Destiny - Daily Thread - Mentor Monday

Daily Thread - Mentor Monday

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Mentor Monday! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

Be sure to read the New Players Guide, the Destiny FAQ, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also be sure to check the thread itself.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Outbreak Prime ornament concept - "Firewall"

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:36 AM PST

Was mucking around in CS6 and decided to make an ornament mockup. This is what we ended up with . Hopefully you all like it!

submitted by /u/Uberwolf_
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How To - Networking issues with two consoles in one house

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:54 AM PST

I have seen this issue brought up multiple times in this thread, and I always think that I should take the time to show you how you can fix it, but I never have, until today.

About a year ago, I introduced my son to Destiny, and it wasn't long before he was asking if he could play Crucible and raid with my regular group. Anyone who has tried to do this before can tell you how that works out. We spent more time trying to connect to Destiny servers and join fireteams than we did actually playing. I got sick of it and spent some time Googling things (good luck finding a solid answer) and using my hard won (read: broke things a lot and had to learn how to make them work again) IT skills to solve this issue.

If you know how to assign static IP addresses and forward ports in your router, the setup is pretty easy to use two consoles(my son and I use Xbox ones) to play destiny in the same house connected to the same router. If you don't know how to do those things, well, that's probably why you're reading this comment.

Follow the instructions at portforward to set static IP addresses for your consoles
*Xbox One
*Xbox 360

Once you have static IP addresses assigned, follow the instructions to forward ports for your first console here by selecting your router make and model.

If your router username and password are the default ones noted in the above link, please, do yourself and the world a favor and set a new password. If you are afraid you won't remember it, download Dashlane and try it out. It is the best password manager I have used, and it has free and paid subscriptions.

You will likely have to reset your router after setting up your port forwarding to ensure your port are being forwarded correctly. Some routers will automatically reset after setting your port forwarding rules. To set up the port forwarding rules for your second console just use this one simple trick that gamers everywhere hate. Remember all the ports you forwarded for your first console, you're going to do that again, except this time, you are going to increment the port range by 1. This may sound confusing, but I am going to do my best to make a table here to make it all make sense. For Xbox one users, the ports 53, 80, 88, 500, 3074, 3544, and 4500 all have to be forwarded for Destiny to work and your port forwarding tables should look like this.

First Xbox One with static IP

Port Range Local IP Local Port Protocol
53 53 Both
80 80 Both
88 88 Both
500 500 Both
3074 3074 Both
3544 3544 Both
4500 4500 Both

Second Xbox One with static IP

Port Range Local IP Local Port Protocol
54 53 Both
81 80 Both
89 88 Both
501 500 Both
3075 3074 Both
3545 3544 Both
4501 4500 Both

The science behind this is… well, you can look it up if you really care. Oh, and btw, if you only have one console, this can help you with your NAT difficulties as well. There are other considerations that may cause this not to work for you such as double NAT if you have a modem/router combo from your cable provider and you have your own private router. If this is the case, you likely need to call your ISP and ask them to place your modem/router combo into bridge mode. If this does not resolve your issue you can check out the article here for more solutions.

edit: front-page! I hope this helps out all multiple console family guardians out there!

submitted by /u/hastyspoon
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"The Tale of the Gunslinging Warlock named Titan" or How a Rando made my night

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:15 AM PST

It's been a while since I really got one of those great experiences from Destiny. You know the ones I mean; when you clear VoG the first time, tbag Scrota, go Flawless, and so on. Well, today I wanted to share an encounter with you that really surprised me.

This all happened Friday night. A friend and I were just being silly, trying to two-man the plates to get into the vault. It was slow work. Along came a man. A man, it seemed, who was about his own business but was kind enough to sit on the middle plate for us. The door opens and we invite Titan(XxXx)keepingthisprivateforhim to party/fireteam. Oddly enough he only joins the fireteam. Whatever. It's Vault and I only need to clear a couple checkpoints for those sweet Radiant Energies. Who needs coordination? He'll probably dip once we get to Templar.

