Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-09-08]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-09-08]

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:05 AM PDT

Daily Milestone(s)

Daily Vanguard Strike: Complete a strike.


Commander Zavala, Vanguard

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
One Shot, One Kill Defeat enemies with precision damage. 250 Glimmer 50 Headshots 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
The Harder They Fall Defeat minibosses and bosses in any strike. 250 Glimmer 30 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Enemies from Beyond Complete any strike with a Taken boss at the end. 250 Glimmer 1 Strikes completed 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Long Distance Plan Defeat enemies in strikes with any Sniper Rifle. 250 Glimmer 25 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Into the Abyss Get Void kills in a strike. 250 Glimmer 45 Void kills 5 Vanguard Tactician Token

Lord Shaxx, Crucible

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
All in a Day's Work Defeat other Guardians in the Crucible. 250 Glimmer 15 Guardians Defeated 5 Crucible Token
An Object in Motion Land final blows using Kinetic weapons in the Crucible. 250 Glimmer 10 Final blows 5 Crucible Token
Throw Down Land melee final blows in the Crucible. 250 Glimmer 3 Final blows 5 Crucible Token
Payback Land the final blow on the player who last defeated you in the Crucible. 250 Glimmer 1 Final blow 5 Crucible Token
Throwing Shade Land Void final blows in the Crucible. 250 Glimmer 5 Final blows 5 Crucible Token

The Drifter, Gambit

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Electri-fried Use Arc abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 250 Glimmer 20 Enemies defeated 15 Infamy Rank Points
Lest It Stare Back Use Void abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 250 Glimmer 20 Enemies defeated 15 Infamy Rank Points
Face-to-Face Summon Primevals in Gambit by filling up your team's bank. 250 Glimmer 2 Primevals summoned 15 Infamy Rank Points
Telescopic Zoom Get precision kills with a Sniper Rifle against challenging enemies or enemy Guardians in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 500 Glimmer 30 Precision kills 25 Infamy Rank Points

Spider, Tangled Shore

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
The Great Equalizer Defeat Fallen in Thieves' Landing. 250 Glimmer 35 Fallen defeated 3000 Glimmer
Conquer the Conquerors Defeat Cabal in Soriks's Cut. 250 Glimmer 35 Cabal defeated 3000 Glimmer
Sharpshooter Get 25 precision kills. 250 Glimmer 25 Precision kills 3000 Glimmer
Super Visible Get Super kills on the Tangled Shore. 250 Glimmer 20 Super kills 3000 Glimmer
Defend the Shore Complete two public events on the Tangled Shore. 250 Glimmer 2 Public events completed 3000 Glimmer
Treasure Hunter Loot treasure chests on the Tangled Shore. 250 Glimmer 5 Chests looted 3000 Glimmer
Lost in the Gulch Explore the Lost Sector Trapper's Cave near Four-Horn Gulch on the Tangled Shore. 250 Glimmer 1 3000 Glimmer

Devrim Kay, EDZ

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
The Big Guns Get Power weapon multikills in the EDZ. 250 Glimmer 3 Power weapon kills 10 Dusklight Shard
Exterminator Defeat Fallen in the EDZ. 250 Glimmer 30 Fallen defeated 10 Dusklight Shard
Channel the Arc Defeat enemies with Arc damage in the EDZ. 250 Glimmer 30 Arc kills 10 Dusklight Shard

Sloane, Titan

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Throw It Out Get grenade kills on Titan. 250 Glimmer 20 Grenade kills 10 Alkane Dust
Walk the Beat Complete patrols on Titan. 250 Glimmer 2 Patrols completed 10 Alkane Dust
Make It Rain Generate Orbs of Light on Titan. 250 Glimmer 10 Orbs generated 10 Alkane Dust

