Civilization - Civilization VI in a nutshell

Civilization VI in a nutshell

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:40 AM PST

RE: "pins". Meet Aztec hiking trail

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:04 AM PST

"How can you let those Barbarians run amok so close to your home?!"

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:09 AM PST

I haven't seen a single barbarian unit like since 50 turns

His capital is surrounded by three barbarian camps



submitted by /u/CIaptr4p
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Anyone else have the bug that turns Gorgo black?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:11 PM PST

Man I sure can't wait to fish those wha....

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:54 AM PST

TIL: I can settle within my own borders (I feel so dumb)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:15 PM PST

title.. 350+ hours into civ 6 and I learned last night that I could settle within my borders even if the settler lens shows red..

so you know how sometimes you're like "man I wish I could settle by the same river my capital is on. but the settler lens is showing me that is impossible :(" --- as long as its 4(?) tiles from your city, you can settle within your borders.

uughhh I feel so dumb D:

submitted by /u/LucioDeMedici
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This silence from 2k and Firaxis is getting annoying

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:11 PM PST

I know the workshop, sdk and multiplayer updates are on the way but having 0 news is so annoying. It's like someone telling you "I will come visit you soon" and every time you call them they don't answer.

Seriously, they are very lucky to have modders willing to work on the game. They are the ones making it survive.

submitted by /u/aztuk
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CIV VI Tired of how long production takes?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:58 AM PST

Try playing with abundant resources - the extra resources will decrease production times plus it applies to all players, so you won't be cheating.

submitted by /u/Dude_from_Europe
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[Civ 6 mod] Bottleneck Tech Tree

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:31 AM PST

Hi! I recently started playing Civ 6 and created a mod for my own use. Since I visit reddit often, I decided to share it on civ subreddit because why not and maybe someone may also find it useful.

  • What's the point:

I feel like the game encourages me to skip as much tech as possible to keep production costs low. This mod requires to research all era technologies/civics before progressing to the next era, with the exceptions of Shipbuilding tech (because its next dependency is two eras later) and Suffrage/Totalitarianism/Class struggle civics (you normally pick one of those). Now later eras don't feel rushed anymore, and this also has a positive side-effect of AI upgrading units more because it's being forced through all upgrade techs and strategic resources. Hopefully no more pikemen in the Modern era.



  • Comparison to other mods:

I found a couple other tech tree mods, but they reorganize the trees by moving nodes and changing dependencies, whereas my mod creates new zero-cost nodes between eras. There are eurekas that requite certain civics, and there are inspirations that require certain techs, and I think that shuffling nodes and dependencies around needs a lot of playtesting to not break eureka/inspiration availability. My goal was to divide eras, but to keep 100% stock trees within them, so I made my own.

  • Other:

If you find any bugs (there shouldn't be any), or just don't like the mod, feel free not to use it. I may or may not bother with maintaining it. If some major patch hits, and I'm still playing, I will probably update.

Edit: Warning! Clicking on a tech with 50+ unresearched dependencies (e.g. any Information era tech while still in Ancient era) may make the game think for a LONG time, no idea why, but don't do it. No effect on gameplay though.

submitted by /u/Khelavaster
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Buenos Aires, making a city state, city states

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:31 PM PST

Which Civ game (if any) is good for single player?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST

I'll preface this by saying that I tried both Civ 5 and 6 and had fun. I can see the appeal, and it's very addictive. However, in all of the times I played, it seems that around 2-3 hours in, I can already see how the game is going to go, and it's just running down the clock until I win.

I think my biggest issue with this game is the AI. It's either braindead (eg, about 3 ages behind), or Hitler (eg, comes at me with 20 units by turn 40). In contrast to other 4X games like CK2 or EU4, I was never able to use intrigue or strategy to defeat harder enemies.

Is there a particular Civ (4/5/6??) or DLC that I might enjoy? I'm willing to give it another shot because I had fun when I played it, it just seemed boring after turn 100+.

submitted by /u/Mr_Multitask
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Theming Bonusses

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:32 PM PST

In Civ V it was easiert to make the trades of painting/music/relics/etc to complete the theming bonusses. They showed you what era and civilization they were. In Civ VI there's no info about them when you try to trade them.

submitted by /u/PM_YOUR_FAVORITE_NUM
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How does "Make Demand" work in Civ VI?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:09 PM PST

Every time, no matter how big my army is compared to theirs, the AI always refuses my demand. What, if anything, am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advanced.

submitted by /u/UltimateG94
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almost 600 hours in, I finally did it

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST

[Civ VI Mod Crowdsourcing] Help me Design the Next Era

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:10 PM PST

Hello everyone, Ananse here, curator of the big fucking modpack that was on the frontpage of this reddit the other day.

I am currently working on the next era, the one that comes AFTER the information era. I am figuring this as a near-future state of world affairs, something like 2025+

The name of the upcoming era is "The Scarcity Era". In this era of human history, technology continues to move forward, at an accelerated pace even. However, the progress of humanity is starting to take its toll on the sustainability of civilization. As technology advances to the point where interstellar travel becomes possible, the vital infrastructure of the planet starts to fall apart, making it a race against time to either achieve victory, or watch the Earth burn.