Well, then we cleared Confluxes on try 2. At this point we notice some quirks about things he didn't catch, must not have run VoG very often. But then we cleared Oracles, Templar, all just as a three man squad... and with only a wipe or two. Huh.

We make it to the Maze and the first thing we see him do is run into a Gorgon and start shooting it. Crap! A quick message to not shoot those pulls the renegade back into line. While it might be doable, killing the Gorgons is not a wise method when you're just trying to quickly clear checkpoints, especially as a team of 3.

We get passed the jumping puzzle and stop for a pee break. A few messages reveal that 1, he also had to pee and 2, he's only cleared VoG once before... This is outrageous. This guy is a beast. He's been an absolute asset the entire time! And we're still just a team of 3.

We make very short work of the Gatekeeper and on to Aetheon. We realized immediately that we'd need more people for this since none of us knew the path to glitch out of teleportation range. We pull in three more to complete the team so we can help Titan get his second VoG clear and proceed as normal. Welllllllllllllll as things happen and some people, totally not me, choose to be a defender titan and toss mag'nades at Aethon, those nades happen to bounce off a teammate and end up killing me on the island in the middle. Per the norm, everyone bails once the buff wears off and we need to do the teleportation one more time. Except for Titan. I swing my camera around to see what Aethon's doing and instead I get a picturesque view of Titan standing at the front of the island with nothing more than his Trespasser just daring Aetheon to look at him wrong. He picks me up as soon as he can and we both bail to safety and kill Aetheon as soon as the team returns.

tl;dr- From a rando that may or may not bail at any given moment to a No-Guardian-Left-Behind comando, this guy has easily gone down in my group's history as a legend. The sheer confidence he used to roll on the Vault and the Vex were amazing considering he'd only beaten it once before. This guy is a true Cowboy.

A huge thank you to the gunslinging warlock named Titan for giving me and my friends a great experience from what we thought would be a normal Friday evening!

submitted by /u/Ryxeal
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Downing Crota From Inside The Crystal Room

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:21 AM PST

When Crota's End first released, we developed the strat for standing in the left doorway and killing the knights. When Hard Mode dropped, we started using the middle ledge. Because this was safest.

What if you could down Crota without even leaving the crystal room? We found out, you can.

Some questions I'm expecting:

How can you shoot through the windows?

There's a glitch with Quiver that allows you to shoot through thin surfaces. Basically, if the first 2 shots are perfectly stacked onto each other, the third shot will pass through the barrier.

Why did Crota only take 2 hits?

We downed him and put some damage into him prior to the clip because we weren't sure how well this would actually work. It turned out to work great since this was the first attempt.

Why FWC you dirty cultist?

I still want that Fakebringer Wail FeelsBadMan. Also, The Wounded is a monster.

EDIT: I love how this has turned into a FWC weapon discussion post haha. Hope you're all at least enjoying the video!

submitted by /u/A_DVS_NTT
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Throwing Knife Montage

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:17 AM PST

I'm a decent player with less than impressive video editing ability, but i had a lot of fun making this. Cheers to this great community.

submitted by /u/Ogthor
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New wood burning artwork my gf made.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:21 AM PST

I may have formatted my last attempt when updating you all about her work but hopefully this image will do. Her store is up on Etsy and she creates items for other fancies as well. Hope you all have a great week!


submitted by /u/FilthyPaws
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Finally, the Destiny logo is centered on the top banner...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

I can sleep easy again.

submitted by /u/HMJebus
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I wonder if Amanda Holiday will ever sell Slipper Misfits again...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:09 AM PST

Not a Bungie Please post, just wondering out loud...

Of all the items that can be purchased (shaders, emblems, sparrows, and ships) it seems like the only ones that never seem to show up are the Slipper Misfit ships. I have only ever seen one of the three come up for sale and that was well over a year ago.

