Looking for similar styles of synergy and gameplay.

So me and a few friends have been playing a lot of matches lately as a 5 man stack but today we decided to try something new. I went Skywrath Mage as support, and my other friend went Legion Commander. Once we hit 6 we ganked together him casting the ultimate first then me following with mine. We're on a 5 game streak doing this and nobody has managed to shut down this combo, especially not after she gets a decent start.

Are there any other similar combos of heroes or gameplay that involve similar tactics. (Note: not required but preferred one be support and the other mid heroes)

There are literally countless great combos out there

Rather than just looking for 2-3 skills that synergize, you can completely crush games by first looking for an overall playstyle and then filling the draft with heroes that fit well together.

For example, say your team wants to focus on taking map control as quickly as possible and never letting the enemy have space to farm while you get tons of tower gold.

Lycanthrope is the most obvious choice for carry in that style of play because Howl and Summon Wolves add MASSIVE tower damage in the early game.

If you are getting a Lycanthrope, you might as well take advantage of the Howl damage and pick up an Enigma too. His conversion is one of the best tower pushing skills in the game already, and they are about 50% strong with max Howl.

Enigma will need to get a quick mek for sustain, so who will be the initiator in the first few key fights? Look back at the goal of the team: map control and towers. Beastmaster's Hawk is the best skill in the game for completely shutting down the enemy's ability to move around the map without being seen, his ulti is an excellent (and low cooldown) way to start off fights when the enemy is too spread out for black hole, and his Aura makes Lycanthrope and the summons all the more deadly.

Now we just need the hard support and the offlaner. The team is seriously lacking in non-ulti lock down for a team that wants to fight constantly. Lycanthrope and his wolves might do great damage once they get some levels and start attacking, but without some serious lock down in the lane, he isn't a threat to the enemy offlaner. We need a support that can provide that all by himself. We are also a bit low on counter push abilities. Wild Axes is decent, but it has a 13 second cooldown and he doesn't really have the mana pool to spam it. Midnight pulse is also great, but more at stopping pushes right outside base. It doesn't create that huge wave swing that will push all the way to the enemy base. Those 2 together, plus tower damage? You've got to have Shadow Shaman

Great, your team has more push that any team can deal with. The only way to stop it is either with super hard split pushing with someone like Tinker or with supports with enough counter push to hold 4v5 until the enemy carry gets big. You need your offlaner to be a knife in the back hero who makes the enemy terrified to go up to a lane to push it back without at least 2 more heroes as backup. You need a Nyx Assassin or Bounty Hunter
Boom. Game over. Lycanthrope pushes one lane, Beastmaster, Shadow Shaman and Enigma push a second and Nyx Assassin is goes where ever the hell he wants. The enemy might be able to take a 5v3 fight vs one lane, but you have the Hawk to spot that out. Then you wait for Nyx Assassin to get there and take that 4v5 while Lycanthrope takes a tower. With Black Hole Primal Roar, Serpent Wards and Howl that 4 man lineup has about even odds against big teamfight lineups as long as you only send the summons and maybe Beastmaster up to the tower.

The biggest threat you face in that team is an aggro trilane, but if you think that is the enemy's plan you just put Enigma solo offlane and play Nyx Assassin as a support. Nyx Assassin, Shadow Shaman, Lycanthrope probably won't win the lane outright, but they also won't lose it and Lycanthrope can always move over to the jungle if he can't get last hits while Nyx Assassin and Shadow Shaman get XP.

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