Learn to play Lone Druid

After googling for a few guides.. they all are outdated. i can micro Nature's Prophet easily enough (thought it is very easy) but apart from that my micro is limited. What should i build? for example do i need 2 pair of boots? or just 1? im pretty clueless and dont have access to videos at the minute as my sound as broken.

Lone Druid is really two heroes, the Druid and the Spirit Bear. You can think of the Druid  as the support and the Spirit Bear as the carry in many ways. The Druid buffs the Spirit Bear with his Rabid and the ability he gains from being in True Form

You need two pairs of boots, Phase BootsPhase Boots on the Spirit Bear, Tranquil BootsTranquil Boots on the Druid. You can also do two pairs of Power TreadsPower Treads, but if you do that you need to have a Radiance Radiance up very quickly.

Lone Druid is mostly about pushing because the Spirit Bear makes towers melt, but Lone Druid is also quite good in team fights if you play him right. Generally you want to send your Spirit Bear in, then once the Spirit Bear gets an entangle you collapse on the enemy as well/pop warcry when you teamfight. You should almost always be in  True Form as Lone Druid , but you should switch out of it when you need to heal as it will take less time, and you need to switch out then back into it every time you level up your True Form to get the health bonus.

Generally I have two builds I use for Lone Druid , my good stats build, and my Poor Man's ShieldPoor Man's Shield. The good start build means rushing a Radiance Radiance and then using the extra gold from the Radiance Radiance to build up other powerful items such as Assault CuirassAssault Cuirass, Skull BasherSkull Basher maybe, And Maelstrom, all three on the Spirit Bear. Druid  usually wants Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering's to help out the Spirit Bear, but it isn't needed. For the  Poor Man's ShieldPoor Man's Shield build I rush upgraded boots on both Druid  and Spirit Bear, then get  Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering's on Druid, and Skull BasherSkull Basher on Spirit Bear. These items can keep you relevant for a surprisingly long amount of time, but this is intended to help you recover from a deficit, and team fight/push early. The Radiance Radiance is to push in the more midish game, as that's what it's good at. Regardless of your build your Spirit Bear should have an Orb of VenomOrb of Venom and a Stout Shield Stout Shield as early as possible.

Lone Druid wants to prioritize points into Spirit Bear, then get three points in Battle Cry and then max Rabid, while picking up ulti at every point you can. Max out  Battle Cry last, but make sure to get three points in it before getting Rabid as it helps keep it up a lot. Lone Druid is a very complex hero, and this is only a cursory little post, I advise you play him, and read up on the hero discussions on him here and look through the in game guides.

When you itemize Lone Druid, you want the DPS items on your Spirit Bear and the survivability items on your hero. A good general itemization is:
  • Lone Druid (Hero): Tranquil BootsTranquil BootsPower TreadsPower Treads/ Boots of TravelBoots of Travel/  Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering/ Cloak Cloak/ Hood of Defiance/ Pipe of InsightPipe of Insight, Ghost Scepter Ghost Scepter, Magic Stick / Magic Wand, Force Staff Force Staff, Blink Dagger Blink Dagger
  • Spirit Bear: Phase BootsPhase Boots, Maelstrom/ MjollnirMjollnir, Assault CuirassAssault Cuirass, Hand of Midas Hand of Midas (give it to your hero when you use it so you can get XP), Desolator Desolator, Radiance Radiance (I wouldn't recommend a Radiance Radiance until you know the hero pretty well, it can be a game-losing item),

Get an  Orb of VenomOrb of Venom in lane to wreck your lane opponents. Seriously. This item will win you your lane if used effectively. Use the Spirit Bear to harass and the hero to last hit. You can use the Spirit Bear to harass, block an enemy pull, scout, secure runes, or even pull the creep wave to you. At around level 3 or 4, if you and your Spirit Bear have plenty of health, you can jungle a camp or two while your creeps are under their tower.

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