It's probably just RNG, but I can't help but wonder if they are bugged. It would really be nice to be able to complete my ship collection.

submitted by /u/avpfreak
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To r/DTG'S true hero

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:49 AM PST

He helps you make your media post more accessible

He teaches you his ways

He is u/mblim771_kyle

Thank you for all your efforts and helping everyone, including me, gifvitize our links

You da real mvp. Enjoy the gold

submitted by /u/Ashenlarry
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I found something in the Vault of Glass that I thought was lost forever...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

TL;DR up front: Me and some friends did a VoG run and got that old-fashioned Year 1 feeling of getting an exotic to drop.


Story time...


I'm not a master story teller, so forgive me if this seems mundane... Me and 4 friends decided we wanted to 5-man a VoG run on Friday night for fun. It had been awhile since we ran the Vault, and I was pretty excited to do a raid I hadn't touched in well over 8 months at least. We loaded up our fire team and headed for the gate of the Vault.


I was quickly reminded of just how excellent the Vault of Glass raid really is, and we were having a ton of fun running through it. We made our way in, took the alternate path, to the Templar, got past the Templar, through the maze, and into Atheon's fortress of solitude. Entering that chamber was still breathtaking and intriguing after all this time. The whole vault seems like it goes on forever, you just can't get to the areas just beyond your view. There's an element of mystery with the VoG that is really engrossing.


As we finally felled Atheon, we all ran to the middle of the room to start dancing just for laughs. As we did, THREE of us had the Vex Mythoclast drop! We all started shouting and laughing as all three of us had never gotten it to drop in Year 1. It was such a great moment that seemed like we'd never experience again with the way drops and exotics work now. Three grown men, cheering like kids over a game.


It was almost as if the Vault of Glass still held some things that couldn't be found unless you were in it (Insert Praetorian Foil joke here). It was a really cool moment, and a reminder to me of how rewarding the game can be when rarity is still appreciated.

EDIT: Formatting

submitted by /u/NovaHands
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Tomorrow might be the most hilarious day of Destiny ever.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:25 AM PST

People actually having to use a primary for the first time in their life.

Oh boy the more I play this week the more I'm actually excited for the new special ammo economy. Hopefully the apes can go back to the zoo ;)

submitted by /u/ARMERGENCY
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Might be old news but DIM (Destiny Item Manager) now has a website in beta.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:15 AM PST

This means you can use this on any browser (in theory) including tablets/phones etc.

submitted by /u/un1cr0n1c
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I made a LEGO mini-Gjallarhorn.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:15 PM PST

Edit: Oh hey frontpage! wtf? Thanks a lot!

This is my second account, main account /u/Billisits

(I didn't want my friends to notice I was geeky af lol)

Edit: here's every piece disassembled to show how I made it:

-3 white headlight bricks -1 slotted black tube-ish piece -1 Lone Ranger revolver -1 The One Ring -4 1x1 studs — 3 gold, 1 black -1 dark red 1x1 plate -1 dark gray pair of binoculars -1 white 1x2 clippy thingy -1 1x1 angle-ish bit -1 gold 1x2 plate -1 white 1x2 tile -1 Lone Ranger "BANK" sticker, two floral gold pieces cut out of it and put on each side of the launcher

Thanks again lads!

submitted by /u/LongTomorrow9G
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Public Events and Leveling Alts

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:54 AM PST

This may be common knowledge, but using to source marks for each character quicky is not only efficient but a great way to skip around a planet (or two depending on Light Level and planet/patrols available) and level up charcters with large chunks of XP.

While the marks are only on the first one, the XP is always available and its significant, easily equivalent to a vanguard bounty.

submitted by /u/odyssey67
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Destiny Song Mara Sov Bow to No One

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:48 AM PST

I made a fatal Reddit mistake of posting this at night last week, so I'm posting it again today (Reddit mods, I checked with a mod and they said this was ok, hope it is!)

This is the first Destiny song I've made. As in, I put lyrics to it and there is singing. "Bow to No One" was a track on The Taken King. In my opinion, it ranks up there in one of the prettiest melodies of the entire Destiny Soundtrack. You also hear it creep up in Orbit from time to time.

