2016 in Review for DayZ Development DayZ Daily Report

2016 in Review for DayZ Development

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:20 AM PST

Mosin Nagant Wallpaper
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:44 AM PST

New GIFs of the upcoming Player Controller, UI and Stamina System

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:59 AM PST

Source: here
It looks absolutely phenomenal! A gigantic improvement from what we currently have. Can't wait!
Merry Christmas all and happy New Year! The dev team especially. You've made phenomenal progress and I can't wait to see what's in store going forward.
submitted by /u/OldWorldNomad
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Craft a wrist Compass

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:35 AM PST

Duct tape and a compass. Would really sort out giving directions to team-mates "Over there, behind the green bush. Near the tree. Theres two big rocks to its left. No wait 3 big rocks. He's right under the reddish/brown tree. I'm dead. FFS how could you not see him".
replace with
"To my north-west, 100 metres"
submitted by /u/bolouswki
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Steam is down

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:48 AM PST

It went offline just as I rushed home, got a drink and sat down to play DayZ. No one is surviving this.
EDIT: Looks like it's coming back now.
submitted by /u/manc4u2
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[PSA] Do not ignore 'I'm cooling off' message

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:50 AM PST

Digged into the stable build gamefiles.
Message Condition Effect
I am rapidly warming up 28<Heatcomfort<200 +0.0001/s
I am warming up 18<Heatcomfort<28 +0.00001/s
I am slowly cooling off -10>Heatcomfort>-15 -0.0000925/s
I am cooling off -15>Heatcomfort>-20 -0.0080125/s
I am promptly cooling off -20>Heatcomfort>-30 -0.008125/s
I am rapidly cooling off -30>Heatcomfort -0.01/s
It's worth noting that from a mere cooling off stage, you will lose one degree of body temperature every two minutes. That's ludicrous. I'm sure it will get tweaked in future builds, but for now never ignore the messages that tell you are cooling off. Also there's a special exclusion for a fireplace, where it will raise the body temperature by 0.008/s if body temperature is below 37.6 degrees.
submitted by /u/TenMBits
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Experimental/Unstable servers are going offline for a new update.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:26 AM PST
Update Patch 0.61 Tips/Advice! Weapon Loot Spawns DayZ Standalone - Dayz TV
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:49 AM PST
Who will survive?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:44 PM PST

Indoor fireplaces in 0.61?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:49 AM PST

I tried out the new patch just now and overall it's really good but I have a question about indoor fireplaces. Due to the serious threat of hypothermia in this patch I spent a while running from house to house after being soaked in the rain, trying to start a fireplace.
But every indoor fireplace I got to, it only gave me the 'Place fireplace on the ground' option, which obviously didn't work due to it being indoors.
I tried it in a few different houses, some of which I've used for this in the past. If I remember correctly from the previous patches, I should be getting an option to simply 'Place fireplace' which would add it to the indoor one.
Am I being uninformed about some change in fire-making mechanics or is this a case of a bugged server / game-wide bug?
submitted by /u/Breskvar
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How to acquire the game DayZ

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:38 PM PST

I want to play DayZ. I want to play the mod and not the Stand Alone version. I just want to make sure I get the right game so I'm asking here for some help.
Is there an official place with instructions on how to install the game? Do I just purchase Arma II Complete Edition from Steam, then download and run DayZ Commander?
submitted by /u/noanon
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Survivor Gamez?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:28 AM PST

Is Survivor Gamez still a thing? the last time they had an event was over a year ago, I wanna say almost pushing 2 years ago. There is so much better competition now, and I think it would be awesome for one to happen soon. What are your thoughts on this?
submitted by /u/FadezGaming
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Still worth buying this game?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:26 PM PST

Hello guys, im a old Dayz Mod player and my pc got old and old and old and sadly i couldnt play the standalone. Now i got new specs, a good pc , and dayz is one sales!!!!!!!
Now my question is, is it still worth buying ? Sometime i see streamers and the game is without zombies and more! Tell me what you think!
submitted by /u/Didakus
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Where do tents spawn?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:20 PM PST

I haven't found any in the apartments they used to be frequently found inside at novoya Petrovka
submitted by /u/TheRealDrDirtyDan
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ArmA II is like $5 on steam right now if any lurkers are wanting to become players.

