DayZ - Prison Island looks awfully mysterious today! - (Screenshot)

Prison Island looks awfully mysterious today! - (Screenshot)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:05 AM PST

Player collision sound concept from 2014

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:55 AM PST

My daughter just drew me a DAyZ picture

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

DayZ's scale scares me sometimes.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:40 AM PST

The Haunted Rooftops of Polana

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:45 AM PST

Let's talk more about animations. Which animation would you like to see the most?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:48 AM PST

Most of you like to say good sound/audio system is half of the game. I agree with that. The same we can say about animations. We all know and we all waiting for new player controller which will gives us more animations and control over character. I am very excited about this and I can't wait. Devs already give us some examples and animations what player controller will bring new to the game. But that's not enough for me and that's why I decide to post a new topic about animations.

Right know Dayz has very little animations.

  • Wave animation (F1)
  • Put your hands up (surrender) (F2)
  • Sit down (F3)
  • Taunt (Flip off) With fists up, makes heart symbol (F4)
  • Clap (F5)
  • Point (F6)
  • Thumbs up (F7)
  • Facepalm (F8)
  • Shhhh! (F9)
  • Taunt (Cut throat) (F10)
  • Suicide (F11)
  • Salute
  • Eat, drink animations
  • Reload animations
  • Jump animation (zombies)
  • Jump animation (humans)

Devs already shows us some new animation that will come with new player controller:

And which animations would you like to see to be added? This is my list:

submitted by /u/kevo141414
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Helmets Do Work

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:05 PM PST

Well just been at NWAF and i killed one guy but he had a friend i didnt know about, that guy had a SVD and when i was running away from looting his friends he shoots me in the head go straight uncon wake back up, check my gear to see nothing was ruined and hovered over the helmet to see that it was ruined. Wear helmets guys.

submitted by /u/MrPeanuT_1
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Cant join a specific server

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:38 AM PST

Hey guys!

I cant join the UK Alliance 3rd person server.. I can join any other server but that one.. Gets stuck on the loading screen. What should i do?


submitted by /u/EPOKslim
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I did the same thing that guy did a couple hours ago, Scales man.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:58 PM PST

A day in DayZ, My journey.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:09 AM PST

Subject: A Day in DayZ Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 16:23

Hey guys,

Gonna give you a little something to read about the journey I just had in DayZ. Hope you enjoy!

So I spawned in, near Tisy a town deep north west, were I logged out the other day, decided I'd go check out the new military tents and see what I could find, got myself an AUG to go with my AK74U sidearm, plenty of ammo and looking pretty cool, with a full military kit and a Hunting backpack, all of a sudden I hear someone breathing in the tent next to me (heart starts pumping) I didn't say anything but I saw him before he saw me, I decided to spray down the tent, that was my first mistake as now I had mega zombies on me and gave away my position, so I took down the zombies and then pulled out my AK74U and pursed the other survivor, he was still in the tent and I could see through the window that he was bandaging, so I guess I must of hit him, this was my time, I stormed in and took him out, I then bandaged myself as I was bleeding badly from the zombie attack, this was my second mistake, theres always 2 right?.. right, I heard his friend running over and I managed to cancel bandaging and take out my AK74U again, we kill traded (well so I thought) I was unconcious and I figured he was too, I came back and was tied up with 3 survivors, yes 3 of them crouched around me, I began to abuse them and call them not so nice things, so they would kill me and I could get back on the coast and start again!

So I spawned in near Berezino I large town on the east coast, I began looting, found some cool stuff a .22 Sporter with a mag, also came across a Makarov pistol and some ammo, then also found a mag for it.. I thought I'd check out the new couple of military tents between Gorka and Berezino, I found a nice jacket and some more .22 ammo in a car, I heard footsteps again, but very slow so instinctivley I assumed it was a zombie.. WRONG, I had a dude lining me up from outside the walls next to a van so I wipped out me Sporter and engaged in a battle with them, picking up the Sporter paid off (not something I'd normally grab, but it had a mag) and I got him, this time I waited a bit to see if he had a friend, he didn't I looted the dead corpse, I got some cool pants and some bandages and went on my way. I checked out Gorka a town NW from Berezino for some food and got hydrated from a water well and proceeded on my journey to to Stary Sobor further west, this is were it gets fun. So I decided I'd flank around and approach the military compound from the west, got myself up on high ground and scoped out the area with a hunting scope I found in a hunting stand, well well, looky here, I see a chap bashing up zombies bare fisted lol, I continued to watch for a little while to see if they were going to kill him. A minute or so passed and he had somehow successfully defended himself with out making a sound, but little does he know that I didn't need to hear anything for me to know where he was. So I pushed north to get right up on top of Stary hill, not knowing his exact location at this point I was checking everywhere to see if I could catch a glimpse of movement, I pulled out the trusty .22 Sporter ready for action, and BAM I spotted him, laying prone in a bush overlooking the military compound, this instantly makes me think there is 2 survivors here. I crept up on him very slowly with my eye constantly on him, I got about 25m away and started firing, he didn't get up, clean shooting, got him first go. Again I waited to see if there was a second, and my gut instinct was right, his mate was heading in from the west, bright blue mountain bag and yellow fireman jacket (not so subtle). He quite literally ran straight at me and he was an easy take down.. I moved over and started looting the bodies, but rookie error, I didn't finish the 2nd guy off and HE WAKES UP mid loot and starts running away with no pants on, at this stage I'm full of adrenaline and my heart is going a thousand bpm, I whip out the .22 and unload the clip, he drops like a bag of spuds. I continued looting the corpses made sure I hid them, but then as I'm relocating I catch in the corner of my eye yet another survivor running towards the lookout tower at the top of the hill, at this stage I've upgraded to a .357 Repeater and heaps of Makarov 380 auto ammo, he see's me too and hides behind a tree, at this stage I have position on him and have him lined up in my iron sights. He decides to engage in a conversation with me starting with "Hello" I replied with "So bud, how do you want to do this?" He says nothing, so I speak again "I'm happy to run seperate ways" This time he responds with "I'm happy with that, I'm going to go this way" And he took off. I wasn't convinced so I hung around for about a minute or so to see what his motives were. After a minute I didn't see him and took off. About 2 minutes later I hear a gunfight maybe 500m away (sounds fucking awesome now with the latest sound updates). I assumed it was the friendly, but didn't pursue it and made my way to the North West Airfield.

