillow.

Secondly, decorations are too expensive. 32g for a hedge? How are we supposed to make a hedge maze without spending hundreds and hundreds of gold? Just 3 of them cost almost 100g! Then there's the new decorations added this patch, some cost 600g. Excuse me?

Look, people don't want to donate to donations. There's a few issues:

  1. Price. It's expensive. Why spend more on decorations than they spend on themselves?

  2. There's a middleman. People cannot directly crowdsource decorations like we do with Treasury. Instead they have to trust someone not to misuse their funds, and rely on them to follow through. It needs more instant-gratification.

  3. People do not care about decorations in general. It's a limited system full of restrictions and limited quantities. Guild Hall terrain (specifically Lost Precipice) is too bumpy, with too many ledges. Many guilds do not grant members decoration privileges. There's also personal reasons, such as members not being formally introduced to the system, so they don't care or feel it's important. There's also a guilt associated with using the guild's limited quantity of decorations.And the fact there's so much empty space in the hall that nobody goes, so there is no purpose to decorate... The point is that most players do not care about decorating.

And ANET, please do not use guilds like Spud Club as some "standard". Many guilds, even big ones with hundreds of members, can only wish for a circle of fanboys and wales who would donate hundreds of gold for a single decoration. The reverse is true too. Expecting 200+ people to donate a measly 1g every 2 weeks is like asking for people to leave.

In a game where gold is valuable, people do not want to donate without getting something in return. Even if you remove gold cost, it's a badly designed system that doesn't engage the community.

I believe the Boss-trophies from raids and the Fractal decorations are a great example what decorations should be. They should still be scarce, but worthy as drops.

An ambitious suggestion, but I think the cost of decorations should be guild-based rather than player pockets. It should be using currencies like Aetherium, Favor, and maybe materials players can obtain that go directly into the guild treasury. For example, maybe instead of a looting a Bolt of Leather as a drop from foes, the player loots a hypothetical "Bolt of Linenium (Guild)", that goes automatically into the Treasury of the currently repped guild. This way there is still the thrill of random drops, rare drops, and it doesn't feel like you're grinding a single currency. Maybe this new reward system can also work into revitalizing guild missions. Maybe materials like this that have an economic value separate from player pockets can be used as the basis for crafting Scribing Kits instead of taxing people to donate their ancient wood.

As an off-suggestion, it would be cool if guild halls can designate areas that only specific players can decorate inside. In other words, player-housing. This will motivate the more selfish players to contribute too.

Whatever happens, please fix the decoration system in Expansion #2. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Lishy1_5
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PSA: farm Jellyfish Remains in Bloodtide Coast instead of buying them on TP [spoiler]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:24 AM PST

Someone just bought all Jellyfish Remains off the TP to manipualte the market. They're required for a hidden achievement, but you can just farm them at Sorrowful Waypoint [&BKQBAAA=] by killing level 47 Jellyfish.

submitted by /u/runereader
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[Spoiler]I'm Rich you know...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

Thats the best moment in the episode 4 without doubt, I couldn't stop laughing

submitted by /u/Vunci
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Ekko the Dolphin

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

[Spoiler] A certain feature during the last mission...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:05 AM PST

I'm sure most of you noticed in the very beginning of the mission in the barracks with the large group of White Mantle members, there were turrets placed around the arena that ONLY engineers can use.

A few events later, before we meet up with Canach, the boss in that area kept spawning Skeletons, which ONLY necromancers could take control over.

This is one of the features that i really liked with in this episode. It's giving life / personality / identity to our professions and that it awesome. I really hope to see they use this more often with upcoming episodes and expansion.

What about you guys, did you notice it? Like it / don't like it? Did anyone find any more of these situations for other professions beside the 2 i mentioned?

submitted by /u/iSmackiNQ
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[spoiler] my experience with the end of episode 4

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:01 PM PST

[Spoiler] Was pleasantly surprised to see a character's true power in game for the first time!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

One of my favorite parts of the new story was finally being able to see Jennah's power in game. Before this we only really knew about her incredibly strong mesmer powers from her feats in Edge of Destiny where she is capable of producing massive clones and glamours, as well as maintaining a mental connection with Logan.

In this patch we finally got to see some of her power. She casts a glamour the size of Divinity's Reach and when she confronts Estelle's bodyguards she appears to either kill or incapacitate them with her mind.

A third feat in this patch that is more so my speculation than fact is she might be reading minds as well. We already know she has some kind of influence over Logan's actions so it seems feasible. She seems to already know Anise's actions before the last instance and chalks it up to intuition. Additionally it kind of seemed like in the first instance she may have been purposely rounding up the ministers so that she could weed out the disloyal among them. She brings them all into the same place invites the player character as muscle and tells the ministers that she is temporarily suspending their power. Considering the "perceptiveness" she claims to have she had to know this would greatly upset the ministers and was probably pushing for this reaction so she could eliminate her enemies. If this is the case it is likely she was able to read the minds of the ministers to determine which were loyal, hence the Wi family is readily forgiven. While it seems counterproductive to let the White Mantle take and destroy Lake Doric if she knew beforehand, it is just as believable it was part of her plan so that she would be able to provoke an attack on her rather than take the offensive. It fits the character of a powerful mesmer to use these kinds of manipulations for political intrigue.

submitted by /u/itsdripping
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Engineer, still the only responsible choice.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:01 PM PST

It's called a profession for a reason:

submitted by /u/ProBirdperson
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[SPOILER] My to-do list as the Pact Commander

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:44 AM PST

Things to-do:

1) Increase Dragon's Watch members list by at least 1/2. Even a cat or dog would be good at this point. Imagine the morale and recruitment lines! "I'll let you pet my bloodstone-crazed cat if you join!"