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:00 AM PST
Found a few xmas tree's :( No gifts yet. Guess we have to wait for santa to come.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:27 PM PST

Steam Down - DayZ authentication Error

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:01 AM PST

Just FYI to everyone Steam is currently down unable to access their website or connect via the software.
submitted by /u/mastof21
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SKS or Winchester
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:40 AM PST

So I found both an SKS and a Winchester Model 70, but I don't know which one to keep. What do you guys think?
submitted by /u/Sobelek11
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"The Chase" .61: Trouble in Novy Sobor
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:32 PM PST
Christmas Eve Eve Stream - "Down to the river"
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:22 PM PST

I Dare You (Challenge run idea)

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:19 PM PST

Forewarning: I am not a frequent Reddit user so i apologize for any formatting errors

I've been playing standalone for about 140 hours (yes i know im still a pleb) now and iv'e come up with an interesting idea and want to share it with other players who may not have thought of it.

  1. Join a high population server as a fresh spawn (preferably first person)
  2. Completely avoid using wells and apple trees as forms of sustenance.
  3. Keep gamma and brightness at default settings or lower.
  4. Treat zombies as you would in a real zombie apocalypse. Avoid them at all costs, if you get hit and start bleeding then the contagion penetrates your bloodstream and you are infected and must take the honorable way out (Rag seppuku) before you become one of them.
  5. Lastly attempt to think of an interesting backstory and theme to your character and stick with it. (preferably something that further gimps you in an interesting and dynamic way to help reinforce a feeling of survival, Examples below)

A. Hunter/Farmer (Survive off of nothing but crops and hunted animals)
B. Vegetarian (You don't believe in the consumption of meat or fish)
C. Tribal (Only use the spear and the bow)

I started thinking about this idea ever since i found out how laughably easy this game is in the survival department and realized i wasn't having fun taking advantage of the broken poorly thought out apple/berries/well systems.
I remember one time i was being stupid and forgot to keep myself fed and started instantly losing blood to starvation. I panicked and sprinting around looking for a can of beans, the tension was so high because i had finally found a 30 round mag for my .22 rifle and i was excited to have a proper working gun and now i was ganna lose it all to my stupidity. It felt so real and beautiful and captured the true spirit of a survival game. My blood was seriously pumping even though it was such a trivial thing it felt so real and scary.
Then i saw an apple tree and suddenly all tension was gone and the survival aspect was completely destroyed as i pitifully groped it and apple glitched my way back to health......
I felt horrible about the whole situation and that is when i realized i never wanna play the game like this again, i promptly committed rag seppuku in disgust with myself and preceded to implement these rules upon the game and was instantly having so much more fun. When i found a can of peaches it meant so much more, when i found a pristine canteen i was ecstatic and excited instead of just passing it by cause "Lol apples are OP Egz Deeeeeeeee."
The real aim of this post is to tell those people that are disgusted with the "Survival mechanics" of endlessly spamming the well/berries/apple trees until stuffed and ignoring every can of food you come across, that you don't have to play the game like that just because the option is there you just have to have the willpower to say no to apples!
I hope if you read this you try at least some of these ideas as they have enhanced my Day Z experience ten fold! Sure you may be putting yourself at a disadvantageous position in relation to other players, but maybe that's just the kind of challenge you need to make Day Z fun for you again!
Sincerely -A 140 hour pleb
submitted by /u/Mephesto666
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No food?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:10 PM PST

Is only me or is something wrong with servers today?
submitted by /u/Kilrod
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Backing Out of Server Countdown
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:57 PM PST

Is there a way to back out of a server count down? I used to be able to hit Esc and go back to the server menu.
submitted by /u/wjdoyle88
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Christmas Truce

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:30 AM PST

Do you think that there is ever the possibility to call a Christmas Truce on Christmas Day at Midday for 1 hour, where people will come together, sing songs and not murder one another?
What do you think......
Serious answers only of course ;)
submitted by /u/j47kly
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[Q] Most effective Looting Route right now? I struggle to gear up :/
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:23 PM PST

Little concerns over the future of the medical system in DayZ

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:19 PM PST

First off, let me tell you that I love DayZ, I have absolutely no problems with it.
I appreciate what the devs have done so far (I've been following this awesome game from the very beginning) and I'm very excited for what's to come (see here), but I have to admit that I'm getting a little worried by the lack of shared information regarding the advanced medical mechanics the devs used to talk about something like a year ago (maybe more?). As far as I remember the system currently in place was meant as a placeholder for something bigger and way more detailed, in fact much of the loot you can find to treat yourself has little to no use (see vitamins, painkillers etc) and diseases'effects on players aren't as incapacitating as they are on the mod (think of the shaking when wounded).
Am I missing something? It would be fantastic to get some news from official sources.
submitted by /u/Damarus95
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