Mechanically, the way I'm achieving this is making a bunch of the techs and civics in the Scarcity Era trigger global modifiers for ALL players, ALL cities, ALL units, etc, each time a player reaches them. For instance, an "Energy Crisis" civic might reduce production in ALL cities on the map by 10%. This would stack with each player that reached it, so by the time the whole world had reached the Energy Crisis civic, it would be nearly impossible to generate hammers anywhere.

Another example could be an Overpopulation Civic, which increases growth on ALL cities on the map by 100%. Or a Biosphere Collapse civic that reduced Amenities in ALL cities by 2. After these stacked up a few times all players would be facing imminent revolutions in all their cities.

That's the general idea anyway.

I'm writing this post to crowdsource ideas for various techs, civics, mechanics, buildings, penalties, etc. that could be incorporated into a Scarcity Era as described above. Beyond that general design direction I'm not attached to any specifics! So if you have an idea for anything that could fit within a sort of pessimistic, corporate-controlled, near-future with heavy dystopian elements, this would be an excellent place to post it!

submitted by /u/AnansetheSpider
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Share your tips for going from "mediocre" to "okay" skill level

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:16 AM PST

I'm not an expert civ player by any means, but here are some things that I've slowly been realizing to improve my games. Share your own, no matter how stupid you think they might be :)

Download the Enhanced User Interface mod: This makes SO many things easier to keep track of, and it doesn't interfere with achievements or multiplayer.

Start "micromanaging" your citizen assignment in cities. A quick way to do this is to switch between Food Focus and Production Focus, and check which will give you what you need in the shortest amount of time (yes, this isn't optimal, but I'd rather do this than go crazy micromanaging - having fun is also an objective) It's not necessary to do this in every single turn, but at least check when one of the following happens: * Citizen is born * City borders have expanded * Building or unit has finished * Great person born

If you can't work a luxury/strategic resource (more than 3 tiles away from the city) but it's inside your borders, you will still gain the resource's bonus by building an improvement on it.

The objective of going to war should not always be total annihilation (it definitely is fun when nukes are involved, though). If a civ declares war on you and you have the means to defend yourself with not much damage to your cities, let them send troops at you - it's their loss.

Even if you don't plan on using strategic resources right away, it's still useful to research the technologies that reveal them on the map to know where they are for eventual use. Keep in mind that you can only pillage an enemy's strategic resources if you can see them on the map.

Always forgive AI civs for trying to steal your technology. Everyone will be spying on everyone else anyway, and it gives you a small diplomacy boost. Going to war should only happen as a strategic decision, not for petty revenge.

If you can't realistically complete a city-state's quests, send a spy and stage a coup! Stealing technology can be unpredictable and takes a really long time, so only do it if you seriously need it and can afford the risk of getting your spy randomly killed and escalating to war.

submitted by /u/rolodato
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Nebuchadnezzar from r/creepy

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:41 PM PST

[Civ VI] Starting position: Balanced or Standard ?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:34 PM PST

In Create game > Advanced setup, you can set the type of starting position. So, which one do you go for ? Is there much difference ?

submitted by /u/Hitesh0630
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Question about AI in civ 5

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:02 PM PST

We are currently trying to entice the fall of Rome and we are curious as to what would happen if we gifted settlers to a AI in civ 5. Would the AI just use the settlers until the expansion makes happiness almost impossible to deal with or would they do something else with them.

We are new to civ so if gifting settler's isn't even a possibility sorry for the stupid question.

submitted by /u/chapstick__
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How to get rid of alt-text appearing really really quick?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST

Deluxe Edition - What is the 25th anniversary soundtrack?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:32 PM PST

In the title. Is it just a digital download of the Civ VI soundtrack, or is it something else? I'm thinking of getting Civ VI, and whether or not the deluxe edition includes more music might tip the scales on if I get the normal edition or not. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Frederix_
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Does the AI just never repair anything? VI

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:22 PM PST

It kind of takes the fun out of the game that disrupting production or rocketry or pillaging a district is permanent. Is this a bug or something that has been consistent throughout the series?

submitted by /u/AllTheCheesecake
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[Question]▪Whos the representing lady for Fascism?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:24 AM PST


Democracy have the statue of liberty and communsim have the so called mother, reference to the statue of the motherland at least for me. It could have a diffrent meaning but fasicms have also a lady.

Who is the lady on the fascism goverment picture/card?

I am just wondering.

submitted by /u/Lillzeb
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I'm losing my mind over RESEARCH AGREEMENTS!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:53 AM PST

Sorry if this is a repost, did a search couldn't find anything.

This is in civ 6.

I'm playing a multi-player game with one person, the rest are AI. Whenever I ask for a research agreement with AI or the person I don't get an option of selecting tech. As soon as I propose it, or ask for it, I get something along the lines of "I'll never do that".

How do I initiate a research agreement? Shouldn't the human player be allowed to say no, not have it automatically respond?

Thanks for any and all help.

submitted by /u/ForSix_21
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