Elder Scrolls Online - Any ideas on how to Make Zeus, the allfather even more Zeus-y?

Any ideas on how to Make Zeus, the allfather even more Zeus-y?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:02 PM PST

Pacrooti's asspiring business

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:04 PM PST

Homestead: This really frustrates me :/

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST

Must've been a strong crab...

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:03 PM PST

Sitting here patiently waiting for this beast to DL, not long now..

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:56 PM PST

Do Khajiits normally like to cuddle?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:23 AM PST

Every time I see Deshaan these days, it reminds me of Morrowind

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:38 PM PST

I'm so sad for this poor dog :(

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Master Writs could be ZoS' way of alleviating end game gear grind evil RNG

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:57 PM PST

If you like me have spent several hundred keys opening a monster set chest only to see the shoulders you are looking for five times you know the frustration of grinding end game gear. And finding your monster set is overall easier than the let down at the end of vMA when you don't have any sharpened weapons but all your alts have leveled their crafting solely on your maelstrom rejects. For our own sanity we need a revamp to end game RNG drops for gear.

Now a grind for gear is inherently good. It lets us take time to master the characters we are grinding with, keeps a certain balance of power in the player population (fresh out the gates cp160s getting golden VO/Moondancer is a bit much), and gives us something to work towards keeping us playing or subscribing longer. I don't want to eliminate a grind overall but master writs have shown ZoS is trying to mix things up.

Broken down Master Writs are only attainable by characters who have put a lot of time into crafting. And the more time you put in the more likely you are to receive one of these holy writs. So far all three positives to grinding I listed out are checked off in this "grind" for master writs. The master writs require you to competently fulfill a very specific order and upon completion you are given Vouchers. Vouchers are able to be redeemed for specific items at set prices. Absolutely NO RANDOM ASSIGNMENT TO SWEET LOOT. Yes its random obtaining the master writ but you can choose the rewards yourself.

Now what if this system took over the Undaunted Pledges? Suppose you show up to Mr. The Redbeard to turn in your pledge and he gifts you with a coffer that can contain things like pages of the mercenary crafting style, soul gems, pieces of undaunted loot, and rarely a random number of keys/key fragments/vochers/dare I say tokens. You can exchange this rare and awesome resource commodity with either a chest or vendor and pull out/buy the SPECIFIC SHOULDER YOU WANT. Perhaps even scale it so the shoulders from easier low level dungeons require less currency to buy and the harder ones more. The higher your undaunted skill rating, difficulty of dungeon, and participation in hard mode on vet can each grant an increased chance of currency dropping. In this system we still must play our same characters for longer getting a better grasp on their abilities, it makes it unlikely for a cp 160 to get divine Velidreth immediately, and still encourages regular play since there are only three pledges a day.

All I did was transcribe the Master Writ and Voucher system to Undaunted Daily Pledges. I am not a game designer and have only outlined a rough translation of what a modernized in game system could look like, but I believe with the right refinement this would overall be a positive direction for ESO to work towards. And while I outlined what this can look like in terms of undaunted I'm sure it would not take too much imagination to find a way to interpret it for vMA, vTrials, and dungeon gear. Let me know any drawbacks you can think of, the more we talk, discuss, and grow ideas, the more likely somebody up there might hear us.

TL:DR Just read the second to last paragraph, that's the part you want. I believe in you!

submitted by /u/PinkEyePete
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Literally Unplayable

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:42 PM PST

I can't run the game, unless i run it as "administrator". help pls.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:51 AM PST

Hey guys. So, I've not gotten a good experience from the launcher at all.... It installed insanely slow, and now i can't even "update/repair" it, so I can't play unless i run it as "administrator"... Do i need to re-install/download it all over again, or is running it as admin not a problem?

