True Dota 2 - Roaming/Support Ursa: When Actually Good Players do Seemingly 2K Things. |
- Roaming/Support Ursa: When Actually Good Players do Seemingly 2K Things.
- Sick of losing Spectre, Zeus, Pudge? Play Viper.
- I cant win
- 6.3k analyst, offering to analyze your replays and write a report about it
- Semi-carry/hitter-type offlanes
- Brood matchups versus heroes like Tidehunter
- Was there a numerical MMR crunch?
- Do stout shields still stack?
- Looking for a support to love. What are yours?
- PL Level 25 Talent?
- For those of you with wide hero pools, how much do the bonus mangoes affect your win rate?
- basi vs wraith band
- 4-4-4 Invoker?
- Itemization on Tinker
Roaming/Support Ursa: When Actually Good Players do Seemingly 2K Things. Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:24 PM PDT So D2Bowie posted a video of Vega's support Ursa and I saw some dude try it in Gorgc's game so I decided to try it myself. I played it more as a roamer than a support but either works just fine IMHO. Advantages: (1) Manfight way more farmed cores as a position 4 with just Phase and Ult, and eventually blink. (2) Easily zone usually tanky and annoying melee offlaners like Axe, Underlord, Clock, Abbadon, BB (3) Avoid Ursa's killer weakness of getting out-carried after 20 mins (4) Ursa is a lot like SK or ES who just need a blink to be effective, so while you go looking for fights your cores can farm way more safely. Tons of kill potential that creates tons of space starting really at level 3. (5) Ult allows you to attract a ton of attention from enemy heroes and still survive, who will have to use their spells and items on you and then (hopefully) get killed by your actual cores who have real items besides just blink+phase at 23 mins (6) Easy Rosh if someone else can tank it a little, since you don't get lifesteal (though Vlads definitely an option) I used to play a lot of NS and this feels really similar---at night time you can Crippling Fear the enemy WK or Void or PA or whoever and just manfight them even if they have an item/level advantage, because your kit is just so strong early in the game. Typically the way teams beat an Ursa is to kite him and use spells and generally pay a lot of attention to this wild bear in their midst. But that strategy is not nearly as effective if he's actually a support whose farmed carry will then jump on enemy heroes whose force staffs, stuns, glimmers, etc. are on cooldown. Weaknesses: (1) No hard disable on your position 4 is a potentially huge problem, so notify your teammates about incoming Storm Spirit picks or whatever. This weakness is dampened because you're probably getting basher after blink and that's at least a reliable TP cancel with 7 hits of overpower. (2) The general weakness of roamers and gankers right now. You're still plenty strong in a 2-1-2 since "run at them with literally any +1" is a pretty strong strategy with Ursa. (3) Biggest problem in Dota right now, IMHO (plz osfrog): You will go on a huge killstreak early in the game, so despite being under-leveled and under-farmed you will give some enemy core a bunch of fucking gold when you die. This is actually super annoying IMHO and while not specific to Ursa, it's a real issue. (4) You are gonna wanna pick this early in the draft so enemy heroes will be Ursa counters like Weaver, PL, CK, QoP, etc. This cuts both ways though since they will think you're the carry and counter-pick you, giving your safelaner and midlaner a lot of opportunity to return the favor. In my own match, we had a last pick pudge (I'm always furious about late pudge picks) who was AFK during draft, and it seems clear to me we'd have stomped pretty hard if we had any sort of proper mid, e.g. Invoker, Storm, Tinker, Medusa, TA, etc. (5) You don't farm that fast, so even if you chase enemy heroes off the minimap they will still outfarm you. Ideally your cores are outfarming them since your cores can show without a fucking bear immediately running at them. But we've all had the experience of creating tons of space for our cores who proceed to either farm some brown boots and dirt, or farm a bunch of fancy stuff, eat dirt in the jungle with 4 enemy heroes dead, then get die without buyback. Itemization: Start with OoV, tangoes, salve, courier and a ward. If someone else does you a solid and lets you skip the courier+ward, get a stout shield. First item is brown boots which you can usually pick up immediately if you manage to get first blood, which you should prolly go for with lvl1 swipes, OoV and pretty good base movespeed. Then get a wind lace, ferry regen, get phase and raindrop and start saving for blink. Optional Stout at this point. Feel free to jungle a camp to get level 3 or phase or whatever, since you might still be lvl 2 even after getting kills in multiple lanes. After blink get an Urn and probably Spirit Vessel. The mana regen and movespeed and sustain this item gives you are all super super good. Plus you can blink in, use all your shit and then run away, heal up and try to blink in again later in the fight. Urn is incredible so get that every game, and maybe delay Spirit Vessel if you really need basher, Aghs or BKB. Levels: 1-1-1 into 3-1-1-1. You wanna max Earthshock since the slow is great, low mana cost, low CD. You can just keep chasing if you land Earthshock and then get stunned, especially with Phase+Wind Lace. [link] [comments] |
Sick of losing Spectre, Zeus, Pudge? Play Viper. Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:25 PM PDT Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Viper (mid) counters several cancer heroes quite well, due to his high magic resistance and passive break. Moreover Viper is one of the few mids that can be built as a tank or DPS carry. Builds:
He might be boring but it's hard to go wrong with this hero. He's also great if you have to pick before the enemy mid because there aren't many mid heroes that will win versus Viper. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Jul 2018 03:52 PM PDT |
6.3k analyst, offering to analyze your replays and write a report about it Posted: 16 Jul 2018 09:13 PM PDT (Reposted from /r/dota2 and /r/learndota2 since /r/dota2 doesn't really seem interested in contents :/ ) Hey there, A couple of days ago I started providing a different style of coaching in /r/learndota2. I will analyse a player's replay, take screenshots, write down what he did wrong, analyse his farming patterns and how to improve them, adjust itemizations and skillbuilds according to the heroes in the game, how to utilize power spikes etc. Here are some of my released articles/replay reports:
