Anti Mage vs Phantom Assassin Dota 2 images

I'm getting sick of seeing Phantom Assassin in every game and I can't stop Phantom Assassin from snowballing out of control. Any tips? How do I can ?

Romp : Also Pudge DESTROYS her so just draft magic dmg.

I don't get it, ppl are complaining about Phantom Assassin yet i have never had trouble with her.
She's typically food for nukes, stuff like Lion, Lina eat her for breakfast. Also Pudge DESTROYS her so just draft magic dmg.
Lategame Monkey King Bar and Black King BarBlack King Bar are standard counters
Also special mention goes to ursa since his overpower atks don't "waste" on evasion (i.e. he will get his dmg in, it just takes him a little longer).
Omniknight, just heal whoever she jumps too and you can prevent blinking and slowing in the first place with Repel. There's also your ult too!
Yeah I still think she's crap imo

TinkerGuy : Pugna is the best anti Phantom Assassin if you know how to play

Generally, nukers are good to shut down Phantom Assassin early on. But ofc Phantom Assassin will get a  Black King BarBlack King Bar, the point is you have to force the game end before Phantom Assassin gets fat. Or even Phantom Assassin gets fat, there must be a fat carry in your team too. And make sure that carry got Monkey King Bar and Skull BasherSkull Basher to stop late game Phantom Assassin.
I prefer Pugna, if im sure Phantom Assassin goes mid. I prefer Faceless Void, if im sure Phantom Assassin goes to safe lane farm.

BemuseConfuseDelight : With Pugna try to anticipate the blink and decrepify yourself whilst life draining Phantom Assassin

With Pugna try to anticipate the blink and decrepify yourself whilst life draining Phantom Assassin . This usually results in having a Phantom Assassin within optimum duration for life drain whilst taking no damage. Also, if nobody is aware, Pugna vs Faceless Void rocks socks off! Aslong as you're not caught in chrono just decrepify him! Also see Bloodseeker etc.

 Joggemanon : Blow her up early with high magical damage heroes

Blow her up early with high magical damage heroes. The other option is tanky Blade MailBlade Mail heroes in conjunction with strong lockdown/magic damage.

wezagred :  Hex from Lion and Shadow Shaman disables her evasion. Same with Doom Bringer.

Tusk is decent at dealing with her early on and preventing her from getting out of hand - Walrus Punch can't be dodged and he can easily chip away at her with his magic nukes.

jaleCro : Halberd, Ghost Scepter, Blademail, Force staff

Heroes that counter her are Pudge, Crystal Maiden, Batrider, Pugna, Invoker, and some others i cant think of right now.
make sure to retreat if you see her popping her  Black King BarBlack King Bar .

headshotmasta : As the guy said above, Mmni, Void, Lion, Lina, Tinker. Tinker most notably.

As the guy said above, Omniknight, Faceless Void, Lion, Lina, Tinker. Tinker most notably. Nyx Assassin, since vendetta isn't removed if he misses with his ult. I tend to find that a Phantom Assassin who goes for the long game with bfury etc may stomp, but there again as the game wears on she gets somewhat fragile if the enemy team has late-game carries. On the other hand, if she goes for early game items which make her tanky while steadily increasing her dps then she becomes a whole new problem. A while ago, I was playing Phantom Assassin mid with great success going for Power TreadsPower Treads/Drum of Endurance Drum of Endurance/Skull BasherSkull Basher/Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering. With a good farm I could get all of the above by 15 minutes. That's like 1500hp, and a lot harder to deal with than a Phantom Assassin with a  Battle Fury Battle Fury. With a good farm and a mix of str/dps items, she becomes a beast of a mid-game roamer.

Thatindianboss : Go into her jungle and make sure she can't farm it

Get supports to buy Ghost Scepter Ghost Scepter so that they don't become food for her to farm. Buy an Monkey King Bar and then proceed to destroy her. If the Phantom Assassin you are versing goes for bf and doesn't have it by 18 minutes punish her for it. Go into her jungle and make sure she can't farm it. That should give you a significant advantage over her and then you just destroy her easily.

Nyx_Assassin : Lina's new ulti will do some decent damage to Phantom Assassin late

In my opinion Phantom Assassin is pretty weak. She's squishy, don't see her doing much damage unless she gets lucky, Monkey King Bar will make one of her spells useless,  Black King BarBlack King Bar will prevent her dry humping you. pressure he early and you won't even have to worry about her in the late game if she has zero farm.
Lina's new ulti will do some decent damage (1250 is more then decent) to her late, throw in a bane for some good lock down when she  Black King BarBlack King Bar

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