Fallout - Thank you Bethesda for not adding a minimap

Thank you Bethesda for not adding a minimap

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:59 AM PST

I was just thinking, almost every other big open world game has a minimap in the corner that often shows you things like collectables, points of interest, enemies, shopkeepers etc.

These maps appear in GTA, Far Cry, Borderlands, Assassins Creed, even The Witcher 3 and Mafia 3. And while it doesn't make a game bad, I'm glad Bethesda haven't added one to their games.

It just makes exploring that much more interesting. You really have to search every corner of these games to find everything because that's the only way you'll find it all.

I know they have the compass but that only shows locations, enemy blips and quest markers. It doesn't show you exactly where the enemy is, doesn't show you if there are some Tarberrys near by, doesn't show you that there is an NPC hiding down an alley with a big ! sign.

They even went one step further in Fallout 4 and removed friendly NPC blips from your compass. So even if an enemy doesn't aggro on you straight away, you still have to approach with caution.

TL;DR. Most other open world games have a minimap and I enjoy that Fallout doesn't.

submitted by /u/_hardboy
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Shouldn't institute weaponry be stronger than default lasers?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

The institute lasers are blue, the regular lasers are red. Blue light has a lower wavelength than red light, and thus a higher frequency. We know from the Planck-Einstein relation that the energy of a photon corresponds to its frequency, (and the Planck constant), thus shouldn't institute weaponry be stronger? At this point I really do require a mod for that bacterial weapon concept art that was originally planned.

submitted by /u/Neopolitann
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Was playing New Vegas when I realised I had been absentmindedly picking up junk.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:50 AM PST

Thanks, Fallout 4.

submitted by /u/Survivorkiller
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With all the critism Bethesda has been getting lately about F4...

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:42 AM PST

I just wanted to say, at least they are listening. Bethesda has essentially publicly admitted they fucked up with a lot of their choices with Fallout 4, and they actively tried to fix it (Survival mode and Far Harbor especially come to mind). I'm honestly not worried at all about Fallout 5, so long as Bethesda continues to take the Fallout 4 critisms to heart.

submitted by /u/RRU4MLP
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I just spent 2 hours in DiMA's memory simulator torture minigame, AMA

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:38 AM PST

just kidding, I won't be able to answer any questions because I'll be too busy shooting myself in the face.

in all seriousness, it was cute at first but that last one with the 400 bajillion bendy beam doodads and just as many movement block placements was pretty annoying.

submitted by /u/HailSneezar
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[Fo4][CapitalWasteland] Ive Managed to Recreate Most of the Intro Cell with the help from DogToothCG

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:27 AM PST


Next thing is to Create new assets for Springvale and possibly start working on the Mall.

submitted by /u/nafnaf95
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Mama Murphy feelin the burn

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:27 PM PST

GamerPoop : Fallout 4 Number 2

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:43 AM PST

Showerthought: The FO4 version of the Mysterious Stranger should've showed up in the Silver Shroud's outfit instead of a normal trenchcoat.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:49 AM PST

Is there an advantage to buying a game on disc for my Xbox One or should I just download it from the store so I won't have to get out of my pajamas?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:25 PM PST

I know this isn't a FO specific question, I'm just much more familiar with this community.

submitted by /u/coryandtrevorforever
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I'm so glad I went back and played Fallout 3

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

I was planning on buying Fallout 4 since I've never played a Fallout game before, but the mixed feelings I've been hearing kinda put me off and made me wanna try the older ones. And I've gone this whole time without hearing a thing about the game's story, besides the fact that it takes place in a nuclear apocalypse.

This isn't gonna be a circlejerk post you guys probably get a lot, so I'm just gonna keep it short and say that I'm glad I did. After beating it I just can't help but feel like I want to talk to someone about it. Onward to New Vegas.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_BUTTplz
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How did Vault 101 get opened in the first place?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:35 AM PST

Isn't Vault 101's whole gimmick that the door was supposed to be unopenable? Do we ever get an answer as to how they managed to open it in the first place when it was designed to never open?

submitted by /u/KushlungsMcBone
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Show me your weapons that you named after weapons from TV shows or other games

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST

I don't know if someome did this before, but still I want to see your weapons based on tv shows/series or other games's weapons. (Sorry if theres any gramatical error there, english is not my native lang).

