Elder Scrolls Online - I'm a second prize winner!!!

I'm a second prize winner!!!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:51 AM PST

I got a thing for wings...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:24 AM PST

A glimpse into my Cyrodiil experience thus far

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:50 AM PST

I think i won Homestead

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

[Media] Animation Cancelling

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:17 PM PST

Thank you RNGesus

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:25 PM PST

What randoms do while waiting for the arena. Gotta love this community.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:53 PM PST

[Media] The smell of sulphur in the air

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:51 PM PST

Homestead idea : Ship

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

I would love to live in a ship :D

submitted by /u/Vszp1mp
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Healers get a bad rap

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:14 PM PST

Why is it if there is one or two wipes in a vet dungeon that the healer is always to blame? I was in vet group in City of Ash 2 and made it all the way to the end boss. We wiped once with scroll I might add, and they kicked me out of dungeon. I can't heal when you get one shot by the boss. So annoying.

submitted by /u/FoReVrTwiStD
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ZOS - idea to reduce AFK on consoles at Dolmens

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:28 PM PST

Hello ESO Reddit, I have an idea I would like your feedback on

What if in order to get the closing bonus exp for a Dolmen you had to at least interact with the chest?

If instead of being automatic and the interaction itself ( regarless of looting or not) triggered the xp, rubberbanding your controller at a Dolmen would no longer be as "profitable" for cheaters since they'd only get the xp from the few random monsters they hit. It's not perfect but seems like it would reduce the large mobs we are experiencing on consoles from these AFK "bot" characters. From personal experience all the real players I've seen, hit the chest at the end of the Dolmen so this change shouldn't bother anyone playing properly.

I would also like to see staff patrol these areas more please

submitted by /u/Brickthedummydog
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A thought on something to add to ESO+

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:18 PM PST

I think it would be great to have free wayshrine travel for subscribers- it doesn't seem like much but I think it would be a nice bonus.

submitted by /u/mrsegraves
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Bought the game back when it went "buy to play", got a character to level 8 and quit. Few days ago picked it back up and have gotten around 4 characters to level 8 and I'm still at a loss on how to build my character and enjoy the game. Help!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:12 PM PST

So I need a super basic outline for what I should be focusing on with a character build. I've watched a bunch of guides and new player videos but I'm still at a total loss.

For example, if I'm playing a damage Templar am I meant to just put all my points into magika and use my class abilities? Are my weapon attacks pointless since I have no stamina or weapon skills? Since I'm using magika am I pretty much required to wear light armor? And then with nightblade all the abilities scale on magika unless I morph them but if I put my points in magika, my weapon attacks are weak. I'm just so lost on character building in this game. It's why I quit around level 8 because I end up feeling like I fucked up somehow and idk what to do.

Can anyone give me a general breakdown of how to build a character and what to look for with armor and weapons?

submitted by /u/SecretlyTheFlash
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Thieves Guild Motifs

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:10 AM PST

I don't have any thieves guild motifs despite doing a number of heists and the prices for guild traders at the moment is ridiculous and I'm not paying it. I heard that it's guaranteed if you complete the heist within the time allowed which I don't think I've ever done. I have managed to have clean runs where I haven't been detected and have obtained the 3 bonus caches. I just made some night's silence gear with prosperous traits for all my farming and sneaking needs, but I have a question. In order to finish the heist in the time allowed should I ignore getting the bonus items - will I still get a thieves guild motif as a reward?

submitted by /u/MiniMoggie
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How in depth is your character creation?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

I've spent the last 2 weeks watching National Geographic documentaries about big cats in anticipation of creating a Khajiit character.

Is that insane? Or do a lot of y'all really dedicate a lot of energy to crafting your perfect character?

submitted by /u/andrewlaurita
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They should spruce up Hammerdeath Arena.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:18 AM PST

It was nice and all that they opened it up for Dueling. But I almost never see any other players there. Sure it has all its interesting NPCs waltzing about, and a Merchant. But I am sure it can use something, anything! How about a Wayshrine or perhaps they should host an Event there?

submitted by /u/T4silly
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Starting now on Xbox live, anyone else have a new character?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:17 PM PST

Nothing special here, just a newbie question about understanding how combat works

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:48 PM PST

Hello fellow adventurer's. No need to upvote or do anything crazy here, just a new player trying to understand a few mechanics about the combat. Not new to MMO's here, or TES. But ... when playing this, there are just some things I need to understnad better.

I'm playing a Nord Dragon Knight, using a massive 2h maul, and having a helluva good time. I know it's not the most effective race/class/weapon but c'mon, I'm having fun. Anyways, as far as actually beating up the baddies, I have unlocked a few skills, some that deal more damage, some that cause bleeding, and as far as the Dragonknight goes, a lot of magic like abilities. Then there are the traditional heavy swings and light swings.

What is effective when it comes to this combat? Should I be spamming my 2h abilities, until I'm out of stamina even if it looks and feels ridiculous. Am I a total noob for holding down and doing heavy attacks. Am I okay weaving in both? Is this a ridiculous question? Possibility. Just looking for some advice because I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I see everyone else flipping around the battlefield throwing fireballs and teleporting, and I'm just there charging my foes then slowly wailing them to death.

submitted by /u/Kearion
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Best Material farm

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:09 PM PST

Hey, so I'm using khenarthis roost to farm ore and wood. I haven't had much luck with jute or anything. Any recommendations on the best routes for jute/light armor material farm?

I found a decent spot in Auridon for hide and hide scraps. As far as a jute rogue or other hide route, I would love to learn about.

submitted by /u/Celaris_knight23
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[PC]Migrated from Xbox to PC. Where can I find a great list of addons?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:10 PM PST

So I started playing ESO with an XBL friend I've had for years. I quit playing because work and life balance got messed up, but I would come back once in a while to play with him. Sadly he passed away from a stroke in the middle of last year and I've been wanting to play ESO, but on the Xbox it wont be the same.


So I bought it for the deal on steam and am having a blast again, but I want to get some great addons for ESO. Is there a place where I can find a great list of addons? What do you guys recommend?

submitted by /u/mbaker54
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[Guide] "Firelogs, Flaming"/"Firelogs, Interactive" - how to obtain without spending real money/crowns.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:36 AM PST

I decided to buy Ravenhurst, so I can be close to this guy. I like fishing.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:08 AM PST

When the guild is sleepy from questing...

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:11 AM PST

New player here, question!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:08 PM PST

So ive finally made the choice to give this game a fair go and I'm in love, absolutely in love. Been questing to level 15 and now am wondering is it faster to just grind certain areas to 50 instead of quest? I'm a Stam nightblade running bow/dual. I also don't have much cash flow for those 50% xp potions! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Glad to be here, it's a breath of well needed fresh air for me.

submitted by /u/vb0b0
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This really hardens my ward

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:07 AM PST

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