I really wanted the song to feel like it fit the Destiny universe, stay true to the spirit of Mara Sov ("Mara Sov bows to no one!") yet also be able to apply to life outside of Destiny. The song is a call to action- for guardians to never lose who they are because someone is telling them what to do, never feel controlled, but instead think for themselves and be hopeful- standing and fighting for what is good in the world.

Here is the link to "Bow to No One" on Creations:

LYRICS: Defenders of the light, Steadfast and true, You will see this through. Survivors of the wild, dismissing laws Scholars too, join the cause!

Bow to No One Stand for Hope

Channel the Traveler's light, draw from the void, Dark will be destroyed. Let your fire burn, without a thought, You have been well taught


Find that courage that lies within, And the strength once again. Walk into a rising wind And become legend.

submitted by /u/DesireeBowen
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Range vs Stability, you're auto rifle and you.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:57 AM PST

Edit 3: I want to apologize profusely for the egregious error in the title. your auto rifle, not you're. Unless you are an AR, or something....

I had asked the community last week about auto rifles for stability vs range, since the range rework, and the answers were not definitive, with the same year one opinion of stability mattering more being the prevailing opinion. However I was not satisfied and went about testing some things. - the weapon tuning that changed things.

I went to the New Monarchy and spent enough heavy synths to go up about 26 levels, in order to get some good Assembly II rolls. I had the excellent vendor roll before, and out of the 3-4 I pulled i was lucky to get a counterbalance smallbore one. In testing this weapon in the crucible, I noticed it performing significantly better than the perfect balance one, putting up several solid 2+ kds in the process.

What I think I have discovered and and intend to prove in this post is:

  1. A certain minimum range is needed on an auto rifle for its aim assist to be useful because

  2. Aim assist does not function at all, or at a severely decreased level outside a weapons range.

Here is a clip of me using a rodeo, Doctrine of passing, first in braced frame, then in smallbore. ( I don't own the counterbalance one, only one i didn't get. Thnx RNG :/)

(sorry no gif, Imgur wont convert over 15 seconds)

As you can see, It performs at a much higher level with smallbore on it. The reason for this is when the auto rifle has more range, the aim assist makes more bullets hit, but more importantly it keeps the reticle on target despite being under fire. The biggest issue I have been having on braced frame on my Dop and arminius-d braced frame counterbalance is I can't keep on target under fire. However with the increased range, the stickiness is incredible.

Here is a video of me testing my perfect balance Assembly II.

As you can see there's not much stickiness to it. The gun has no trouble climbing off target. Doesn't follow a running target well.

Here's a gif of me using the smallbore version, exact same sights and perks. It was surprisingly accurate and I accidentally killed him.

And here's where I fail you all. I redid the test above, and for some reason my ps4 didn't save. So I am sitting here this morning having failed you, and no time to retest this. If you believe me, the test did go better with the smallbore gun, but I can't prove it. Lame I know.

Next set of tests I did was my smallbore counterbalance bent tree vs a braced frame counterbalance bent tree. (Iron banner auto rifle for those who don't know.) I challenged my testing partner to a 1v1 auto rifles only. I won 90% of the fights, easily with the smallbore version. Here's an example.

As you can see, I could stay on target perfectly while he was having considerable issues.

Something I did not record, but did notice, was in engagements beyond either of our guns intended range, we would always split. Basically our dmg falloff was the same, and neither of us had the aim assist advantage, resulting in splits.

This led to some more interesting auto on auto testing. He kept his braced frame unbent tree and I took out the hex caster arc. I have the just about best pvp roll there is at perfect balance and persistence. Hex caster cannot roll braced frame or counterbalance, but it can roll smallbore. The interesting thing about the hex caster arc and soulstealer's claw is neither can get braced frame, but both have a much higher base range at 24, compared to the doctrine, arminius-d, unbent tree and assembly II at 13-16 range. Here's the video of that matchup.

