Dead by Daylight Public Test Build (PTB), August 28

Public Test Build (PTB), August 28

Posted: 28 Aug 2018 05:19 AM PDT

Hi people of the fog!

We hope you're aboard the hype train because it's time for another Public Test Build! Today, anyone who owns the game on PC can get their hands on the new DLC "First Cut" (Chapter 9), new cosmetics for the in-game store as well as the latest balance changes (Wraith & his add-ons). However, since this will also spoil the upcoming DLC for a huge part of our community, submissions related to the contents of the Public Test Build will be heavily restricted to multiple Megathreads for the complete duration of said PTB. A breakdown of the Megathreads and the most important links is provided below and will be included in every Megathread.

Have fun!

Megathread Breakdown & Important Links

Public Test Build (PTB) - Megathread

  • General information about the PTB (What it means, why BHVR is doing it, how to: opt-in/opt-out)
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), such as "How do I join the PTB?", "Can I join the PTB on consoles?", "What happens to my save file?" and so on
  • Patch notes/change log, including any live updates or hotfixes

Chapter 9 "Shattered Bloodlines" - Megathread

  • General information about the new DLC (description, possible price tags, ...)
  • Detailed information about the new killer, survivor and map (killer power, unique perks, ...)
  • Datamined content (cosmetics, events, ...)

PTB: Bug Reports & Tech Support - Megathread

  • Bug Reports/Tech Support for PTB-specific issues

Official Dead by Daylight forum

What is a PTB?

In general, it's an abbreviation for Public Test Build, but it's also known as Player Test Build, Player Test Beta or Public Test Beta.

Public Test Builds are a way for the developers of a game to test major upcoming changes prior to their release, identify bugs or exploits and receive community feedback, which helps them to adjust the new mechanics. Features and changes introduced in a PTB are always work in progress/subject to change.

Players have to join the PTB via the public beta branches through Steam in order to gain access to it. It's optional and you're free to join and/or quit the PTB at any given time. If the players decides to participate in the PTB, it creates a copy of the player's main build save game, but any progress made by playing the PTB will not be saved afterwards.

How to opt-in/opt-out the PTB

Important: The PTB is only available on Steam (PC). Opting in is possible once the PTB is live! You must own the game (obviously).

Opting In

  • Close the Dead by Daylight application
  • Right-click the Dead by Daylight application in your Steam Library
  • Access "Properties"
  • Access the "Beta" tab
  • Select "public-test" from the dropdown menu
  • Select "Close"
  • Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

Opting Out

  • Close the Dead by Daylight application
  • Right-click the Dead by Daylight application in your Steam Library
  • Access "Properties"
  • Access the "Beta" tab
  • Select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" from the dropdown menu
  • Select "Close"
  • Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)


Frequently Asked Questions

PTB when?

Most likely around 11 am EDT / 3 pm UTC. Here is a website that converts Montreal's current time into other time zones! The PTB is now live!

When will the PTB end?

We don't know, but the speculated duration is 1-2 weeks.

What happens to my bloodpoints on the PTB?

The PTB will use a copy of your save file from last week. What happens on the PTB, stays on the PTB and will have absolutely no impact on your actual save file.

How big is the patch?

2.1 GB

Why is the PTB only available on PC?

Official statement: "As much as we would love to offer a PTB for console, with the amount that we are working on balancing the game, adding new features and content, reworking the emblem system, we physically don't have the time for one right now"

Patch Notes - Source


  • Added the Exploit option for player reporting in the Tally.


  • Added a direct link to the Customer Support Help Desk in the Help & Tutorial page, as well as on the tally screen. Help Desk can be used to open a ticket with the Customer Support team. This is the place to go if you want to report an issue you have encountered in-game.
  • Added a new score event: Safe Hook Rescue. The scoring event triggers after a Survivor has been unhooked and not downed for 10 seconds. The Survivor that performed the hook rescue gains the points. This score event helps clarify if / when a safe hook rescue has occurred (for the purposes of Emblem: Benevolent, and new perk, Deliverance).
  • Added a new status effect for Survivors: Broken. Survivors afflicted with the Broken status effect may not be healed past the injured health state for the duration (similar to the No Mither effect). This status is shown to other players on the character portraits in the HUD. The Broken status effect is applied to Survivors when they successfully use Deliverance to unhook themselves.


Score Event Changes:

  • Added a score event for healing yourself or others with an insta-heal medkit add-ons
  • The score event points for a Safe Hook Rescue (for the Survivor that performed the action) is 500
  • The score event points for unhooking a Survivor after the generators are complete have been reduced from 1875 to 1500
  • The score event points for unhooking a Survivor before the generators are complete have been reduced from 1500 to 1000

Unhook Changes:

  • Players who are being unhooked, or are freeing themselves from the hook, will not take damage from killer attacks if they are hit before they regain control of their character
  • The animation for freeing oneself from the hook has been reduced from 2.4 to 1.2 seconds
  • The unhook animation can be cancelled if the survivor moves away before completing the charge interaction

Pallet Changes:

  • Adjusted the animation for a survivor throwing down a pallet while stationary (the pallet will be dropped more quickly)

