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Fallout - Do you think Fallout 3 is the “scariest” Fallout game to date?

Do you think Fallout 3 is the “scariest” Fallout game to date?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:23 AM PST

IMO, when it comes to the Fallout series, I think 3 takes the cake in terms of being the creepiest. For some reason, I always thought that navigating the metro tunnels infested with ghouls was (is?) nightmare fuel when I first picked up this game as middle schooler.

submitted by /u/BayernMunich22
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My Ideal Fallout 5 start

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:44 PM PST

You create your character through the normal sliders.

Then the game starts with you sitting in a bar in the starting town of the new game area, wearing simple travelling clothes and a pip-boy. A patron asks you if are "New around here? (Start tutorial)" which you can say yes or no.

The mainquest is then started by a patron asking you if they can play a holo-tape on your pip-boy. You can say "No thanks" and just leave to explore/do other quests. Later that same person might be in another bar or town if you did want to get involved.

Basically hand-holding if you want it, otherwise throwing you into the world straight away. A blank slate where you can make your character anyone.

submitted by /u/Wolf-Thomas
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I did the entire Boomers questline without saving

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:16 AM PST

Title.My game crashed, now my last save was before even getting to the air base.FML.

submitted by /u/Dyegooou
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I tried my hand at modelling the Infiltrator from Fallout 3's DLC, The Pitt.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:37 AM PST

This was created in Blender and textures are next on the list to be applied, any rough edges will be ironed out*

Any suggestions/ideas to add and any ideas for my next project related to Fallout?

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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Just finished the main story of Fallout 4 with the Railroad... I feel terrible

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:58 PM PST

I stayed on the fence between Railroad and Institute right until the very end where Father tells you to kill Desdemona. I thought this would be the ending that gave me the most satisfaction (for Nick!!!) but it just ended up feeling completely wrong.

The Railroad were supposed to be saving synths but we probably ended up killing more on the way into the Institute than we actually managed to relay out. I didn't want to harm any of the scientists but the rest of the team didn't seem to get the message. Felt pretty bad to see an unarmed woman cowering in the tunnel to the reactor being shot in the head by Deacon.

Seeing blood on the floor of the main lobby was chilling. And Father... I thought I might have to kill him in combat or something, not just leave him dying alone in his room completely disappointed in me while I tear his life's work to pieces. My first thought on seeing the Institute go up in smoke was not so much 'the Commonwealth is saved' and more along the lines of 'the Commonwealth is completely doomed'.

Anyone else feel like this after this ending?

submitted by /u/PrincessNips
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I liked Far Harbour, but it was scary similar to Point Lookout [Spoilers for Fo4: Far Harbour and Fo3: Point Lookout]

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:13 AM PST

-Both start with you looking for someone's daughter. Once you find her, she doesn't want to go back right away.

-Both take place in mist shrouded swamps

-You arrive by boat to each

-Both feature suicide incorporating cults as one of their major factions. Joining both of these factions involves​ you having to take a hallucinogen and having a pseudo religious experience.

-Both feature a high tech base who's owner is an mixture of man and machine. In both cases this person has some form of discreet control over the religious fanatics/people of the area

I'm kinda joking a bit here but... The similarities are kinda striking

submitted by /u/PinkSkirtsPetticoats
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Hidden treasures in FO4 that you easily overlook?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 03:32 AM PST

Are there hidden treasures that I must scout in FO4? I pretty much ran through the whole game but as I am fighting a inner struggle (choose the Brotherhood or Institute) I want to do some exploring first.

So, tell me about hidden treasures?

Like: the molerat den underneath the Red Rocket.

submitted by /u/mydutch
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[Mods] Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland Pre-Alpha Gameplay Footage (Metro)

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 03:30 PM PST

Biggest missed opportunity of New Vegas - the Far south of Nevada (more specifically Bullhead City/Laughlin)

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:59 AM PST

Seems rather odd that we do not visit there because Bullhead City was the NCR's first step in the Mojave

The story of NCR and General Kimball (and begging his rise to fame) wiping out a tribe of cannibals seems to rather important and going over there would be cool to see how the area was doing.

