Diablo - GDC talk with Joshua Mosqueira about Diablo III's fixes leading up to RoS

GDC talk with Joshua Mosqueira about Diablo III's fixes leading up to RoS

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST

PSA: Don't change from Mace of the Crows transmog - Myriam has lost it

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:20 AM PST

20 years late, but I finally did it.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:38 PM PST

http://imgur.com/Ah3kAFT Now I can say I've beaten all 3 Diablo games.

submitted by /u/Buccura
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Started playing d2 again, looking for people to play with

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:31 AM PST

Hey guys, some of you might remember from this post I did https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/5og4lz/the_best_item_ive_ever_owned_in_diablo_2/ it kind of inspired me to play again because of how many people posted in it talking about the greatness that diablo 2 is. It's been about 3 years since I last played, I first started playing in grade 6 so it's been about 13 years I played on and off. I just started playing again on Uswest ladder with some friends. I'm looking for more people to play with and maybe set up some 4v4 team pk if we get enough people. I started about a week ago got a 89 druid windy for pvp and a 43 sorc that's gonna be for mfing. Right now me and my friends are playing the game through (no rushing) were in act 1 nightmare. I'm also thinking about making a necromancer, it would be perfect timing if we get more people maybe we can roll an 8 player game for a while. If youre thinking about playing add me! My account is same as my reddit: hvppy. Thanks!

submitted by /u/hvppy
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QoL suggestion: doors.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

Perhaps let us open doors and use interactive objects without having a primary attack bound to mouse1? It's extremely tedious for certain builds to deal with doors, certain chests/objects etc.

ie: HT pet builds getting keep rifts and you have to wait for piranha cooldown if you wanna "break open" the doors.

submitted by /u/drexciya
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A diablo 3 rework I've had in mind.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:58 AM PST

Game rework ideas:


Strength adds: | +1 armor per strength point. | Every 10 points +1% melee damage. | Every 15 points +1% block chance. | Every 100 points +1% vitality.

Dexterity adds: | Every 10 points +1% range damage. | Every 15 points +1% dodge chance. | Every 20 points +1% critical strike damage.
|Every 100 points +2% increased attack speed.

Intelligence adds:
| +1 all resistance per int point. | Every 20 points +1% spell cost reduction. | Every 10 point +1% spell damage. | Every 40 points +1% max resource.

Vitality adds:
| Every point +6hp on dexterity heroes, +5hp on intelligence heroes and +8 hp on strength heroes, all of these increased by (1 x level of the hero)%. | Every 10 points +1% life regeneration (starting with a base of 5*level of the hero). | Every 125 points +1% damage reduction.


1) Max paragon level is 100, you gain +1 paragon point on every category.

2) It takes more to level up from 0-70.

3) A max paragon level character with all perfect stat should not exceed 1700 of any stat (if all items give the max amount of X stat), dealing 40K crit damage should be considered a high amount of damage (I hate huge numbers such as 100M damage which is absolutely nothing in the current diablo 3), 10k hp should be considered a good amount of hp.

4) Yellow items can compete with legendary items in terms of stats, for example a level 70 yellow gives 90 dexterity tops and a level 70 legendary gives 110 tops. Also legendary items have 1 or 2 more effects, so you can play in the latest difficulty with all yellows.

5) Forget about the current difficulties. The game should have:

Normal: (SHOULD BE HARD, not the dumb difficulty it is now) from level 0-35, you can't level up past that, drop rate is 60% common, 20% blue, 15% yellow and 5% legendary.

Nightmare: from level 35-60, you can't level up past that. Random bounty missions start appearing across the map, when completing all bounties in one act, you are rewarded with 100 of each material (white blue yellow), 1 act legendary, 1 random legendary, 5 Kanai cube (you have to go and unlock the Kanai cube) act material and lots of gold and exp. Drop rate is 40% common, 30% blue, 20% yellow and 10% legendary.

Inferno: from level 60-70, you can't earn paragon levels here. Same bounty mission thing but with 2 act legendary and 3 random legendary. Now random portals start appearing across the acts, spawning a total of 5 portals on each act, each portal takes you to a small map where you have to kill 50 enemies (2-4 elite groups), after killing all of them a rift boss will appear. Kill it and it will give you the same stuff a rift boss gives (and 100% chance to drop 1 legendary), after finding all 5 portals Tyrael will give you a bounty box (same drop as if you completed all bounties in 1 act). From now on each time you defeat a big boss, it will give you 1 legendary act, 2 random legendary, +125 blood shards and 1 random class set item (Secondary bosses such as the skeleton king, don't give legendary act, give 2 random legendary and 85 blood shards).

Competitive: From level 70 and paragon 0 -> level 70 and paragon 100. Here enemies are 3 times stronger than level 70 enemies of inferno, same events (bounty missions and hell portals) and now you can do Ubers. Uber drop: +2 Uber material, +5 random legendary and 50 of each material. (Keep in mind, UBER BOSSES ARE HARD and it is recommended to be engaged full build). Drop rate' 25% common, 30% blue, 30% yellow 15% legendary. While playing competitive you can use rifts and grifts. Grifts: Enemy difficulty is, all enemies stats increased by X grift difficulty. For example Grift 100 has all enemies' stats increased 100%.

6) Ancients aren't a bad thing, they add more to the game, but there should be a way of upgrading an item to ancient in the Kanai's cube.

A SUPER ANCIENT LEGENDARY should be like this:

+600 armor, +120 all resists, +140 dexterity etc.