Failsafe, Nessus

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Friend or Foe Defeat Fallen on Nessus. 250 Glimmer 30 Fallen defeated 10 Microphasic Datalattice
Cabal or Nothing Defeat Cabal on Nessus. 250 Glimmer 30 Cabal defeated 10 Microphasic Datalattice
Vicarious Exploration Acquire cache codes in Lost Sectors on Nessus. 250 Glimmer 2 Cache codes acquired 10 Microphasic Datalattice

Asher Mir, Io

Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
"Vanguard" Outpost Complete patrols on Io. 250 Glimmer 2 Patrols completed 10 Phaseglass Needle
Hot Shot Get Solar kills on Io. 250 Glimmer 30 Solar kills 10 Phaseglass Needle
One Shot, One Kill Get precision kills on Io. 250 Glimmer 10 Precision kills 10 Phaseglass Needle

Daily Modifiers

Affect Strikes, Heroic Missions & Adventures

  • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Grounded: Damage taken while you are airborne is greatly increased.
  • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

Gunsmith Inventory

  • Ordnance Mod: Increases grenade regeneration speed.
  • Backup Mag: Increases magazine.
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Xur should sell high-difficulty bounties that reward exotic ornaments, catalysts, masterwork cores, etc.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 01:38 AM PDT

Would give him some more appeal to players with all the year 1 exotics.

submitted by /u/TheChunkMaster
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We should at least be able to retrieve Forsaken loot with a fixed roll.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 08:24 AM PDT

EDIT: A fixed roll is not necessarily needed for this, I just screwed up the title. I just want a way to retrieve Forsaken loot.

We can still get random rolls when the loot drops but if we want to retrieve it later on we should still be able to even if it means having a fixed roll.

The "fixed" roll could be a preset or it could be the first roll you get when the loot drops.

submitted by /u/Catstache_x
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Fun Fact: the fox icon in the corner of two tailed fox's sight gets angry when you lock on a target.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:30 AM PDT

Here's the comparison
Also it makes a strange noise when you equip it.

submitted by /u/Evilwalker001
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Reached Top Gambit rank. :) I like to play.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 05:33 AM PDT

Edit: It's 15000 points.

Edit 2: Reset rank, got a mysterious invitation.

Edit 3: From the mysterious invitation. I Got a Trust handcannon (Precision Frame - Genesis - Explosive Payload) that came with level 10 masterwork and a mysterious package. It costs 2000 glimmer and 5 masterwork cores to turn in the mysterious package.

Edit 4: I have to pick up 5 masterwork cores from spider, never started the campaign yet. Rushing to spider to get MW cores for the mysterious package.

Edit 5: Openned the mysterios package, got another Trust and another mysterious package that takes another 5 mw cores to open. Grabbing 5 more cores from spider to open another mysterious package.

Edit 6: Actually, the next masterwork core would cost 160 shards. And since it doubles every time. This would cost 2560 shards for the 5th core. Can i get back down to the cheaper price if i switch to another character and get to spider again?

Edit 7: Going to take a nap while i wait for Spiders mw cores to reset. Will update this post in 3 hours when i try again after buying 5 more cores from Spider. :)

Edit 8: Bought the mysterious package again. Got the same Trust again. The exotic handcannon could be tied to the "Enigmatic Package" you can purchase from the drifter requiring 2 resets. The 1 reset package gave me the same contents 3 times. Now we know, haha. :) Thanks for waiting everyone, i napped longer than i planned. Happy hunting!

submitted by /u/little_freddy
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[Spoiler] Bungie, you need to figure out how to keep people together. There's nothing more disheartening playing solo than following a group into the Blind Well, and loading into an empty room.

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 08:29 PM PDT

This has been an issue since D1: you'd run around silently with someone after a public event, emoting, making a friend, only to see them go poof when you try to go to another area together. It was funny, meme worthy, but things have changed in the Dreaming City.

The Font of Starlight, the area host to the Blind Well activity that can drop Seeds of Light which unlock your subclass trees, needs to keep players together. Running solo and seeing a group going for the well should be an opportunity to join in on the run, get in on the action, instead you follow people in and are met with an empty room.

