TI4 Qualis summary with FATA and Pajkatt

A few days after qualifying for The International 4, de Adrian "FATA" Trinks and se Per Anders "Pajkatt" Olsson Lille from de mousesports joined Soe and Maelk in the joinDOTA studio to discuss the outcome of all the TI4 qualifiers. Find the video of the 28 minute long conversation right here!

Everything from the Korean scene and Blink Dagger on slark to mousesports and their own individual performance in the qualifiers gets touched upon in this sit-down. Watch and listen for yourself or check out the "TLDW" section below the video. But we do recommend watching, as there might even be a special treat from Pajkatt at the end.

Too long; didnt watch

  • The outcome of the American qualifiers surprised a bit, since us Na'VI.US was formed merely a month before the event. Pajkatt and FATA expected us Liquid would win.
  • They all agree that kr MVP.Phoenix placing 2nd in the SEA qualifiers was surprising. Pajkatt and FATA agrees that the Koreans need more experience playing against international teams. It will according to them, be quite a long time before they will have a shot at placing high in TI.
  • They discuss Chinese Dota and Pajkatt talks about his own experience living and playing in China, along with de Dominik "Black^" Reitmeier who stayed in China after the disband of LGD.int and how he's playing for cn CIS.
  • The mousesport members also speak of how the fact that ru Virtus Pro made it to the final took them by surprise and that they were a bit too cocky after winning the early game in the first two matches. Impatience was the word used by Pajkatt when describing why they lost their advantage and couldn't close out the games.
  • Maelk asks Pajkatt about the Blink Dagger on Slark and why it would get chosen over Shadow Blade. Pajkatt explains that it's a safer pick up and that it allows you to easier chase down slippery targets.
  • Soe wonders how they would feel and handle the situation if they didn't manage to win that final and get placed in the wild card tournament. Pajkatt says that it's relieveing to rid themselves of the uncertainness and pressure they would have felt even though they could beat every one of the teams that are in the play-ins.
  • Pajkatt and FATA also gets asked who they think will take the last spot in TI. They are both very unsure, since the mentality of the players will affect the results a lot. FATA is very certain that experience will matter a lot, he himself for example wouldn't have been able to make a comeback from 0-2, if that would have been a year ago. Pajkatt says that it can go both ways: "You don't know what they're thinking, if Liquid is scared of losing because they supposedly should already be in TI. Or if MVP.Phoenix are scared because they've never been to TI... Whoever is stronger on that day is definately be the one taking that"
  • When asked by Soe about their own chances at TI, they both concur that they can end up in top 8, but top 5 is preferable. It all depends on how well they will spend their time pre TI, says Pajkatt. They will be attending Dreamhack along with ESL or mini-TI as they call it, during this period.
This article was written by se John Wimarsson, joinDOTA's Writer

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