(no gif, again longer than 15 seconds....0)

The gun works so much better than expected. Staying on target and melting the braced frame weapon, despite not having counterbalance, something that is usually required for this archetype of auto. Not only is the aim assist making bullets hit, but it created a stickiness under fire that the unbent tree cannot replicate.

So based on my testing, I think there is a third component to how the accuracy cone graph works, and that's aim assist range.

Here's a shitty drawing I made in MS paint.

The bottom image has more range, and as a result, a narrower cone. What also changes, something not discussed very much, the vertical line marking aim assist effective range gets pushed out farther than before. Making your stickiness on targets much more effective at medium ranges.

To extend the theory farther, I think this mechanic is a significant contributing factor to the "ghost bullets" effect. On lower range HC's the accuracy cone is too large, but to further exacerbate the problem, the aim assist ceases to function or functions at a much lower level. Making the lowest impact and lowest range handcannons, despite them having 80-90 aim assist, still just have bullets miss at medium ranges. Because of this design choice, I think ghost bullets are always going to be an issue if you contest outside of your range stats capability.

For auto rifles, it appears to me that a range of at least about 20 is going to be needed for medium engagements, and more range for aim assist at further engagements. This makes smallbore and rifled barrel very attractive choices on weapons that have enough stability, or have counterbalance.

Looking at the stats of weapons, I imagine the best 100 Rof auto rifle is the soulstealer's claw, from varicks rank up packages, oas, perfect balance or smallbore, and counterbalance. Its base range is at 24, high enough for medium engagements, and it has a very good aim assist at 80. Only 3 less than the highest in the game Assembly III. I have not tested yet, but I do own the rifled barrel, counterbalance arminius -D, this gun may be a very stong contender after the patch.

TLDR: Aim assist only functions up to a range based on the range stat. I think you need at least 20 range for medium engagements, make sure your auto rifle has at least this much range to it to function at a high level.

Edit: I had to rush off the work, so I didn't proofread, so if anything is wonky, sorry. I also wanted to say thank you to PSN user TriplePattyMelt, my brother (who does not use reddit) for the time and patience helping me make this, and to reddit user /u/Mblim771_Kyle for showing me how to make gifvs and the ones he provides to the community.

I also want to stress that this is preliminary testing. There are too many variables that need testing, and I hope that a youtuber/streamer or reddit user who has more time than me can take this testing farther.

Edit2: bonus clip, bonecrusher with rifled barrel and rangefinder. Its the slower Rof so it needs little stability. The dmg falloff range is insane with this roll, might make you look at some higher range machine guns.

submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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Hey, you told me you were not good at ToO...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:59 AM PST

