Civilization - Firaxis Memes

Firaxis Memes

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:00 AM PST

Civ 6: Scout's Honor

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:01 AM PST

A city state with three cities

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:35 PM PST

Civ 6 Hagia Sofia...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:49 AM PST

So the Hagia Sophia wonder provides Faith and Great Prophet points... fair enough.

However, it requires you to build it next to a Holy Site, AND you need to have already founded a religion... Anyone see the problem here? What good is getting +2 Great Prophet points per turn if you've already founded a religion?

Edit: I know spelling is wrong in the post title, but too late to fix.

submitted by /u/Shiboleth17
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An Analysis of All Civ 6 Wonders (Ancient)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:37 PM PST

Hanging Gardens - increase growth by 15% in all cities.

With an early game cost of 180 Production, no yields bonuses, and requiring a river, it's hard to justify building the Hanging Gardens. Consider that you could also simply make a Builder (to make 3 more farms), a Granary (more Housing AND Food), a Monument, AND still have 5 Production leftover in the time you would have spent building the Hanging Gardens. Maybe if the Gardens also provided some Culture, Food, or Amenities it would be worthwhile? But otherwise, I think you're better off building the above list instead, or just about anything else, this early in the game. City populations are usually more limited by Housing and Amenities anyway, and faster growth just means your population will be unhappy faster.

TLDR: Save your precious river tiles for City Centers, Commercial Hubs, Aqueducts, and the Hermitage.

Stonehenge - 2 Faith, free Great Prophet.

I find it hard to justify this as well, given that a well-placed Holy Site with a Shrine will cost about the same in Production (or probably less), but provide a lot more Faith in the long run. The big difference being that you won't have to wait to accumulate Great Prophet Points with Stonehenge. Perhaps, if you had no mountains near your capital, plenty of Stone, and you were trying for a religious victory, then I could see building Stonehenge. Otherwise, just build a Holy Site, you're going to want 1 or 4 of them eventually anyway.

TLDR: Skip if you have a good Holy Site location. If not, and you want a religious victory, consider building this.

Pyramids - 2 Culture, free Builder, Builders get 1 extra charge.

If you have empty, flat desert, go right ahead and build this if you have the time and really want it, but I wouldn't make it a super high priority. If this same desert city has more hills and oases, then you should probably focus on Petra instead. But if you have nothing else to do to prepare for starting Petra, then start the Pyramids. The extra builder charges will save you a lot of Gold and/or Production later in the game. If you build at least 9 builders across your empire after constructing the Pyramids, the extra charges plus the free builder will be the equivalent of producing 4 more builders, which just about pays for the 220 Production price tag of building the Pyramids. And if you have 4 cities before Medieval like you're should, and another 4 by the Renaissance, you will easily need use many new builders, so the Pyramids are almost guaranteed to pay for themselves in the long run. Besides, how else is your city going to use a no-yield desert tile anyway, other than maybe a district?

TLDR: If you have the flat desert space for it, build away.

Oracle - 1 Culture, 1 Faith, +2 Great Person points for each district in this city, and patronage costs 25% less Faith.

Overall, you get quite a lot of good things from this. If you're going for a culture victory, you will definitely want the extra GPP this provides, because more great people = more great works = more tourism. But it also means more great generals, great engineers, great merchants... so it's good for pretty much any strategy really. I hate to use up a perfectly good hill tile, but this Wonder is worth it. If you already built a Holy Site, but missed out on founding a religion, and somehow, the Oracle has not been built yet, then you will definitely want to build this, so you can justify that Holy Site.

submitted by /u/Shiboleth17
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An Analysis of All Civ 6 Wonders (Classical)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:43 PM PST

Great Lighthouse - 3 Gold, 1 Great Admiral Point, +1 Movement for naval units.

Given the low usefulness of navy in Civ 6, and that you can probably find a way to generate 3 Gold per turn in some other way using the Production from building this wonder, it shouldn't be high on your priorities to build. That said, it takes up a water tile, which is no where near as useful as a land tile. So if you have a city with a Harbor with an empty space next to it, and nothing else to build at the moment, building the Lighthouse is better than building nothing at all.

TLDR: If you have a spot for it, and nothing better to do, why not?

Great Library - 2 Science, Great Scientist Points, 2 writing slots, and a boost to all Ancient and Classical tech.

Receiving a boost to all Ancient and Classical tech seems quite useless, given that A) you will have already researched 3/4 of those techs by the time you build this, B) it's not that hard to get boosts on your own, the game tells you what you need to get each boost, and C), since you need a Campus to build this, you probably have already earned yourself a Great Scientist by this point, or will get one soon, who will likely give you boosts to the remaining Classical techs you don't already have. 2 Science per turn isn't that big of a deal either, and the Great Scientist points can easily be obtained by building another Campus in another town. I find it hard to justify this wonder taking up tile next to your Campus, when you could just as easily get that additional science by building a couple more districts next to your campus instead... especially if that district is a Holy Site, gaining benefits from the same mountain perhaps, as well as giving you Faith that could be used to buy more Great Scientists. Perhaps if you have a Great Writer, or will have one soon, and no where to put the writings, and can't build another Amphitheater at the moment...

