Fallout - I'm building a giant wall and I'm making the raiders pay for it.

I'm building a giant wall and I'm making the raiders pay for it.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:38 PM PST

I restarted and I downloaded the mods for infinite materials and no settlement limit. Now that I can build to my hearts content I am finally going to start settlement building on a big scale. And up first is a wall of tremendous size in sanctuary.

These raiders are crossing the river their bringing chems their bringing pipe pistols and some of them are probably ok.

submitted by /u/Ronburgundy2099
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If you haven't tried Fallout 1 yet...

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:33 PM PST

TRY IT. Damn. Once you get past the graphics and maybe amp up combat speed a little bit, the game is AMAZING. The map is huge and there's already so much to do. I got a follower. Combat is super difficult sometimes. You always have to be prepared. I love it! Anyone like myself who started with Fallout 3 and onward should definitely give Fallout 1 a try. I'm also going to play Fo2 and Tactics once I get the chance. Hell yeah!

submitted by /u/electronicwuss
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The Art event keeps spawning.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:49 AM PST

So I've been playing Survival for almost two months now and I have the usual event spawn points that I visit whenever I'm on the way to turn in a quest or just going exploring and I've encountered Art fighting his synth imposter at least 10 times now. On the one hand, it's annoying because I've never once been able to go through dialogue because he normally spawns amidst a rust devil, super mutant, and/or gunner fight. On the other hand I find it hilarious because it creates a story of a man constantly having to defend his life against an imposter trying to take over his life. I'm always able to tell which is which because the real Art carries a shotgun whereas the fake art(or F-Art for abbreviation) uses a pipe pistol.

submitted by /u/GuysTheName
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Fallout 4 Mini-Nuke I 3D-Printed and Painted (X-Post r/gaming)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:46 PM PST

Favorite suit of power armor?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:54 AM PST

My personal favorite is Burnt Sierra power armor from colonel Royez.

submitted by /u/Tesla_right_arm
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Lets say you were Oliver Swanick, after having your conversation with the player in Novac where would you go next?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:47 PM PST

Incase you forgot Oliver here he is again


So yeah as this video shows after Oliver shows great joy in the fact that he's alive he basically goes on a suicide run right into a field full of scorpions


But if you were him what would you do to try and survive?

submitted by /u/A_Good_Game
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I just love it when the local chef of my settlement runs up to me and says "I can't remembah the last time I had clean fingahnails".

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:56 PM PST

How about another time challenged Fallout Game?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:07 AM PST

The first Fallout game had you fighting against time as you needed to get the Water Chip before the Vault Dwellers died from dehydration. Why not making something similar?

Imagine it, a Fallout game where you are assigned a incredibly challenging task that could change the fate of the world and that has to be completed before a particular date. That quest needs to be fulfilled no matter what so your character modifies its Pip-Boy to send an emergency signal after your death.

Every time you die in the game you see how your character falls to the ground, you are then asked to enter a New Name, create a new chara and select its skills and perks. That chara will be two levels higher and have better equipment than you. Then time goes fastfoward a random set of time, that could be between days to weeks. After that time the chara that you recently created finds your old dead body since it tracked the emergency signal and gets the Pip-Boy and all the quest items, becoming tasked with finishing what the other couldn't do.

Doing side quests will also be more challenging because while they will help you incredibly with rewards and other advantages completing them will take some time that you might not be able to spend.

