Ogre Magi beginner's guild build support roaming

Aggron Stonebreak the Ogre Magi is a roaming support hero that requires nearly no items to be impactful in the game. His skills can be leveled in a variety of ways; depending how when your carry comes "online", meaning ready to start engaging in team-fights. If ready in the mid-game, max out Bloodlust when possible, otherwise, the Fireblast/Ignite combo works very well in team-fights to wear down enemies. Items such as Urn of Shadows Urn of Shadows and Force Staff Force Staff help alleviate the mana demand of Ogre Magi's abilities as well as give him further mobility to either surprise foes or escape safely; mobility is Ogre Magi's bigger issues and waddling as he does surely doesn't help.

Ogre has good base attributes, and some of the best attributes gain in the game. He is a powerful ganker and disabler, eliminating his opponents in mere seconds if his ultimate Multi Cast successfully occurs with Fireblast. Later in the game he takes on the role of a buffer/debuffer with his powerful Bloodlust buff and his AoE Ignite .

Ogre Magi Recommended items

Ogre Magi Abilities Build

Ogre Magi roaming support build item notes

Animal Courier Animal Courier : As a support hero, be sure to pick up a courier or wards.

Magic Stick: A Magic Stick will help supplement your Fireblast casts; it can also be turned into a Magic Wand later on

Soul RingSoul Ring: is incredibly useful due to Ogre 's high health pool for an Intelligence Hero, and for providing additional Fireblast casts even when out of mana.

Urn of Shadows Urn of Shadows : Urn gives even further capability for Ogre to roam around and snag some kills with his great stun!

Arcane Boots Arcane Boots: will give you plenty of mana for all of your spells, and will help more mana-hungry

Force Staff Force Staff : For escaping or engaging. Use Force Staff to get in rage for your Fireblast.

Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter : It's debatable whether to get Scepter on Ogre , the cost is very high and the reward is another huge damage-dealing stun and increased chances.

Orb of VenomOrb of Venom: this early if you want to be a continued nuisance during the early phase of the game.

Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter of Divinity: Use Eul's to improve Ogre waddle-like movement and further add to his disabile arsenal.

MekansmMekansm: can be an acceptable pick-up for Ogre if your team lacks support heroes. However, Ogre is a bit frail and may not be ideal to build it given how great his stuns are.

Rod of Atos Rod of Atos : gives a bigger mana pool for Ogre and more life. Its active ability's range to slow enemies is quite good given how much Ogre wants to stay out of fights.

Veil of DiscordVeil of Discord: Veil is overall a particulary strong item for Ogre nuke-heavy damage and damage-over-time effects.

Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse: an additional disable, plenty of stats, and plenty of mana regeneration.

Shiva's GuardShiva's Guard: gives you an additional slow alongside Ignite, and also gives you even more survivability.

BloodstoneBloodstone: greatly boosts your survivability, greater ability to spam Fireblast, and a suicide to heal your team with in a pinch.

Ogre Magi role support Abilities Notes


This is your best ability and its a great stun. Use this often, but be careful of the mana cost.
When  Multi Cast, Fireblast hits the same target each time with a 0.3 seconds interval.


Ingnite targets an enemy, but also hits any nearby enemies as well. Use this after your stun to follow-up with the slow and extra DPS.

When  Multi Cast, nearby enemies will be selected randomly in an 1400 AoE to be Ignite (prioritizes ones that do not already have the debuff).


At a constant 75 mana cost, this ability is great for carries and heros who do physical damage. Use it plenty of times.
When  Multi Cast, nearby allies will be selected randomly in an 575 AoE to be Bloodlust 

Unrefined Fireblast

Make sure to time your two stuns (Fireblast and this one) to maximize the duration.

Multi Cast

Marry Lady Luck to increase likelihood of this working. Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter  is undroppable once acquired.

Tips to play Ogre Magi

  • Fireblast  gives the full 1.5s of stun from the first rank, whereas Ignite gains significant additional slow and duration with ranks. However, Fireblast will deal high damage if it's leveled and  Multi Cast occurs, so choose your skill build wisely.
  • It may seem wise to delay leveling  Multi Cast to preserve the mana efficiency of Fireblast, but remember that Ignite has no area-of-effect until there is at least one level in your  Multi Cast. This makes farming and pushing creep waves much more difficult. By delaying  Multi Cast, you'll be delaying your farming effectiveness which can put you behind for the rest of the game. For most games, the utility of AOE damage makes higher mana costs an acceptable trade-off. Consider the state of the game and your situation when deciding whether to level  Multi Cast at 6.
  • When you have at least 1 point in  Multi Cast, use Ignite when the enemies get clumped to affect them all in a short radius.
  • Bloodlust is a rather versatile skill, allowing you or anyone you cast it on to make a swift escape or entrance during teamfights, as well as being a powerful steroid for any carry. Consider keeping your Bloodlust always on a carry during a teamfight.
  • You're a good chaser: your Fireblast can stun an enemy for 1.5 seconds and keep him in place, while your Ignite damages and slows the target. Use these skills to help your teammates get kills.

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