Trying to learn Nevermore the Shadow Fiend

I'm trying to learn serious Shadow Fiend. If there are any vital tips, please let me know.

All mid heroes depend on getting lasthits and experience to be effective, but Shadow Fiend takes that to the extreme. Because of how Shadow Fiend's base damage (35-41) at level 1 is absolutely pathetic, you depend entirely on Necromastery and Shadowraze to dish out damage.

If you get no souls because A) your opponent can out cs and out deny you or B) you constantly get ganked, you lose pretty much any and all usefulness seeing as you're a level-dependent damage hero with no disables and a questionably useful armor debuff.

Against heroes like Templar Assassin, who can take the damage you deal and send even more back in your general direction, your laning phase will be hell. Since you really really need a good early game to transfer into the mid and late game, don't be afraid to ask for ganks from the supports (assuming there are people who play support in pub dota). If the supports decide they have better things to do, it may be worth pushing out the lane a bit and going into the jungle and Razing the smaller creep camps, just to make it a bit easier when you go back.

For post-laning phase, you have decent push with level 4 Shadowraze but absolutely no initiation capability or escape/survival mechanisms. You should focus on assisting ganks in the other lanes or in the enemy jungle. Unless there's a huge level discrepancy in your favor or the enemy has no way to escape, you should avoid ganking alone because of your general squishiness and lack of crowd control.

When it comes to teamfights, you may find it tantalizing to initiate with a blink and try to release a good Requiiem of Souls. Odds are, if you do this, you're going to die and do minmal damage. You don't want to die as Shadow Fiend. If you have a Sand King, Earthshaker, Nyx Assassin, or really any hero who can initiate with a stun, they are by far the better candidate for initiating.

As for items, the item's you'll get will be pretty standard for a squishy agi carry. Need attack speed and armor? Get Assault CuirassAssault Cuirass. Need attack speed and damage? Get Butterfly Butterfly. Are you the target of all their stuns and nukes? A Black King BarBlack King Bar'll do the trick. Do they have a Riki , Windranger, or a hero that's getting a Butterfly Butterfly? Get Monkey King Bar.

In summary, get souls, don't die, spend some quality time in the jungle, and buy good items.


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