The Lord of the Rings Online Update 19.3 Release Notes

Update 19.3 Release Notes

Welcome to the Update 19.3 Release Notes, released on Monday, February 6th.

Of Special Note:

  • Player Housing - Players can now adjust the location of their interior housing decorations! See the notes below for more information.

News and Notes:

Chat Channels

  • Four additional user defined chat channels have been added, for a total 8 user defined chat channels per player.
  • There are now 3 global channels: /world, /trade, and /lff. Trade and Looking-for-Fellowship are now global channels accessible via /trade and /lff. Please restrict trading/selling to the /trade channel and grouping requests to the /lff channel.
  • The advice regional chat channel has been removed.
  • The eight user chat channels have been added to the Output Channels context menu of the bubble icon on the chat input field.
  • Corrected an issue with /say. In addition, the range of /say has been increased from 15 meters to 25. Use /shout to double that range.
  • The global Looking For Fellowship chat channel now shows as LFF instead of LFG in chat.
  • Fixed a problem with chat was that causing server issues on Bullroarer.