I will take a longer loading time if it means having people matchmade with me, over a quick and seamless load between areas where the people ahead of me vanish.

submitted by /u/reicomatricks
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Why do you keep making awesome events/ activities like Blind Well & EP but never add in or address the glaring match making issues?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:13 AM PDT

As someone who finds it extremely difficult to fathom and everyone I know who plays the game has the same issue I would really like to hear from Bungie on this. The community has never been happy or quiet on this major irritant. Spending hours trying to work around to form a lobby isn't fun or enjoyable. These are activities I want to play with my clan mates and friends.

submitted by /u/FlannelRanger
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A Sunbreaker Devastator Titan can heal other matching Titans by throwing their own hammer at them

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 04:56 AM PDT

If you and your fellow Titan are low on health, just exchange hammers. You'll both get the healing buff same as if you picked up your own hammer.

If you see a fellow Titan who needs a health boost but you're OK, throw your hammer at them to heal them up.

submitted by /u/indianjohns
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Triplewreck: " Mod economy feels off.. "

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:04 AM PDT

Mod economy feels really off. Unless you saved up a ton of components prior to Forsaken you're going to suffer considerably. The drop rate of gear with mods approaches the level of exotics. Mods need to be more common or have a reworked purchase cost.

Agree 100% especially on armor mods that influence the "basic" Gameplay by such a extent.

To me it feels sometimes bungie has a hard time to balance player investment. I like the drop rates of exotics. They should be super rare therefore the name exotics. But so far i got like 6 new mods by playing. One being a super cooldown mod and one impact mod. The rest was recovery mods and i have like 30-40 already into the game if not more

submitted by /u/GimmeFuel21
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It's been a rough expansion for machine-based characters.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:01 AM PDT

Cayde dies.

Banshee's Exo-Alzeimer's tendencies have him forget about Cayde's death.

Failsafe's optimistic half of her bipolar self breaks down crying.

Warden of Nothing boss is basically suffering from both Stockholm Syndrome and separation anxiety from Variks.

And you thought the Awoken were having a rough go at it.

submitted by /u/JonnyDros
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The power leveling system has been changed dramatically. There are now multiple soft caps, not just one. Here is how it works now.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:42 AM PDT

Some of this is specualtion because no one hit power level 540 yet as of this post. Been listening to Bungie interviews and they've said two things in relation to leveling:

  1. It will be very impressive when you see a guardian who hit level 600. I'm assuming that's because the leveling system is now a lot slower than we've ever seen.

  2. They said you will get higher level loot from doing activities when you're underleveled.

Keeping these two things in mind and considering what happens to weekly challenge drops after you hit level 520 and also considering the recommended power level for the nightfall (540), the highest level enemies in the dreaming city (560) and, wait for it, the assumption that the raid boss will be 580, here is how this new system supposedly works:

A. You can hit level 500 through blues, vendors and world engrams then you're at the soft cap for these drops. This soft cap increases by one power when you're around 15 levels or so higher.

B. You can hit level 520 by doing the weekly challenges (the gold star activities in the director) and the daily challenges. These activities will give you loot up to +5 of your current maximum power. Once you hit level 520, you're at the soft cap for these activities. They will no longer drop +5 loot. You will only get +1 from them when you're higher than 520. This has been confirmed by multiple players who hit 520.

C. The nightfall's recommended level is 540. This means you'll still be able to get +5 drops from it up to level 540. Beyond 540, it will only drop +1 loot.

D. The Dreaming City is the end game area. It'll be more apparent why this is so once people hit 540. It'll be the only source of +5 loot until the raid comes out. The cap for this area is supposedly 560.

E. The normal raid will drop +5 loot up to 580 and the prestige raid will drop loot up to 600. This is only speculation but it makes sense consdiering the info we have so far.