All help is appreciated, and I apologize for my bad english.

submitted by /u/TheBloodyAlboz
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Help me get my wife get on ESO!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:20 AM PST

Heyo ESO people, looking for some help. I think this may be more Computer related in general? But its specifically for ESO so I am hoping to belongs here. My wife wants to play ESO with me, but her computer cannot handle it, not even on potato settings. Meanwhile I have a superbeast computer that can run the game 1 million times over. So, I was hoping...Is there a way that I can run two instances of the game on my computer, and have her play from her set up? Like stream the second instance to her monitor, or even do like...Wireless keyboard and mouse on my second or third monitor, so she can play on one monitor and I can play on the other? Does anyone know of anything like that, that might work?

submitted by /u/Keglagek
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[REQUEST]Load Screen Art Download

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:24 AM PST

I love all the art that this game has on each load screen and I was wondering if anyone knows of a site that has all of them. I have a lot of this kind of art on a slideshow for my desktop wallpaper and would like to add them to my folder.

I've found a few here and there, but I know there is a ton of them.


submitted by /u/noctipatronus
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Question regarding sorcerers and how to play them.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:50 AM PST

So, ive seen all these videos about magicka sorcerers and how they're super good and stuff, and im no min-maxer, im a quester, i want to do all the quests, im around 310 in at the moment...

Alot of the builds put no points into life/health, only magicka... I kinda split it somewhat... more focus on life then magicka, only by a few points...

Is that a smart move? or did i just obliterate my character?

submitted by /u/Slayer_Tip
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[Guide] The Yolo Wizard - Magicka Sorcerer PVE Build for Homestead

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:45 PM PST

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a copper pipe to the knee.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:05 PM PST

PC EU Rawl'Kha is just messed up man

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:03 PM PST

Everything is laggy takes ages to load crashes the game especiallly after the new patch. Now I cant log in to my main character she is stuck in rawl'kha. It is really frustrating after paying 160 TRY for the game (base game+gold edition+eso plus) that these kinda stuff happens. And customer support just repliy with random copy-pasted shit they are really unresponsive. FIX THE GAME MAN

submitted by /u/ritaline
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Why exactly is Amberplasm in ESO Lore?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:51 PM PST

The substance, not the gear and why do argonians oaks fear it?

submitted by /u/Swtor_Fan456
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How does instanced housing work?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:04 AM PST

Say I own Grymharth's Woe in Windhelm, but so does my friend and he's given me access to his house. When I walk up to the front door, am I asked every time whether I want to enter my own house or any other instance I'm allowed to enter? And what about when you fast travel to your house? I'm on Xbox so I don't have the update yet.

submitted by /u/ToffeeKing
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Goodbye Rawl'kha (Characters here won't load)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:32 AM PST

For the last two weeks or so any characters trying to load into Rawl'kha fail and i get booted back to the login screen with an error message. [PC EU]

This is if trying to travel to the wayshrine or if logging in with them when they are left there.

It happens between midday and midnight each day and only affects this one location.

I put it down to high server load as it is a popular city, having been my home for these last years due to everything being in easy reach.

Stupidly I left 8/10 of my characters there last night and now can only play with the remaining 2 (who aren't the ones i wanted to play for the next 7 hours). So enough is enough and when I get them out I vow to never return.

  • Does this happen to anyone else?

  • Does anyone know any fixes for something like this?

  • Where do you think i should make my new home (was thinking Riften).


submitted by /u/Sarquon
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So this happened... (Wtf dps)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:22 PM PST

Some beginner Questions

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:20 PM PST

I apologize in advanced as this sub has probably seen these questions a million times before. But im thinking about getting into this game after hearing it's gotten much better. I had a few questions though. 1. what is the difference between the Tamriel unlimited and gold version? 2. will I be handicapped without the premium membership? 3. are all the expansions free like the new homestead?. 4. what is the playerbase like, is it a healthy size? 5. Is there RP servers? thank you in advanced for any help

submitted by /u/B-Longshanks
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Need suggestions.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

Whats a good money making way ? I have heard fishing and farming nodes and such is a good way. But when I fish, idk what I'm supposed to look for.

submitted by /u/Pegnugin
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Dual Wield + Bow Classes

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:56 AM PST

Hey guys I've been looking for anyone that use Dual Wield + Bow for any class but it seems that noone is playing with it ?

Is Dual Wield so low that noone want to use it ? I dont realy like 2h Sword because it looks to slow

submitted by /u/Kashi96
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