Skype Hearthstone Academy Part 3 Survival Guide

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:10 PM PST

Skype Hearthstone Academy Part 3

General Information
Skype is teaming up with ONOG to bring you the Skype Hearthstone Academy. Students will be selected from special Skype groups to receive personalized coaching from professional Hearthstone players such as JustSayian, Zalae, Strifecro, and Fr0zen. All matches and coaching will be streamed so join along to learn some Hearthstone. At the end of the event, students will team up with coaches to compete in a team tournament for $1,500.
Part 3 of the event will have the students showing off what they learned by playing a bo17 Conquest match with their coaches against other teams in the program.

Enter the Academy
Join in on the action! To enter the Skype chat, simply add the ID "GamingwithSkype" on Skype. Participants in the chat will have access to the following:
  • We will be selecting students directly from the Skype chat. All eight students that will be featured will come from these chats
  • All the coaches and casters will be hanging out in the chats during broadcast hours.
  • GamerSensei is our coaching partner. They have supplied coaches including Astrogation and Rayc to make videos and field your questions in the Skype chat so keep an eye out for them!
  • Notable other pros will be in the chats as well including Xixo, Phonetap, Muzzy, and Th3rat to chat and field your questions
  • We will be giving away four Windows gaming laptops and 30 sets of packs throughout the course of the event to players in the Skype chats.
  • Talk about the event in these Skype chats with like-minded players.

  • Mon, Dec 19th 3 pm PDT / 6 pm EST / 12 am CEST
  • Tues, Dec 20th 3 pm PDT / 6 pm EST / 12 am CEST
  • Weds, Dec 21st 3 pm PDT / 6 pm EST / 12 am CEST
Casters/Hosts: @Azumoqt, @Chakki_HS
Coaches: @Strifecro, @LG_Fr0zen, @TempoSaiyan,

Day 1: Team Fr0zen vs Team Justsaiyan
Day 2: Team Strifecro vs Team Zalae
Day 3: Day 1 Winners vs Day 2 Winners

ONOG Microsite
Skype Announcement
Coaching VODs
submitted by /u/Booitsmonk
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Is Bloodmage Thalnos quietly the most-used legendary?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:06 AM PST

He's not flashy, but it seems like he's in nearly every decklist nonetheless.
submitted by /u/edibubble
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When you bait out the Jaraxxus with your Ooze but you have a special surprise from Kabal Courier
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:17 PM PST
"We couldn't even kill if we wanted to"
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:22 AM PST
That's Fair
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:19 PM PST
"Wait, what?"
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:52 PM PST
Playing Hearthstone in Virtual Reality and this happened...
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:23 AM PST

I lived the infinite mana dream today

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:40 PM PST

I was playing some Jade Rogue down at rank 19 today. Early in the game against a Druid I swashburgled a Kun. I knew my Brann and Shadowcasters were somewhere in the deck, so I held out hope that I could live the dream.
He had board control for most of the game, but I was able to stabilize, and right on turn 10, my second shadowcaster showed up to make the dream come true.
submitted by /u/sylveonce
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Renolock has reignited my passion for hearthstone

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:36 PM PST

Ive been playing hearthstone for over 3 years now, i got into the game late in the closed beta. What a fun time i had with this game, playing janky decks that could never be competitive, but were still fun.
I can still remember facing handlock for the first time. Getting him down to single digit health and thinking i had the game in the bag, the boom. Double molten giant and sunfury. I was blown away, and i knew that was the deck i wanted to play. After a bit of practice, i fell in love with the deck. Unlike the decks i was playing before, a great deal of thinking went into handlock to make sure you could hold off into the late game when you could play all your fun minions. It became my go to deck and i was playing it consistently for a long time.
Then the Molten nerf hit.
A lot of people were upset with this change, me included. With giant nerfed and key cards like Healbot and Belcher rotating out handlock wasnt a viable deck to play anymore. Eventually i moved on, and over time the game started to grow stale.
With the transition to standard, it felt like the tough choices from before were almost non-existent. Clever could still be rewarded, but playing the most cost effective minion each turn was just to powerful sometimes. Playing became a slog, whereas before i would play for hours at a time, now i was logging on just to finish my dailys or do the odd arena. I didnt hate the game, i just felt it lacked the same charm from when i first played.
When Mean streets came around, i was interested to see that renolock was set to make a comeback. While Renolock and Handlock are different decks in essence, the both play similarly and have the same spirit. I was lucky to get Kazakus from the quest packs, and i decided to cash some of my dust in to build the rest of the deck.
Long story short, i absolutely love it. I finally feel like the game is engaging again. Im not just playing on curve every turn,. Sometimes im playing a 3 mana card on 7 mana and passing, only playing whats necessary to get me through the game. I havent been this ecited about hearthstone in a long time, ive genuinely found the feeling the made me love this game in the first place. Ive been playing it constantly, and since reno will only be in standard for a few more months, i plan on playing it a ton more up until then.
So i just wanted to say thank you to the hearthstone team, for making me love my time in one of my favourite games
submitted by /u/traumac4e
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This may be the most insane turn-one of my life.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:01 AM PST
No mercy for pirate warriors.
submitted by /u/Cbear123
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As a rank 20 Hearthstone player, this was incredibly satisfying
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:01 AM PST

First time using x2 divine spirit into inner fire and I did with a mind controlled C'Thun!
submitted by /u/Chris3894
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Ratsmah's Daring Reporter adventures Episode 2
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:04 AM PST
Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Meta!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:03 AM PST
Am I lucky or what?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:53 AM PST
But I thought I qued up for arena?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:56 PM PST