All credit goes to Kujay for giving me some of this info in stream while I was searching for it. Here is a clip of him briefly explaining what I just mentioned in the post:

So what did we learn from all of this?

  1. It will take a lot of time to reach 600. The most dedicated players might take a month or two to get there depending on RNG (as opposed to days previously). Casual players (people with a limited time to play Destiny 2) will probably take a lot longer to get there or they may never get there at all before the season ends.

  2. The raid will be extremely difficult at launch because everyone will be underleveled. This is by design and is intentional by the developer.

  3. If you're close to hitting 520 in any given week, do NOT do the nightfall or dreaming city first. If you're close to hitting 540, do NOT do the dreaming city before nightfall. If you're close to hitting 560, do NOT do the raid before the dreaming city.

That's all the info I have now. Hope you guys found it useful and like I said some of this is based on speculation but it makes a lot of sense. The grind is real.

submitted by /u/Axxx31
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Give Amanda Holliday a quest to turn Cayde’s sparrow into an Exotic with a unique perk

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 08:31 AM PDT

For those who haven't seen it yet, this is the sparrow I'm talking about. It's really unique but sadly only 150 speed despite the fact that there are legendaries that drop at 160.

I think it would be awesome if Holliday had a quest that allowed you to upgrade it to an Exotic with 160 speed and perhaps a unique perk (maybe it could be the first trick sparrow in Destiny 2?)

Just seems a shame that this awesome sparrow will likely never be equipped by the majority of Guardians since it's already outclassed. What do you guys think? At the very least can we buff it to 160?!

submitted by /u/Hazza42
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Bungie, please consider toning down the infusion requirements. I think as it currently stands it’s a bit much.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:30 AM PDT

I understand that going into Year 2, a lot of players wanted a sense of the grind back in Destiny. But I think as it currently stands the infusion cost calls for a bit of a tweak.

The cost alone seems very steep. In order to infuse something I have to spend a decent chunk of glimmer, legendary shards, planet materials and masterwork cores. I think this is very discouraging because I've managed to acquire some really nice randomly rolled weapons and armor so far in my early leveling journey. For instance, I found a really nice rolled nameless midnight that I enjoy using, but because the infusion costs are so exorbitant now I find myself questioning if it's worth it to infuse a weapon I enjoy using so much in my leveling journey to 600 light because I'll literally go broke just infusing it from upgrades.

Which will intern cause me to have to go out to the planet's specific materials it wants and grind a bunch of chests, mats, PE, and bounties. I think at this point it just gets redundant. I think the fact that Bungie does want us to visit all planets occasionally is good, but I don't think it should be on a daily basis to where we have to grind for mats everyday.

As it currently stands, the materials for infusion are almost steeper then D1's upgrade progression system it used to have on armor and weapons, and the worst part of all is I haven't even addressed the masterwork cores yet, which is the most obscene part.

Masterwork cores should exclusively be used for ... masterworks. I mean, they're called masterwork cores for a reason aren't they? I haven't even infused that many things and I'm already finding myself scraping on cores. As it currently stands, I'm level 512, I can only imagine the cost requirements for just being able to use the weapons you want just to level to 600.

So in theory, I now need to basically bank all my acquired weapons I've found with good rolls and save them until it's "worth" infusing then, so instead of using my nicely rolled nameless midnight, I now have to use the 515 sidearm drop with grave robber and full auto system, because infusing that thing into a weapon I actually want to use, is going to cost me an arm and a leg along the way.

I really think this needs to be looked into. A lot of us Guardians have specific play styles, certain weapons we enjoy using who define us as players, and I feel like Bungie is basically putting a premium on us in order to use the load outs we really want to use while leveling up.

submitted by /u/Opticflare64
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How to Make Rift Generator Defense and Dark Ether Extraction go heroic.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:41 AM PDT

Rift Generator: Throughout this public event several large taken blights will spawn above the pathways that enemies spawn and walk from that need to be destroyed. After destroying them two taken wizards will spawn that need to be killed. Doing so will then take you to the ascendant realm to kill more wizards and another taken blight and finally a boss that spawns from the blight.

