We basically just pick heroes that can be fairly aggressive in lane and head to the offlane and just making sure the carry gets no farm and getting kills if possible. Seems kinda basic really, but iv never really played against it before, and it seems most people at our level haven't either, or if they have they just haven't adapted or learnt from last time.

Lanes that we like to do are as follows:

Sven + Leshrac

In this lane you go for stun and stats on Sven and getting your ulti at level 6, Building into Arcane Boots Arcane Boots and Blink Dagger Blink Dagger, then depending on how the game is going Blink Dagger Blink Dagger and or Mask of Madness, Drum of Endurance Drum of Endurance is also useful. Leshrac maxes stun and gets a few points in edict for easy towers, Leshrac can also build arcanes and whatever else that sparkly normally builds, I don't know.

Basically its pretty simple you stun with Sven, and Leshrac stuns ontop of it. Easy kills. Just don't overextend. Also if playing Sven, just use your ulti on anything and everything if it will get you a kill

Sven/Wraith King + Ancient Apparition

This is basically the same as above, but with less push orientated. Chilling Touch and Cold Feet maxed. Sven stun ontop of a Cold Feet target guarantees a proc of Cold Feet stun, unless they have a Blink Dagger Blink or leap then you have to time the stun a little later.

Phantom Assassin + Ancient Apparition

We have only done this a few times, mostly because Phantom Assassin can be boring to play, Basically like a pseudo Weaver + Ancient Apparition lane, Cold Feet, with the attack speed from  Phantom Strike, and at higher levels the slow from Stifling Dagger procs Cold Feet

Weaver + Ancient Apparition

Everyone knows how this works, incredible early game damage, but no guaranteed stun.

Weaver + Wraith King (Support)

Getting early levels of  Vampiric Aura and obviously maxing stun, tower diving becomes easy. I don't actually play this one, but i seen my friend and another person play it 10-15 times and they have never lost, don't know how they do it, because it doesn't look like that strong of a lane, all I know is that Weaver gets a double kill every 2-3 mins.

Wraith King (Support) Dota 2

Legion Commander + Jakiro

This is just a fun lane in general, I love playing Legion Commander and my friend loves playing Jakiro, so we thought, fuck lets just lane like this. Early game is more about Jakiro harassing and Legion harass with Overwhelming Odds, you max this first. (Legion Commander will need a very early basiring).

Basically this lane works well against squishy carries and a single support, so ones who cant do much in the laning phase, Spectre, Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Drow Ranger, etc etc, try and farm up as much as you can, and focus on getting an early level 6, kills are still more than possible before that point, as your combined magical damage is pretty huge, and with an early point in Press The Attack, stuns, slows etc can be purged.

Once you get level 6, simply walk up to somebody, and Duel them (might need a little bit of harass first if they are tanky) then just let Jakiro lay down  Liquid Fire Dual Breath, and Macropyre ontop of them, and its easy damage and kills. Later on in the game (as im not a fan of Shadow Blade Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger Blink Legion ) Jakiro can build into a Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul, with Smoke of DeceitSmokes, let Jakiro start with Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter of Divinity, Ice Path on top of them, as you run in to Duel, then rinse and repeat above.

Keeper of the Light + Tidehunter/Queen of Pain/any here with a spamable nuke

We did Keeper of the Light +Queen of Pain last night, just for fun, and were able to abuse it because we were against a Slark, Ogre Magi, very little harass from them, were basically able to secure another safe farming lane. maxing Shadow strike against melee units (only 4 second Cooldown at level 4)

The slow is good and can set up a 2-3 second Keeper of the Light blast. This lane is just mostly for fun and not that good. I would suggest more towards tide or a similar hero than Queen of Pain. We played this lane against Anti-Mage's a lot because he just cant handle getting gushed every time its off cooldown. Even in a safelane tri environment.

Keeper of the Light Dota 2

Sand King + Zeus

This was more a jokey lane aswell, pretty sure I randomed, but as always we went offlane and we were against a Phantom Assassin and Earthshaker lane. The burst from Zeus and stun from Sand King was just good. Probably unlikely to do this one again, but it was fun.

But anyway those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head right now. I hope some of you guys enjoyed it, just remember that this is just scrubs playing against scrubs so that's probably why it works. Your average 7000 MMR Redditor wont find this very useful I should imagine.

But if you can think of some or have tried some fun lanes that work out often then just let me know im always open to trying new lanes :D

All the best, thanks for reading!

By  UCSp1tF1r3 . Reddit

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