The advantage of this specific style of coaching is that we do not need to agree on a specific time to undergo coaching, you can refer back to your completed articles in the future when you play the hero again and you can even read the article anywhere as opposed to having to sit through a full game of coaching session. Suitable for players who prefer reading over watching videos. While I accept replay requests at $8 per game or $20 per 3 games in a bundle, I also generally release all my completed articles on /r/learndota2 (except when the client disallows it). If anyone here are interested in my services please do not hesitate to contact me! Edit: My dotabuff is at I am contactable at both reddit and at []( . [link] [comments] |
Semi-carry/hitter-type offlanes Posted: 17 Jul 2018 04:23 PM PDT I have been seeing many players opt for hitter-type semi carries for the offlane such as weaver and mirana. Is this any good compared to natural offlane heroes like axe, ulord and tide? [link] [comments] |
Brood matchups versus heroes like Tidehunter Posted: 17 Jul 2018 07:05 AM PDT So I'm still getting the hang of broodmother, (i play her mid)and i definitely understand how to handle cheesing the shit out of my opponents, but i dont understand a few things. one of broods most advantageous matchups on dotabuff is tidehunter, and i dont understand this because you have next to no kill potential on him with the kraken shell block and purge. do you just counter him based on playstyle and completely ignore the fact that your kit does nothing against him, or do you itemize towards things like silver edge to kill him. other heroes that i have this sort of issue with in regards to are underlord, centaur, abba, and rubick ( paired with someone i should normally kill, sitting behind them spamming fadebolt) those are heroes brood is said to have good or even matchups with per dotabuff, but i'd also like to know how to deal with bristle and axe [link] [comments] |
Was there a numerical MMR crunch? Posted: 17 Jul 2018 10:14 AM PDT So between the last season and this one I lost about 200 MMR. At first I figured I had just gotten worse (and not trying to rule that out, it's probably true too!) But then I found that my friends in the lower region lost about the same (roughly 1.7 to 1.5k) and my peers did as well (had a guy go from 5k to 4.8k, another went from 4.7 to 4.5, and I went 4.8 to 4.6). I can't speak for my friends but the quality of my matches seem about the same or at least comparable. I'm totally willing to accept that me and all my mates are just shitters, but I'm curious as to how this affected everyone else. I know some people gained a lot of MMR between seasons, but I don't know how many did nor by how much. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2018 08:55 PM PDT |
Looking for a support to love. What are yours? Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:02 AM PDT I'm happy to support for my team, but getting rather bored of Shadow Shaman, Venge and CM despite their high WR, and my own success with them. What are your favoured supports, and how do you enjoy playing them? Greedy pos 4? Shadow your carry and salve/clarity/ward their every move? Just looking for the supports people love to play, and why. Cheers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2018 09:13 PM PDT I play a decent chunk of PL around 4k. I've always thought the crit talent at Level 25 was the obvious choice, but I've recently seen some threads saying the -7s doppel cd is the superior talent, and I've also seen some higher level players taking it the majority of the time. Which talent is better? Why/when is the -7s cooldown a better choice? [link] [comments] |
For those of you with wide hero pools, how much do the bonus mangoes affect your win rate? Posted: 16 Jul 2018 04:21 PM PDT Question. Assuming you're versatile enough in your role to be equally comfortable with a bunch of different heroes, how much do the bonus mangoes affect your game outcome? Especially if you're picking early in the draft, like support or offlane? Basically, if I'm equally good on say 5-6 support heroes, I'm wondering if I should be picking the bonus mangoes, or if they're a crutch I shouldn't rely on, or what. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2018 09:19 PM PDT Why do mids who build aquilla start with wraith band tangos instead of basi tangos? It gives the same damage as well as mana regen and 2 armor. Even heroes who usually buy a null just for stats would probably be better served with mana regen and armor than the manapool. Why do we never see basi instead of wraith band/null tali? Particularly mids like sf, arc, pl, viper, pa, clinkz, etc I always see them start with wraith band despite the great benefit from mana regen. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2018 11:01 PM PDT So yesterday I went as Wex vs a lane where I could not really get any cs with it, but came the teamgfights and I went godlike. Now, what if I went Exort in the lane, itemised for Wex (Phase, Urn) and then got Wex points? Something like 4-4-4 or 4-4-5 into 4-7-5. I would definitely buy Midas and take Tomes for XP and farm up as efficiently as possible early on and constantly get pickoffs with spells like meteor, cold snap, alacrity. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2018 03:53 PM PDT Hey guys! I've been trying to add Tinker to my hero pool and I've been pretty much spamming the cookie-cutter dota plus build of travels/soul ring -> blink -> aether lens-> aghs -> hex/dagon/eblade/Shiva's etc. However, I was recently watching VODs of Funkefal (high mmr tinker spammer) and it seems that nowadays he goes travels/souring -> blink -> aether -> dagon into hex/shivas/Bkb/etc. Most notably, he's been skipping aghs, which I have been picking up in pretty much every tinker game for the last 10 patches or so. Why go dagon instead of aghs? When should I build one or the other? It seems I always start off doing quite well as tinker and then fall behind in midgame, so the dagon build seems very useful in that situation to keep my lead. [link] [comments] |
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