Bullhead and Laughlin IRL are basically one town separated by a river and while I am in the belief that Dead Money takes place in Laughlin, it is a shame we never actually go there.

submitted by /u/downnice
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Which previous character would you like to see return?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:28 AM PST

Which character would you like to see return in the next Fallout game? They don't necessarily have to be involved with the main story or be a companion but just a random encounter or an easter egg type of deal. What would they be doing in the location and what would be their reasoning? If the game takes place in New York, I would like to see Deacon in disguise wandering around the main settlement. After the destruction of the Institute, there wasn't much for the Railroad to do in the Commonwealth, so they spread out throughout the region to find any escaped synths. Since Fallout 4 doesn't have a canon ending I'll just go with this ending.

submitted by /u/HardyV2
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[NV spoilers/ Opinion] The best NCR ending to Fallout New Vegas.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 11:28 AM PST

After thinking about it for a while, I have decided the best possible ending for the New California Republic is for House or Yes Man to win Vegas.

This seems conterintuitive- how is the NCR losing the NCR winning? The answer is that if the NCR loses Vegas and the greater part of the Mojave, it will force them to stop expanding in at least one direction and focus on improving internally. Every NCR post in Nevada is sparsely manned, and soldiers are constantly complaining about conditions and provisions. Golf, Forlorn Hope, and Bitter Springs all show how bad they have it.

With Vegas as an independent neighboring territory to NCR, they can both benefit from trading, after all House really wants the troops to keep coming to the strip, and the NCR can focus on it's territory to the West, and improve that for it's citizens.

submitted by /u/pizzafourlife
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I realized today how neat a location the molerat den under the Red Rocket is.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 05:25 PM PST

(minor spoilers)It's pretty neat, really well crafted. There's some unique elements that you don't see elsewhere in the game like that old power generator and stuff like that. At first you're wondering why it's all down there but then you find that note that reveals they had been burying radioactive trash down there before the bombs fell.

submitted by /u/coryandtrevorforever
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Fallout 2 is BRUTAL

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 01:57 PM PST

So, it's really my first official time playing through Fallout 2, and it's psychopathy is like Fallout 1's, but multiplied by 10.

Just out of Klamath, and get a random encounter that's a bunch of people. Read the box and it says it's all homeless people. (Except there's a full 3 room shack with a fridge and couches, a brahmin pen, and an outhouse on the map.) They're all screaming at me for money and food. Before I can really react properly, I enter combat and this small person runs over to me, hands in the air. I'm thinking these are enemies, so I open fire...


Next thing I know, the box says I critically shot A CHILD in the head and KNOCKED HER TO THE GROUND LIKE A TOY.


Then all the homeless are just like, "I just wanted some food! Please forgive me!" Oh god, what have I done? I try to leave combat, but they keep running away or toward me. They're screaming and another child is crying! The adults have knives, but are just running and screaming.

What caused this? Is it because I have jerky and money in my inventory?

I reloaded a previous save, but that still creeped me out.

submitted by /u/Equestrium
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Fallout Series Real World Locations (Updated with F4 and Mentioned Locations!)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:52 PM PST

As some of you may know, I shared this about two years ago before I got the chance to play Fallout 4. So, I have updated it with that game and it's DLC plus locations mentioned throughout the series. I hope you enjoy and please leave any criticisms in the comments. Thanks!

submitted by /u/confederalis
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The missed story opportunities of Fallout 4 (Ton o’ spoilers)

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 04:14 PM PST

Billion spoilers ahead. Be warned.

There were two big things in Fallout 4 that were big missed story opportunities: the fact they have cloning and a parent's overwhelming desire to save their baby.

Let's start with a slightly altered beginning:


Start the same. Into the freezer. This cryosleep has a difference: a year counter on the inside at the top. Fade to black. Wake to see the struggle, it's blurry as hell, partner shot, a man escapes with the baby. You're screaming and kicking. The timer shows X years have passed. Your kicking and screaming causes a short and the timer goes dark in a burst of sparks.

Moment of fade to black in which years pass as per the current story

Kicking and yelling. Smash the door open and there is fresh blood on the floor and the elevator is going up.

Run like fuck. Blood trail to follow. Get over near your house and Codsworth is there and badly injured. I tried to stop him! He has Shaun!

Follow the blood trail, find some bloody dumped piece of armour from some gang. First clue and on the way.

A bunch of raiders come over the hill and the big first firefight starts...

You're tracking a man who has stolen baby Shaun and killed your partner.


What actually happened:

The Institute stole Shaun, took cells for cloning and then put baby Shaun into cryosleep.

Then for the next fifty years they've been cloning and experimenting, releasing multiple "Shauns" out into the world after altering them to some degree.