Map Changes:

  • Various buildings were adjusted to minimize the effect of long-chase windows on main building tiles
  • Added some additional lockers and blockers to some main building tiles in various maps.
  • Coal Tower: Adjusted the debris setups around the Coal Tower. Disassociated the pallet loops from the window loops.
  • Disturbed Ward: Improved navigation inside the Asylum by moving debris out from the center of the hallways.
  • Fractured Cowshed: Removed the possibility of the long-chase window to spawn. Improved the safety of the short window close to the basement. Modified the outside debris near the basement to remove a dead-end. Adjusted totem placement.
  • Gas Heaven: The front door is now always open.
  • Grim Pantry: Adjusted the window spawning logic on the top floor.
  • Groaning Storehouse: Made it impossible for one of the two long-chase windows to spawn. Increase the length of one of the long-chase window and short window loop.
  • Mother's Dwelling: Adjusted the spawning logic for windows and pallets.
  • Rancid Abatoir: Changed the configuration of the guide fences when the long-chase window spawns to force players to take a longer route around the loop. Adjusted placement of two lockers.
  • Torment Creek: Removed the possibility for two pallets to spawn in the front of the silo. Blocked dead-end when the long-chase window doesn't spawn. Only one pallet will now spawn if the long-chase window spawns. Adjusted totem placement.
  • Wretched Shop: Removed the possibility for the two long-chase windows to spawn. Removed the dead-end near the former long-chase windows. Increased the length for existing short window loops. Moved pallets from the front of the building to the back. Adjusted hook and totem placement.

Bloodlust Changes:

  • Bloodlust 2 speed bonus reduced from +0.6m/s to +0.4 m/s
  • Bloodlust 3 speed bonus reduced from +1.2m/s to +0.6 m/s*

Emblem Changes:

  • Hover over each Emblem to see the activities and actions that contributed (both positively and negatively) toward your final Emblem result.
  • Scoring criteria and Emblem results breakdown have been added to the post-match Emblem screen.
  • The values represent the percentage of points you gained towards reaching the Iridescent Emblem threshold (100%), however, it is possible to receive an Emblem result with an overall percentage greater than 100%.
  • This Emblem results breakdown is intended to give more clarity and transparency to the resulting outcome, and reduce the confusion and frustration that some players feel when they receive unexpected results.

Wraith Changes:

  • After successfully uncloaking, the wraith gains a burst of speed for 1 second, similar to the effect from the Windstorm add-ons. These add-ons have been redesigned.
  • Movement speed while uncloaking has been adjusted.
  • The uncloak exit animation, which lasts 0.3 seconds after finishing uncloaking, can now be cancelled by attacking or interacting with objects.
  • Time required to burn the Wraith out of cloak with a flashlight increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds. The Blind Warrior add-ons, which previously granted further light burn protection, have been redesigned.

Revisited all of the Wraith's add-ons

  • "All Seeing" - Blood: Survivor aura reading range increased from 10m to 12m.
  • "All Seeing" - Mud: Replaced with new add-on "The Beast" - Soot. Changed rarity from Uncommon to Common. The Wraith's terror radius no longer suppressed while cloaked, and bloodpoints granted for Stalker and Surprise Attack are increased by 100%.
  • "All Seeing" - Spirit: Redesigned. While cloaked, the repair progress of generators can be determined by the intensity of their auras.
  • "All Seeing" - White: Replaced with new add-on "The Serpent" - Soot. Changed rarity from Rare to Common. The Wraith will uncloak completely when breaking pallets or damaging generators while cloaked.
  • "Blind Warrior" - Blood: Replaced with new add-on "Shadow Dance" - White. Changed rarity from Very Rare to Rare. Reduces the time required to vault windows, break pallets or damage generators while cloaked.
  • "Blind Warrior" - Mud: Redesigned. Surprise attacks inflict survivors with aura blindness for 60 seconds.
  • "Blind Warrior" - Soot: replaced with "The Hound" - Soot. Fresh blood marks are considerable more discernible than normal.
  • "Blind Warrior" - Spirit: Replaced with new add-on "Shadow Dance" - Blood. Changed rarity from Ultra Rare to Very Rare. Reduces the time required to vault windows, break pallets or damage generators while cloaked.
  • "Blind Warrior" - White: Redesigned. Surprise attacks inflict survivors with mangled and hemorrhage until healed.
  • "Blink" add-ons have had their values and rarities adjusted.
  • "Swift Hunt" add-ons have had their values and rarities adjusted.
  • "The Ghost" - White: Redesigned and renamed "The Ghost" - Soot. Changed rarity from Rare to Common. The Wraith's terror radius will remains suppressed for 6 seconds after uncloaking.
  • "Windstorm" add-ons now increase the Wraith's movement speed while cloaked and decrease the Wraith's movement speed while uncloaking.
  • Bone Clapper: Changed rarity from Common to Uncommon. Survivors can no longer discern the Wailing Bell's distance or direction.
  • Coxcombed Clapper: Changed rarity from Uncommon to Ultra Rare. Renders the Wailing Bell completely silent.

