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 Batrider Build Guide Dota 2

Introduction Batrider

Batrider excels in his lane in the early game, and plays as a highly mobile, damage dealing Hero. His   Sticky Napalm  slows targets and increases his damage against them, and can stack up to 10 times. Once properly coated, Batrider can stun a target and leave them open with his Flamebreak, which stuns, knocks back, and deals high damage. He can use this to clear out more dangerous enemies, and stun targets while he moves in for the kill. His last two abilities, Firefly and  Flaming Lasso work best together. Firefly allows him to move over any terrain, leaving a trail of fire behind him that burns enemies and destroys trees.  Flaming Lasso pulls the target enemy behind him and into his allies. When used together, it allows him to pull an enemy into his fire, igniting them, and dealing significant damage

Author's Note

Hello and welcome to my very first guide about one of my favorite heroes, Jin'zakk the Batrider!

It's a bit embarrassing, but I haven't played DotA 2 YET... However, I am planning to do so once I get a laptop in the near (or maybe far...) future. For now, I only play AI DotA in my small and laggy netbook and do pubs in some internet cafe.

I made this chapter for the sole purpose of apologizing if my guide is too long and if some (if not all) of the parts in the guide may seem to differ from other professional guides for the reason that I haven't been in a bunch of really competitive games. But even with these "imperfections", I can assure you readers that this guide will contain everything I know about Batrider. Also, this is my first time doing a DotA/DotA2 guide so please be a bit constructive on your feedback guys.
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