TLDR: Build a Holy Site next to your Campus instead, unless you need the writing slots.

Colosseum - 3 Amenities to all cities within range.

If you built an Entertainment district, and your empire is STILL being held back by a lack of amenities, build the Colosseum.

Colossus - 3 Gold, +1 Trade Route, free Trader, and Great Admiral points.

Many of the same arguments for the Great Lighthouse can be applied here, given their similarities. However, the Colossus is more useful, given that an additional trade route could easily yield 10-20 gold per turn, plus smaller amounts of other yields like Culture, Food, and Faith, depending on the destination city, and it even gives you a free trader upon completion, so you can start reaping those trade benefits immediately. So building the Colossus is highly recommended for any strategy.

TLDR: If you have a city with a Harbor, build this.

Mahabodhi Temple - 4 Faith, 2 free Apostles.

For my first few games of Civ 6, I had problems keeping my new religion alive when under the onslaught of the AI's Apostle spam. However, since I have employed the strategy of simply keeping 2 Apostles around as defense, (or maybe 1 apostle per Holy Site) and not being afraid to declare war against Apostle spammers, I haven't had this issue where I just have to have more Apostles. So I'm gonna say this wonder isn't super useful. If you absolutely have to get a Religious victory, then go ahead and build it. Otherwise, put a farm on that tile, and move on.

TLDR: Skip, unless you are trying for a religious victory.

Petra - +2 Food, +2 Gold, and +1 Production on all desert tiles (non floodplains).

If your city can only work 1 or 2 desert tiles, and/or if those tiles don't have hills or an oasis on them, then this wonder is probably not for you. However, if you can work 3 or 4 tiles that are desert hill or oasis... build Petra. If your city can work 5+ tiles that are desert hills or oasis... focus all your efforts on building this RIGHT NOW, before someone else does.

Terracotta Army - 1 promotion level to all units, great general points, archaeologists may enter foreign lands.

If you're not going for a domination victory, you definitely don't need this wonder. And even if you are, you're probably better off using the Production to build an ACTUAL army, rather than one made of stone.

submitted by /u/Shiboleth17
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Mining stolen on turn 199 (difficulty 4)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:10 PM PST

So a funny thing happened in a Deity Duel...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:50 AM PST

Opposing side built Stonehenge in the usual four micro-seconds and they won a tourism victory after hitting 1/1 international tourists!

Maybe amend the victory rules so that a minimum number of international tourists is [10]?


submitted by /u/Davd_Eliz
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[Civ V Mods] My goal this game was Great Scientist spam, but this might be overkill.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:14 PM PST

Don't really want to go back to V...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:08 AM PST

So, how is Beyond earth and its expansion?

Civ VI has been good, but I feel it just needs a bit more and don't feel like going back to civ 5

submitted by /u/Arkengate
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Delicious trade route.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:26 PM PST

Spreading love!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:38 AM PST

Relationships and Warmongering

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:20 PM PST

I was talking about this in another Thread, but I thought I'd post it to the subreddit as well.

I think the biggest issue with the Warmongering penalties is the fact that right now, they don't take RELATIONSHIPS into account almost at all.

When you go to war with another civilization, this makes EVERY OTHER CIV IN THE GAME angry at you. It makes your friends angry at you. It makes the enemies of the Civ you're fighting angry at you. It makes Civs who have a completely neutral relationship with your enemy angry at you. The same goes for anything else in the game that carries warmonger penalties right now.

Warmonger penalties don't necessarily have to be less severe in all cases - it makes sense for every civ in the game to hate you if you have been involved in constant wars of conquest for the entire game, for example - but they should be more context sensitive. Your friends should be more forgiving, and civilizations with whom you and your enemies BOTH have a neutral standing should care less about who is warring with whom.

This isn't the only context in which Relationships are completely meaningless right now. Another civilization could have repeatedly denounced you for the past 200 turns, without ever once declaring war on you, when the point of denunciation is specifically as an overture to war in the game. What is more, civilizations with whom you have had a historically friendly relationship don't seem especially reluctant to start a random war against you, particularly when asked to start a joint war with you the instant your friendship has run out - often by a civilization that has historically been your MUTUAL ENEMY.

