Season 4 Challenger Open Bracket Series - Week 2 | Smite Daily Report #

Season 4 Challenger Open Bracket Series - Week 2

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 08:28 AM PST

Link to the event details here

Where to watch: @1pm EST Saturday (EU) and Sunday (NA)

Season 4 competitive Smite has begun! The Open Bracket is the first event of the year, with teams playing on patch 3.25 for two weeks to qualify for Relegations in February. All teams hoping to make it into the SPL (that do not currently own an SPL/relegations spot) in the Spring must play in this event. The top 3 teams points-wise from each region after two weeks will move on to Relegations against the two teams from their region that did not qualify for Super Regionals.

This is the second and final week of the Open Bracket! Last week we saw "Variety's New Team" (Variety, Qvofred, Zyrhoes, Trixtank, Arkkyl) take home the gold in EU after a series of tense matches. In NA, "In Memory of Gabe" (Whalrus, Cynosure, Hurriwind, placed first after some back and forth matches themselves. Both the "Dutch Myrmidons" (TheBigSB, MikeTheMagikarp, DeathPanter, Hoek, Baas) from EU and "Erry Day Gainz" (Uzzy, ElChapo, Shaliber, WordsAsWeapons, Greed) both played crazy sets against the top seed going into week 2 - we will see how well each team, as well as the rest, fare in the final qualifying week.

EU Bracket

[NA Bracket]()

Go enjoy and support our Challenger scene!

submitted by /u/Srixis
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Worst and best of PriMe in one clip

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 05:36 PM PST

NRG Hel [by Lawzilla]

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:21 AM PST

(Skin Concept) Thoth "Jesus" Skin

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 09:25 AM PST

Make Custom Games more customizable

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 05:05 PM PST

Ideas on further (enhanced) options to add:

  • "Same god" selection enabled (e.g. 3 Sobeks in one team)
  • Starting CDR 0-80%
  • Max CDR 0-80%
  • Infinite Mana yes/no
  • globally disable ability 1,2,3 and or 4 (e.g. a game with no ults or only ults)
  • disable fountain recovery

That way we can test funny things, mess around with friends for fun or recreate MOTDs without having to wait for them to come up again.

submitted by /u/KryotanK
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My girlfriend's doodle of Bastet

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 11:20 AM PST

Some Abliity Icons need to upgrade

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:08 AM PST

There are so much outdated icons. We need some beautiful arts for abilities. Here's the list which they should be changed.

Apollo - His face...
Ares - More soft art
Artemis - I don't know what her passive icon means
Bacchus - with remodel
Chronos - 1 and 3 are not fit.
Cupid - More soft art
Freya - Her sword changed, so icon should be changed.
Hades - I don 't know what his ultimate icon means
Hercules - The most outdated icon in Smite. His 2 and 4 look like Ms paint
Hun Batz - More soft art
Ne Zha - He changed more like boy, but his 3 is still old girly model.
Poseidon - With texture update
Sobek - With remodel
Vamana - I don't know if they will change his ability icons in season 4, but if they won't, they should be changed.
Vulcan - More soft art

submitted by /u/seberia
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My take on Baka :)

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 09:43 PM PST

Please revert the witchblade change

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:03 AM PST

Witchblade was in a good spot. It was picked up by solo laners like osiris and Erlang shen. It was also picked up by supports to counter strong adc's. And some solo lane players would even pick it up late game to counter adc's or heavy basic attack opponents.

The stats on the s4 witchblade are not that great and it will remove the diversity in the builds solo laners can have after boots. I don't want it to be either hide of the nemean lion or breastplate again. Also the stats on breastplate benefit ability based warriors a lot more than the nemean lion benefits aa gods. I would say add some attack speed on nemean lion and up the cost by 150 gold or so.

submitted by /u/N3zhasolo
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Season 4 they should release god data every patch notes

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 12:23 PM PST

You know the data I'm talking about. The "data" that determines all changes. It's always that vague term used. "Well the data we had also backed up the reason for the changes...." Something like that.

Why don't we just release performance charts every patch notes? Afterall we're adding in a ranking system and better stat tracking right? This would actually be the least work heavy thing to implement as well. HiRez already tracks this data, all you'd need to do is put it into a spreadsheet every patch notes and include it on the website. You're constantly asking for our feedback. Bringing in pros to help, sending out polls for what needs to be changed? Why not just give us the data so we can see what's happening as well?

We could see how often a god is being played, how often they're winning and losing. What items are being picked up etc...

Me personally, if I saw X god wasn't being played a lot or at all in conquest I would honestly probably want to play them and see why. Same if they're under performing or over performing.

What exactly would this hurt by doing this? I don't think anything and it'll give us a clearer understanding not to mention of all things to implement it would be the least labor intensive thing to do.

submitted by /u/mcknightrider
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rama tier 2 concept doodle

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:06 AM PST

New to Smite

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:22 AM PST

So I just tried out smite and played 4 games. I just want to ask is it normal for the game to be one sided?. i tried the 5 vs 5 map and the score was sometime like 6 kills vs 30+ enemy team. Is this normal?

