RuneScape Thanks, Zanik. |
- Thanks, Zanik.
- With the closure of RSC could we perhaps have a Sleeping bag resting emote?
- The word "Hi" appeared in my chat box... alone. This happen to anyone else?
- Any day now, guys
- flash2:wave: Free armour trimming, 100% legit
- Portables & Boxes FC - Double XP weekend (August 2018)
- Jagex, could you release the droprates of Hexhunter/Charm + spawnrate of Veil-ripper?
- Evolution of a Telos Streak
- Literally unplayable
- Update(as promised) on my IRL Saradomin Godsword for Runefest 2018! (99% finished) Hope you like it!
- When jagex is trying to build the rs3 twitch community and streamers and one is doing this...
- Can you come help a pleb build the shades of Morton temple on world 88?
- Thought this was funny
- Let us Dye Tier 90 shields and Defenders
- Mutated Fury Codex is amazing goddamn
- This is what Peak DXP Weekend Performance looks like!
- We should do another 'Members Weekend' and make it a every 6 month thing.
- Double EXP Summoning feels like...
- Telos Phase 1 DPS Guide (37 second rotation)
- TIL the Garden of Tranquility quest was released 13 years ago today (August 30, 2005)
- The Collector - New Weekly D&D (Similar to Traveling Merch)
- RNGesus got my back
- Poor Bub in the Lost Grove has a floaty antennae when flying.
- Noob tips ?
- Any news regarding Group Ironman's delay?
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:54 PM PDT
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With the closure of RSC could we perhaps have a Sleeping bag resting emote? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:17 PM PDT | ||
The word "Hi" appeared in my chat box... alone. This happen to anyone else? Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:51 AM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:17 AM PDT
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flash2:wave: Free armour trimming, 100% legit Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:31 PM PDT
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Portables & Boxes FC - Double XP weekend (August 2018) Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:42 AM PDT Double XP weekend will be running from Aug 31, 12:00 UTC to Sep 3, 12:00 UTC. PortablesPortables - Friends Chat (FC) - main channel. Portables - Clan Chat (CC) - overflow channel if the main channel (FC) is full. To enter, simply join as a guest by going to the guest clan chat tab and typing Portables in. Use /// to chat. There are two types of locations: 1. Dynamic (normal) locations: These are normal (spontaneous) locations that may change, as with any other day in the FC. They are tracked and called by callers as they pop up and appear throughout the weekend. 2. Static (set) locations: There are set locations for each portable. Set locations make it easier for people to find portable locations, especially if the FC is full. All portables are hosted at Combat Academy.
Burthorpe (bank) is a back-up location for all of these worlds. F2P Locations: F2P do not have set locations, but if you want to host or are trying to find a location, try worlds 3/11/17/29 at the Combat Academy or GE. Other information:
BoxesBoxes - Friends Chat (FC) - portable deposit boxes (banks). This FC is active during DXP weekends and only used for Summoning training. They can be placed for 1 hour anywhere to deposit any items without the need of a bank (you cannot withdraw items from your bank with them), and are obtained from Balthazar's raffle. You need to be standing on the exact tile you wish to place the box on, since it is deployed under you (unlike other portables). Warning: The owner can enable it to be private - not shareable to the rest. Taverley Summoning Training Method This method is the best for speed and highest xp/hour. You can combine spirit gems (and stack up to 1000 charges), making them very efficient to use. Go to world 99 (main world, but there will be others) and head to Taverley Summoning shop.
The ingredients must be tradeable in order to be sold. No other players will see the items you've sold to the NPC's (they are instanced). Make sure you buy a few hundred extra ingredients if you're planning on doing a lot of Summoning, due to some being lost in the shop stock disappearance rate.