Why are the Institute doing this? They're working on how to make AI and Synths more human, etc. They need to run multiple versions of the same person with small changes to see the results.

They're running Nature vs. Nurture experiments. So they make a psychopath Shaun, a mad dictator Shaun, a brave Shaun etc.

The guy you saw on the run with "Shaun"? He stole a clone baby from the Institute and has been on the run. He's the one you're pursuing under the mistaken belief that it's literally your son he stole. He was down near your chamber, bleeding heavily. He was trying to wake you but couldn't wait. He fled and you woke up.

Perhaps he gets killed soon after and the baby is taken. Now you have clues to follow, searching for that baby. A tribe that passed by, they had a baby with them... they went East...


What story opportunities this opens:

Firstly, you can get your actual baby son back. It supremely upset me that I couldn't have an ending of me sitting in a rocking chair in my town with my baby in my arms.

The heart-breaking loss of your child could have been a crushing moment in the story. You meet the director, learn it's Shaun and heart shattered. The entire life lost... all that time... never saw him grow up... all that. This should have been a dark-as-fuck moment of bleakness.

You might be tricked, the director tells you the baby you were following wasn't Shaun. Codsworth was wrong.

Then we should have had reversal and hope: the director isn't your Shaun. They've been cloning. The Original is still in cryosleep.

This could have fed well into the interplay between the Railroad and the BOS. You might head down the path of destroy the Institute... and then you learn Original Shaun is in there. The BOS are on their way to wipe it out but now you need to save your son.

The idea of clones out in the world allows some other cool opportunities too. You could meet up with an adult clone Shaun in a quest. He's on his own path and you help him. You fight alongside your adult "son". He's trying to find his origins, has strange clues about cloning. Weird legends of the Eternal Man, etc.

You might even meet Bloodthirsty Dictator Shaun, the mysterious leader of some crazed tribe. He's in his fifties, heavily scarred and tattooed. He looks familiar though...

It gives more immediacy to the story – you believe at first that you were in cryosleep, got awoken, your partner killed and baby stolen and then after a moment of black in which a few seconds passed (but really decades), you escaped. Because of the blood trail and Codsworth plus the fact there is actually a cloned baby that has been stolen you have a real trail to follow.

In this new world it means a greater purpose to quests. Why are you talking to someone? To learn what the marking on the armour was. To learn where that tribe live. To learn how to safety get there. To find the synth who can lead you through the dead zone, etc.

Preston and his settlement quests get a new purpose: you're desperately searching for your son. A network of settlements with radio towers means you can get information about local tribes, gangs, movements and so on. Get a settlement running and open up a clue: we found tracks. We've been tracking synths. It all leads to narrowing down where exactly the Institute is. There's actually a reason to do those quests.

Why would you bother to save some girl from some bunch of psychos? Because her father saw a man and a baby pass by not long ago... he'll tell you where they were headed but first you save my stolen daughter.


I guess the main point is: psychotic purpose. You'd search for the Institute as a means to find your son. Your clues lead that way. You get told a lie – the baby is just some random baby. You experience the heartbreak of your adult son dying. You learn about the lie – "Shaun" is still out there! You rise to the head of the Institute to bring its power to bear on finding your son. You join the Railroad with the same purpose: find your son. You get in with the BOS for the same reason. Multiple paths to the same goal.

You'd eventually come to the truth: your Shaun is in cryosleep buried deep beneath the Institute. You can get him back but will likely have to destroy the Institute to do it. The clone baby you were following... is he yours too? Do you save him? Do you leave him with a good family?

In the end you have the chance to rescue your baby, to close that wound opened at the start. You may have even had chances through the story to save/kill clone versions of your son. The young adventurer you travelled with. The crazed tribe leader you battled...

Plus... I really wanted to save my baby. I have a one-year-old son and the story fell flat showing a parent who wasn't in agony. They needed to take some lessons from the start of Heavy Rain and push that edge of desperation, panic and fear a parents has when their child goes missing.

submitted by /u/thewritingchair
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Big during the waters of life

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 04:13 PM PST

Dr. Li and her friend just sit in the sewers just before where the paladin is and don't follow me even though I've killed all the ghouls, what should I do and how can I fix this? I'm on Xbox 360

submitted by /u/Moore127
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[FNV] What outcome would the NCR want for all the DLCs?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:59 PM PST

FO4 game of the year edition dlc

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:32 PM PST

Hey guys,

I'm about to buy FO4 goty because the pre owned is only 20 bucks. I've heard that all the dlc needs to be downloaded via a code thats included with the game. I'm worried that if I buy pre owned that I won't be able to get the dlc because the code would likely have already been used.