A legendary item should go:

+500 armor, +100 all resists, + 110 dexterity etc.

A yellow item should go:

+450 armor, +85 all resists, +90 dexterity etc.

I don't know how the damage of a weapon could go, I just don't want to see HUGE numbers, I would like the game to have 40k crits as really good damage.

Demon Hunter set rework ideas:

Danetta's Hatred: D Spite own passive: Leave a clone of yourself after using any defensive skill of the Demon Hunter (Vault or smoke bomb or shadow power).

D Revenge own passive: When activating any defensive skill the Demon Hunter moves 15% faster and has 5% damage reduced for 4 seconds.

Complete set bonus: Defensive skills cost reduced 25%. Activating a defensive skill adds 10% increased dexterity for 5 seconds.

The idea is to have these 2 for a defensive build, each class should have one defensive set option

Marauder set complete bonuses: 2 set items: Companion calls all companions.

3 set items: When activating companion all cool downs are reduced 20% (except companion).

5 set items: For every turret in place you deal 8% increased damage, move and attack 8% faster and have 4% reduced hatred skills costs.

6 set items: When turret strike an enemy successfully 3 times, a spike trap will be dropped at the enemy location dealing half the damage (Uses active spike trap rune).

Natalya's Vengeance: N Slayer's own passive: Every successful strike will reduce Rain of vengeance's cool down 1 second.

N Reflection's own passive: While on vengeance form move 15% faster and have 10% extra chance to dodge any attack.

Complete set bonuses:

2 set items: Rain of Vengeance and Vengeance have their cool downs reduced by 25%.

3 set items: While Rain of Vengeance is active you have 15% damage reduction, while Vengeance is active you deal 15% increased damage.

5 set items: You will always have companion with no rune active (the raven companion, deals 200% weapon damage per hit, you can also have a run applied to companion and it will have that companion with the raven.) and +150 dexterity.

6 set items: Every time you kill one enemy it will generate +1.5 hatred, when you kill 100 enemies all your cool downs are reduced 50% and your hatred is maxed.

Shadow's Mantle complete set bonuses:

2 set items: Every time you attack with a primary skill a shadow blade will appear and make a melee swing on the direction you attacked dealing 180% damage, slowing enemies for 30% and making them take 10% increased damage from all sources.

3 set items: While having a dagger equipped your shadow blade will deal 40% increased damage and after striking more than 2 enemies with it, you will move 10% faster.

5 set items: Activating Shadow Power reduces all your discipline spenders cost's 40% for the next 4 seconds and Shadow Power lasts 20 seconds longer.

6 set items: While Shadow Power is active you will have 20% increased dodge chance, 20% increased damage, 10% extra vitality and dexterity.

Unhallowed Essenes complete set bonus:

2 set items: All your primary skills will generate +1.5 discipline and hatred.

3 set items: After striking 10 times with a primary skill generate 10 hatred and 3 discipline and deal 15% increased damage on the next attack (hatred spender or not).

5 set items: When an enemy is hit by a hatred spender it will be marked. Marked enemies are 10% slowed, take 6% increased damage and deal 5% less damage. This effect stacks 3 times (It lasts 3 seconds + 1 per stack).

6 set items: While attacking marked enemies with a primary skill, you will reduce (0.5 x mark stack) seconds all cool downs and heal (1% x mark stack) of your max health.

These are an example of how I would like to see all set passive skill be, not +10 million% damage on X skill. I think this way players can be more creative on their builds, I also wanted to have 2 and 3 set item bonuses, so the player can combine different set items together and have a lot of item choices rather than 1 per hero.

If you managed to read all, thank you for taking your time, sorry for the bad English.

submitted by /u/SabeACarne
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Diablo Discussion: Primal ancients are a good thing

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:03 PM PST

Idea of Primals

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:34 PM PST

Make primal a drop with 10% the drop rate of ramalamadingdong gifts.

It would be an ancient tier of gifts.

It will allow you to reroll an additional two stats or just one (not sure about the balancing), OR add 20% on to any two stats (weapon damage, strength, vit, thornes, globe...) OR add one more socket to a weapon or any armor piece... not jewelry though. whoa, little crazy there.

You can also use mats and 10 gifts to get an ancient/primal gift.

Why is it better than primal as is? Removes RNG, gives more ownership of gear, lets effort accomplish something rather than just RNG, I can burn up extra gifts, everyone gets bigger numbers. Won't change the game, isn't based on RNG, gives us something to work on.

submitted by /u/himthatspeaks
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Wild Vision: Runeword Primals

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

Against the Burning Hells: Diablo III's Road to Redemption with Reaper of Souls - YouTube

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:35 PM PST

Non Class Legendary community designed affixes poll.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:56 AM PST

After I collected all the submitted community ideas you can now vote for your favorite. Further details you can check out in this two threads: 1. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20752566914#post-14 and https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20752656735?page=1

submitted by /u/KaiserAcedia
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Season 9 class and builds?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:29 PM PST

What's a good class for solo GR and group play?

submitted by /u/Summersiixxteen
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Which 2 elemental immunities are the best for a melee character?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:45 AM PST

Thinking about poison and fire or lightning amulets. Any input would be appreciated.

Currently farming T13 and can't make up my mind what hurts more. I don't have much experience with Grift bosses.

submitted by /u/Lenor4ever
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GR 90 BOSS FIGHT 15 seconds!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:57 AM PST

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