So, as start, I'll show this, as you may know, was based on Negan's Lucille from TWD...

submitted by /u/Fr3stdit
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Considering pre-war money is my main source of cloth, all those curtains/rugs/paintings in Sanctuary must look like they belong to a pimp.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:43 PM PST

Interest Check: Dungeon World - Fallout

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:12 AM PST

So I find myself miffed that there aren't very many systems out there besides GURPS that allow one to host a PnP campaign in a post apocalyptic world. Even more upsetting is that there doesn't appear to be an easily accessible rule-set for a Fallout themed PnP game beyond the fan-made version, which is much more reminiscent of DnD. And that's all well and good, but I enjoy the simplicity and accessibility of Dungeon World's mechanics.

So I ask you fellow Redditors, is this something that would interest you? I've already made up a list of races and class archetypes that I think would be fun to implement rules for in Dungeon World style. I've made up one starting move for the first class already, the Scavver, and if any of this sounds like a fun idea then please let me know. I plan on following through on this system for some friends of mine at work and I'd love to hear the community's thoughts and feedback on the process.

Possible PC Races:

  • Human
  • Ghoul
  • Super Mutant
  • Robot (Must follow their Prime Directive)
  • Synth (Iffy on this one)

Possible Classes:

  • Scavver
  • Raider
  • Soldier (Ex-Guard, BoS, Mercenary)
  • Hunter (Think Big Game hunter)
  • Bruiser (Melee specialist)
  • Ghost (Assassin, either long distance or close)
  • Thief
  • Boomer (Explosives)
  • Chemist
  • Tinker (Weapons, Armor, Tech)
  • Doctor
  • Face (Smooth talker, Charisma)
  • Caravaneer
  • Homesteader
  • Child of Atom

Scavver Starting Move Idea:


From the day you were born you've had an eye for the good stuff. Where one might see a trash heap, you see a treasure trove. When you search for things of value in an area, roll+Wis. On a 10+ choose two. On a 7-9 choose one. On a miss, you still choose one, but something unfortunate happens either to you or your discovery due to your carelessness, your choice.

  • You find something dangerous, but useful.
  • You find a weapon.
  • You find a piece of armor.
  • You find something valuable.
  • You find a stash of small but useful or valuable things.
submitted by /u/Kami-Kahzy
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Which order should I play the New Vegas expansions?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:58 PM PST

Hi everyone,

So...I love New Vegas. Have for a couple years now. I'm playing through it again, only this time with all the expansions for it. I've only played Old World Blues so far, and really loved it! But I still have to play Honest Hearts, Dead Money, and Lonesome Road.

My question is; What order should I play the other 3 expansions in? I want to save the best for last. :)

Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/Jamey4
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I have much more trouble putting down a single bloatfly than a pack of deathclaws, just because I cant hit the damn bloatfly.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:35 PM PST

Fan fiction: Fallout 4 redux prologue.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:19 AM PST

So this is a fan fiction I started writing and I thought it would be good to post it here.

Prologue part 1

The raiders of the south are intriguing to say the least. They are humanity's primal nature incarnate. They don't just rob and kill for money; to them it is a way of life. I should be able to feel some sort of respect or at least understand there ways, but in the last two hours I have seen hedonism, psychopathy, and sadism making the nastiest crime lords of Goodneighbor and even Sewer disgusted. They reek of chems and death, wallowing in their filth. However, my biggest gripe with these raiders isn't their acts; it's that unlike the raider gangs and tribal in the buffer zones and highways, these folk display no planning or even common sense to there violent actions. Raiders up north often commit armed robbery, kidnap people, and even occasionally murder, but they have a goal getting a hefty sum of caps or credits. If you negotiate or have a bigger stick they will leave you be. Tribals raid and take hostages to get more aid or weapons and assert sovereignty. Crime lords and the more unsavory mercs are much nastier then any northern tribal or raiders but still have methods to their madness. Crime lords give people access to the taboo; provide cheep smuggled or counterfeit goods that many in the commonwealth would be unable to afford; and rackets sometimes provide better protection then the police commissions. Besides the Gunners most mercs just kill based for who can coffer up the most caps, code of ethics or rules of engagement need not apply. But they still provide protection and can be saviors for a nation in times of war. Without mercs the stable trade companies and planations essential to modern life would not have developed.