Just curious to see if anyone here has bought it pre owned or has any knowledge on the subject? Thanks guys

submitted by /u/Ballastpoint61999
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The loading/please stand by image is in the intro of the outer limits.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:30 PM PST

They just put that show on Hulu and I started watching it. In the show intro they show that "please stand by" loading image with the Indian head on it. Where did that image come from initially? I thought it was unique to FO until now.

submitted by /u/Icomefromthevault
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Is there a way I can check what’s free on creation club without having to actually boot up the game?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:12 PM PST

They post that on

submitted by /u/WhiteFenix207
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Which platform plays fallout 3 and new vegas better.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:03 PM PST

Excluding pc which last gen console is best to handle these games. Like which one runs smoother and has less crashes/save wipes. I want to replay vegas and possibly 3 but I dont which to play on.

submitted by /u/Tarzans_Uncle
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Fallout - The weapons in Fallout 4 were so clunky and out of place, this is one of my main frustrations with the game.

The weapons in Fallout 4 were so clunky and out of place, this is one of my main frustrations with the game.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:59 AM PST

The pipe weapons looked awful and were really bad damage wise after a few levels. The combat rifle was ugly, the assualt rifle was bad and out of place. (Probably because the original AR was cut and this was meant to be a LMG)

Also, the fact that there was no cool unique weapons and that legendary weapons were so boring!

Hopefully the next fallout installment scraps/reinvents the legendary system and uses the good old unique and memorable weapons like fallout 3 and NV.

Edit: took out a repeated sentence.

Edit 2: since this point has been upvoted over 500 times for some reason and many discussions have been made, I'd like to say that I've been too harsh on fallout 4 and it's weapons. The pipe weapons should be mediocre as they're not made to last, etc. Also, the legendary system is alright but obviously needs tweaking.

That's all I needed to say.

This is the post that made me make this thread:

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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Capital Wasteland | Fallout 3 REMAKE | Metro & Quest Pre-Alpha Gameplay

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:12 AM PST

In Lew of a monthly update for February we have been working on something a little better for you guys to enjoy.

Here it is :


submitted by /u/nafnaf95
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Why is the mariner making me kill this cute lil guy

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:40 AM PST

this lil mirelurk is so damn great, I wanna have him as a gimmick follower sorta like the dwarven mudcrab

submitted by /u/HeisenDucki
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A Brotherhood of Steel Propaganda poster I designed

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:07 PM PST

Midwestern Power Armor

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:14 PM PST

What the pipe guns should have looked like!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:05 PM PST

A different (better?) take on a pipe rifle

submitted by /u/Moniterman
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7 years, 4 months and 6 days.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:37 PM PST

The time it's taken me to finish New Vegas. Next on the list? Fallout 3, because apparently I like doing things in reverse order.

Hopefully I can finish the series before I turn 40.

And for those about to ask the important questions: I left Mr. House alive, but disconnected, fought Benny one on one because I made it personal, and kicked both the legion and NCR out of my territory.

submitted by /u/orangeKaiju
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Found a really neat NCR Ranger wallpaper today

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:31 PM PST

If you like minimalist wallpapers check out the pic below. Unfortunately I don't know the source.

submitted by /u/dtxmax
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[Fallout 4 Spoilers] Regarding Glory

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:15 AM PST

The common consensus among FO4 players is that Glory not having a synth component on her body after her death is little more than an oversight by Bethesda.

Am I in the minority for thinking that this is evidence Glory lied about her past and is/was not actually a synth?

submitted by /u/fuckjoshrosen
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Cut content query: Danse becomes elder

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 04:05 AM PST

So, as most of us know, there was a planned ending to Blind Betrayal where Danse becomes elder, and kills Mason. My question, is that if Danse was in charge, and he was told of Acadia in Far Harbour, would he hunt them down? I think he wouldn't, but what about you guys?

submitted by /u/Elimin8or2000
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My FO4 BoS vs Minutemen ending seems to be broken (spoilers)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

Spoilers for FO4 below.

