Diablo - I did a GR40 solo, using only yellow items

I did a GR40 solo, using only yellow items

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:08 PM PST

I made a Diablo inspired 6 ft Barbarian with snow.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:01 PM PST

Lots of snow in Washington. Built this with the kids. http://i.imgur.com/DvGaU6a.jpg

submitted by /u/anticlockclock
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What is your method to go up on the difficulty mode?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:08 PM PST

I bought the game when it was released and left it before the RoS launch. I played it on the PS3 a dew times and last year I decided to come back to the PC when I knew that they were planning to do an event for the 20th aniversary of Diablo2.

I really liked the Diablo2 event and now I'm trying my hand on the season 9. But I'm kind of lost on how to move between difficulty modes. I just finished the chapter 3 of the season and I'm not sure if my char/hero is ready to go on Torment difficulty.

I play mainly solo and I tried some public games to gain some XP without asking people to rush me because I just like to play it and grind it and got no lucky at all.

I'm going to tell what I do when I'm trying a new build. I go to the Weeping Hollow and clear it if I manage to do it without troubles I go on to the bounties and, again, if I have no troubles I keep the build. Do you guys think that this is a good method to move between difficulty modes?

P.S.: Grammar nazis of Reddit please forgive me if I made mistakes in my text. English is not my mother language but I promise to correct any mistakes if they are not on the title. :D

submitted by /u/pdrummondf77
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Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:49 PM PST

I played Diablo ages ago but I got interested in the lore. Any good youtube videos explaining the lore? Thanks!

submitted by /u/IvanPrimorac
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Ranged Damage Reduction / Damage Reduction

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:52 PM PST

Can we just make these both the same thing?

There's one single item in the game that offers decent RDR. One.

You can roll RDR on items, true, but there's only one that rolls naturally (ie not randomly), and that's Eye of Etlich.

Have good DR? Nice. Too bad it isn't RDR.

Here's a grift full of ranged mobs in a tight hallway. RIP.

submitted by /u/Halcyon1378
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Does difficulty affect the drop rate of the Gibbering Gemstone?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:42 PM PST

Cause I'm gonna knock this down to normal if it doesn't. That'll help me farm much faster.

Oh, and if you guys know of anything else that affects its droprate, I'd like to hear about it.

submitted by /u/Jyk7
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What if Torment scaled with a character's power rather than be a static level with static bonuses per session?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 03:41 PM PST

Just had this thought and I'm wondering if I'm alone on this but; what if Blizzard were to remove the Torment levels altogether and instead scale the difficulty of Torment with the "power level" of your character (with a lower limit of course, such as Torment 1's current mob and reward scaling)? This scale would stack up until you hit a limit (ie. killing a certain amount of mobs a minute) or die (in which case, it'd be halved or something). This level would be divided by the amount of people in the session, so you won't be hitting something like Torment level 40 with 3-4 people with casual play. This could make the game in general more challenging, feel more rewarding (since legendaries and ancient drop rates would scale too) and would keep you on your toes rather than have you stomping everything as it is with the current max torment level. And of course with each stack of difficulty, all the bonuses come with it and even scale beyond the current maximum, if you can survive it. This takes some of the mechanics of Greater Rifts and copies it over into regular play. GRifts would still be a thing, of course, for gem leveling and leader-boards and the like, but having the option of scaling your bonuses in non-GRifts would make the game at least seem a bit more bearable.


submitted by /u/Toyoka
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Will Adding Gems Help?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:36 PM PST

I have 9035 str right now. I am currently having trouble doing 70 grtrs. I am trying to complete the achievement. If I add 2100 str, will that help at all?

submitted by /u/SightUp
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Haven't played since season 2 and I forgot a lot of the tricks.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:15 PM PST

Haven't played for a long ass time. Looking to play for a bit again. I forgot so many things like little tricks on how to level up faster. Things like repeating quests by staying in parties and shuh. What's the fastest way to level up and what's the end game like now?

Are there well known tricks or did they get rid of all of them? I don't care about being the strongest/best but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot either.

submitted by /u/dannycakes
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Quality of Public Gaming Request

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:57 PM PST

Try chatting with people before you boot them for being "AFK".

Getting booted while you're in the middle of a fight with the player that initiates the boot is retarded.

Jerk bags.

submitted by /u/Halcyon1378
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Nice Roll blizard

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:08 PM PST

Wath the actual fliperino http://imgur.com/DpQ8SQe Nice Rng

submitted by /u/One-zepplin
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New to Wizards, what are the top 2 two builds for solo and group GR80-90+?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:02 PM PST

Right now I just built my T13 build with this, http://www.diablofans.com/builds/85544-s9-2-4-3-paralysis-vyrrasha-t13-speed-rifts . I have horrible, unoptimal gear and I am already destroying things in 4 man T13 runs. Just need good builds for solo and group 80-90+ GRs

submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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