But, these assholes below me will kill a farmer and his family for shits, giggles, and a handful of caps without even attempting to set up a racket; most don't even try to do basic intimidation. There tactics are horrible to say the least, some with a perfectly good rifle will run at merchant with a baseball bat like a lunatic. Many wear "armor" that made out of sheet metal, rubber tires, and even shopping cart wire, the worst part is they don't even bother cover vital organs puffing out ther chest just asking for someone to send a bullet through there lungs. They are also far to stupid to know when out matched, which will easily play into my talons. These raiders are unrefined, careless, unorganized, unable to see past a few days let alone hours, and worst of all purposeless. They are so disgustingly hollow, a pointless unnecessary evil. But, today I give these raiders a purpose.

"The bird shows the tin men are heading toward you, they took the bait." Red Rock whispers through my earpiece.

I grin observing the leader of the raider gang inspects his prize, a single fatman bomb. He lifts it to the sky and begins to speak, bragging and boasting how he now has the power to kill a town if he wanted to. He is a demigod amongst dregs.

Through the stench I smell metal. Then, I hear their clanking in the distance loud and careless as they march in those powered armored shells. I carefully adjust my helmet's jaw piece softly clicking it into place. The hunt is about to begin. They quickly rise over the hill. Most of them are knights or recruits wearing a dark grey, but among them are two light grey and green suits of power armor, paladins. Each carries a massive olive green rucksack upon their back.

With the first laser beam raiders finally take notice and attempt to rally. The knights fire their lasers and cartridge rifles without restraint toward the encampment below. Half of the raiders attempt to run while the other fire or charge the steel devils. The raiders fighting are either too stupid to know they are outmatched or too greedy for what ever else could be in those rucksacks. The men of steel show a level of coordination and tactical prowess outmatching the raiders in all regards. Within a minute all resistance is gone, just corpses that burn or lie in pools of blood.

I am still not impressed with this East Coast Brotherhood. Most of the power armor they wear and the weapons they carry were outdated before the war; but it makes my job easier their brothers out west have been making new nasty toys like us. Most also reek of a certain sloppiness that absent in their counterparts; only three actually attempt to check their surroundings after the initial slaughter. The one wearing T51 it is painted a light grey with the brother hoods sword and gears nicely polished across the chest piece. He isn't a target because of the armor and Gatling laser; he was just fortunate to be slinging that bag on his back and to have picked up the fatman. My other target is the less conspicuous paladin in T45. Both these paladins reacted cautiously and with great experience still checking they're surrounding and keeping low, they fought enclave. I look closer at the T45 the standard sword and gears are all there, but I make out a much older buffed out emblem on the armors pauldron, an old prewar beast. "Target confirmed" I whisper my mouth curls into a nice wide grin.

I sight and mark my targets. My talons grip my tool. I choose the driver; it's quite powerful and versatile. An X-ray or particle projector would kill them just as easy, but the burns and other effects would be too suspicious, and after all these years I found energy weapons just don't instill the same psychological impact for a job like this. Carefully I mark the T-51 and T-45 paladins so my counterparts do not engage them, activate the transmitter signal, and slowly squeeze the trigger.

The first driver round from my companions rips into a tin man from my left, his armor caves in, chunks of flesh explode behind him, and large gaping hole is punched through his torso. His friends look toward the corpse in shear horror, not many of them had seen a weapon punch through the armored frame with such ease. But before they can react my and 2 other driver rounds connect with untargeted suits of T-45. All fire lower energy rounds with not nearly the same impact as the first round, it would be too odd for the survivors think a merc or raider group had more then one anti material rifles, but still more then lethal. I fire a second round, it hits brotherhood knight in soft joint of his inner arm. He crumples howling in pain while clutching his inner arm. The join is to small and his power armored hand is too thick for him to apply necessary pressure to stop the artery from gushing blood, and soon a massive puddle of crimson expands beneath his arm. I fire one more round through his helmet visor to end the suffering.