Every time you die you might have a better chance due to being 2 levels higher and having better equipment but at the same time your race against time will be harder because you will have lost several precious days. Thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/Mendomendo
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Virgil might be the saddest piece of plot device I've ever seen [Spoiler]

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:42 PM PST

So here's an escaped institute scientist. You don't know why he escaped, or how, but you need his help in finding your son. You don't reaaallly want to infiltrate the Institute, but you gotta do what you gotta do to find Shaun. Your primary objective is to find Shaun, who seems to be a 10-year-old happily living in the Institute with his Father/the old man (the second one), but what Kellogg remembered/"told" you might not be the whole truth, even from the perspective of the Sole Survivor. But hey, here's someone who probably knows everything about him, even if he doesn't know how to get in! And when the Sole Survivor meets him, they realize that Virgil hasn't seen a friendly face in months, and that he seems to be quite relieved that the person he meets is the one who killed Kellogg. Even better, he needs your help, since his sanity likely depends on you. And he knows mostly everything about the inner workings of the Institute, and there is no reason to believe that he would withhold information from a desperate parent looking for their child. Perfect, right?

So here's the question: Why the hell can't we ask him? Practically everyone in the Commonwealth knows that there was a cryovault not far from Sanctuary Hills and that a child was kidnapped from there. Even worse, some of them recognize you as the parent. It's in the newspaper for fuck's sake. But there is no dialogue option with Virgil to just casually mention that you're looking for the kid from the cryovault. Worst case scenario, he doesn't know or doesn't want to tell. Best case scenario? The brilliant buildup to Shaun leading the Institute is spoiled before you meet him, but YOU FIND YOUR SON. Yes, the idea that your son leads the boogeyman of the Commonwealth and despite his best intentions, is still too delusional to think why the Institute OR toying with his parent would be wrong, it's a really interesting direction for the plot to take, but the way the storywriters purposefully withheld information that was readily available for the main character so that the huge plot twist hits harder just makes it more frustrating. Up until that, Kellogg was quite a good charcter (even if cliché), and he DID have a reason to withhold information from you and manipulate you, just out of sheer spite for both Shaun and you, and for his own amusement. But Virgil wasn't in such a position, and using him, who's otherwise also the most interesting and still least fleshed out side character in the entire game (he cured FEV. Don't just give him a shitty side mission to cure him or another to kill him. Please.), just to "advance the plot" where it doesn't even makes sense HOW he advances the plot (he was bioscience, not advsys) was nothing but a huge disappointment to me.

EDIT: I've been thinking more about this, and I thought of a few things that could have been done to improve Virgil. First off, he shouldn't know jackshit about that teleporter, it doesn't make much sense for him to know the plans for one, he's a geneticist ffs, you'd have to get that elsewhere. Ooooor have the Courser chip added to your Pip-boy through some manner, but that would leave you without that amazing contraption in Sanctuary. And about the dialogue, asking him about the inner workings of the Institute should be possible, but also a rage trigger so that he doesn't answer/answers incomprehensibly so it makes sense for him to withhold any information he might have, AND it would somewhat expand his character beyond desperate plot device (desperate plot device who idolized Father until he saw his dark and delusional side who then turned himself into a super mutant and is now experiencing a twist in his personality). Some sort of post-traumatic experience related to Father, maybe the name Shaun or the word father being the key words, or just the SS wasting time with neverending questions enraging him, bringing out a super mutant-esque personality and if pushed too far with stupid questions, he might even turn hostile (if he doesn't have the plans, he stops being essential after you know how to get a courser chip).

submitted by /u/Zerewa
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What's everyone's favourite vault (FO4) and why?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:05 PM PST

Mine is defiantly vault 81 because the quest line was so enjoyable. The interior is also really cool too.

submitted by /u/Renroh2003
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I never noticed that Vault 22's door was a re-purposed Vault 92 door!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:59 PM PST

This Week On Raiders: The Gang Adopts a Turret Addicted to Meth: Episode 12 - Way-High Men

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:52 AM PST

When you realize getting the good ending for Goodsprings in FNV is just the plot to Cars

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:22 PM PST

Start Me Up Mod - Where Do I Report the Kidnapping?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

I tried starting a new game with this mod on Xbox one but the map doesn't show the marker for the "report the kidnapping " quest; is it talk to nick in diamond city?

submitted by /u/Ganjisseur
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Far Harbor broke Fallout 4

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:06 PM PST

I have a PS4 Pro. I updated Fallout 4 to version 1.14 and downloaded Far Harbor. When activating it in the main menu the screen went black with the loading symbol in the bottom right corner. It never loads however.

