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Legion TD 2 v1.77a Patch Notes

v1.77a Patch Notes

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:30 PM PST

Client Updates

Crash Fixes
- Fixed compatibility with Windows Vista (Upgraded to Coherent GT 1.15)

This fixes the missing UI bug for Windows Vista users. Windows Vista users can now play Legion TD 2!

This is also a potential fix for other operating systems. If this issue still occurs for you, please report on the forums[]

- Coherent GT logs are now written to file again

- Fixed a bug where antialiasing wasn't working even when enabled via options


Stricter matchmaking for high-rated players
- Solos/parties rated 1600-1999: Cannot match with solos/parties rated 300 less than your party (used to be 400)
- Solos/parties rated 2000+: Cannot match with solos/parties rated <1700 (used to be <1600)
- Hitting "Find me any game as soon as possible" still increases the threshold by 200 rating. If you are 1800+ and want to find a fast game during off-hours, you should hit the button.

Game Updates

Hiring Mercenaries
- Fixed a bug where double-clicking a mercenary would use up an extra count if you couldn't afford the second one

Game Balance


Four Eyes
- Damage: 96 -> 90


(13) Drill Golems
- Damage: 205 -> 200

Legion TD 2 v1.77 Patch Notes

v1.77 Patch Notes

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:56 PM PST

Our major priorities[] right now are the 5th legion, a tutorial for new players, and translating the game. In the meantime, we'll continue releasing patches with bug fixes, balance changes, and quality-of-life improvements. Please note that while we release balance patches frequently, less than 5% of our time is spent balancing the game.

New Feature: Automatic Match Canceling

If a player is AFK or fails to connect to the match (remains a "Closed" slot) on both waves 1 and 2, the game will be marked as a tie on wave 3 with no rating changes.

Matchmaking Updates

Party restrictions
- Duos: No restrictions
- Trios: Cannot have a party rating > 1900
- Quads: Cannot have a party rating > 1800

If multiple very high-rated players party together, it is nearly impossible for the matchmaker to find a fair game, so we're adding a restriction that only affects the top 1% of players.

Party Sorting
- Players of similar ratings are now more likely to match up against each other. Teams are now sorted by (1) party size and (2) party rating.

Client Updates

Text Commands
- "-ratings" now shows party type (D) for duo, (T) for trio, (F) for quad

Video Options
- You can now toggle "Enable Bloom" and "Enable Antialiasing"; change to OFF for performance gains

Interface Options
- Fixed a bug where Minimap Scale wasn't being saved between sessions

Legion Selection
- Now shows Legion Spell choices in chat, so you can see them before you choose a legion

v1.76a Bug Fixes
- Scrolling within the game chat window no longer causes the game to zoom
- Right-click canceling a worker no longer pings the ground
- Tooltips are no longer covered by the HUD
- Fixed the green box that appeared when you drag around HUD elements

Game Updates

Pathing & Targeting
- Melee/short-ranged units are now smarter about prioritizing low health targets. They now use the same targeting logic as ranged units.

Game Balance

Legion Spells

- Increases health by 500
- Grants: Sorcery: Aura that increases damage of spells by 12%

- Pay 100 gold (you must have at least 100 gold)
- Gain 300 gold when wave 12 ends

- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.85 -> 0.87


Aqua Spirit
- Damage: 24 -> 30
- Water Bounce: Bounce damage: 100% -> 50%

Less variance during early waves

- Health: 2050 -> 2000

- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.72 -> 0.77

- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.72 -> 0.77

We designed an ability for Mudman/Golem, but it has high implementation cost, so it will come in a later patch. For now, we're just buffing their stats.


Fire Archer
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.93 -> 0.91

Bone Warrior and Fire Archer are still incredibly versatile/strong and far-and-away the most used fighters by high-rated players.

Green Devil
- Damage: 42 -> 43

Head Chef
- Health: 2190 -> 2300
- Damage: 121 -> 130

- Health: 1300 -> 1350

- Health: 2750 -> 2900

Lord of Death
- Undead Dragon: Damage: 78 -> 82

- Damage: 155 -> 160


- Health: 2400 -> 2350


- Health: 410 -> 480
- Damage: 27 -> 24

Too much of Fiend's power was due to whether it was targeted at the beginning or end

- Health: 800-> 780
- Damage: 46 -> 44
- Maul: No longer has a percent chance to stun
- Maul: Now slows movement speed by 20% and attack speed by 12% (3% against the king), stacking up to 9 times

Brute now slows your salty tears instead

- Blood Rush: Mana cost: 3 -> 2.5

- Waves 11-17 buffed by 3-4%
- Waves 18 and 19 swapped

Waves buffs encourage shorter saves

(11) Quill Shooters
- Health: 1040 -> 1100
- Damage: 64 -> 65

(12) Mantises
- Health: 1100 -> 1150
- Damage: 83 -> 86

(13) Drill Golems
- Health: 3100 -> 3200
- Damage: 195 -> 205

(14) Killer Slugs
- Health: 1800 -> 1900
- Damage: 120 -> 123

(15) Quadrapus
- Giant Quadrapus: 8200 -> 8900
- Quadrapus: Health: 2050 -> 2250

(16) Cardinals
- Health: 1600 -> 1650
- Damage: 105 -> 110

(17) Metal Dragons
- Health: 2900 -> 3000
- Damage: 155 -> 165

(18) Wale Chiefs
- Health: 4500 -> 3900
- Damage: 300 -> 250

(19) Dire Toad
- Health: 3100 -> 3900
- Damage: 150 -> 175

Waves 16-18 were previously too vulnerable to Pierce
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