50% casualties have been achieved. One tin man flees at full speed away from combat. Two of the brotherhoods knights attempt to retreat tactically while franticly firing their lasers in all directions, but once two well placed driver round destroy the armor plating on their shoulders then follow behind there comrade similar speed. I activate the second transmitter signal. Two suits of power armor are left, my primary target and secondary target with the intel. I sling the driver on my back and dig my claws into the dirt. The secondary volleys of driver rounds have much lower energy, not enough to punch through the armored shell, just to keep the paladins' heads down and put a few good dents to damage their suits. I keep low to the ground as I rush on all fours. Still cloaked, but as I close my approach the brother in T-51 turns to fire several bolts from his Gatling laser where the tall grass rustled. The brush rapidly turns into inferno; interference from the heat disrupts the cloak revealing my form. The brother pauses, I can't see his expression, but he is either puzzled or absolutely terrified. With this armor he probably thinks I'm some kind of robot, but then again the custom hazard suit with its armored soft surfaces might make me look like some undiscovered FEV creature or monster from the stars. It is sleek form fitting and smooth yet dense due to the bundles of artificial muscle, with the occasional angular hard surfaces at key points.

Pouncing toward him, I activating my heat blade, they spring forth from my forearms like switchblades of solid black obsidian. One of the laser beam hits my core but the chest pieces shielding easily absorbs it. The heat is distributed into the hazard suits power system further charging my blades along my tendrils and for arm. The now glowing red blades connect with the chest melting through solid steel and ceramic. I jump backward as the man in the armored behemoth slowly slumps down to his knees, molten slag drips from the sides of the entry holes.

I turn toward the last T-45's ducking as another volley of laser fire hits my last position, then lunge and slice the laser rifle the paladin holds in half. I jump back once more before a steel fist can smash into me. I circle around razor claws on my talons and blades on my tendrils; I make four precise cuts one for each key servo. I slide backward once more kicking up dust as I return to a bipedal stance. The power armor's joints lock in place destroying the advantage of strength its pilot once had. As the paladin struggles to move I stride back toward the T-51. Lifting the rucksack off the corpse I slowly rustle through it, brushing aside entrenching tools, fusion cells, ammunition, rations, and a fat man nuke. I check the second side pocket and find several holotapes then quickly transfer them to my pockets.

A heavy clank and thump reverberates behind me. The paladin vainly attempting to reach me struggles in the muddy soil; the suit is nothing more then a steel sarcophagus. I stride back over to the armored shell, the target strains upward in an attempt to grab my arm but without the servos the paladin gives out almost instantly. I lock my lower talons into the armored suit and extend my mono blade once more. As I around the chest cut I am ever so careful to not completely pierce the armor and damage the target, I still hear a muffled scream of terror from within the shell. Retracting the blades I dig claws on my arms into the edge of the slices; the armor creaks, groans, and screeches drowning out the noise from within the suit.

As the front plate is ripped from the shell I have little time to react to a combat knife that lunges out toward me. The blade glances off my armor with an audible clang. Successfully subduing and conditioning a target requires more then physical action, the proper psychological message must be delivered. With my enhanced nervous system and reflexes I could have dogged it, but dogging would imply to my target that I am vulnerable to such a weapon. In this case I want to instill hopelessness in the target, I am invulnerable, the target is in my control, and the only reason she lives is because of my orders. The target shakes her hand; the vibrations seem to be painful. She attempts to strike again going for the exposed soft armor, the knife makes an ominous shucking sound but it only manages to dent less then a millimeter into the surface. She presses with all her might but the shear thickening gel and ballistic X cell fiber in the hazard suit push back with an equal force. I look down to see the knifes blade bent slightly, I grab the target's forearm with 4 claws and wrench the blunted knife from her hand. Oddly enough the paladin manages struggle free from her armor, but even with all her effort she is unable to break free of my grip. The t45 helmet looks so oddly bulbous when worn without a power armor frame, it shakes and wobbles like a bobble head as she squirms, given better circumstances it would be rather comedic.

In the distance the familiar hum of a pre war aircraft. It is rather unfortunate that I must cut the psychological imprinting short. I curl my fist activating the tesla knuckles, one light strike to the stomach and she crumples to the ground. Just for good measure I inject her with angstrom particles; they acts fast, lasts longs, and enough stays inactive in the blood stream so can be remotely activated and deactivated in case a target remains uncooperative once captured.

