Guild Wars 2 - Am I the only one who would like to see a new city at some point?

Am I the only one who would like to see a new city at some point?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:47 PM PST

And by city, I don't mean like Auric Basin, but more like another DR, Rata, LA, etc. Maybe as a chokehold between 2 regions (i.e. connecting Mount Maelstrom to Crystal Desert).*

*Please note my example was an example, and was not meant to be a "they should definitely do this" kind of statement.

submitted by /u/NaotsuguGuardian
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The Head of the Snake is coming tomorrow

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST

[Suggestion] Please, don't lock the exp gain in the maps of the next future expansion on Raid Masteries

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:54 AM PST

Like title. This is really frustrating for players like me that cannot gain exp (spirit shards) on HoT maps because I'm forced to play some content that I don't want to.

Also, these maps have no relationship with raids at all, so I don't see why I need to go there to be able to get exp elsewhere.

I'm not asking to change the current system, but adapt better the system for the next expansion. Suggestions: Once you get all unlocked masteries, you begin to get exp to your caracter; or all masteries are unlocked by default.

submitted by /u/FelipeMikau
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PvP League Season Five has ended

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:37 PM PST

This is all in Gendarran Fields, a very diverse zone!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:24 AM PST

Helpful WvW Tricks

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

[KING] Nightmare Fractal (Challenge Mode) Guide

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST

PSA: Do NOT Accept Your Titles in a Custom Arena

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:21 PM PST

There's a major bug right now where if you accept your titles while inside a custom arena they don't show up. It will also say you have not completed the associated achievements. Happened to me and a few others.

submitted by /u/l_Paid_For_Winrar
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[AB Rant} I'm terribly disappointed

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:07 AM PST

Hello all! I just witnessed the most BS thing in Auric Basin today and it saddens me that such people exist in this community. I don't understand people would exploit others for something that is a PUBLIC GOOD (look it's an Econs term). Anyways ...I'm just here just to rant about it...(since it's against the rules to witch hunt whatsoever)


I frequently command AB MM (some of you might know me as Popura in game) and my style is a very simple NO BS, NO VIP, NO Forced Donations squad. Every donation is voluntary and I always believe in the good of this community to pay the anchors who sacrificed their loot. Today I unfortunately reached my gold cap and I decided to join a forced donation to see how it went as an experiment. I am 100% against forced donations (even more so than VIP) just because it is just plain ironic (forced and donations are completely opposite in nature).


Everything was going wrong from the start, the commander was obviously inexperienced and he was kicking people wrongly, not to mention the "buy-in" was extremely high at 3g. Some people who donated less than 3g were kicked and not even allowed back into the squad even though they donated a partial amount.


(REDFLAG1: High buy in, multiple kicks, inexperienced)


The commander and his liet were extremely anxious about the funds, repeatedly spamming the chat to get people to "donate" to them or get kicked. The tone they used was in no way endearing/sincere, in fact it seemed as though they were in a hurry.


(REDFLAG2: Obvious attempts to take as much as possible)


I took a look at the anchors (there were 5), one was the commander (typical right? forcing people to donate to support the anchors...but you're one?), two were very suspicious accounts (below 300 AP) which were possible alts and the other two were regular accounts. I pmed all of the accounts asking them "how much do you expect to get" and only one replied .(I'll touch on this guy later on)


(REDFLAG3: Commander is an anchor, two suspicious alts)


The Squad was almost full and I calculated that if everyone paid 3g to buy in, the total pool would probably be somewhere around 120g minimum. That's considerably more than what I get from my regular anchored maps (I avg 60g - 90g usually), and this is a really good pay out for the anchors who would get upwards of 20g. Despite all the red flags exposed, as mentioned above, I always believe in the good of this community and I was crossing my fingers that my suspicions were just paranoia getting the better of me.


I was wrong so wrong....


The moment AB ended the commander and 4/5 of the anchors immediately left leaving one anchor behind (the guy that replied me earlier). I pmed the last guy only to find out that he received a mere 12g for his efforts as an anchor. This is shocking and completely absurd, the commander made away with upwards of 100g using this "donations" scam. I can't tell you how tempted I am to release his name and account ID but I won't because of the rules here. To those who might say who cares since AB is gonna get nerfed soon, I completely disagree with you. There'll be more farms in the future that the community will be heavily involved in and these people will still be there to exploit the community.