After closing the game and rentering it, I was back at the main. Choosing continue it went to the regular first loading screen and stayed looping forever.

Had anybody else seen this problem and have a fix?

submitted by /u/life_ina_fugue_state
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How do I initiate the vault 118 quest in Far Harbor?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:58 AM PST

I've finished basically all the main quests in Far Harbor, but I want to do the vault quest. I've read that you need to talk to the robot that roams around just south of the town, but she's not there. I've also gone to the hotel where the vault entrance is and I can't get anything to trigger it. Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/mrmaninblack2
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Awesome PIP-pad mod made by Alexscorpian and crew

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:33 PM PST

Check out Alexscorpian and his team's (PimpCrew) new pipboy replacer mod, the PIP-Pad! For veterans of FO3 and FNV modders, it is similar to the pipboy Readius mod (handheld pipboy). I made a quick video of their ultra detailed mod.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQCeEFhDgqo Nexus link: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21953/? PimpCrew: AlexScorpion LittleChronic DOOMBASED Wanderer WarDaddy

submitted by /u/maybenexttime7
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It's been 200 years what's up with the skeletons?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:09 AM PST

One thing that bothers me is the skeletons lying around. I know it's decor or in locked places showing the "tragedy of the war". However inside settlements, raider camps etc etc. Places where people have set up residence and yet the bones of the dead are still lying around or in beds etc. Just a little distracting and immersion breaking for me sometimes. I would have no issue with the places where sentient beings set up shop being more lived in looking and have no bones lying around like knick knacks. Maybe it's just me.

submitted by /u/hierogriffic
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I encountered a glitch with the railroad

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:55 AM PST

Whenever I go to the railroad headquarters this weird visual glitch happens where everything ok the screen drags so there is many copies of the same asset. I have many mods running. Does anyone have a fix?

submitted by /u/CommonCentral
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The water purifiers in Fallout 4 really grind my gears

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:52 PM PST

Each time I think of Fallout 4 I have to pretend that none of the previous Fallouts, especially Fallout and Fallout 3, never happened. Doesn't the existence of those water purifiers practically undermine or contradict those games?

G.E.C.K. kept being brought up as the only thing capable of purifying water, a miraculous device that only exists in limited quantities and no one knows how to make new ones. But then Sole Survivor comes along and is able to reproduce it as many times as he wants. I mean, if James saw this, he would shoot himself after going a deep depression for wasting his life with Project Purity.

Does anyone in Fallout 4 mention G.E.C.K.? Is it ever explained why water purifiers aren't more common? Did the writers ever talked about this?

submitted by /u/JCAPER
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For a crit build in New Vegas, is PewPew or Sonic Emitter Roboscorpion better? (Xpost /r/fnv)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:29 AM PST

Laser weapons max crit is 47%

Pew pew uses 5 ammo per shot out of the 10 in the mag. Shots do 150 damage with perks and you can swap out First Recon Beret for a better helmet. Quick to shoot.

Roboscorpion uses 3 ammo per shot out of the 24 in the mag. Shots do 65 if no crit and either 220 or 270 if crit. (im not sure if the explosion damage is increased by the perk that increases critical damage by 50%). Very slow windup and projectile.


Pew Pew

Pros: always crits, can use better helmet, fires fast

Cons: uses a bunch of ammo, can only shoot twice before reloading, less crit damage


Pros: way better damage if crit, doesnt waste all your ammo fast

Cons: very slow to shoot, not guaranteed crit, less non crit damage

submitted by /u/ghillieman2
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Finally making the transition to PC. If I want to build modded mega-settlements do I need more graphics card or more processor? Both? Neither?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:55 AM PST

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