I tear out the fusion core from the empty suit placing it next to the fat man. With the nuclear warhead twisted ever so slightly I leave behind an old modified pulse grenade next to it. Rushing back to the transponder I carry the target firmly in my claws. Then I feel heat from laser as my armor absorbs fire, they regrouped to quickly. Then as I reach the transponder I feel something I haven't felt outside of a SIM in a long time, pain. Some of the lasers energy made it through my armor, not enough to cause serious damage, but it will leave a nasty burn, an impressive critical hit from that distance. I turn behind to see a single armored goon on top of the hill. This paladin is different, a charcoal grey shell with a red trim, two defined vision sockets, form fitting pauldrons, and devil horns. He isn't wearing modified T-45, T-51, or even a modified XO series, but a fully functional suit of T-60 power armor. I remember the first time I saw one; the atom cats built one from scratch and marched it during Founders Day. It was a prewar design of power armor that was only in the schematic stages before the war. The average yokel of the capital wastes or the greater Columbia region would mistake it as modified armor of the southern enclave shares a similar armored shell to the XO-2 series. But, underneath the shell the T-60 implemented the second-generation skeletal system and primitive synthetic muscle allowing the suit to move with unmatched elegancy. A beautiful tool, such a waste that it was never implemented prewar, and an even bigger shame that is now in the hands of the east coast brotherhood. Only three other groups post war North America besides the enclave have the capabilities to produce the suit in mass, and the eastern brotherhood should not even be able to manufacture them in small quantities. Proudly displayed on the armor's chest is the brotherhood sword, but it is on a solid blood red circle surrounded by twelve gears a member of the Maxon's Table, the east coasts brotherhoods new elite. Above the twelve gears lies another older faded symbol, a light blue sword, surrounded by angel wings, but in place of the asymmetrical gears there are two bolts of lighting. This confirms the worst of the Dean of External Affairs concerns.

I mark the Brotherhood elite for my comrades to engage but not kill. Fire from my companions hits the suit making several dents, however the drivers at this range were calibrated to shoot rounds at a lower kinetic energy comparable to typical 0.308 rifle round, and there aren't the same flawed weak points on the t45 to exploit or accidentally hit on the t60. Still rounds manage to distract his attention. I place the target down gently near the transponder. In a split second I re-cloak with a quick tilt of my tendrils, my free arm stretches out in front of me to activate the transponder, and my other hand activates the remote detonator on the pulse grenade. Then the tunnel envelops us.

Going through a tunnel portal is an interesting experience. Each trip is unique in its own right; it can be pitch-black void or a vibrant display of colors. You can catch glimpse parallel earths, some burned in atomic fire like ours, others where mankind was spared this cruel fate, and several from time periods long before the great war. Sometimes you see entirely surreal fantasy worlds with alien creatures from the brightest dreams or the darkest of nightmares. But I am always safe separated from the chaos surrounding me by a corridor of space and time, only able to observe but never interact. This trip I see what appears to be a cross between a squid and a mirelurk attempting to communicate to florescent cacti. Then a blinding white light appears quickly fading into a menacing orange, I am out of the tunnel.

I make sure to stay cloaked and low to the ground as I cover my unshielded target. About 2 miles away from the foot of the hill I see a miniature nuclear fire burn. The blast is small only about a quarter of a mile in diameter at most, but still devastating. As the smoke clears to reveal a burned dried ground and a stumbling t60 on the ridgeline, it easily withstood the outer edge of blast but the pristine armor is now dented and heavily damaged by shrapnel. I feel slightly sorry for him, even with rad away, a small hole or defect in that suit could easily lead to agonizing death from radiation poisoning or ruin his life with necrosis. Its too bad I cant finish Maxon's lap dog, with the nuke they think I and more importantly my target are dead and any shooting will give away my position. And with the T-60 wounded it guarantees that they will retreat. If the T-60 dies right now there is a good chance more dangerous tin men would swarm this area, making extraction problematic. Two of the survivor knights rush to the paladin's aid supporting him as they jog over to the other brotherhood members and their two landed vertibirds. Engines hum lifting the craft and defeated survivors into the diming southeastern sky.

I check my surroundings using thermal and infrared not a soul in site. After about three minutes I hear a deep voice "Harkness says the Vertibirds are off the radar, were good to evac." says Red Rock cheerfully.

Morgan is the first to de-cloak; he is dressed in typical wasteland attire, a brown leather coat with a green wool shirt and pants. His driver is folded packed neatly away into the merchant pack. The only thing that would make Morgan seem unusual is the headset covered mostly by his beanie. He stretches his arms upward turning his shoulders slightly. Then he scans the surroundings one more time with his binoculars.

"All clear boss man."