Also why are everyone picking mage? there seems to be no role like solo top, jungle and such. everyone just plays mage and i don't know do awfully.

Also no one wants to surrender even though the score is like 6 vs 30. Is 6-30 still winnable?

submitted by /u/catterpie90
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Hirez, please change the jungle camps spawns back to 5sec

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 02:31 PM PST

I've been playing a lot of the PTS since it came out and honestly it hasn't been very fun. Most of my games are complete stomps and are completely one sided. This could be due to PTS matchmaking and the quality games that I am getting, but I think more of it has to do with the new jungle start. In this post, I am going to attempt to state why I think the new jungle camp spawns are a bad and unhealthy change to the game. Couple things just to keep in mind: the buffs spawn right when they waves meet each other and if you do the first wave by yourself, you won't hit level two anymore. I will also mostly be focusing on the solo lane as that is the role I have the most experience in, but I do feel that this applies to all lanes to varying degrees.

For Season 3, the start was to go from speed to blue (which gets you level two) into the lane and the jungler would either come with you into solo to help clear and then get the fire elementals or he would go straight to mids (or you can invade). Entering the lane at level two as opposed to level one is a big deal. It allows gods with weaker early games to have more of a chance to clear the wave. Obviously if the matchup is Amaterasu versus something like Chaac, unless the jungler comes to help Ama, she's most likely going to get out cleared just because Chaac has a better early game. However, if the Amaterasu could get to lane before the Chaac and start clearing first then she might be able to out clear him on the first wave and then get the elementals, hitting level 3 and giving her a better chance at not getting pushed under her tower for the first 8min of the game. Going into lane at level two allows you to have a chance at essentially not eating shit for the entirety of the early game. I think this dynamic was kind of fun. It allowed for the weaker early game character to possibly be able to win in clear, and it forced the stronger early game character to think more about if they want to try and poke out the other person so it's more dangerous for them to go solo jungle camps or they could just hard clear the wave and fight at say fire eles. It gave options to each side in an interesting way.

But in Season 4, this cannot happen. Since you no longer hit level two off a single wave even if you solo it, gods with weak early games are even less valuable than before. If the other person clears before you, you have to let the wave under your tower, which puts you behind and they can at the very least kill the two small elementals and hit level two and then come back to the second wave, completely out clear you and then go finish the big elemental or do their buffs. In season 4, if you lose the clear war you basically are at least a level behind your opponent the entire game just because you picked a god with weak level 1-5 clear.

Now say you pick Bellona because her level one is strong with bludgeon/cleave autos, and you're up against an Amaterasu or Guan Yu. But now their jungler comes to the first wave with them, and it's two versus one so you are either going to lose in clear or go even. Now the big advantage you had by picking a strong early game god is less valuable simply because the jungler showed up. This might not sound like a huge deal, but since the jungler can either start in mid, causing the first scenario I described to happen, or come to solo causing the second one to happen (and then scenario one probably happens in mid), there's a randomness to each game and each outcome is so different that it's impossible to be able to prepare for both and the game becomes not fun. Randomness and RNG to an extent are good, but losing a majority of the advantage of picking an early game god just because their jungler came to solo is just frustrating. Or the early game god gets pushed under tower for the whole laning phase and now they're frustrated. Either way one side isn't going to have as much fun. If it's two early game gods against each other such as Bellona versus Osiris, then it's either fairly even and comes down more to player skill or the jungler once again comes to solo ruining once side's early pressure. This also limits the number of gods you can play. If you want to avoid these scenarios' from happening, then you just pick an early game god every game. But then a good chunk of warriors aren't playable/as viable and guardians aren't either. This limits the choice of players and from a spectator standpoint, seeing the same handful of gods every SPL match is pretty boring.

There's also no structure anymore. Yes, it's still very early on in Season 4 and eventually a start will form, but even when it does I don't see how there will be an alternative option to it. In Season 3 you had options. You could either do speed to blue or invade. Both options where 100% viable, but they weren't completely random. It's unlikely an Amaterasu/Susano/Geb is going to invade but a Ymir/Osiris/Ne zha probably will. Not to mention you can effectively ward the jungle in Season 3 to see if the other team going to do buffs or invade. In Season 4, you just sit under tower like a bot until the minions meet up. And since most people will sit under tower, you can't really ward their jungle to see which start they are going to do. Yes, you can do eles to lane or a buff to lane but you risk losing creeps and since they don't yield as much as they used to you need every one you can get. Not to mention is HOG is so much weaker in Season 4 because it does much less damage and forces you to be inefficient to get the cooldown to be shorter. Speaking of efficiency, not being able to do the majority of the jungle camps right when they spawn is ALSO inefficient because it means you kill them later, which means they take longer to respawn, which means less farm which means more farming to make up for it, which means less kills and fighting, which means less exciting and fun gameplay and longer games.

