[Dota 2 TEST CLIENT] - August 29, 2014 | The Techies Update

The Techies Update

Update Page: http://www.dota2.com/techies/

Official Changelog


  • Removed waiting for spectators in private lobbies


  • Increased low-priority ban rate for players who receive high numbers of reports


  • Added many new loading screen tips
  • Fixed and adjusted several tooltips and ability descriptions
  • Alt-clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory now informs your teammates that the enemy has that item
  • Alt-clicking on the buyback button or your gold will notify your team of your current buyback status
  • Items may now be dropped from the stash while dead
  • Fixed replay highlight reel transition graphic getting stuck on sometimes
  • Fixed a bug in the Coach UI where the help text sometimes overlapped the student checkboxes, rendering them unusable


  • Players can no longer drop or take other players' unsharable items on the courier
  • Players can no longer store other players' unsharable items in their stash
  • Items on heroes controlled by players who have disconnected, but not yet abandoned, can no longer be dropped from their inventories
  • Fixed a case where picking up an item owned by another player triggered an item combine, using items from the owning player's stash. If the item was owned by an enemy player, this would combine and steal the whole item.


  • Side towers are now always Invulnerable


  • Added new Bot AI for Riki
  • Added new Bot AI for Pudge
  • Added new Bot AI for Axe
  • Bots in solo bot matches will wear your equipped cosmetics


  • Increased the size of the importer preview
  • Added particle system attachment point editing as part of the submission process for certain wearable items (like Drow Ranger's bow)
  • Fixed a bug where sub model pages weren't being flipped back to the first page when opening a model that only needed the first page
  • Fixed the attachment list not being initialized properly, which was leading to the default selection being blank
  • Fixed a bug where lighting in the preview would darken after the portrait editor was opened
  • Updated text to make it clearer that model budgets are in triangles, not polygons


  • Several new features for Third Party compendiums. Documentation at https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Dota2_Compendium_Scriptfiles
  • Fixed test_local_compendium not precaching images the way the download path did, which resulted in subtle differences in some cases.
  • Fixed compendium video elements not working if they weren't using the legacy element path.

Hero Updates

  • Default Bomb Arsenal: Techies Item Slot.

Economy Updates

New Arcana

  • Swine of the Sunken Galley: Includes Complete 5-Piece Item Set, Effects tinted by Prismatic Gem, Custom Hero, Minimap and Spell Icons, In-game "Minefield Sign" ability, Custom Portrait Inscribed Gems for all four abilities, Custom animations, effects and sounds, Mine Victims see Mini-taunt, Swine Sappers Loading Screen and Animated Chat Emoticon.


  • Music item slot has now been enabled.

New Gems

  • Victory Prediction Gem: It predicts your streak of winning games. You use your Assured Victory Shout before a game to predict the win for it. If you get it, this ticks up. If you lose, it resets to zero. Good way to measure e-Peen.

New Sets

Other Items

New Couriers

New Announcers

  • Techies: Announcer - Includes Mega-Kills. Comes in the TECHIES' BOMBASTIC BOX

New HUDs

New Taunts

  • Taunt: Techies Squint and Laugh - In addition to the taunt, each time you kill a foe, they'll get a special view of Techies' giggling faces.

Raw Schema: Link
Patch Size: 549.2 Mb

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