Here is a "feel good" post to hopefully even out the salt posts. I'm also not a writer, just a blue collar middle aged dude that has a family and plays Destiny for an escape, so please if anyone is reading this bear with my story telling and grammar. I play Destiny to chill and relax. I usually have a couple of beers or something else to help me unwind and play a raid, strike, quest, bounty, etc. I dare not step in the world of PvP unless it's IB for the sweet high light loot. I don't get sweaty, competitive or really care about k/d, guns specs, load outs, or character builds. I just like to shoot things with guns. Trials is my least favorite thing about Destiny. NOT because of all the salt towards the meta or something that I over hear from my PvP buddies or what I read on Reddit. I don't like Trials because I literally get my shit pushed in and get curb stomped. It's not fun and I get frustrated. I would rather jump in a raid, claim a side to shoot the nerds and pick up and throw the things. Stuff like that. I also really enjoy completing these Record Books that Destiny has implemented. So, with the latest update last fall with the Rise of Iron I was given this pretty shiny new book to complete. And then I look at all the stuff I have to do, not bad…not bad, I can do this. Some stuff with crucible is ok, I guess. I can muster through. And then I see the last item on the list. The Golden Ticket. Ahhhh…fuck me sideways. This is gonna suck. I saved this item for last. Two weeks ago I finished the WotM on heroic and completed the last exotic quest almost at the same time. So now I only have one more item to complete and I get that sweet new emblem from the record book. I like emblems. I like emblems and shaders, because yeah, those make a huge difference when playing the game. Ammirite??? So, now I have to convince my PvP friends to carry me through a couple ToO cards and try to not waste their time. My friends put a lot of time and effort on improving their skills to become better as a team to play ToO. I just want an emblem. I don't think it's fair for me to ask them to waste their time to just lose some matches to help me complete some category for my sweet emblem. So I decide to use my go to and post my predicament on LFG. LFG Post: Old adult, very chill, just want to complete a couple cards for RoI Golden Ticket. I wait for an invite. I get a message "1 for trials?" I reply with "sure, fyi…I'm NOT good". And his response was "yeah, I'm not good either". Perfect. A nice chill guy that I can knock out a quick card. Maybe we can find someone else or this guy might have a friend. I join his party and he informs me that he has a friend that wants to join. Perfect, 1 card down and then 4 more completions for that suh-weet emblem from the RoI record book! I join these two guys who tell me that they have been playing since day 1 and have been to 8 wins together countless times. But have never been able to get over that proverbial hump and make it to the Light House. Which is about 3 more wins than I have ever been. After our first round I find myself with two dudes that aren't good at all. They are not even close to being good. They were probably good on day 1. Now 3 years in…and they are FUCKING AMAZING! That first round I didn't even get to shoot before the team was obliterated. The second round comes and goes with both these guys just going HAM on the other team. Another round comes and goes with snipes and shotgun/jumping from a GODs. Then we hit a snag, oh well, one of the guys just decides pops his blade dance and wipes the team in seconds. Same with the next round. Hammers be flying all over the place to secure the win. We get to the final round and potential 9 wins. Now I'm sweating, heart pounding, and hands shaking. Not because I have been working to get to this point for three years, but because that I could be the reason why these two guys aren't able to reach their quest since day one to reach the pinnacle of Pvp…the Light House. I didn't want to be the reason that these two guys talk about days and weeks later…that if they had ANYBODY with two thumbs could easily get this last win. I honestly could care less for my sake. I have zero aspirations to make it to the Light House, mainly because I wrote it off as an unreachable fantasy. During this trials run, these two guys are very chill, very cool, they were fine with my bad tethers and muffled mic. They pulled me through these rounds like it was a walk in the park and made me feel like I was actually doing something…fyi…I was just trying not to get shot and be able to revive. These PvP monsters were not only very freaking good at the game, but even better dudes to play with. I wouldn't mind having some beers and wings and bullshit about the game or everyday events. So last round we win pretty easily, from my perspective. 9 wins! Hells yeah! I helped these guys to 9 wins! Right? Oh, how naïve I am. I had zero clue that I was scooped up by two Twitch streamers that love to help out the Destiny community and do these secret carries. These two awesome people get unsuspected PvP novices, like myself, that have never been or have any aspirations to make it to the Light House without them knowing what the fuck is going on. I want to reach out and thank two outstanding Destiny players and even better humans joshA0601 and Snugglethugg for being these two BEASTS at Trials and give them some credit and recognition. Thank you from an old dude that loves this game. You made something that I gave little notice to and made it the event of my life within the Destiny world. Those of you out there that read Reddit with all its salt and negativity about the meta, weapon balancing, Trials is or the raid. Don't get discouraged, turn that negativity into something awesomely positive like josh and snugg. Thank you again boys for that awesome experience. My wife…well she still isn't impressed. The salt with her is real.

submitted by /u/NAVYpenguln
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Slippery Exotic Armor

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:27 AM PST

Today I played against a fireteam in the crucible that consists of sunsinger warlocks and their strategy was to use fusion grenades heavily, as I was thinking about how to encounter this gameplay style an idea came to my mind! What if there was an Exotic Armor that deattach stickies! kind of a slippery Armor.