Nurse Changes:

  • Readjusted The Nurse interruption animations
submitted by /u/DeadByDaylight_Mod
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someone gave me a terrible idea and i had to make it

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:35 AM PDT

Please don’t hook swarm then call camper after game

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:11 PM PDT

This is so annoying as a killer and makes anyone doing this look like a complete dumbass. Put yourself in my shoes. You're the killer, you just hooked a survivor, you turn around and see all 3 survivors standing there. Now, what do you think is the smart thing to do? Leave the hook, knowing damn well the person will instantly be unhooked and healed before you can get back, to go look for survivors which you know aren't there because they're all at the hook? OR. Do you stay there, guarding not only the hooked survivor but also keeping all 3 up survivors from working on gens? It's not a very difficult choice. The killers goal is to find and kill you, not find you then fuck off to go look for someone else, if you come to him when he's at a hook, don't expect him to play nice because he'll think "oh you want a save and I shouldn't camp" because he's not gonna think that he's gonna think "oh this is gonna be an easy game" and proceed to camp the hook since you're just chilling there not applying any pressure on him to fuck off the hook

submitted by /u/XxRocky88xX
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Amanda's still the only Female Killer with proper Movement Speed :(

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:16 AM PDT

After match chat when you barely escape the killer, and have to crawl to the exit.

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:44 AM PDT

Trappyboi 101

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:13 AM PDT

Kanye West is a killer main

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:08 AM PDT

When nobody makes fan art of you anymore

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:46 AM PDT

Please Behaviour, i want less frames next patch... PLEASE!

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:03 AM PDT

Made a comic about Amanda's mov.speed based but u/nutellachomps beat me to it !!1! D:

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 11:15 AM PDT

Living in the Entity's realm doesn't seem all that bad

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 11:07 AM PDT

  1. Free housing (campfire)

  2. Never get sunburned

  3. Immortality

  4. Awesome clothing selection

  5. Good exercise

  6. Learn valuable trade (repairman)

  7. Travel the "world" and see all kinds of new places

  8. Tons of friends

  9. No politics to lose sleep over

submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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About the new killer

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:05 AM PDT

She is insanely busted she can attack you.

submitted by /u/TrolledEpicStyle
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Killer concept: The Siren

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:22 AM PDT

The Siren

Power: Sailor's Folly

The Siren must charge this power, and can hold down on the power button to continue the ability. While using it she can walk forward at the same speed as Myers during stalk. After use, the Sailor's Folly has a recharge time.

When it activates, the siren begins to sing, releasing a 32 meter cone extending at a 45 degree arc. Any survivor in the cone fails any skill check they are doing and must make a considerably difficult skillcheck. If they succeed, they stay still, if they fail, they walk towards the Siren. After 3 seconds in the cone, the survivor receives another check--if they fail this one as well, they sprint towards the Siren.

The siren may stop using this power to immediate lunge, and the lunge's range is on par with Myers' EW3.


Items to increase the skillcheck difficulty, widen and lengthen the cone, increase her movement speed while using the power, and possibly adding a status eff effect to anyone caught in the cone. Rare/ultra rares I have no idea.


High Tide: Gain a token, up to 5, each time a totem is cleansed. Each token adds 1 second to unhooking, and a 3/4/5% cumulative speed bonus to the Entity's progression on a hooked survivor. (This stacks with Monstrous Shrine.)

Jealousy: When hooked, your obsession receives 50% slower Entity progression, and healing them is 50% faster. Any survivor who unhooks your obsession is injured, and anyone who heals your obsession suffers the broken condition for 30/45/60 seconds.

Hex: Stormy Seas. Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token up to 4. Each token grants a 3/4/5% bonus to movement speed.


Ship's Graveyard. A desolate stretch of beach dotted with abandoned boats.

submitted by /u/Rechan
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When ya think maining wraith is a good idea

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:38 AM PDT

Survivor to hard

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:28 AM PDT

can we just get rid of killer so we can just do gens and escape its not fair

submitted by /u/MrScrake666
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It really do be like that

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:00 PM PDT

Changes coming to The Spirit

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:53 AM PDT

it's time that sabo receives a buff

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:14 AM PDT

hello yes sabo_jake here i belive it's time saboteur recieves a buff. let me quikcly explain my theoreum.

  • sabotagueing shuld only take 5 seconds, since all you have ti do is yank the hook down
  • hooks should be perma destroyed once again
  • basement hooks should be able to eb destroyed
  • saboteur users should have unlim,ited unbreakabill to counter slugging
  • saboteur useus should also b able to destroy totems instantly by kicking em

that's all the time i have for today thank u and goodbye

submitted by /u/sabo_jake28
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Disco Myers

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:04 AM PDT

The spirits mori in a nutshell. Hopefully this joke hasn't been made yet

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:30 AM PDT

The Huntress

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:12 PM PDT

Just patiently waiting for the buff

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:28 AM PDT

Some Meg Thomas fan art I did the other day.

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:35 PM PDT

TFW they cleanse your hex but you're running Haunted Grounds.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:47 PM PDT

All the palettes they took away from the old maps they’ve added to the new one!

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:07 AM PDT

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