Civilization - I posted an art tribute to Civ 6 a while back, and not only did a Civ developer buy a copy, but Firaxis sent me a copy of the game signed by the dev team!

I posted an art tribute to Civ 6 a while back, and not only did a Civ developer buy a copy, but Firaxis sent me a copy of the game signed by the dev team!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:16 AM PST

[Civ V] What would it take to get open borders?...Ok fuck you too Alexander

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:45 PM PST

Civ VI - 120 days in - Where is SDK, Steam Mod Support, Multiplayer teams?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:18 PM PST

Its now 120 days since Civ VI launched. Prior to launch Firaxis promised we would have certain features that have still not been added to the game.

Its worth noting that the Civ V SDK came out a week after the game did.

Firaxis has given us a $5 scenario pack instead of something they promised.

submitted by /u/Nexus001
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200k Great People! I present, r/civ in 10 years.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:49 PM PST

Top-notch road planning lads

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:56 PM PST

How long has it been since you built an Aerodrome?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

And did you build it because you needed air units? Or did you build it because you wanted to play with air units for the fun of it?

I personally think Aerodromes are woefully underutilized in the game right now. As is, they're only useful for military endeavors, and the AI isn't putting up much of a fight on that front.

I would like to see a third district building for Aerodromes (or an either/or second building if there's no room for a third) that either A) increases Tourism for the city in which it's built (a Hotel works well enough), or B) increases Gold for the city in which it's built (Cargo Planes are an integral part of modern economy).

If you have any other ideas on how Aerodromes can be improved or how non-Domination players can be incentivized to build them feel free to post them here.

submitted by /u/goboking
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Sweet little canal system to protect my domestic trade routes

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:14 AM PST

Thanks to Japan, I lost my first Civ VI game

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:56 PM PST

Firaxis, if you read this...

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:42 PM PST

... please, hear me out what I would like to see in an expansion:

First the absolute obvious:

Balanced production and technology-progress (if this can't already be done within Civ6 vanilla features).

speaking of which: Improved tech-tree Which means more unit upgrades. And I should not be able to have a Communist state with Democratic policies!

New and improved victory condition(s) New Diplomatic victory and improved go-to-Mars-fo-real Science victory and Ideology-which-actually-matters Cultural Victory. Link ideology with cultural pressure like you did in Civ5. Let me get involved with my Mars colony.

Reworked religion so it's viable in multiplayer, or remove religious victory.

Yes, yes, World Congress

Improved district system Allow cities to specialize (while allowing cities also not to) so they can develop a personality so you grow to care for them. I want to see religious mekka style cities and industrious harbour Aberdeen style cities.

... then the not so obvious:

DARKER Civ Civ has always had a optimistic tone, which I enjoy. However, if Freud and Jung ever taught us one thing it is that humans are both heroes AND monsters, and I would much prefer if this was reflected in the game. The closest we have to a monster is the literal joke of nuke-happy Gandhi, but I want to see tile improvements such as death-camps and slave-camps, and policies way more brutal than "police-state". And I would like all of this to feel substantially darker to play gameplay wise, and not just be a flavor text over a simple production-boost. A part of people just want to have quiet peace, but another part of people JUST WANT TO SEE THE WORLD BURN and this should be allowed just the same amount of gameplay space. I want to see REAL evil empires, with REAL gameplay consequences, and with this you could add Hitler and Stalin as leaders (expansion name: Civ6: The Brute Within/Et tu, Brute?). If you add Evil to the game you also add a greater depth to the Good. Every Hero needs a Dragon, and the greater the dragon the greater the hero.

Late-game PvE threats (ala-alpha Centauri. "The world fights back" or "The world falls apart", Rising waterlevels, epidemics, AI-uprising etc. But make them a serious threat which can't be ignored which in turn forces desperate alliances).

More future tech for the hyper-late game Giant killer robots ala-Iron Giant or Metal Gear (or even a weapon to surpass Metal Gear). Water cities?

Improved Government system Policies should be linked to the Government type, and not stack like a pile of damn cards. Right now you are making a mistake if you build or do something without having a discount from policy cards, which i don't like. Governments need to feel more specialized and distinct, apart from the passive bonus and slot type. Make governments have different real game-mechanic differences and not just statistical boosts.

submitted by /u/Ebbwinn
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Did anyone else just get a 16.1mb update?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:03 AM PST

Would love to know what it changed, sadly there's no log, or any note of it on any of the forums.

submitted by /u/Manannin
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In advanced setup, you can select the type of resources in your world, with one option being "legendary start"

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:52 AM PST

If there was an option for "perfect start" what would it look like?

submitted by /u/Zoidbrg
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How do alliances affect warmonger penalties in civ6?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:35 PM PST

Hmm, new dlc next week?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:24 AM PST


I been looking at Civ DB on steam, the site is simply known as SteamDB and some know stuff was added to the DLC folder a day ago under their name Madrid.