Red Rock materializes from the pink sky. At 8 tall with a massive muscular frame he towers over Morgan or any man, but only slightly above average for a rust devil. His dark rose-colored face contrasts sharply an olive green jacket, pants, stealth poncho, and gunner cap. Like Morgan his driver is packed away, but he loosely clutches his side arm for all to see, a lever action cartridge gun with a stock adorn with feather of crows, muzzle wrapped with string and beads, and scope atop the sights. He adjusts his headset having difficulty readjusting the frequency.

Behind him X-256 remains cloaked, if she were not stealthily hidden she would appear slightly taller then red rock but much wider and squat, allowing the boomer to move on all fours with ease. Underneath the armored synth skin and plating lay bundles and bundles of artificial muscle made of X-cells and electro fiber able to lift several tons. She engages in standard protocol switching to a heavy driver and rocket pod checking the surrounding air space ready to punch a hole in any vertibird that decided to circle back around.

"Sparrow's coming time to de-cloak " Red Rock says softly.

I reveal my form, but remain crouched low to the ground; I clutch my driver scanning the indigo horizon.

"You really need to stop being so paranoid, 56 has us covered." Chuckles Morgan.

"An extra gun is never bad to have." Says red.

I wait until I hear the low hum of the engines behind me before I lift the emergency stealth blanket off my target. The sparrow remains cloaked after even after it lands, the side door opens the edges shimmer making the room look like a mirage or a rad hallucination. Inside is light grey brown room with two rows of seats three back-to-back fabric seats. O'Hare an operative in a Hazard suit armed with a projector hanging at his loosely at his side. Morgan files first as red rock takes caries the target into the sparrow. X-256 stomps in behind scanning the sky one last time before de-cloaking; she crawls in quadruped mode before locking down into the modified seat at the back of the sparrow. The door slowly closes promptly sealing us in from the outside world.

This bioluminescent lighting is amazing; you can make it so soft and easy on the eyes unlike the harsh neon that assaults the night of Boston and half the other towns in the commonwealth. Red rock props up the target into the middle seat of the front row carefully restraining her legs and upper body, but not so much so to make her uncomfortable. He then briskly walks on to the second row with O'Hare chatting up a storm. Morgan takes his place in the front row on the left side of the target and I sit next to the cockpit door across from him. The sparrow slowly lift into the sky, it's smooth and almost completely silent. I lower my jaw piece inhaling and exhaling heavily I feel warmth slowly crawl up my back as I finally relax. Three days out in the field and almost 2 week, one step more step closer to wining the long war before it even begins. I pull out a sweet bar from my pack, with one talon extended I scroll through my holo-screen that shimmering across my arm. The cockpit door hisses open and the man of the hour appears. With the flick of a talon on the holo the angstrom probes deactivate the sedative and emit a stimulant. The target quickly regains consciousness eyes filled with terror. She struggles and wildly looks around the seats confused and terrified.

"Hello Mrs. Lions my name is Dr. Zimmer." He says in his usually pompous yet cordial tone.

"I have heard an awful lot about you and would like to present to you a generous employment opportunity."

"Why... why did you... why do you ever think I will work for you." Anger rises in her groggy voice.

"Because wars coming darling; and war, war is changing." I reply.

Edit: Also I have this and other stories up on deviant art and Space Battles

submitted by /u/Derpmecha2000
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I'm currently doing a Minuteman play through

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:57 PM PST

And all I can think about is my character saying "I'm gonna make the Commonwealth Great Again"

submitted by /u/BedHeadMarker
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Everybody describe the perfect fallout game. It can be a whole five paragraphs for all I care. Include things like setting, factions, main storyline, gameplay mechanics, and a name.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:31 PM PST

What location outside of North America would make for a good DLC?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

Personally I'd like to see the mutated wildlife of Australia.

submitted by /u/KBAREY
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Fallout 3 GOTY DLCs wont load

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:02 PM PST

As the title says I have problems using DLCs in Fallout.
I tried it via Fallout Mod Manager and Nexus Mod Manager, but the DLCs wont load. I don't get any messages.
"Load loose files" automatically unchecks itself after clicking on 'ok'.
I used google and couldn't find an answer, hope I can find it here.

submitted by /u/need_a_nice_username
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Starting a new character in NV, and I want to actively try and make/mod weapons this time through, since I usually don't even bother. Any suggestions on cool weapons worth making?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:11 PM PST

Jet is like the Benzedrine of fallout

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:45 PM PST

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