That might sound like I contradicted myself from what I said earlier when I said my games end at the 10-15min mark. But that's at a casual level. I feel like in pro games, all teams are going to do is farm and play extremely passive because dying in this meta puts you so far behind it's hard (close to impossible) to catch back up. I could be wrong of course, but I feel like if I was playing this game for money, and I knew that dying once or twice early means you are kinda screwed for the next 20min, I'd play pretty passive and only aggress when it's guaranteed it not going to backfire on me.

Those are my thoughts on the jungle spawns and the meta and why I think they should be changed. I would like to see the jungle camps spawn at 5s again, see HOG put back to where it was in Season 3 to hopefully create variety in the jungle starts and it would be great if soloing a wave meant you hit level two like it has for the past three years. There are a lot of other issues such as minion AI, CDR and such, but this is already long enough. I wonder if anyone else agrees with me or has had a similar experience on the PTS. If someone from Hirez reads this hopefully they'll consider what I've said. Let me know what you guys think. Hopefully this makes sense and isn't just a giant rant :P

Have a nice day.

submitted by /u/feeper7
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Nemesis Cosplay at Pax South (that hirez sadly isnt at T_T)

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 05:35 PM PST

Can "Water Juggle" not be the MOTD for a week on console please.

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 08:12 PM PST

Honestly just put joust the two of us in place of motd and id be the happiest man

submitted by /u/Nmsokn
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And on our left, a Poseidon struggling to kill a speed buff.

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 09:52 AM PST

Since Smite is going full meme now

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:15 AM PST

We should put the meme god in the game

we have to do it

submitted by /u/bimugen
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Temporary 'Special' Gamemode Suggestion: King of the Ring.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:46 AM PST

TL;DR: King of the Ring; keep enemies out of the circle in the center of the Arena, and keep your allies inside it.

  • Arena

    • Same map as always, unless HiRez wants to reuse old assets like the Underworld event map.
    • Circle in the center, about the size of the old Bonus Round arena.
      • Minions spawn, but do not count toward capturing the circle.
      • Standing within this circle captures it for your team.
      • Circle becomes contested (no points being given/taken) when both allies and enemies are within it.
      • Stealthed enemies would be revealed on the point while the point is contested, but otherwise still invisible while under their team's control.
    • 200 Tickets. Losing 1 ticket per second if the enemy has the ring under their control.
    • Minions could still deduct tickets if pushed to the portal. (?)
      • Could spawn giants as usual, after 10 kills.

Add some neat rewards like a crown ward and player icon.

Useless speculation below.

I loved how the Arena bonus round, during the underworld event, would coerce players into using gods to push and shove people around. Xing Tian was a star player during that event, routinely tossing the whole enemy team into the lava, if they forgot beads.

With this round, you would likely see a surge of wall-based gods, as well as zone-denial and gods that can push enemies around.

I think gods like Odin, Cabrakan (that three), Thor, and Vulcan could shine in a King of the Hill mode.

Another thought, is that reckless mana usage could make it very easy for your team to get pushed off the point, so gods like Chang'e, Hel, and Isis would probably be top-tier supportive mages, providing plenty of MP5. In the case of Chang'e, she could provide bursts of mana from her 2, as well as sustain herself with her rabbit, which is usually useless in Arena.

submitted by /u/Aluminum-Gnat
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SMITE Montage - Dissolve (My last montage of Season 3!)

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:30 AM PST

If the game's music volume is turned to 0, the victory screens with music should also be muted

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:17 AM PST

You don't want music? Here have music.

submitted by /u/nazzyc
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I sure hope Thanatos' recent surge in popularity doesn't warrant a nerf.

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 01:37 PM PST

For the longest time Thanatos was sort of left by the wayside being listed off as just an early game god, but people have finally realized just how powerful he can be, even throughout the entire game. I'm kind of afraid HiRez will see this as a reason to nerf him in one way or another. I saw a few threads along the same lines as this when Ra got into the meta and now I understand how those people were feeling.

submitted by /u/Shradow
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How good is PBM's Ullr?

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 04:24 PM PST

Bakasura Penta Kill

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:42 AM PST

Imagine how rich the game would become if the map was destructible

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 11:40 PM PST

Obviously it could fry half of the users computers. I am a small (very small) video game wanna be artist and the destruction of environment has always been interesting to me. I dont know the formula but for example in DOTA 2 you can destroy the trees for sustain or as a consequence of abilities, and the game runs smooth on my potato (i know they are different).

In Smite we dont have trees but we have large walls and boulders. Breaking the environment with any ability would be silly but destroying only with ultimates would be awesome. A kraken blowing up the mid harpies wall or an Ymir ult blowing the fire giant pit. It could be useful to strategize with this changes and it could break the current meta. I dont know... it sounds interesting

submitted by /u/adamscus
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When To Buy Rangda's Mask

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:35 AM PST

Announcer Packs don't feel finished

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 03:36 PM PST

It's always felt weird to me that announcer packs don't change the lines for objectives being taken. If my towers being attacked, it just goes back to the default AP because there are no other lines for it. Why aren't those 4 lines included in the APs? It just seems weird

submitted by /u/demgnik
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