What is more, it's difficult, and unclear how to make friends with the AI right now, other than kow-towing to their specific agendas, which often means that you have to choose not to play the game at all, which is brutally unsatisfying. Frederick gets mad at you for allying with City-states, Qin Shi Huang gets mad at you for building wonders, Pedro gets mad at you for earning Great People - all of which are crucial parts of the game.

And the problem isn't just that it's easy to piss off the AI just by playing the game. It's also difficult to get a friendly relationship with them if they're neutral, or to placate them if they're unfriendly. A Neutral AI will rarely make an even trade with you, and it's clear that they think this is how it is supposed to be. Even trades are, by their nature, actually beneficial to both parties, or you wouldn't be engaging in trade in the first place. If I want to offer a neutral AI Open Borders, then it should be willing to offer Open Borders in exchange. If I want one of the AI's luxuries, it should be willing to give me one in exchange - because that's mutually beneficial. The AI gets amenities out of that arrangement that it didn't have before. Right now, going to the trade screen is practically worthless, because it's impossible to get a good deal out of the AI, short of just making demands.

In short, there need to be more ways to cultivate friendly relationships with the AI than there are right now, and the AI's behavior in determining warmonger penalties needs to be more context-sensitive. You don't need to make it harder to incur warmongering penalties, you need to make it easier to cultivate friendships, and those friendships have to mean something.

submitted by /u/DragonHeretic
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Is there any way to set up start bias to where my friends spawn near me without being on teams?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:49 AM PST

Question is as the title says. Any input is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Im-a-bench-AMA
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when you clear a barbarian camp the same turn that england decide to settle a city as well as a newly spawned barbarian ship so now your warrior unit is just target practice

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:29 PM PST

Going on great people (during war) causes them to disappear, but they are back next turn!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:41 PM PST

Using a Privateer at the moment, trying to wipe out all of Russia's artists and musicians. They are gone when I move the privateer over them (and on to the next hex,) but same names are back in different places next turn.

submitted by /u/MrAdventur3
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An Analysis of All Civ 6 Wonders (Medieval)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:50 PM PST

Alhambra - 2 Amenities, Great General points, and +1 Military policy.

Extra policies are never a bad thing, neither are Amenities. Perhaps Germany could forgo this wonder, given that they already get an extra policy, and there's only so many extra policies you can use... said no one ever.

Chichen Itza - +2 Culture +1 Production on rainforest tiles in this city.

Maybe if you're Brazil, and maybe if you can get it early... But late game, farm adjacency bonuses will be better than keeping a bunch of rainforest, so this wonder will only help for a couple eras at best.

Mont St. Michel - 2 Faith, 2 Relic slots, all new Apostles gain the martyr ability.

Anyone going for culture victory, who also has a religion established by this point might wanna look into this wonder, as it not only gives you a way to get more relics for tourism, but even gives you somewhere to put them. However, it doesn't have much other use than that, so building this might not be something to go for every time, but not a bad option if you have the time.

Huey Teocalli - 1 Amenity per adjacent lake tile, all lake tiles in your empire get +1 Food and +1 Production.

If you have a lake bigger than like 2 tiles, build this.

Hagia Sophia - 4 Faith, Missionaries and Apostles get +1 spread.

If you want a religious victory, this isn't a bad option. Otherwise, it's not going to do you much good, as you won't be running around spreading your religion much anyway.

submitted by /u/Shiboleth17
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Civ VI UI Survey

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:45 PM PST

Hi all,

I understand that CIV VI's UI is lacking in more areas than one. I am in a User Interface for Games course and I am attempting to analyze the UI of the game. It would be incredibly helpful for me if you guys could spare a little bit of your time to take a survey regarding the UI. I guarantee it will be quick.

Thank you in advance :)

submitted by /u/madpcp
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My favorite part about playing on a low difficulty. (I'm Russia, of course).

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:23 PM PST

UI Mod that shows how much Culture is needed to get the next Civic policy?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:03 PM PST

Hey guys,

So in Civ5, it showed how much Culture you were accumulating per turn at the top of the screen. It also showed how much Culture you needed to accumulate to get the next social policy. I would always use that number to decide whether or not I needed to invest some hammers into culture stuff as I tried to keep my CPT to be around 10% of the culture needed for the next policy.

But now that feature is not present in the base game for Civ 6 and it's kind of throwing me off. I can't really tell if my culture game is strong at a glance.

Does anyone know of a mod that adds back in this feature?

submitted by /u/Commandolam
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Civilization VI Issues, AI Stupidity, Overall Thoughts of the Game

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:27 PM PST

Civ VI Multiplayer With Mods Error.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:32 PM PST

I have played a couple games of online multiplayer and I tried to play one with mods with myself being the host. I was under the impression that my friends would not need to download the mods but they could not join my game without them. I used a production queue mod and the CQUI mod. Has anyone else had an issue trying to host a game with Mods?

submitted by /u/SUBZEROBRO
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