Edit: From WraithofDawn: The blights on the rift generator event only spawn after the scorn switch spawn locations and that the blights spawn on the two other sides of the scorn spawn. If the scorn start spawning on the right, the blights are going to be in the middle and left. Thanks for the additional information

Dark Ether Extraction: Pretty simple, just shoot and destroy ALL the dark ether wisps after killing each Scorn Chieftain. Don't know if the boss will be different each time, but the couple of times I managed to get it to go heroic in The Dreaming City, it spawned a lesser version of The Machinist. Just defeat the boss that spawns to end the event.

submitted by /u/SonowRaevius
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Dead Ghosts + Other Lootable Lore Item Locations Compilation (In Progress)

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 01:21 AM PDT

Created a thread on launch day with a list of these items and have found quite a few along with the help of the community. We're getting closer to having found all of them now, so I figured a new thread was in order to help find the last ones!

So far there's 4 different types I've noticed (as per the pictures below). There's possibly more types, these are just the 4 I've found so far.

Dead Ghost: Gives "The Light: Ghost Stories" lore triumphs.

Crystal: Gives "Dusk and Dawn: The Awoken of the Reef" lore triumphs.

Fallen Device: Gives "The Darkness: The Forsaken Prince" lore triumphs.

Skull Pile: Gives "Dusk and Dawn: Marasenna" lore triumphs.

They all have an audible glowing-type of sound that indicates they're nearby. Headset users it's especially noticeable for, so it makes the search much easier. There are also Cat Statues in The Dreaming City, however these don't have any individual lore triumphs associated with them, so I have not included these here.

The Tangled Shore:

High Plains
The Forsaken Prince #3 "At The Gate Part I"
The Forsaken Prince #4 "At The Gate Part II"
The Forsaken Prince #5 "Through The Gate"
The Awoken of the Reef #9 "Tyrannocide III"
Ghost Stories #1 "Pressure"

Four-Horn Gulch
The Awoken of the Reef #11 "Tyrannocide V"
The Forsaken Prince #18 "Petra"

Sokris's Cut
The Forsaken Prince #15 "The Severance"
The Forsaken Prince #16 "Fikrul"
Ghost Stories #20 "Who Guards the Guardians?"
The Awoken of the Reef #12 "Regent"

Jetsam of Saturn
Ghost Stories #2 "Ghost Hunter"
Ghost Stories #4 "The We Before Us"
The Forsaken Prince #9 "After The Heart Part II
The Awoken of the Reef #15 "Refusal"
The Awoken of the Reef #13 "Illyn"

The Cobble
Ghost Stories #22 "Batteries Not Included"
The Forsaken Prince #19 "Free | Part I"
The Forsaken Prince #20 "Free | Part II"
The Awoken of the Reef #16 "Fleet"

Thieves' Landing
The Forsaken Prince #17 "Docking
Ghost Stories #21 "Whether Windmills or Cranes"

Spider's Safehouse
Ghost Stories #23 "To Map The Unknown"

The Dreaming City:

Spine of Keres
The Awoken of the Reef #10 "Tyrannocide IV"
Marasenna #7 "Cosmogyre III"
Marasenna #14 "Fideicide III"

The Blind Well
The Awoken of the Reef #5 "Telic I"

Divalian Mists
The Awoken of the Reef #8 "Tyrannocide II"
The Awoken of the Reef #6 "Telic II"

The Strand
The Awoken of the Reef #2 "Revanche III"
Marasenna #16 "Imponent I" *requires Ascendance buff

The Awoken of the Reef #3 "Revanche IV"
The Awoken of the Reef #4 "Revanche V"

Harbringer's Seclude
The Awoken of the Reef #7 "Tyrannocide I"


