Malaysian team Titan avenged their fourth place finsih from last month's MSI Beat It GosuCup Asia, beating their then conqueror Arrow Gaming on this month's installment. Titan earns $1,200 for this GosuCup Asia title.
Finishing last month's run with a relatively disappointing fourth place finish, Titan returned with a vengeance this month as they completely dominated MSI Beat It GosuCup Asia June. They had a spotless record, including a convincing championship performance against fellow TI4-bound team Arrow Gaming, en route to a tournament win.

Titan made short work of Singaporean team Kingdom, the only non-Malaysian team in the top four of this month's GosuCup. Meanwhile, Arrow climbed up into the Championship after knocking out Invasion and avenging their loss against Kingdom in two one-sided games.
The first game of the championship match between two TI4 bound teams ended quickly, as Titan's dominating laning stage forced Arrow to call GG in just 22 minutes. While the SEA qualifier winner put up a better fight on the second game, they still were not able to hold off Titan's barrage and they waved the white flag as the farmed Night Stalker and Morphling were too much for them to handle.
This is the second straight month that Arrow finishes as the runner-up, with them bowing to Singaporean team Scythe last month. With the win, Titan will receive $1,200 while Arrow and Kingdom will get $500 and $300 respectively.

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