I was informed by a modder on Twitch known as HellBlazer =)

Link to his Twitch:

Link to SteamDB civ folder here:

Speculations are up for discussion =)


Greetings Annanasboy

submitted by /u/Lillzeb
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Most fun civ? (Civ 6)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:42 AM PST

I'm not looking for the best civs but which ones are the most fun to play as in Civ 6.

submitted by /u/TuxedoPenguinJr
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Best Place to get Full Civ VI Soundtrack?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST

I would happily buy the soundtrack from Itunes if it wasn't for the fact that it has barely half the songs featured in the game (no main menu theme, seriously?). Soooo have they got a bigger soundtrack on availible on the Civ VI website or am I just gonna have to try and rip the files from the game? Again would rather pay Geoff Knorr for his amazing work but Friaxis doesn't seem to want to let me :(

submitted by /u/GFPP4
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Is it possible to get the Civilization Box Art without "Civilization VI" written on it

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:11 PM PST

As the title says, I really like the Box art of the game and would like to make it my desktop background. Unfortunately, I think having Civilization VI on it ruins it as a computer wallpaper If anyone could direct me to a version without the writing, or edit it out for me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Lightesthook1
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Why Can't I Swap This Tile?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:04 PM PST

Civ VI unplayable after update

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:03 PM PST

I just played the game yesterday, but I downloaded a small update today before playing, and I can't load into a game. It takes forever and a day to get past the splash screens and the animated video in the beginning, and then the main menu lags. If I can finally get through all that, I get stuck on the loading screen with my leader forever.

Anyone else experiencing this issue? I've done some searching and haven't found anyone else. I'm reinstalling the game now to see if that fixes it. (On steam btw)

submitted by /u/tarheelsrule441
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[Civ V] Why is every major civilization denouncing me? And how do I stop it?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:31 AM PST

I also puppeted 3 city-states :p

submitted by /u/Swaycuisway
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Should there be more penalties for killing religious units?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:28 PM PST

I know the default response to religion rushes here is dow and go missionary stomping, but that seems a little barbaric to me (not to mention expressly forbidden by actually treaties like the Geneva Convention). Plus, it makes religion almost totally worthless in multi-player as warmonger penalties are meaningless to non AI civs. I'm not saying it should be removed, but I would expect the wholesale slaughter of unarmed preachers to elicit some kind of negative reaction from your people, likely in the form of huge war weariness penalties/negative amenities.

submitted by /u/Valderius
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Top Tier Districts?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:25 PM PST

Hello all, I'd like to find out what the community thinks are the top tier city districts in Civ6. In short, what are y'alls top 3-5 districts in general, ones that could be considered a must have for most cities?

My play style usually centers around science and military strength, but I don't like to be a slouch when it comes to culture. I usually like a few city's with encampments.

My top districts (in no particular order) are:

-campus -industrial -cultural -commercial -encampment/entertainment

Obviously things are going to vary depending on city location and such. For example, if a town is close to water I will build a harbor. Also, I usually turn off religious victories so no Holy Sites.

Here's a list of the districts for y'alls convenience! Lemme know what y'all think!

Holy Site Campus Encampment Harbor Commercial Hub Aqueduct Theater Entertainment Industrial Aerodrome Neighborhood Spaceport

submitted by /u/Thesouthdakotian
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Rivers need a complete overhaul - VI

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

Rivers really don't make a lot of sense in this game. You can't use them as naval routes for trade or transport. They are literally only in the game to inhibit movement on land as they pertain to units and navy. In real life, major river systems have served as media for trade and travel throughout history. I would love to see a mod or update to introduce actual river hexes in the game:

Instead of rivers serving as borders between hexes that inhibit movement, have some hexes (not all, just major river systems) that are entirely aquatic. Military engineers would have to construct bridges over these hexes, or leave it to traders. That way we can finally make better use of naval systems and have river trade routes as well as transports throughout continents, AND it would make combat a lot more dynamic, creating actual choke points and strategic points of interest. Just a thought.

Edit: To clarify the scope of this post.

submitted by /u/dannyjerome0
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