DayZ - This is why I still play DayZ...

This is why I still play DayZ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:59 PM PST

[Stable update] 0.61.137741 to Stable

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:27 AM PST

Notes should have a different look

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:36 AM PST

When they worked, I loved writing notes. The issue being no one would ever read them because they look like every other piece of paper from ammo boxes. Notes should either have the paper look visibly different, with lines to represent the writing or a different model. Maybe then pens might be useful loot.

submitted by /u/Uncuepa
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Rockets dun gud

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:46 PM PST

Stable servers down just now?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:25 AM PST

Can only find exp. servers.

submitted by /u/BogusNL
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Barrel and Tent Persistence .61 - Experiment Results: 52 Days

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:41 PM PST

tldr - Barrel and tent persistence is somewhere between 52 and 55 days in .61 if they are not "interacted with, assuming the server doesn't get wiped before then.

Stable .61 was released on Dec. 19. 2016 and during the first 2 days I set up camps on 2 public servers with 3 blue tents and 3 barrels (also coincidentally blue). I kept 1 barrel and 1 tent for testing persistence and didn't "interact" with them by adding or moving items inside them. I "interacted" with 1 barrel and 1 tent roughly every 2 weeks, and with the third set I emptied and packed/lifted and replaced after about 30 days.

I haven't played much .61 after the first couple weeks, but I checked in on my "experiment" a couple times a week. On Feb 9, everything was unchanged for 52 (or maybe 53) days. Today, Feb 12, the barrel and tent that were not interacted with are gone. They were on different servers in the same location as other tents and barrels. Everything that was interacted with still is unchanged, so i am confident that nobody found the camps and that the untouched barrel and tent despawned some time between day 52 and 55.

I also have a protector case and military tent on a third server, not "interacted" with, which has persisted for 47 days. I expect it to despawn later this week.

submitted by /u/JimRockfish
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Question. Does anyone know if you can find out what items are currently spawning in game?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:39 AM PST

Wolves are terrifying

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:49 PM PST

So two things on my way to the Kamensk military base:

1) I'm nearing Gvozdno. I look across the field and see a bunch of deer running. That's a rare sight, I think to myself. Then I think, wait, what are they running from? I scan the horizon and see a pack of wolves crest the ridge chasing the rest of the deer. Crapping my pants I book it to the nearest shed to hide.

2) Creeping into the Kamensk military base I take out a zombie or two stealthily. Being very careful. All the sudden a wolf pack emerges from the trees right in front of me, I panic, shoot my shotgun, which does nothing except alert every zombie in the base that shit's going down. I somehow run between the barracks buildings and manage to trap myself inside a cargo container just in time. As of now, I'm surrounded by a pack of wolves doing battle with every zombie in the base.

Have any scary wolf pack moments?

submitted by /u/HPLovecraftian
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DayZ Standalone - Northern PVP #7

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:12 AM PST

Comrade Natalya Homecoming - Western NATO devils prowling the land [11:29]

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:07 AM PST

Will there ever be a reason not to shoot other players?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:22 PM PST

I read the bi-weekly devblogs and have been keeping up with the progress of the Standalone, but I was wondering if there will ever be an incentive not shoot other players. Currently the only reason not to kill someone is out of the goodness of your own heart, or because you are on a server which enforces no-KOS rules, which is exactly the opposite of what DayZ is about. I know KOS is a part of DayZ, in fact, without KOS this game would be absolutely meaningless in my honest opinion. I've heard that the devs have confirmed that humanity will never make a comeback (not in the vanilla game, at the very least) and I'm still disappointed in their decision because in my opinion, the humanity system was one of the best parts about the mod. I feel the game has a lot of potential but the gameplay is very shallow due to the lack of any reason NOT to shoot on sight. Killing on sight is by far the safest and easiest way to play the game, but it makes the game into a PvP centered game, rather than a player-interaction based one.

I know something like the humanity system was VERY unrealistic, but in my opinion it really added to the game and made it so that your choices held a lot more weight. It allowed people who wanted to KOS to do just that, but at the same time allowed other players the benefit of at least letting them know that that player is not to be trusted. I feel that if the humanity system was improved so skins (hero, bandit, survivor) were not so easy to exploit (blood bagging your buddy over and over, etc.) it would be huge step towards making the gameplay less about shooting everyone and more about surviving. The game in it's current state seems more like an open-world deathmatch which is not what the original DayZ mod was about.

submitted by /u/BenRekt
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Can we please get a sticky telling exactly what the persistence timers are for container objects for both stable and experimental, directly sourced from the developers and 100% accurate?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:46 AM PST