2) Stop being everyone's chum and buddy and stop being the butt of all the jokes. "Goshdarnit, I know something else other than 'SMASH!' "

3) Help Logan score some points with someone else. "Logan, you and Zojja have a lot in common now -- part of the same guild, slightly adorkable, and you've both been in Blighting Pods. I think you two should date."

4) Scar Logan with Caudecus' stuff. "I should put on Caudecus' mask-face or face-mask and then go up to Logan's room at night, bring and leave that portrait into the most conspicuous place and whisper into his ear while he's sleeping 'How I dream of you even from the mist, my dear, Captain Thackeray.' "

5) Plug myself into Omadd's machine again and probably invite the rest of the Elder Dragons for tea. At this point, this is the most sane thing to do in this list.

submitted by /u/mirrorell
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Game Release Notes - February 8th, 2017 - Part 4

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:38 PM PST

How Head of the Snake should have ended(comic) [Spoilers]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:38 AM PST

[Spoiler] It's not a bug... it's a 'feature'..

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:15 PM PST

While 'fixing' the Gate Golem during A Meeting of Ministers, if you make two mistakes in a row, you'll be informed by the Gate Attendant that "...the interface has three main functions, each specifically designed to counteract the golem's bugs, er...features."

So, it's official. They aren't BUGS.. they are FEATURES.

Well played ANet. Well played.

submitted by /u/Courin
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QoL Request: Make item voice-overs mean something.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:35 AM PST

When the game first launched and my character said "That looks valuable!" or "Nothing better than moot-loot!" it was actually a good indicator to check my inventory. Now I hear this every 30 seconds due to ascended mats.

I'd REALLY like it to only flag when I'm picking up exotic/ascended items or something notable (i.e. items like "Strange rock") and filter out any kind of crafting mat (yes even t6 or cores). I'm sure this would be a non-trivial change as it would either require a rather vigorous filter or a custom list to be formed (I imagine making all notable items like "Strange rock" into exotics and then just applying a good filter would be easier in the long run) but ultimately it would really be nice to actually get excited when my character plays that voice over again.

submitted by /u/Vahden
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Can confirm, this is the wrong way to search for updates on the new leather farm...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:32 AM PST

Unstable bloodstone fragments should last 1-2s longer

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:55 PM PST

So those big bloodstone elemental bosses that summon the swarms of self-destructing mini-elementals?

You're supposed to pick up the shards ("unstable bloodstone fragments") dropped by the minis and throw them at the elemental. This chunks its breakbar, letting you do crazy damage when you break it.

Unfortunately, the shards only stick around for about 3 seconds. Half the time they'll vanish in the middle of your pickup animation. Other times you can't get them because you're too busy side-stepping the bombers.

It's really, really annoying in its current state.

submitted by /u/Shiiyouagain
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Honorary Crewmate is a bit much

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:19 PM PST

Trying to get the Honorary Crewmate achievement in a group effort, there seemed to be something we were missing.

During the event defending the ship supplies from the White Mantle, occasionally a Mesmer would spawn, teleport to the supply stack, and port back in seconds, costing us the achievement.

Seeing as they all had strong defiance bars, it seems impossible to accomplish, and 1 AP for this looks like a teaser from the developers.

Any tips or similar experiences? Scaling also seems a bit off, with champs or elites spawning at rather low player counts, or not spawning at high player counts.

submitted by /u/TyndeI
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Lake Doric is gorgeous.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:52 AM PST

I'm in awe of how.... organic it looks.

The slopes are gradual, the peaks are broad, the caverns are tight and narrow.

In many games (Vanilla Guild Wars 2 often included) landscapes often seem rudimentary and cartoonish-----Like they'd be completely flat if it weren't for the combination of a few vertical stone pillars here and there to partition off the zone into small, digestible setpieces.

It's so great to be able to stand on one side of the zone, look at the other, and see everything about the zone.... Not because the zone is overly small, but because the zone slopes gently downward from the sides into a concave center---Yet at the same time it's far from featureless, and is actually interesting to look at.

As it stands, Saidra's haven is probably my favorite township in the game.

The layout of the buildings around the sides with a plaza in the center, the way each tier of the town is set against each other, once again, looks organic and believable.

I love the way it's situated on a cliff overlooking the lake---Looking up at it from the other side of the lake makes it look imposing and impressive, while looking down at the lake from within it makes the landscape seem expansive.

I wish I could have seen the lake before the dam was busted and it drained out.

Saidra's Haven looks like those docks on the side were just above water level, and the lake itself looks like it would have been impressive.

submitted by /u/Perkinz
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Again, Canach steals the show!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:25 AM PST

Head of the Snake's highlight for me is Canach. The character is so well written, he really needs to become more prominent in the game.

I genuinely laughed out loud at his lines, and interacts well with the player character, it feels so natural.

Please Anet feature him more in the future!

submitted by /u/Raxzor
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[Minor Spoiler] These NPC skill names are getting more and more creative!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:28 AM PST

Patch notes, 2/9

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:58 AM PST

[SPOILER] Hidden Achieve? "A Fish, A Fishy"

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:27 AM PST

Give Jellyfish Remains (gotten from fishing cages) to Ishoonoo in the little quaggan village by SS Pinkeens wrecked ship. You'll get "A Fish, A Fishy" achievement for 3 AP.

Edit: It also counts for the "A Good Use" achievement (Collect fish from Lake Doric near Saidra's Haven and put them to good use -- 5 AP -- 4 "good uses")

submitted by /u/CorgiCadillac
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