Ghost Stories #6 "Compliments"
The Forsaken Prince #10 "Jolyon"
Ghost Stories #7 "No Rez for the Weary"
The Awoken of the Reef #17 "Of Earth and the Reef"
The Forsaken Prince #12 "King"
Ghost Stories #5 "Don't Call Me Ghost" - credit /u/RaneofPane


Ghost Stories #8 "Confession of Hope | Part One"
Ghost Stories #9 "The Watchful Eye"
Ghost Stories #10 "Into the Fray"


The Awoken of the Reef #20 "Gensym Scribe"
Ghost Stories #16 "Difference of Opinion"
Ghost Stories #17 "Protector of Ghosts"


The Awoken of the Reef #21 "Exegesis"
Ghost Stories #14 "From Fallen Ground"


The Awoken of the Reef #23 "Emissary"
Ghost Stories #18 "Savin"

Some of the lore triumphs are tied to the campaign and such, so this will be exclusively for the items hidden on the map.

If you do happen to find one, please check the list above to see that it's not already listed to prevent duplicates. The name of the one you found is also very helpful, and pictures / short videos make it much easier to find too (sometimes they can be difficult to find via text descriptions alone). Will be updating this thread as often as I can, sometimes there may be a few hours delay but will keep it as relevant as possible.

Appreciate any help provided, and hopefully we can all knock off the last few! Will give credit to any new ones that are provided in this thread and the videos, the initial thread was a little hard to keep track of on day one and a lot of duplicates were provided / lore items already found, or ones I had noted while leveling but hadn't recorded yet. Will be able to give proper credit from now :)

edit: Here's a link to an organized spreadsheet created by @itsgboccia to have your own personal tracking as well:

submitted by /u/esoterickk
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Remember crouch walking into the Archon's Forge to try and get matched with others?

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 10:41 PM PDT

I've been doing this with Blind Well and it's been working. I basically start at the last staircase. When you get to the room where you have to split left or right and go around the wall is where the instance begins, basically just as you turn the corner past the wall. So I crouch walk up the stairs, turn and stay against the wall furthest away from the well, then turn past the wall to enter the instance.
Two nights in a row I was put into a room with at least 5 other guardians.
Give it a shot!

submitted by /u/Mattock79
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Bungie, if Vestian Dynasty doesn't have random rolls, and is given to you in the campaign, why is it in the loot pool?

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 11:06 PM PDT

Seriously, getting RNG rewarded with the exact same gun that was specifically given to me makes no sense in the post-Forsaken world.

When I got my first one I thought, oh neat, a different roll! I mean, the one I have is god-tier but hey, let's look at this one!

Except it's always the same. Dragonfly and Kill Clip.

So why do I need more of it? This gun should be awarded once and then Petra could sell it, it doesn't need to be in any loot pool.

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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A hidden message from Cayde...

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 01:25 AM PDT

So once again, a conversation with Paladin Oran has led to another mysterious message. During the 'Ace in the Hole' mission, the last quest step in the Ace of Spades Exotic Quest-line, Cayde deals out some pretty heartfelt messages. During his message to Petra Venj, he tells her to pass on a message to Paladin Oran. The message is similar to the Telesto Lore tab message.

The message reads "It's on Enceladus".

Enceladus is a moon of Saturn. Can't wait to see where this leads!!

Hope you enjoy :)

submitted by /u/Azurekillswitch
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We need to be able to reroll masterwork stats again, especially on armor

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 07:32 AM PDT

when people start optimizing their stats, sooner or later we'll end up in the same situation as we did before - any armor with mobility (and resilience to some extent) as a base stat will be deemed unusable * cough * some from eververse * cough *.
Less of an issue on weapons, but then again, being able to reroll 10 of x stat for 10 of y stat, after dumping so many mw cores, probably wouldn't break the game either

submitted by /u/Eszii
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Way to break that tense moment

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:12 AM PDT

I finish the last mission of the game, watched the cutscenes, have this sense of dread over myself, and then... a voice...