Because I find it highly irritating when I want to figure out if my barrel is still there and it might or might not be until I look for it, like Schroedinger's cat in a box. This also should account for bugs. If there is a bug where barrels are broken, it should say so.

submitted by /u/JeffyParker
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Unlikely Alliance

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:38 PM PST


Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

Why am I only able to play on experimental servers? How can I fix this?

submitted by /u/WeWantEazy
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST

Humans of Chernarus #6

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:16 AM PST

DayZ Standalone Top 3 Plays - Week 34

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

A message to a french guy (bisou & itape?) & an awesome story!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:43 AM PST

So after dying twice in berezino on the bambiland2 server, I got kinda fed up and actually wanted to close the game, but I decided to see where I d spawn. I spawned in Kamyshovo and immediately ran to the police station (as I know there s people camping in there usually).

No on there so I ran into a house where I heard voices coming from.. There were 3 people in the house, 2 french guys and one random guy. So we sat in there for a while and talked a bit, then ran around in kamyshovo until we finally decided to move towards elektro. In the meantime we also got to know two other guys that travelled with us (one guy with red doctors outfit + his friend called lauren)

No one of us actually had any proper gear except the two french guys (their names were bisou? and "itape" or something similiar) but they protected us against all zombies/possible players.

After we arrived in elektro Lauren and the red doctor guy turned on the french guys and ran away after one of the french guys nearly shot them. So then it was only the frenchies and me left and we decided to run towards military base in the north. After 1 minute though one of the two guys (bisou?) told me he has a "chipped leg" and he didn't know the meaning of it.. so I explained to him that he just needed a splint to cure it and crafted one for him. Then he told me he also has hypothermia and we immediately lit a fire so he d survive.. after a few minutes he told me that he s not hypothermic anymore but only cold and he has to go offline now.. I was kinda "meh", initially thinking our journey would continue.

But he said "before I disconnect, I got a present for you".. he dropped me all his gear including his ak + ammo and thanked me several times because without me he wouldnt have survived..

We then waved goodbye to each other and I ran towards cherno.

After about 2 minutes, thinking about what cool experience I just had in the past 30 minutes, suddendly someone shot at me with a big sniper from the northern rocks.. gladly he missed but it was close.. (I was on the main road from Elektro to Cherno on the height of the lighthouse) The thing is, it was totally foggy on the server and they couldnt see shit up there .. So I decided to go up there and see what s happening..

I quickly ran up the hill towards the rocks and suddenly there s a guy with a ghillie head sitting in a tree in front of me, we had a quick firefight and he went down.. since his body rolled down I couldnt loot him.. so I decided to quickly relog onto the server. When I relogged, I realized that he probably wasn't alone so I checked for other people around the area. (Yeah I know, should ve never logged out before checking if he had any friends close..) Just 15meters away from the body I found his friend lying on the ground aiming at me.. I ran away to get further up, waited a little bit and moved forward slowly. When I was above the guy I shot before, I saw his friend sitting next to him, trying to bandage the one on the ground. I killed him with two quick headshots and checked the pulse of the first guy I shot (who I thought was dead) and the check pulse function said "X has an extremely weak pulse" - so he indeed was still alive! finalized him as well and started looting..

Turned out, they were super dupers and not only had a winchester + fal, they also had around 200 winchester rounds + fal mags, pristine plate carrier with fnx and so much more...

Here s a few screenshots of what my character looks like right now: screenshots to be added when I'm on my computer again

Sorry for the wall of text, it was just one of the coolest stories that ever happened to me in my 1,3k hours.. :) (especially after countless hours of nonsense pvp in berezino.. that I do enjoy.. most of the time :P )

exactly this is what makes dayZ so exciting! Thanks again, my french friend! (Bisou ? :D)

TL;DR: randomly teamed up with guys I met in kamy, helped one of them to survive, out of thankfulness he gave me all of his gear and I killed 2 dupers minutes after that.

submitted by /u/mukkeeee
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Does anyone know if you can make a back pack out of the cow pelt and if so how?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:05 AM PST

Saving a Friend with Bow and Arrow [4:37]

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:25 PM PST

Pavlovo Military Base

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:16 PM PST

Is Pavlovian Mil base any good in .61? Does it spawn decent gear and is it worth going to?

submitted by /u/IlyaChudin
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Trouble using in-game map

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:30 PM PST

Hello survivors. Feels like I've been blowing up r/dayz lately, please forgive me.

My question is how to use ingame map? I have it bound to 4th slot, but can't seem to make it "pop up".

I also have Map bound to 'M' but that does nothing.

submitted by /u/HookItToMyVeins
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