So how can we overcome this? Frankly, I don't think reporting them will make a huge difference since they can just recreate new accounts to do the same thing. What we can do however is to band together and come up with initiatives that benefit the farming community. Existing examples such as the regular anchored maps, silverwastes chest runs, bitterfrost runs are completely free and it will inevitably inspire people to do the same when they themselves become more experienced enough to lead (such in my case)


Thank you for listening,



EDIT1: I'll post some SS when I can.

EDIT2: Me confronting the commander post-meta

EDIT3: I am pro- 7FEB patch BTW :)

EDIT4: This is from a [NA] perspective

submitted by /u/charrbie
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Lore compilation in preparation of episode 4: current situation of Divinity's Reach.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:18 AM PST

Lore is in a weird place right now. Lore-wise we're two years in. Zhaitan is dead, technically we should've broken the centaurs with the death of every new Ulgoth ever, Mordremoth is dead, a shitton of people, pact and otherwise, are dead, and stuff's going down with Primordus and Jormag.

Yet, the open world stopped changing pretty much since the end of season 1. So every piece of information may or may not be outdated. It is my personal evaluation that most stuff is still up to date.

The situation so far:

  • not enough soldiers inside and outside Divinity's Reach, unsafe countryside and dark alleys as a direct result
  • a lot of poor people, refugees, very unhappy populace, a lot of popularity for the loud guy promising easy solutions, blaming everything on everyone else
  • caravans getting raided daily, looming food shortage that could turn into a fully blown starvation whenever Divinity's Reach loses one caravan too many
  • Ministry guard has an iron grip, created, sustained and heavily indoctrinated by Minister Caudecus - personal army at the heart of the city standing ready
  • heavy dissent at the minstry. Most nobles are corrupt, egomanic, pro Caudecus, only look out for themselves and a hoarding gold, guards, food. Most commoners are fighting to spread the guards everywhere inside the city, guard the caravans, getting food and defence inside the city as well as helping out the struggling Queensdale and all the outer provices being unanimously under centaur attack
  • heavy dissent regarding the charr treaty with the Caudecus camp being pro war, the "good" side being pro treaty
  • Ebonhawke being a massive drain on the struggling kingdom, with people calling to aid them even more, others calling to letting them fall. Ebonhawke is losing its war with the charr, the charr are winning. Without the treaty, Ebonhawke will fall in the foreseeable future.

TL;DR Shit's bleak, RIP humanity

If I missed anything, got something wrong, or you got something to add - let me know.

submitted by /u/Quick_FYI
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What are the other dragons spheres of influence?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:27 PM PST

Currently finishing up my first playthrough of LW S2 and in the Durmand Priory they talked about the spheres of influence each dragon has. Zeithan got Shadow and Death, Mordremoth Plant and Mind. What are Primordus and Jormags spheres of influence? I mean probably fire and ice, but it's always two. So I am a bit unsure what the second one would be for them.

submitted by /u/The_Blog
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[PvE] *UPDATED* Regen-Druid Guide

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:17 AM PST

So as some of you might remember, I made a video on how to make regeneration relevant for druid. Thanks to the great discussion on the according Reddit-Threat, the build has changed (and imo improved) quite tremendously. So now, way later than intended, here's my short updated guide to Regen-Druid for PvE (Raids). Cheers

submitted by /u/eaSyRoca
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Male Sylvari scaling

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:22 AM PST

Seems like an opportune time to bring this up..What are the chances of making a thread here or on the forums about getting male sylvari armor scaling fixed? There are multiple outfits/gear slots that scale horribly. They appear like they actually belong on like an orc or fat norn. Ones i can think of off the top of my head are the hellfire vambraces/ironclad outfit/hexed outfit.

submitted by /u/LiberAzerate
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Friendly reminder: Things to do before the Lunar New Year and PvP Season 5 end on February 7

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:40 AM PST

  • complete the Light Up The Sky achievement by going to Pyromancer Zarrt at Research Waypoint [&BLgEAAA=] in Rata Sum and buying the Fireworks for 32c (and using them; alacrity helps)
  • exchange the hoarded luck for Red Lanterns in your Guild Hall
  • complete the Firecracker Finder achievement
  • complete the Dragon Ball achievements that you're close to finishing anyway
  • open your leftover envelopes and PvP chests after popping the MF boosts you have after going to the PvP lobby (for the PvP MF buff, less bother but the amulet infusion doesn't count) or to Silverwastes (having done events and defeated the Octovine Vinewrath for the extra MF buffs)
  • earn pips to earn the closest PvP chest, and think of finishing the whole chest track for the final most profitable chest
  • play a PvP match to clear the rating decay if you haven't played in a while and if it will affect your badge and you care
  • think of buying the Rooster Lantern Backpack(s) now because they'll get more expensive next year
  • pat your home instance cats just because cats are great and there's no reason not to
submitted by /u/Lishtenbird
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[SC] Duo Arah P2 10:42