Amlodd Summoning Training Method This method is for Amlodd district in Prifddinas. You cannot sell your (noted) tertiary ingredients to Lord Amlodd (as opposed to the Taverley shop). This is slower (less xp/hour) than the Taverley training method, however it's well worth doing (especially for blues) during Amlodd VoS hour due to the 20% xp boost, giving higher xp/charm. Yaks are combined with portable deposit boxes for more efficient and less frequent bank trips, as follows:
Locations are also shared by players and hosts in the FC when they appear during Amlodd VoS hour. You will most likely find some of the active Taverley worlds listed in the FC's name. Be careful and avoid accidentally depositing your stackable ingredients! InformationSheets and Twitter are the ideal and preferred sources to be using for locations (over FC/CC), for chat capacity reasons and the ability to have them anywhere and at any time without needing to enter the chats in-game. Full information, rules, details and FAQ are found on the forums. If you have any questions, suggestions, tips, or plans for hosting, please let us know and post below and/or on our forum thread. Thank you to all the hosts, callers, and helpers who continue to share, volunteer and provide for this great community. Good luck on DXP! The list below serves as a pre-planned schedule of reliable hosts and locations people can refer to and use, as part of/in addition to the two types of locations listed above. If you have any confirmed plans for hosting and are committing to a schedule, please post below and/or on our forum thread and the following list will be updated accordingly. If hosting on several different dates or points, please state them and the duration for each. RSN - Portable - World & Location - Date & Time - Duration [link] [comments] | ||
Jagex, could you release the droprates of Hexhunter/Charm + spawnrate of Veil-ripper? Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:27 AM PDT I'm a bit discouraged to keep going after having killed 13k soulgazers all with charms without seeing a bow/charm/veil-ripper. Not complaining but I am really curious about the rates for these so I can evaluate if I should continue or not. Would appreciate it, and I know a lot of people would as well. Thanks! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:03 PM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:28 AM PDT
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Update(as promised) on my IRL Saradomin Godsword for Runefest 2018! (99% finished) Hope you like it! Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:35 AM PDT
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When jagex is trying to build the rs3 twitch community and streamers and one is doing this... Posted: 29 Aug 2018 04:35 PM PDT
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Can you come help a pleb build the shades of Morton temple on world 88? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:36 PM PDT I'd be ever so grateful ❤️❤️❤️❤️ EDIT: omg tysm you guys like instantly appeared and I was able to finish ! If someone needs the quest the temple is pretty built right now :) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:16 AM PDT
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Let us Dye Tier 90 shields and Defenders Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:34 PM PDT | ||
Mutated Fury Codex is amazing goddamn Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:35 AM PDT Hey folks, It was brought to our attention at the end of last week that the Mutated Fury Codex was dropping more often than the other codices. A JMod briefly looked through the code and everything seemed to be fine with the numbers, but either they missed a zero or they were looking at a version of the code where everything was indeed fine. Occasionally with version control and code merges, things like this can slip by us. The mutated fury codex has been dropping 10 times more often than intended and has been hotfixed to be as rare as the mutated flurry and barge codices as of around 4pm game time today. Please feel free to tag myself, /u/mod_sova and /u/jagexchaose in memes of questionable quality about our incompetence or inability to spot the difference between '00' and '000'. Thanks for bringing it to our attention ;) Orion A million (100000) apologies. [link] [comments] | ||
This is what Peak DXP Weekend Performance looks like! Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:12 PM PDT
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We should do another 'Members Weekend' and make it a every 6 month thing. Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:58 AM PDT I may be wrong but I believe jagex have done it before? With DXP being in Feb/Sep, maybe in May/Dec we could have a free members weekend. The free twitch prime is great and I don't want to appear greedy, I'm a member as is however events like such are so positive and F2P players learn so much from us in that time and get to experience everything that they can't, giving them a taste hopefully (from a sales standpoint) enticing F2P to buy membership. I genuinely can't see how this would hurt jagex, however if they weren't to do it again I'm sure they have their reasons (maybe after the last weekend there wasn't many more subscriptions deeming it unnecessary) Thoughts guys? I personally think it's a great idea.. I swear it's happened before or I'm just tripping balls, nonetheless I can see it being a positive business venture. [link] [comments] | ||
Double EXP Summoning feels like... Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:59 AM PDT