I have nothing to say, at 0-1
submitted by /u/thrymjar
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I dont mean to be racist but.......
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:18 PM PST

if book wyrm is a dragon. why isnt mana wyrm a dragon?
submitted by /u/DukeVoid
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Azure Drake and the neutral 5 spot.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:57 PM PST

Welcome to the neutral 5 drop spot.
At constructed level we have Azure Drakes, Stranglethron Tigers, Leeroy Jenkins, Second -Rate Bruiser, Harrison Jones, Faceless Manipulator. Of the above mentioned, Faceless is, currently, only used in Warlock decks in tandem with Leeroy.
Leeroy is used in Warlock , Warrior, Rogue.
Harrison Jones has become near obsolete due to Pirate Warriors and Aggro Shamans. Ooze is better suited to stop their early aggression.
Second rate Bruiser is seeing some play in control decks, mainly Warlock though and very rarely outside of it. And even when it does, its because if its discount and playability as a 3 drop.
The tiger is not seen anywhere else outside of Beast Druid, or some Hunter deck. Both, archetypes that are currently in the trash can.
Which leaves us with Azure Drake. The one neutral card that fits everything and everywhere.
We have received a few good class 5 drops this expansion. But when it comes to neutral ones, the last good 5 drop was in Naxxramas ( Beltcher and Loatheb).
So we are now in a situation where the only truly good , constructed level, 5 drop is Azure Drake. Of course this has been accentuated by the fact that Sylvanas and Auctioneer were nerfed to 6 drops. And Drake sees play in nearly every deck out there. Paladins, Shamans, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Mage and Druid.
And I find this problematic for the neutral 5 drops in general. Cause it goes to show the difference in value between Azure Drake and the other 5 drops.
I also find Azure drake problematic for the meta in general as it seems to revolve around it, when it comes to 5 drops. And it has done so for quite some time now.
So why aren't we given more choices when it comes to neutral 5 drops? ( at constructed level always ). Why must we always resort to Azure Drake? And why aren't some of the more lackluster 5 drops being buffed to maybe see a bit more play?
Edit: MetaStats was kind enough to give me this chart of the 5 drops ( in general) usage.
I think it is quite obvious how impactfull Azure Drake currently is compared to everything else.
Edit2: some formatting was indeed needed ( I am sorry for its bad shape)
submitted by /u/HannibalXD
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"I shouldn't have done that"
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:42 PM PST
Dozens of chickens performing a dark hearthstone ritual
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:23 AM PST

To a good extent, I am thankful for the aggro pirate meta.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:41 AM PST

Aight befoe yall lynch me for not going with the circle jerk, hear me out.
Aggro pirate has ultimately made for a better meta. Especially since we came from a midrange shaman meta. Aggro pirate is a fair, non rng based deck that is easily countered. this is key because aggro pirate allows for a stable meta to be built on top of it instead of just the pure domination of midrange shaman, a deck that has everything from boardclears, to burst, to a fantastic opener. much like secret paladin, aggro pirate decks, although frustrating to play against, ultimately help cultivate the meta.
submitted by /u/Llamayoda
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Is cursed blade really that good?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:23 AM PST

So I got Cursed Blade as my 30th card choice in arena. HearthArena says it is by far the best option out of the 3, but I would have instapicked the King's Defender if I didn't have HearthArena.
EDIT: I picked the King's Defender in the end and finished with 7 wins. Full deck is seen here: (the choice overview is NOT CORRECT)
submitted by /u/OWNfoot
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Never lucky
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:09 PM PST
New Tempostorm Meta Snapshot is out!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:25 AM PST
My most satisfying moment yet
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:19 PM PST
Beating reno mage with a full Angry Chicken OTK.
submitted by /u/ratbum
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The One Year F2P Hearthstone Challenge

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:35 PM PST

Greetings everyone, Entropywow here.
I've decided to embark on a bit of a crazy experiment, and I'm not quite sure how it is going to go!
Basically I have started a brand new Hearthstone account today (19th of December 2016). I will play on this account as much as I possibly can (I am a full time student) in exactly a one year time frame.
I call this "The One Year F2P Challenge"
Here are the basic rules:
  • It HAS to be a BRAND new account
  • You are NOT allowed to spend a penny on the game
  • You are NOT allowed to disenchant any cards UNLESS they're duplicates (more than 2 of common/rare/epic and more than one of legendary)
  • You CAN craft cards with the dust you acquire
The goals are simple:
  • Acquire as many different cards as possible.
  • Reach Legend as many times as possible (if at all).
  • Complete as many arena runs as possible.

How will I be documenting this?
I will be streaming EVERYTHING I do on the account, on twitch:
I will be uploading COMPRESSED/EDITED videos of the challenge on my youtube channel:
All my Arena runs can be found here:
Amount of Packs opened, amount of cards and rarity:
If you have any questions about this challenge, feel free to ask away here on reddit, youtube or my stream!
Take care, Entropywow
submitted by /u/Entropywow
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Hearthstone gobbling up 3GB of space on Android now...

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:46 PM PST

This is really getting out of hand. I was wondering why I received a warning on my Galaxy S7 that I was low on internal memory. Low and behold Hearthstone now consumes 3GB after Mean Streets. That is a crazy amount of space for a game to require on mobile. And of course I have a 64GB external sd card with plenty of available space but the game refuses to move more than 100mb of its data onto it.
Blizzard seriously needs to come up with a method for mobile platforms to be able to move more of the monstrous game data onto external storage. I understand that doing so would impact game performance, but an option to downscale and disable unnecessary animations on mobile is something that could compensate for this. Why is this not an option by now?
With majority of phones only packing 32gb of internal storage, for Blizzard to demand nearly 10% of internal with no method to store half the data externally is just ridiculous.
submitted by /u/notentertained90
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