Dota 2 - Find your Battle Cup Party | Winter 2017 | Week 4

Find your Battle Cup Party | Winter 2017 | Week 4

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:14 PM PST

Battle Cup Winter 2017 Week 4

This thread is dedicated for you guys to find a party for weekly Battle Cup.

During the event all posts about finding/forming a team will be removed to avoid spam.

This thread is only for people looking for a team, if you are forming a team simply reply to or PM anyone looking for a team that suits what you're looking for and invite them.

If you've already found a team please edit your post saying so or delete your post so no one will keep contacting you.

Sort by new to find people who just posted and is looking for a party.

Suggested Format:

Steam ID:


Tier: What tier do you want to play on?

Preferred Role What positions you're comfortable playing with.

Other Information Any other info that you would like your party mates to know

If start to love with playing with a premade and in a competitive setting please check out our friends at

Have fun!

For schedule, FAQ and other details please check out:

submitted by /u/coronaria
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Cosplay Io-----------Slark

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:31 AM PST

Matumbaman:"reddit should stop jerking off to mmr points. Its getting real annoying"

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:50 AM PST

I just witnessed some next level inception in an ability draft game

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:54 AM PST

Jakiro... whom is a dragon, got dragon knight's dragon form. But it didn't stop there. He bought dragon lance and dagon both over the course of the game.

So the end result was a dragon with dragon lance turning into a dragon and killing dragon knight with dagon.

I've been lurking this Dota 2 board a lot and I rarely post stuff but I just found this hillarious and wanted to share sorry if its considered a shitpost :)

submitted by /u/Ouroboros612
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High quality Beastmaster cosplay

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:40 AM PST

PSA: Don't buy and sell your items repeatedly in pick phase. Gamebreaking -25mmr bug.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

I just played a solo queue game where I had the "item is not allowed for this hero" bug. The entire game I was unable to hold more than 2 items at any time without selling or destroying them. I wasn't even able to make 3 item recipes. (My inventory had only vitality booster and 1 staff of wizardry, was not able to buy the last staff to complete atos).

I think the reason for this was that in the pick phase, I bought and sold my observer ward and sentry wards multiple times to try and see if I can get them to be observer or sentry form when I go ingame.

Match ID:

Damn fuck up ok cao ni ma valve

submitted by /u/FappinFrenzy
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A hero's silhouette must be clearly identifiable at first glance

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:22 PM PST

I demand justice for my unicorn. WTF is this shit?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:41 PM PST

Dear Mods, i think SirBelvedere deserve a special flair

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:26 PM PST

He's been doing great work for this community.

submitted by /u/arifshiddiq
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EternaLEnVy on Twitter: How does Ana get flamed when he's one of the top MMRs and won the previous Major. Weird Community

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

Why is Lina's Arcana still called Arcana?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:07 AM PST

Once seeing how many animations Juggernaut Arcana will have, his 4 styles depending on his ultimate, new icons, new everything... I can't think of Lina's one being an actual Arcana. With only one ability changed and just the map/portrait/top icons changed, it's quite worse than most of normal sets. I know its an old one, but shouldn't it get some love? I feel like its super outdated when you look at the new ones. PA, Shadow Fiend, Crystal Maiden ones still are decent and up to date in my opinion.

No hate on the Arcanas though, they are all nice, I just feel like some might be way too better than the other ones.

submitted by /u/hydravink
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Ranked Adventures #3 - Support Only

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:25 AM PST

Account buyers in 4K mmr with proof (and mediocre analysis)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:31 AM PST

So it seems there have been lots of people complaining about account buyers recently. Personally I don't know if these posters are facing account buyers or if they think that every player that performs poorly is an account buyer, but from some comments on reddit, there seems to be some people with the belief that account buying doesn't actually happen or doesn't occur often enough to be that big of a deal. Maybe the word analysis wasn't the best one to use for this post because I will be talking about anecdotal evidence, namely my recent games in US East and US West to prove account buyers exist and how prevalent they are. So in other words, NONE OF THESE STATS MATTER because there really isn't a sample size to base it off of, it's my personal experience.