With the help of the Minutemen, I blew up the BoS airship. The BoS attacked the Castle and we killed many of them. But the assault petered out after about 60%. I later got one more Vertibird on a random trip back to the Castle, taking the score to 70%. But that's it. I've been playing for many hours since, and even though the radio is yelling that "The walls of the Castle have been breached!" and I still have two "Defend the Castle!" quests in my list, everything at the Castle is calm and quiet. This is pretty deflating, as I can't "finish" the game now. I'm on a PS4 so I can't run any cheats. Anyone know if I can somehow inspire whatever BoS might still be out there to go ahead and get themselves mowed down by the Castle's laser turrets so that I can have a satisfying finish to all of this?

submitted by /u/cMtsirU
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[Discussion][FO4] How many other people take issue with destroying the Institute?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:20 PM PST

A lot of people on this subreddit who have played Fallout 4 seem to take great pleasure in the destruction of the Institute. Quite a few people post pictures of massacred scientists or killed synths, and most of the playerbase considers the Institute to be the primary bad guys in Fallout 4.

But I can't do it. Every single time I make a character that progresses far enough to make it into the Institute, I have such a hard time working for anybody except for them. I am fully aware of what the Institute has done and what Father had planned to do. And, I study psychology and I'm fully aware of the results of the Milgram experiment, which I figure makes the whole situation worse, because I could be considered a conscious, potentially active confederate to the Institute's more evil activities. Even with all of this in mind, I cannot bring myself to destroy the Institute with a clean conscious.

My justifications are pragmatic and in them I find little solace. On the one end, as I've said, I understand the Institute's atrocities. On the other end, the Institute as a faction has perhaps the single greatest potential to reverse the post-apocalyptic situation we find ourselves in within the Fallout universe (ESPECIALLY after the retrieval of the Beryllium Agitator) behind Mister House, and I feel awful every time I blow it to hell.

How much solidarity can I find here? Is there anybody else who has a hard time eliminating the Institute? Maybe I'm due for a little inwards reflection, because not once have I felt bad about incinerating the Brotherhood of Steel aboard the Prydwen, even alongside the children and the noncombatants.

submitted by /u/HoundDOgBlue
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Going to the Glowing Sea for the first time. How should I prepare?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

Currently at level 10 and just got to the part in the main story where I have to find Virgil. Any weapons I should go after to bring with me? I tried getting the Overseers Guardian but I didn't realize how damn expensive the thing is. I just need something to help me have an easier time with the deathclaws and radscorpions. Also, is there anywhere I can easily grab a hazmat suit?

submitted by /u/H23NTER
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What perk is this?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:18 PM PST

FO3 GOTY Keeps Freezing Randomly

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:29 PM PST

So I played all the way up until I get to the Super mart which is right after roaming around in Megaton a bit. 3-4 Minutes into playing I always freeze. The audio still plays but no sound continues. No blue screen or anything like that. Just a frozen picture requiring me to task manager and end the process. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have editing the .exe file to run under windows 7 which is what OS I have. Help?

submitted by /u/SentinelFPS
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Is there a good New Vegas Legion Lets Play?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST

I've been looking around and can't find a good complete legion playthrough. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Mexskacin
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Creation Club: Weapon Paint Job -Gunners -100% off and Workshop Fanatic Bundle is 1000 credits only.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 05:58 AM PST

This bundle is made of: Home decor, coffee and donuts, arcade, modern furniture.

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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Are there any series like Many A True Nerd but for Fallout 1 and 2?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:48 AM PST

I've watched quite a few of Many A True Nerds playlist in fallout 3 and New Vegas where he implements challenges on himself, kill everything, kill nothing, you only live once, etc. But I was curious if there were any channels that did something similar for the older fallout games, someone who knows them well enough to do playthroughs with a specific mindset and show the strengths of the games and the freedom they allow. I'm also posting this to the classic fallout subreddit. Any channels similar to what I'm looking for are greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/terminaterg
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how do i get fallout 3 to work?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:40 PM PST

when i run it not in admin mode, when i click play on the launcher, it just doesn't start. the game stops running according to steam. when i do run it in admin mode, it says, "The ordinal 43 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xlive.dll." these are the only things ive tried, as i don't wanna tamper with the game files without a clear answer, because i don't wanna ruin my game.

submitted by /u/MrAhkmid
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New to Fallout 4 .. Need some help

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:40 AM PST

Level 13 only and I just finished that quest where I go into Kellogg's memory ... I am understanding more the game but am I going too quick ? I havent done any single side quest or anything , only one settlement and not anymore because my friend told me Preston only give those type of missions so i thought it is useless lul ...