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Telos Phase 1 DPS Guide (37 second rotation) Posted: 29 Aug 2018 04:52 PM PDT Introduction: Hey guys! I'm a PVMer, streamer, and experienced Telos killer with 9k+ kc/2k+ enrage. I've made probably between 55-65b at the boss including 80 orbs, 17 reprisals, and 9 DSOS's. I get asked all the time on my stream for specifics on my rotations - so I thought I'd go ahead and do that starting with P1. Video: Twitch Link - r/ | Youtube Link - r/ The rotation: Sunshine (pf), vuln, combust (dw), enhanced replen, 4taa wm, corr (dw), 4taa dbreath, asphyx (dw), impact (dw, 1-2 tics after third asphyx hit), 4taa sonic, deep impact (dw), 4taa wrack, combust (dw), 4taa wm, dbreath (dw), 4taa corr, asphyx (dw), impact (dw, on tic of third asphyx hit), deep impact (dw), 4taa wrack. The result: 90% of the time this rotation will hit the phase HP cap in under 37 seconds. I have a clip in my channel of the rotation doing the full 150k damage in 29s as well which was incredibly sick. The great thing is that even if your hit RNG is trash, the second stun rotation and final 4taa wrack will almost always phase it pre surge. You need god awful RNG or some 4taa fails to get a second spec with the above rotation. Why it works: Getting a fast P1 is about adren management, optimal rotations, but most importantly balancing high damage output on tic of tendril spec. The way I've worked my rotation out currently has 4taa wm stacked with the start of a walked combust to clear tendrils. This combo has a max hit potential of 26k on tic (32k if you count AS3/crackling). For reference, to clear tendrils at 999% you need to do a bit over 12k damage. Drawbacks: Requires 4taa and enhanced replen pots (for wm second ability). If you're serious about Telos though, this won't be an issue. Summary: This guide was written as a resource for my clanmates and viewers but if you have any questions let me know! I'm always happy to help people learn. Sorry I couldn't read out the rotation in the video but was risking a dsos in this clip lol and was somewhat in focus mode. I hope you guys enjoyed the mini guide and that it helps you make some Telos gains. I may make guides for the other phases as well in the future. [link] [comments] | ||
TIL the Garden of Tranquility quest was released 13 years ago today (August 30, 2005) Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:37 AM PDT
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The Collector - New Weekly D&D (Similar to Traveling Merch) Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:50 AM PDT Who is The Collector The collector is an Avianse (similar to Odd Billy) but would have more raven type features as ravens tend to go around collecting things. This avianse is here simply trying to collect resources and weapons in order to send them back to his home world, Abbinah. He will be located at top of Armadyl's tower. What does The Collector offer The collector with either offer Life Refresh or Aura Refresh for helping them. The Idea The idea of The Collector is to make mid tier gathering skills and mid tier boss slightly more profitable. When mobile is released, Runescape will have a hard time retaining players at the mid level ranges if nothing they do is profitable. In order to accomplish this, we would need to sink out mid tier gathering skill items and mid tier bossing items. The Collector would ask for supplies from the primary items and from the secondary items listed below. One distinct primary item and one distinct secondary item will be required. The quantities of each item will be determined by the GE buy limit and current mid price. The total of these items should be roughly 5-6m as these items will simply be used to support high end PvMing. Primary items will be in the form of unique/semi unique (D2H, dragon chainboy, etc) drops from ALL bosses. This will be limited to trade able items. All items under 3m, according to GE mid price, will be considered. Unique primary items with lower value will have higher chances of being requested. Secondary Items:
Example Request
How it would work The player would approach The Collector. The Collector would inform the player that his home world is in desperate need of some supplies. He would then ask the player to help deliver 15k sparkling energies (1.57m) and 3 Zamorak Godswords (4m). These items would be random for each player in order to prevent the merching of items when the D&D resets. As the world guardian you realize the only way to accomplish this is to use the world gate. You are now able to focus the world gate toward Abbinah, but trying to step though it yields a message stating "Through the gate you can see the people of Abbinah, but it does not feel as if you will survive the trip at this time". Instead you opt to toss the items through the gate. A few seconds later a 'Thank You' similar to Armadyl's feather is sent back. Taking this feather to The Collector will allow the player to chose a reward. Please let me know what you think. I am not the best at writing down my thoughts, so tell me things that I missed or what should be changed. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 04:59 PM PDT
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Poor Bub in the Lost Grove has a floaty antennae when flying. Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:16 PM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:37 AM PDT | ||
Any news regarding Group Ironman's delay? Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:40 AM PDT Last we've heard, engine work was on hold because of Mobile. Any update on wether the RS Mobile milestone has been hit where some of the engine work is shifted towards Group Ironman? [link] [comments] |
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