How to beat Team ult turtle team? | True Dota 2

How to beat Team ult turtle team?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:56 AM PST

I just played against a tide, invoker, enigma, silencer, and riki.... We couldnt push on them or catch them out of position b/c they just stayed together all game. eventually they just all had refreshers and won the game? What is the strat here?

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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Guide: Path of the Paragon (Winter 2017 Battle Pass)

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:35 AM PST


I just released a guide for the Path of the Paragon. It's available on Medium to read.

Winter 2017— Battle Pass: Path of the Paragon

Any comment is appreciated. Thank you!

submitted by /u/DarkGhostHunter
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Is Leshrac undervalued or underpowered as a Support?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:20 AM PST

I think only 2 teams run Leshrac frequently and both as support which are Team NP (Rose) and Complexity (Melonzz).

Theoretically he has a strong skillset. AoE stun and slow. Insane tower pushing tool and AoE damage.

He's a good rotating support, quite decent lane harasser. Pair with him SD or other initiation and it's almost a guranteed kill early game.

What about Leshrac that seems to not be favored?

submitted by /u/DreamingItLoud
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Dealing with OD's lack of health regen

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:53 PM PST


Every time I play OD, it just feels awful to play him because he has no way to sustain his HP. obviously mana isn't an issue but if he gets casually nuked once he kinda has to sit and wait to regen it back with like 2.5 HP/s. It feels like being permanently AA ulted and it's really off putting (I'm trying to learn the hero). I don't know the best remedy to this... because unlike most int-mid heroes he can't really buy any HP regen items

submitted by /u/chambererer
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Mind games in Dota

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:31 AM PST

So - I've just broke a 10 game losing streak. I've had some terrible games recently, allowed myself to get tilted by my mistakes and those of my team. Poor mechanically, poor game sense, poor everything.

In the game that I've just won, I was talking a LOT in all chat. Not flaming or anything, just talking to the enemy, giving them misinformation, commenting on good + bad plays. Being a nuisance, but hardly toxic. Stuff like "quick rosh before they respawn." Then sitting on the high ground as they shuffle into the pit 1 by 1 ready for our invoker to drop a meatball on them all.

This translated into a win, I'm not sure if it was down to my games or just luck of the draw but it made me think, is there a place for mind games in Dota? Because it seems to be pretty effective, and there's few other sports that I can think of where similar tactics aren't used.

Thoughts? Unsportsmanlike behaviour? No holds barred? Got any examples?

submitted by /u/Chris_Dud
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Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:18 PM PST


Sorry for the spam, but I just released another guide, this time for the Path of the Inquisitor. It's available on Medium to read.

Winter 2017— Battle Pass: Path of the Inquisitor

Any comment is appreciated. Thank you, again!

submitted by /u/DarkGhostHunter
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SF vs Pudge matchup?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:37 AM PST

I got into a pretty hefty shitfling with someone on my pubs, who assured me that SF loses to pudge, even went to claim he's a counter.

I honestly don't see how or why this would be the case. The way I envision the matchup would play out during laning phase (provided no external influence comes in to play like runes or ganks) is highground being crucial for SF. Pudge coming up to last hit would result in harassing from SF. Hooks don't seem to be an issue if SF's aware they're coming. Certainly not before level 3.

My interest is learning about the game and getting a better grasp about the finer points. What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Incense
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Dont Try to do too much

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:16 AM PST

A couple day ago, DC rolls through DW in 15 minutes two game in the row. I then went on to play some Dota, played Centaur against Lich and Jugg. Of course, I couldnt contest Jugg's farming, my teammates keep try to rotate in for ganks. Something occurred to me, we are trying too hard to win a difficult match up, when that time could easily spend else where.

In DC vs DW, DW picked a roaming 4 both games, their draft also consist of some wombo combo. DS+slar in game 1 and Mag+SK in game 2. However, both games, the roaming 4 found absolutely nothing, the roaming SK even got out leveled by a hard 5 Disruptor. It almost feel like they lost the game by trying to win. If you are not successful with your rotation, you are wasting a ton of farm and experiences.

The same goes for my game against lich and jugg, this is a very hard to kill duo with a lot of fighting power. Due to lich's deny, the lane will generally be under their tower. I gank on these two, are extremely high risk. we eventually won, but the game was made harder. Our carry drow died twice under tower, because our supports smoked up around secret shop shrine trying to make a move on jugg. My team was also constant complain about I wasnt in the fights early on before my dagger, while their offlane nyx has been very active.

Now, Looking back, I feel like a lot of games I lost could have easily contribute to trying to do too much. I feel like the game could dumb down to, carry a TP for clutch save while farming your core items.

submitted by /u/ssdgxy
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