Any tips and advices ? Oh and btw , why is pickpocket so damn hard , in Skyrim it wasn't that hard ...

submitted by /u/Le_Tiger
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Mods to manage settlers Xbox One

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:10 PM PST

Hey, are there any good recommendations for a mod that will auto assign settlers to a task and bed? I'm frustrated at them constantly loosing the tasks I give them, and having to hunt them out. I did google it, but some seem old, and have mixed reviews.

What do you use?

submitted by /u/aliiak
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a fun glitch I found with the quest Institutionalized [spoiler]

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:07 PM PST

Fallout - Super mutants in Fallout 4 are NOT stupid

Super mutants in Fallout 4 are NOT stupid

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:52 AM PST

Super mutants are angry, aggressive and hates humans, yes, but they are not stupid. First and foremost they utilize tactics; they take cover, use grenades and even help each other in battle. Second, they know how to operate advanced weaponry like minguns and even rocket launchers, and how to construct and maintain armor. They also seem to be able to know how to program turrets, IIRC. They fortify their camps in strategically sound locations; cross-roads, elevated positions, construction sites that offer multiple vantage points, etc. Furthermore, Rex Goodman was given a radio to call for help, explicitly for the purpose of luring other humans into a trap (which they also did at another location, can't remember where though). They also show ability to train and command animals with their mutant hounds.

What makes muties in F4 different from previous games (Fallout 3 notwithstanding) is their unparalleled hatred for humans. However, considering it was humans who made them what they are (the Institute), they have a pretty good reason for hating what they once was. It could also be argued that super mutants genuinely believe they could rebuild the world, as unlike raiders there have never been two hostile groups of super mutants fighting. They all cooperate. Strong even says they operate on a rudimentary system of communism, where they share all their resources equally.

In short, Super Mutants in Fallout 4 are not stupid. They are just very, very angry.

submitted by /u/swedishplayer97
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[Theory]The reason why Mr. Handys have a high chance of going crazy or achieving some semblance of sentience is because they were designed to learn.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:19 AM PST

As you go across the commonwealth or DC, or the Mohave, you can meet lots of robots. The obvious ones you meet are Protectrons and Sentries that either attack or ignore you (depending on very simple rules (Protect the owners or protect the people)) It seems that Mr. Handys are a wildcard as some will be friendly (codsworth, curie, charlie) and some will be obviously broken (that robotics shop in FO4, General Atomics place FO4, Crazed ones in FO:NV).

The reason we don't meet too many self aware Protectrons or Sentries is because they don't have the mental capacity to learn. They are not programmed to learn because they only need to protect.

Mr. Handys were supposed to be able to analyse the environment, make decisions, think, learn.

With 200 years to learn, Some Mr. Handys achieve self awareness like the ones I mentioned, while others go insane with no baseline humans to compare themselves to.

I hope I made sense. I just thought it was interesting(like 3 years ago) and was too lazy to make a post about it.

submitted by /u/Deathcommand
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[FANART] I drew Dogmeat!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:02 PM PST

I've been meaning to do some fanart of Fallout 4, so I whipped this up tonight! Hopefully more to come.

submitted by /u/warddraws
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My little Fallout Shelf!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:46 AM PST

Put up a new shelf in my house, wanted to put a special place for one of my favourite games. Picture!

submitted by /u/Falloutgamer
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I romanced Porter Gage before starting the Main Quest

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:33 AM PST

Now it's just me & my sweet sweet Porter, taking over of the Commonwealth and putting innocents to the sword ,one settlement at a time.

Didn't know it was possible lol.

It's like post apocalyptic Brokeback Mountain.

submitted by /u/RustCohleIsGod
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What is your ingame grudge?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:04 AM PST

A few years ago when I was doing my latest fallout1 playthrough I got stuck in a facility, I think it was the FEV bunker, where about 2-3 supermutants would always kill dogmeat and Ian with a minigun. Dogmeat would almost always blow up in gory mess. I tried to avoid this by reloading but after 20 tries watching them die I gave up and kind of went with it as a trauma for my character. I killed the super mutant, grabbed the minigun and shredded all of them. Every Next encounter with supermutants I would Pull out the minigun as revenge. I dont do heavy weapons builds, but even after this playthrough, whenever I see a supermutant I always use the minigun. Always. Screw supermutants.

submitted by /u/FellaVentura
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Hated FO4 companions

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:34 AM PST

Does anyone else have a companion/companions they just HATE in FO4 and never 'take along'?