I'm not writing this because I'm angry and venting because someone on my team ruined my game, I just want to objectively state my perspective. Account buying does exist. The only question in my mind is how big of a deal is it and how will Valve address it?


Case 1: This is the game that I have the least evidence in and my "first" encounter with an account buyer that I noticed. The Invoker has a hidden profile so it's hard to definitively prove that he bought his account. He was at around 5.2K mmr and played poorly to say the least. What gave me the thought that Invoker bought his account was when in the chat Pudge said he went through Invoker's profile and claimed that he bought his account because it had an extremely high winrate in Korean servers, but a low winrate in both US servers. Looking at it now though, Pudge may have been lying since invoker's profile was private and as far as I know once you make your profile viewable on dotabuff you can't remove it (LUL).

But here's what we should look at: Invoker never buys an item until he has bought all components to it. This means that he buys his full midas completely together at 12 minutes, grabs BoT's at minute 17, but doesn't buy a SINGLE ITEM until he finishes his entire aghanim's at 26-27 minutes. That's 10 minutes of not buying an item in the game. I think it's kinda obvious to people with basic knowledge that dying without buying out can be devastating to your unreliable gold, . Not only that, but he rarely casts any spell, and doesn't use any basic Invoker combination spells throughout the entire game. He casts alacrity 36 times, forge spirits 23 times, and sunstrike 12 times. All other spells are cast 5 or less times throughout the entire game. I can't hold any significance to this fact, but he also sports an extremely low APM for a hero as demanding as Invoker, although this might be a consequence of rarely casting spells. All in all, I can't disprove that this invoker didn't buy his account. For all I know he could've simply been inebriated while playing.


Case 2: in which the guy randoms last pick and goes offlane as Skywrath, forcing me to babysit him in the process. Didn't really do anything productive for most of the game. On his profile matches you can see all his boosted games (examples 1 2 3). After he starts playing ranked he has a poor showing and loses many games. Oh and his profile page? His 6th most played hero is viper which has a KDA of 175.00 as well as a drow with a KDA of 58.67.


Case 3: According to his team flamed everyone from minute 1 and accused his teammates of buying their accounts. Funny enough on his most played heroes, you can see his Mirana has a 75% win-rate while having a KDA of 209. Not enough for you? just pop into the second page of his matches played to see all the boosted games he played.


It looks like by either scripting or manual labor, people seem to be queuing for the least populated servers with unusual language settings to get a match together. From there, they send all bots mid or somehow to enemy fountain and farm an assigned feeder player repeatedly kill him for high KDA's. One thing to note about items bought by the heroes in boosted matches in Case 2 & 3 are that the heroes buy similar items. What throws me off is that there looks like there's a pattern of the first bot player (blue and pink on radiant and dire respectively) buying the exact same items (boots and ring of protection minute 0 and band of elvenskin at 30-38 minutes), but after that the items are seemingly random other than the fact that most bought items are single items and not combined into anything.


This is why I'm not sure if these account boosters are doing all this work manually or if they are assisted by scripts that run through certain tasks while the person behind all these accounts makes some manual movements of his own for whatever reason. So you would think that after being able to play ranked, the booster would sell the account for a some easy money, and then the ranks of all 8 boosted accounts plummets and come in to ruin your games. But that's not exactly what happens. In both cases, it looks like 3-4 accounts actually have their winrates increase. What does this mean? Either these are high ranked players looking for a smurf to play on, or what I think may actually be occurring: the booster is actually a very high skilled player. He is actually grabbing the highest mmr accounts and playing on those accounts to increase the ranks to 5K or above to sell the account for an even higher price. I think it'll be nearly impossible to actually track who's doing it though, since there's such a large amount of players that are above 6k that could be doing this.


In conclusion what does this mean? We the players can't really do much to stop it at all. Most of it falls onto the hands of Valve themselves. I don't have any actual solution to this problem. Possible solutions could be for valve to negate the hidden mmr of players in games when certain criteria are or aren't met, such as all heroes going to a single lane, counts of extreme feeding (the number would have to be based on Valve's own statistics on player deaths and what should be the threshold to negate hidden mmr changes in a game), or even on the net worth of heroes actually being spent on items. Another way could be to ban the IP of these boosters themselves, but I personally don't know how manageable this would be. The best way to go about this would be to do it silently so that boosters don't know what criteria to meet to ensure an account's hidden mmr isn't changed when they try to boost in a match.