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:36 AM PST


Ele / Roul PoV:

Thief / Goku PoV:

Hope you enjoy, if you have any questions feel free to ask

submitted by /u/---Roul---
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What weapon skills, utility skills or traits do you wish were more useful?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:35 AM PST

Thanks to a pesky little thing known as 'meta', not every skill in the game is worth running. You can try to make things work (to varying levels of success) but in the end you'll be gimped a little in damage or utility, even if its something more fun.

The main one for me is engineer, much as I love the flamethrower it's not the best toolkit to stay in, though it is run often enough thanks to its blast finisher. I really love the juggernaut trait, along with the scrapper's mass momentum and applied force, a near-permanent 10 might stacks with occasional swiftness is pretty fun.

But then some are nearly never used, like pretty much every turret except for the healing one, and similarly pretty much every heal skill in favour of the healing turret.

and the whirly gyro! I know it's useless but I like the whirly gyro, and the idea of using finishers besides blast at all. I'd love to see more skills get used by making it so other finishers were worth using.

So, back to the main question: what skills do you find fun or satisfying but aren't useful enough to be used all the time?

and a bit of a side question I thought up while typing this that im SURE has been asked before, but: if you could opt for a 4th utility skill over an elite skill, how awful of a balancing idea would this be?

submitted by /u/bananarBananar
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2 Options i would really like to see in the game

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:25 PM PST

  1. an option to limit gw2 fps to 5/10/whatever fps when minimized/in background

  2. an option (with hotkey) to disable every other player model and minimize their spell effects so you can actually see animations of small worldbosses

i really miss those 2 options from when i played Blade and Soul (thats pretty much the only thing i miss :D)

first one is just nice when u are browsing alot on a second monitor/watching vids/ascending in clickerhereos via soundbar without having your pc going on 100% RPM noise all the time or you know, not exiting the game when u pause gaming for half an hour

second one should be obvious, in most cases idc and/or dgaf what others are doing and want to focus on dodging enemy attacks (which ,granted, is way less important in gw2 than in blade and soul, where you died when failing to dodge that one critical attack/CC) also way better performance in crowded areas

  1. shouldnt be hard to implement since theres already an option to limit player models, so completely blocking them shouldnt be too much work
submitted by /u/VoiTeC_inferno
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Why in gw2 no "Clear Target" option in keybindings settings?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:35 AM PST

just wtf? clicking on ground is not the best option.

submitted by /u/tffiad
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PSA - Opening Champion Bags on a lower level limits the types of exotics and rare drops you can get

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:08 PM PST

I didn't figure this out until today but some of the champ bags out there have the preview functionality they added a little while back - the Fallen Adventurer's Backpack is one of them. That picture is a preview on a level 80 and 53 respectively. While that is the entire list of rare loot for the level 53 the level 80 one scrolls down and says +975 items not listed.

Now I would imagine all the various types of champion bags out there work the same way even if they aren't previewable - and from my vast experience in SW/AB farming and opening on 80 and 43-53 intermittently I honestly can't ever recall getting an exotic on the lower level that would be outside the loot table.

Anyways, I had this argument with one guild member and one user on this sub and I think this is the closest we can get to an answer on champion bags that you can't preview until they add that functionality.

Special thanks to /u/Artumes for pointing out the bag that can be previewed. If anyone wants to test with other bags that can be previewed I'd be interested in the results.

submitted by /u/zellurs
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Designing Guardian's missing skills (and spirit weapons).

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:44 PM PST

Hello nice people of r/Guildwars 2!

A little while ago I wrote a post about Mesmer's missing skills and how to fill those gaps. We had a nice discussion and I got some nice feedback, so I wanted to try again, this time with Guardian, another close contender to my favorite profession in GW2.

For Guardian's skills, we have Shelter that is a type-less skill, and we are missing Heal Spirit Weapon, Heal Consecration, Elite Spirit Weapon and Elite Consecration. As a small disclaimer, for this suggestion I'll also include a small rework for how spirit weapons works, since in their current iteration I can't manage to think about a spirit weapon skills that would be useful while following the same format as the current spirit weapons skills, which are kinda underperforming in both PvE and PvP.
On top of that, I believe that while a lot of people suggest Shelter turning into a Consecration Skills, it could potentially break the balance of a skill that's already really powerful and a strong choice as Guardian healing spell. Because of that, affecting Shelter cooldown with the Consecration traits could be a double edged sword. On one hand you can have another lever to balance the skill effectiveness, on the other you could potentially make that trait mandatory. In both scenarios, is not a decision to take lightly. However, I'll also try to design a possible version of Shelter as a Consecration spell. Without further ado, let's start with the spirit weapon update.

