Grand Theft Auto V - Youtuber stealing content from this sub to make his videos, passes ideas off as his own

Youtuber stealing content from this sub to make his videos, passes ideas off as his own

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:59 PM PST

So I made a comment on this post yesterday, about how a Police DLC for GTA Online would work best. The comment:

This would work best if you were playing as dirty cops. Missions could be stuff like busting drug deals and selling the product for yourself, planting evidence, extortion and other corrupt cop stuff. I feel like that would fit better in the GTA world than playing as honest cops.

Well another redditor, /u/popsicle_cat, just messaged me about this video:

I timestamped it at 4:53 where he literally reads my comment word for word saying it's his idea. Now I obviously don't expect copyrights on my reddit comments, but I don't understand why he wouldn't just say he saw a post on /r/grandtheftautov which had some great ideas that he wanted to talk about, and then crediting users before reading their comments word for word. Also, the thumbnail of his video is the same image that was posted to make the original thread here. So it's pretty clear where he got the content to make that video, yet he makes no mention of the post.

So if that person sees this thread (which they might seeing as they obviously get their video ideas from this sub) I'd want to tell them the least they could do is add a link in the description to the post that gave them the whole premise for their video. When you claim to have come up with all these things yourself and then read someone else's idea word for word you just seem dishonest. That's also known as plagiarism, so way to go.

Thanks for reading, and let's hope that Rockstar does consider this DLC!

submitted by /u/VALAR_M0RGHUL1S
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I was a little bit late on that bounty

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

DatSaintsFan strikes again lads

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:22 PM PST

Yesterday we had a discussion about the concept for a Police DLC. Well guess who decided to do yet another speculation video stealing directly from the comments section of the very post? That's right. Ya boi, DatSaintsFan

We are the original thinkers who go completely unnoticed and uncredited, and he gets to make money off the act of just stealing our ideas and thoughts, and copy and paste them into his video.

Am sick of this shit happening.

Link to video:

submitted by /u/popsicle_cat
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Things R* editor should be able to do

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:53 PM PST

The editor is a great tool, but there's two features that should have been in it from the start.

Hold on a still image

and play clips in reverse

submitted by /u/FuzorFishbug
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Grand Theft Auto - A constructive rant by a lifelong fan

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:10 PM PST

I'm a 33 year old director of a Sydney based design firm (not gaming industry). I'd be thrilled if this reaches someone at Rockstar.

Before I offer my constructive views on GTA I want to make clear that I've played and loved every single iteration since 1997, which is why I feel passionate and relatively well versed enough to take the time to offer my opinion, and I make these comments with no illusion that many, if not all of these ideas will have already been discussed at length by the dev teams.

While GTA has maintained, and indeed built upon, it's incredibly fun and engaging immersion into the criminal underworld, there's one very fun and addictive element which was present at the series' birth which I feel has been neglected; that is the title element of the series, the theft of cars.

Of course, car theft is still a central element of the series. But as the rest of the game develops around it, the process is starting to lack meaning. Right from the beginning of GTA 5, I can go into the city, walk up to a really hot sportscar, jack it, drive away, and then that car is essentially mine. It's fast and durable and cool to have, but they're so easy to get that it doesn't feel like a thrill or an achievement, and even after a paint job and some modifications it doesn't feel like it has much value and it doesn't feel like mine.

So here's my idea of a balanced system to put the spirit of vehicular larceny back into Grand Theft Auto.

A. Increase the perceived value of the cars, by:

  1. Bring back the "wanted cars" list from GTA 1; an ever changing list of various rare cars that you can sell at the docks for a high price. (Selling a car removes it from the list, which replenishes over time. Damaged cars get a lower price, badly damaged cars are rejected)

  2. There should be a clear difference between a STOLEN car and an OWNED car. Somehow explain to the player that police cars are fitted with automatic license plate readers (as they are irl) and stolen cars will be pulled over/chased. Like in earlier games, a stolen car can be taken to get new plates / paint, but this should be expensive, even more so for good cars. If you do this for an expensive car it should then have keyless entry for you, complete with 'bep bep' locking sound when you leave it, adding to the sense of ownership.

B. Stealing cars should be more difficult and more of a game.

  1. Make stealing a parked car more life-like and dangerous. You can still smash a window if you need a car quick, but to avoid the attention from witnesses imagine a quick mini game for unlocking a parked car using a slim jim (for instance, on console, you roll the right stick around till you feel a small vibration, then, then push the left stick up and POP you're in) and another quick mini game for hot-wiring the car (maybe roll both sticks till each touches a hot spot which makes a sparking sound, and when both are on their hotspots the engine turns till you hit the gas to start it up). Cheap cars should be easy to break into and hot-wire, expensive cars should require expensive gadgets and advanced methods which become available as you progress through the game. If you're successful and don't attract attention, the car doesn't register as STOLEN for a few minutes.

  2. Cheap cars should still be as easy to carjack as they are in GTA 5 so that the player always has quick options. Expensive cars should be much harder. If you try the door of any decent car while its in use it should be locked and the driver should freak out and drive away. Of course, you could still jack a luxury car by shooting the driver and then smashing the window and opening it from the inside, but then whenever a police car reads those plates it will link you to the murder and you'll have 2 stars. This way, the only way to get a top level car near the beginning of the game is to actually kill someone, lose a 2 star wanted level multiple times, and then have the car converted at considerable expense, which you can't afford at the very beginning.