"Eververse has the goods!"


submitted by /u/shokasaki
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Yeah, well screw you too cat

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:12 AM PDT

I'm out patrolling the Dreaming City and this motherfucker is sitting here making me evaluate my life choices. I know Bungie said Forsaken would take a darker tone but I wasnt expecting to have a existential crisis because of a judgemental cat.

submitted by /u/CattiestEight6
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Towerthought: If the Hunters marked all the lost sectors, and no one has been to the dreaming city, how did the lost sectors in the city get marked?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:17 AM PDT

Random thought I had while running around last night.

submitted by /u/bmoreorange
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Put guardian Light Level on their name plate

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:12 AM PDT

Since Light Level is much more indicative of how much "Power" someone has, and it's redundant to just see "50" everywhere in endgame activities, it's time this becomes a thing.

Bungie wants Light Level to mean something, yet nobody can see it unless we run up to somebody and inspect them, which I'm not going to do on the fly.

submitted by /u/itsJHarv
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Exotic vendor Yuna appeared at my tower. who is she and why did she show up as a finished exotic quest.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:56 AM PDT

she appeared as the blue crown (you know usually with exotic missions) reward in my tower, with an exotic as the award. this is all i found. (i saw her once, that's why there's no blue crown in photo)

all i know is something about her and the korean version of destiny. any help?

Edit: currently on asia servers (probably why) probably no accessible content unless via Korea

submitted by /u/snarkey09
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There's a "secret" gambit emblem, to get it all 4 players need to deposit 15 motes each, at the same time.

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 06:55 PM PDT

Here's a picture of it, sorry if it was posted already. Picture link

submitted by /u/brayan1612
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Way of a Thousand Cuts is the perfect example of how a subclass should be designed.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:09 PM PDT

I picked up this subclass when I got up this morning, and from the moment I started unlocking the perks I have been blown away with how much fun it is. What makes it fun boils down to one extremely important point: This subclass actually functions.

Compared to Attunement of Fission, whose abilities require pretty precise use to get any sort of value, it's extremely easy to start getting the Knife Trick chain rolling. It doesn't punish you for landing killing blows with the knives - it still counts as if they were burning at the time of death. Getting your dodge back quicker (MUCH quicker) means even if you don't quite get the ball rolling, you can get your knife back and either ramp things up even quicker, or get an additional chance at getting the chain going. Not to mention that Playing With Fire actually has synergy with one of Gunslinger's grenades. (Crazy, right?)

Blade Barrage is incredible, as well. Instantly wipe out a giant group of mobs, or deal a SERIOUS amount of damage to a boss/ultra. Against each of the barons, that super has been able to easily wipe out the last third of their HP in the final phase. The fact that it's versatile and works *for* you is what makes it impactful and user-friendly.

The best thing is how much exotic synergy the subclass path gets, though. Want to make use of Knife Trick's multiple hits to get more grenades? Use Tripmines and run Young Ahamkara's Spine for Tripmines galore and tons of explosions and damage. Want to really be the knifey boi and just Knife Trick everything into oblivion? Run Ophidia's Spathe and get 2 Knife Tricks per charge. Gambler's Dodge isn't even necessary, it self-sustains so well. At that point the only downside is you don't really even make use of Marksman's Dodge either because you rarely need to shoot to begin with. Or, if you get lucky on a drop and find the neutral game of the class to be strong enough, take Shards of Galanor for more Blade Barrage goodness. In fact the neutral game is so sufficient for most content that you can happily take any weapon-synergy exotics as well, and not feel like you're low on ability use. It actually makes me excited to try new things.

What's the biggest reason the subclass is actually fun and functional, though? Knife Trick actually does damage. Against a major one well-placed Knife Trick takes out at least a third of their health. How many other melees actually pack that kind of punch? Probably just Code of the Devastator's.

Absolute 10/10 design on this thing. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to main from here out.

submitted by /u/Earthfury
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