I made it there after a small bit of looting and something to eat and drink to get my levels back up and of course taking out some zombies along the way. First thing I noticed was the camouflage jail building doors are closed which is unusual, I thought stuff it, I'll go check it out, I got out my newly aquired Repeater and went in, I peaked around the corner and saw (and heard) 2 full military kitted guys ready to take me down. One guy decides to run down the stairs and take me on, fucking deleted this bloke from the internet, one shot head shot, it was glorious. In a panic and ran back outside and had about 30 fucking zombies chasing me, I figured all I could do is go back in the jail and try my luck against the 2nd guy, otherwise I was dead anyway. I belted back in there and closed the door, my breathing was a dead give away that i was sitting down stairs, I tried to peak around the corner, but he had an M4 and that was the end of me. What a blast man!

This took place over about 3 and a half hours, That's a lot of action for that time. One of the best lone wolf experiences I've had on DayZ.


submitted by /u/phunkk
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Intense active shooter negotiations in Berezino DayZ

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:29 AM PST

How's the game coming along?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:04 AM PST

I haven't played for over 6 months. Is it worth coming back? Game seems dead.

submitted by /u/KnownHavoc
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Few Screenshots from a adventurer. | I love these.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

Some .22 chambered Sporter fun! Was a laugh. Hope you guys enjoy!!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:36 AM PST

DayZ Standalone really is beautiful! - You know.. Except for all the killing and cannibalism.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:52 AM PST

Ever wonder what the rest of Chernarus would look like if you based it on the corresponding IRL areas of the Czech Republic? I made a rough mockup last night.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:43 AM PST

Home, Rain, Fireplace and a Magnum. What else could I need?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:50 AM PST

Check out my new video and tell me what you think

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST

Two years ago today this confused the hell out of me. Good times.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:11 AM PST


Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:28 AM PST

250+ hrs solo play tired of getting 1v3'd north does anybody want to team in a few hours? steam name: Uzomabob

Add me and message me I cant add for some reason.

submitted by /u/h2uh
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I5-6287U + eGPU, anyone running on something similar?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:21 AM PST

Weighing up my next purchase and it might need to be a laptop - would rather get the smallest laptop possible (if I have to take it places) and plug in a eGPU and a screen for when at home and gaming.

Anyone have any experience with a similar set up? How does .60+ run on laptops these days (I ran .55 on a laptop and got 9-25fps)?

Is DayZ still mostly CPU dependent (haven't heard much about this recently)?

I do have a "gaming PC" too in another room (which I use for controller based games) before folks chime in with "you should just buy a desktop for less if you want to play games". I just need a new work machine and it may need to be a laptop which will replace my work machine which I play DayZ on.

submitted by /u/Eightarmedpet
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Over 900M shot hits player! Pretty proud of myself too be honest ;)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:17 PM PST

Is there a way to repair scopes in DayZ?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:15 PM PST

Do some thinking

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:24 AM PST

  • The proportionality of the maps size and how easy you get unconscious after getting sick is .. sick. You have to run 30 minutes to get some antibiotics and you get unconscious after 10 minutes.
  • You lose blood for being sick. Realistic my ass.
  • The playe has no immune system. You get sick to easily.
  • The zombies always manage to hit your carotid artery. Do you hear how silly this sounds?
  • You cant parry a zombie so as soon as you get close to one you will start to rain blood. And yea, they run thorough walls. Nothing of this is suitable for a map of this size. Maybe if you dont have a life and can play the game 8 hours a day.
  • When I want to climb a ladder I have to aim at the right spot. And when I'm at the top I'm floating.
  • The transition between animations is terrible. No flow at all. It is like the players had arthrodeses performed on him self.
submitted by /u/Stalkarn07
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