C. Make ownership more of a treat

  1. Expand the upgrade capabilities to include extensive performance modifications like you would find in a racing simulator to improve power, braking, handling, weight, tyres, fuel etc, even turn a mundane car into a sleeper with a complete engine swap. The exhaust notes / flames should change to match.

  2. Improve the home garage to a Skyrim style "save area" which saves every detail of any objects left there, compete with exact position, damage and upgrades. As your wealth increases you should be able to amass big collections of cars in big showrooms.

  3. Cars should be written-off by a single big crash. The fear of loss should be present.

When applied together as a balanced system, I believe that these changes would bring the addictive thrill of boosting cars back into the series while adding a sense of attachment to the vehicles and increasing the overall immersion of the GTA universe.

Some other ideas:

  1. Police should behave more like they do in real life at lower levels. i.e. There should be a wanted level below one star, like half a star, for misdemeanours like speeding, running a red light, or gently bumping into them, for which they follow you, pull you over with a quick "whoop" from the siren, and if you're stopped they get out, issue a ticket which is docked from your cash, and then you can leave.

  2. When you're on 1 or 2 stars, if you stop the car the police should conduct a felony stop. In this situation, if you're unarmed and exit the car your hands should be automatically in the air, but you can pull a gun at any time.

  3. One of the most badass elements of GTA 4 was the ability to casually stroll around with a gun equipped, even during combat. In GTA 5 if you equip a gun you automatically go into SWAT stance, and it just doesn't feel as cool.

Thanks for reading! Rant over

submitted by /u/Camblor
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Some screenshots I took when checking out the newest mods

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:49 PM PST

Xbox one heist glitch is effectively dead...

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:25 PM PST

PSA: Rockstar unevenly offers deals across their player base.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:42 PM PST

I apologize if this has been covered here before, or is already widely known, I am a relatively new player to GTA5.

While playing GTA5, I am pretty confident I saw some deals for shark cards on my loading screen. A friend of mine was playing and it was her birthday and she wanted some in game cash, so I spent 20$ to purchase a white card for her. (1.25 Million) She was especially excited because there was an offer to get additional 60% bonus cash.

I then proceeded to purchase several for my own use as well, because, hey might as well take advantage of the offer.

For anyone not familiar with how it works, they give you the money of the card first, and provide bonus cash later. Well, my friend got her cash, but I got none additional, what followed is this.

I am for sure upset over this policy (and believe you should all be to) mainly because there is no way for consumers to go and look to see what deals were being offered at what time (i've looked).

Rockstar if you're reading, please do the right thing and fix these types of policies, I am going to keep to my word and not spend any more money on your game if you don't correct this.


submitted by /u/hughhefnerd
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I just lost 42 crates of goods because my plane glitched.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:12 PM PST

I've been grinding for the last couple hours solo, getting crates and it's been chill. I finally filled up my warehouse and decided to sell it all before I went to bed.

I click "Sell All" and start the final selling mission. I got the titan run and thought, ah cool I'm good at this one. I get in and start to take off when BOOM. I die, the plane is gone with all my goods. There was no-one else in the lobby, just me.

How was your last session guys?

submitted by /u/raptor_theo
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Trevor's method of preemptively striking the competition is a little odd...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:07 AM PST

What movie or TV themed things would you like to be introduced into GTA Online?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:04 PM PST

I personally would like Alex' codpiece and part of his outfit from A Clockwork Orange, we have close to everything but the codpiece, and the Mach 5 from Speed Racer. With KIT being introduced it seems like Rockstar is getting weird with it.

submitted by /u/mikeMODESTO
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Nothing to do with gta5 but my dream car

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 12:54 AM PST

<img src="" alt="Image result for GTR"/>

submitted by /u/VxF4TAL1TYxV
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What's your favourite heist?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:17 PM PST

I was just interested to find out which heist from gtao and story mode you guys liked the most.

submitted by /u/SHADOWSMAR
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[Xbox One] My friend keeps getting a free $250k?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:05 PM PST

This isn't the first time. He keeps signing on and $250k keeps getting added to his bank account in game? I have yet to see this once and I play every time he plays. In fact, he never plays unless I'm on the game, so what gives Rockstar?

submitted by /u/soccerjonesy
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GTA races

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:37 AM PST

Hey,I was off GTA 5 for more than a year and now I started to play again. Is there any way,how to play normal races and not only stunt? I remember,there were rally races etc. and now I can join only stunt.

submitted by /u/DJachym
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Xbox One Great White Shark Card

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:56 PM PST

Was given a Great White Shark card (for Xbox One) as a present but I use PC, anyone want to make an offer or a trade for it?

submitted by /u/V3rcing3t0rix
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How drunk are they in GTA? - YouTube

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:55 PM PST

CEO empty public lobbies

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:26 AM PST

How do you get into empty public lobbies? I have lost so much cargo I don't want to risk it anymore

submitted by /u/TheWizardPanda
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Bumpers! (SP)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:44 AM PST

I only have 1 Question: Is there a way to remove bumpers on cars cleanly, in singleplayer?

thx in advise

submitted by /u/Jeklehem
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