Spirit Weapons: Spirit weapons are now always active as passive effects; they visually follow the Guardian around, and they add damage to his attacks, or enhance Virtue effects. Using their active skill would put the spirit weapons on cooldown, disabling the passive for the duration (follows the same principle of Virtues).


NEW Heal Spirit Weapon: Staff of Resolve
A staff follows you around, increasing the rate at which Virtue of Resolve ticks, and causing half the effect of Virtue of Resolve to continue after the virtue is used. On activation, heals for a medium amount and disables the passive effect.

Spirit Weapon: Bow of Truth
A bow follows you around, and every X landed istance of damage from weapon skills, applies "costantia sapients" on the guardian, causing the next condition applied to the guardian to miss, and one condition is turned into a boon when the buff is consumed. On activation, pulses waves of cleansing arrow in a wide area near the target location (or the guardian if no target is present), cleansing conditions from nearby allies.

Spirit Weapon: Hammer of Wisdom An hammer follows you arond, and on each final istance of a weapon chainskill, (or every X istance from "automatic" weapons), increases damage. On activation, knocks down the guardian target.

Spirit Weapon: Shield of the Avenger
A shield follows you around, blocking projectiles every few seconds, and causing Virtue of Courage to also grant regeneration when used or when the passive Aegis is consumed. On activation, it flies out weaking multiple foes and granting Aegis to allies.

Spirit Weapon: Sword of Justice
A greatsword follows you around, striking foes near you and applying Burning to foes far from you every X attacks, and causing Virtue of Justice passive effect to also apply vulnerability.
On activation, pierces a target dealing damage and applying vulnerability.

NEW Elite Spirit Weapon: Enchanted Armor of Tarir.

A smaller enchanted armor from Tarir follows you around, increasing damage dealt and reducing damage taken.
On activation, summons an enchanted armor to drop on your location, knocking targets back, and attacking any targets that comes in range for a short duration, before disappearing with an healing wave.

comment: For those skills, I tried to keep the functions that spirit weapons currently have, reimagining them in a way that's slightly more functional and that lives up to he fantasy of spirit weapons, following you around and attacking your enemies. For the staff, I tried to imagine something that's unique enough from the current guardian heals while retaining the core functions of what a spirit weapons is supposed to do, and the general synergy that Guild Wars 2 loves so much between traits and skill types, trying to avoid overlapping weapons with signet (albeit they are similar in a certain way, having passive effect and active skills). I also considered ditching active skills, to make the passives stronger and to keep them different from signets, but it's a drastic option, and I guess it was worth a try to salvage the previous versions of Spirit weapons.

Shelter as a Consecration skill
Blocks attacks while healing, and creates a small zone of respite below the guardians, granting Protection to allies that cross it.

I already explained why I think that Shelter is a tricky skills to tune and balance, so I'd rather keep it simple and retain the identity it already has, add something terrain related to make it a proper consecration skills.

NEW Elite Consecration: Promised Land
Creates a blessed area where downed allies passively revive, and enemies cannot rally.

this was definitely something tricky. Consecrations cover already a lot of ground, and I definitely didn't want to add more tools to the guardian creating a worse copy of another profession's skill. So instead I thought about something that could work with Guardian's identity and role, and I thought of an Elite skills that makes allies harder to kill while negating enemies the "thrill" of combat from rallies.


And that pretty much covers all of Guardian missing skills. Again, as for mesmers, I didn't cover duration and cooldowns as of course it's hard to understand how effective they are on balance and the current state of the game. And anyway, I was more interested in discussing how to design the Guardian's missing skills than discussing game balance, altough of course skills do affect game balance.

submitted by /u/Arkblue
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[ESP] The Lover giveaway

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:52 PM PST

Thanks [ESP] Masacre de Dragones <3

submitted by /u/CorgiCadillac
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Some of tomorrow's Black Lion Chest cycle

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:48 PM PST

Guild Wars - The Ultimate Necromancer.. Healer?! | The Limits of Reaper

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:45 AM PST

any new legendary weapon tomorrow?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

Before The Patch - Head of the Snake

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST

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