It looks like someone is making a pretty penny boosting 8 accounts at the same time and selling them off. Whether you have an issue with it or don't think it matters at all, there are accounts out there that are being boosted and sold to players, and there may be a chance that you could run into such a player. All of this was from my own personal experience and not thoroughly scrutinized. Not every account buyer you run into will be having a bad game and the closer they get to their original mmr the more likely it could be for them to have outstanding performances in which case no one would know they bought their account. For all I know it could've been more and it could be less. In my last 17 games I played with or against an account buyer in 3 games. This means of the 153 players I played with, 3 bought their accounts. Doesn't sound like much a deal does it? the fun thing about stats is that to put it another way, 3 of my last 17 games had account buyers. The % chance of me running into an account buyer? 17%. I rest my case

submitted by /u/Shahil512
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Why does Tusk have difficulty level 1 out of 3?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:16 AM PST

  • Has 4 actives
  • Saving people with snowball is not easy
  • Microing and NOT FEEDING sigil is not easy
  • Effectively using his aghanims upgrade isnt easy
  • Aiming and successfully blocking people with ice shards is NOT EASY
submitted by /u/Internet-King
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The trench grand master

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:34 AM PST

JJ Lin Templar Assassin set's styles are currently broken

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:55 AM PST

You cannot choose between the gold and silver styles, as it just stays as the silver style.


submitted by /u/caldog6
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Please fix!; It has been 3 months since 7.00 and still no fix for the health bar on colorblind mode.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:15 AM PST

As some of you may know Colorblindness is a thing and luckily for us it is supported in most games... but ever since 7.00 came out and the HUD changed the health bar on the HUD is no longer supported on colorblind.

Now yes, the health above the hero is at the fixed color but it still is not so convenient seeing the health bar above the hero at one color and the health bar on the HUD at a different one because my camera is not always focused on my hero... This thing most definitely needs a fix and quite honestly its not a complex thing to update.

So just to clarify what I'm talking about here are a few screenshots:

Old DotA (6.89) colorblind support: Here you can see both above the hero and on the HUD health bar are both at the same colors

New DotA (7.00+) colorblind support: Diffrent colors for both the bar above the hero and on the HUD.

Sometimes the game can be difficult enough for colorblind people so please, try and make it easier for us, please fix!

submitted by /u/Far_Lamore
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BSJ with some next level plays

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:19 PM PST

Cooldown with 3 digits not showing for Chen's ult (and maybe any 5+ spells hero)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:28 AM PST

Hey would a 3k 5 stack mind queuing in US West Ranked Captains Mode before i end myself

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:04 AM PST

  • We have been searching for 74 minutes
  • EDIT 4: No real way to prove this because it caps out at 99 minutes, but I swear on my unborn first child this is true
  • EDIT 5: I managed to accrue 77 million damage on a dummy target while waiting
submitted by /u/merlynman
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Juggernaut Arcana Leak

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:44 PM PST

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - February 17, 2017 | Update #2

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:09 PM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

Official Changelog

  • Fixed a bug where the achievement rewards for tipping other players were not being granted. All rewards have been retroactively granted.
  • Fixed disassembling an item not considering the original item slot for the components.
  • Fixed the display of talents for spectators.

Economy Updates

  • Fixed a typo in the description of the new Underlord set item where it said it was for Lifestealer instead of Underlord.
  • Fixed the facial animation of the new Silencer set from Idle to Capture.

Item Loot List Updates

  • Promise of the First Dawn set has been added to the Winter 2017 Recycling Loot List.

UI Updates


  • The Kiev Major Dates has been set as the front post of the news panel on the front page instead of it being for Treasure II. / Treasure II has its own panel


  • Fixed a bug where the Shop Search would not take focus automatically.

Update 3

  • Fix to a bug with the Cradle of Lights KOTL cosmetic mount.
  • Patch Size: 63.3 MB (with Tools)

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 252.9 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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New Lina Set with Arcana

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:41 PM PST

I am not looking forward to the loss streak

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:53 AM PST

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