For me it has to be piper and deacon, I can't stand ANYTHING about them Curie and cait are my general go-tos, who can say no to a cute girl!! But Hancock is my #1 ghoul bae, favourite companion of all time

submitted by /u/BillyLikesTrees
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Is there a video or picture showcasing ALL the armor's in Fallout New Vegas, including the dlc apparel?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:41 PM PST

Favorite Power Armor

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:19 PM PST

What is your guys' favorite power armor suits based just on looks throughout the whole franchise?







submitted by /u/drummersnail115
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Why did Colonel Autumn not start a military overthrow in FO3 if he could kill the President anytime?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:27 AM PST

Also why do all sentient AIs in Fallout have suicide codes in the first place?

submitted by /u/pm_me_your_Yi_plays
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What is one mod for any Fallout game that you can't play without?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:21 PM PST

For me it would probably Russell and Bad Mothafucka from the Someguy series, and Clarity for New Vegas.

submitted by /u/PancakeGuy55
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Is using unarmed without an unarmed weapon in New Vegas viable?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:53 PM PST

I want to make a character that's similar to Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. So he uses guns and unarmed. Unfortunately the unarmed weapons don't really fit the aesthetic of the character, so I'd only want to use my firsts (or even the Boxing Tape). Is this viable? I'd still use guns, I just want to use my fists and have it work too.

submitted by /u/TSpades
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What is better combat armour or metal armour

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:50 PM PST

exactly what the title says

submitted by /u/Turbofied
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What weapon should I get after I join the BOS

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:50 PM PST

so I just joined the BOS and I can get a Sniper, Rocket launcher, laser pistol, power fist or a ripper. I made gun character that can handle energy and normal firearms and I was wondering If one was better than others with stuff like damage ammo consumption or AP usage or is it just a matter of preference

submitted by /u/Turbofied
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What are some good radio mods for Fallout 4?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:25 AM PST

I'm looking for radio mods on the XB1 like Bunker Hill Radio with 40s and 50s music. Are there any?

submitted by /u/magic321321
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Can someone make a GIF from this part of the "What makes your SPECIAL?" video? I swear it existed before but I cannot find it anymore

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:02 PM PST

Righteous authority vs old faithful

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:05 AM PST

It's my first playthrough of FO4 and im playing an all around build with power armor. Use the 10mm pistol, laser musket, combat shotgun and stuff, but my favourite is the righteous authority (i live the sound of shooting it). Last night i saw a weapon at the vendor in the diamond city called old faithful. It's a laser rifle, that does double damage if the target is on full health. It's quite expensive, so im asking, which one is better: double crit damage or double damage on full health targets? Im planning to use the weapon as a mid-long range weapon.

submitted by /u/Platusternon1993
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The Quest for Fallout 4 and Mods

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:24 AM PST

Recently bought an Xbox one X, decided I'll trade in my PS4 copy of Fallout 4 toward the Xbox version cause mods, Go to gamestop trade in some games, buy Fallout 4 and come home, put disk in Xbox and start to install, 89.90% "installation stopped" OK... Take out disc and clean it, still the same problem. Decided to try to re install again, 26.6% installed, "installation stopped" check YouTube to see if anyone else having this problem, watch a few dozen videos of Fixes and none work, 3 hours later decide to go to game stop and return the defective disc. Fast forward to today, After work and I go back and decide to buy the GOTY edition for $30, get to the counter, clerk says "We have the goty edition pre owned, you could save an extra $10, Im thinking "thats cheaper then the base game, what a steal!" Buy the game come home and start to install, notice the application art is exactly like the normal Fallout 4, I would expect it to say Game of the year or look like how it does on the disc, check install size and see its exactly the same size as the normal game, I check YouTube for an unboxing and see it... The game comes with a download code for the season pass... So here I am, about to go to Gamestop for the 4th time in less then a week for Fallout 4, because I thought the DLC would be on disc like the old Fallouts... THANKS BETHESDA

submitted by /u/-oMarkyMark
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What's a good way to level up quickly

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

From not having enough weight capacity to not being able to pick expert locks, I can't find a way to level up quickly without doing the main quest missions. I'm only level 14 as of now, and it takes forever for me to level up. Any suggestions. (I also sound really stupid but it's my first playthrough)

submitted by /u/Z2-Genesis
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Possibly the inspiration behind Nuka Cola Quantum

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST

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