What do you think /DTG?


submitted by /u/TheMarow
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About the Destiny fanbase...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:11 AM PST

I have played a lot of stuff in my life, but I have never ever found a community that has this much love for a game like we do.

I`m mostly a lurker, but in my two and a half years of Destiny experience I have seen coping stories, couples forming (and some breaking up), incredible pieces of art and things that made me laugh my head off, and most of it here in this subreddit.

Of course, we do have our tryhards and sweaty players, but even that doesn't detract from the sense of community that this subreddit has.

Thank you guys, it's been an amazing journey - you guys make players like me keep coming back for more, even in the drought season.

submitted by /u/Akravator91
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[Towerthought] I never thought I'd get to the point where I would dismantle Max LL artifacts...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:38 AM PST

With the amount that we can get now and how few were readily available in TTK era, I still worry every time I dismantle another blue 400LL artifact.

What about you guys?

submitted by /u/ItsDanniey1
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Finally went flawless yesterday for the first time..

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:12 PM PST

After 3 years of struggling in ToO, facing streamers and people doing carries, I went flawless with my buddy and a girl we met off of LFG the other night. I'm still getting chills remembering the final moments of game 9, it was 4-4. And yes, we ran into someone who was streaming carries. But hey, "money back guarantee", amirite...?

I took a few pics out of excitement

I think they'll make great wallpapers.

Edit - I dont have the best stats either lol. Guess we just had a lucky night. My xbox GT is Flackaveli HD if you wanna see my stats for proof

It shows a ton of losses from yesterdays matches i tried going flawless with a different team, but obviously didnt work lol. But if you look at AlcoTheAwesome's wins, the 7 wins were from the night we went flawless.

submitted by /u/Flackaveli
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Bungie Talks at GDC 2017

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Game Developer's Conference (GDC) 2017 is two weeks out and their schedule is mostly settled. A quick search reveals that there will be two Destiny-relevant talks:

The former is likely to be highly technical, focusing more on the nitty gritty details of how the shader system works with the graphics engine. The latter is more approachable, focusing on how game devs thread in audio development.

submitted by /u/silvashadez
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new player question

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:42 AM PST

Hey i am playing the free trail on Xbox one and am thinking of buying the full collection. As i'm coming to the game pretty late i'm wondering how the new player experience is. I don't want to spend £50 on a game in which i will just be annoying other players. Sorry if i'm asking a question which has been asked and answered hundreds of times already.

submitted by /u/heroicerror
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Get Down Mr. President!!!...Get Down Mr. President!!!...Get Down Mr. President!!!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:03 PM PST

You started off as my extra vault space, but now I can't quit you Exo Hunter.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:46 AM PST

I admit I felt sort of bad creating a Hunter as my 3rd character solely to solve my vault space problem. I even cheated and equipped the no-LL Gally I had at 390 to cheese my way thru the opening missions. But then, the idea of using all the y1 legendary weapons to go thru the game again seemed interesting (I never did the raids with my 1st character as I was solo most of the time, and had level 40 spark for my Titan), so I was bored one day and gave it a go. Gunslinger was really fun to use and leveling was easy running VIP patrols and breezing thru missions. Heck, even Crucible was fun with the Strangers Rifle and Vestian Dynasty.

Then, the frabjous cloaks started raining down; Octopus, Squid Pro Quo, Fruminous. They looked so cool and fashionable on my lady Exo, yet still badass. Then, I hit level 40 and unlocked the Nightstalker, and now I find myself playing my Hunter more than any other character. Smoke bombs, shadesteps, tethers, oh my! I apologize to all the Hunters who I looked down upon, I was but a naive man but now I see the light. Voidlock and Defender are still great, but Nightstalker Hunter has brought new life to the game for me.

TL;DR: I created Hunter solely for Vault space, then got pulled in by Gunslinger and fell in love with Nightstalker, and now I can't stop playing as my Hunter. My bad Hunters please forgive me!

submitted by /u/tjhksig
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