Smite - [PC] Patch Day Discussion / Bug Reporting Megathread - 5.12: "Cyber Shadow"

[PC] Patch Day Discussion / Bug Reporting Megathread - 5.12: "Cyber Shadow"

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:36 AM PDT

Link to the official Patchnotes


Character Skin Name Classification How to obtain
Primal Fire Direct Purchase Bundle
Baroness Exclusive Divine Uprising
Shadow Spirit Exclusive Divine Uprising
Cyberfox Exclusive Divine Uprising

Other Cosmetics

  • Additions to the Awesome chest

    • Abyssal Executioner Chaac
    • Dashing Deceiver Loki
    • Road Rebel Hercules
  • International Announcer Pack Bundle (availabe through achievement "World Cup Celebration")

    • Russian Announcer Pack
    • French Announcer Pack
    • German Announcer Pack
    • Portuguese Announcer Pack
    • Spanish Announcer Pack
  • New Fantasy point Store skins

    • Jag.Rar Xbalanque
    • Grim Eclipse Hou Yi
    • Covert Ops Bastet
  • Primal Fire Bundle

    • Primal Fire Ares
    • Primal Fire Recall Skin
    • Primal Fire Ward Skin

God Balance

  • Calydonian Boar
    • 3s 1.5s CC immunity
  • Defender of Olympus
    • 350/450/550/650/750 350/430/510/590/670 base damage
    • 110/105/100/95/90s 110s cooldown at all ranks
Baron Samedi
  • Hysteria
    • 25% 20% bonus damage for max hysteria stacks
  • Vivid Gaze
    • 80% 70% magical power scaling
  • Wrap it up
    • no longer roots root immune targets (I really hope this also applies to slow immunity now)
  • Life of the Party
    • 50% 35% Damage Mitigation
    • 2s 1.5s Stun duration
    • 140/210/280/350/420 100/170/240/310/380 base damage on hit
  • General
    • 220 240 base mana
  • Essence Drinker
    • 3% 6% Lifesteal-/Healing bonus
  • Screech
    • 60/65/70/75/80 50/55/60/65/70 mana cost
  • Vicious Barrage
    • 30/40/50/60/70% 20/30/40/50/60% attack speed
  • Living Nightmare
    • 5% 4% slow per stack
    • 4 5 maximum stacks
  • General
    • 5 7 base HP5
  • Underhanded Tactics
    • 70 60 mana cost
  • Draconic Corruption
    • 100 70 mana cost
  • Made you Look
    • 90/120/150/180/210 70/105/140/175/210 base damage

Item Changes

Reinforced Shoes

  • 75 100 health
  • 6 7 maximum passive stacks

Reinforced Greaves

  • 75 100 Health
  • 6 7 maximum stacks

Talaria Boots

  • 1520 physical power

Demonic Grip

  • 50 65 magical power

Telkhines Ring

  • 70 90 magical power
  • 8% 10% magical power scaling

Please keep all Discussion about the patch to this Megathread
Link to the official Patchnotes
submitted by /u/xNimroder
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Grave Warden- Erlang Shen skin

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:40 AM PDT

My History Professor pleasantly surprised me today

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:28 PM PDT

We were in groups and I had a rebroadcast of SPL on, and she saw it from the side and asked if it was Zelda. I laughed and said no it's called Smite. It's about Gods from mythology, tons of characters and pantheons- they just added the voodoo and Slavic pantheon. She replied with "ohhhh do they have Chernobog?" And my mouth just dropped lol. Completely surprised she knew who that was.

submitted by /u/Liteboyy
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If we're gonna revert to 1 daily bundle per day, can the bundles at least be fixed so we don't get the same items every single day?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:42 AM PDT

I'm not sure if other people are having this issue, but shortly after daily bundles were introduced, I noticed I started to get similar offers almost every single day.

Off the top of my head, I've been noticing G.E.B 1, G.I Zhong, Moonlight Dove Awilix and Artio voice pack a lot in my bundles when the triple bundles were up.

Now that the triple bundles are gone, what's the first freaking bundle I get?

Artio Voice pack, G.I Zhong and Marksman Rama. And I've got the first two in my bundles plenty of times before the triple bundles were brought in, and the Rama skin is the only one that appears to be truly "random" here. And chances are, the bundle I get tomorrow will end up being something similar, with 2 items I've seen a bajillion times and one item that is actually unique, whether it be a skin or some random avatar.

So, with that said, since the triple bundles were removed, can we at least fix the individual bundles so the same damn items don't appear every single freaking day? This has been happening consistently enough that I'm convinced it's either a bug, or intentional, because there's no way I keep getting the same 4-5 items in my bundles every day among all the items in the game.

submitted by /u/BurningFlareX
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Marker pen drawings~

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:42 AM PDT

Pressing Esc While Typing in Chat Should Close the Chat, Not Bring up the Menu

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:19 AM PDT

As an old player of Smite, I came back to find this the QOL change I miss the most.

I don't know when it was changed, or even if it was done on purpose, but it's something that I miss when playing

submitted by /u/PointBlanc54
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Why do people NEVER get banned on Xbox

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:36 AM PDT

It seems almost every game I play someone's feeding or trolling or something. They can get reported by my entire team and the other team and yet won't get banned. Why ? If there's 7-9 people in the SAME GAME reporting you and the evidence is there, why not ban them?

submitted by /u/dmoore1114
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Pin up Sol

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:26 PM PDT

The problem with language specific announcerpacks.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:21 AM PDT

Let me select which announcerpaks can be selected if I choose random. I didn't want Bruce Buffer, I didn't want Tina but I accepted that they could be selected if I selected random.

Now I have to play a match with a guy screaming in a language I don't even know because I selected random. This looks like a game of CS:GO with a russian screaming in the background but without the loud anime or rap music.

submitted by /u/LanQuao
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The guardians of smite go out for dinner. Who pays the bill?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:00 PM PDT

Please let us select which items to randomize to in our Profile Loadout

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:44 PM PDT

With the release of the new voice packs celebrating the World Cup, also means having your Voicepack set to random has a chance to switch to one of these voice packs in an entirely different language that I'm sure a decent amount of us cannot understand. Either put them out of the rotation odds, or let us de-select them, because one of the joys of randomization was making it different each game. Now, there's a good chance I won't understand anything they say.

submitted by /u/Dejobi
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Daji anouncer pack

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:03 AM PDT

Deicide - MISERY!! Penta kill - MISERY!! Etc

submitted by /u/ra_kuzan
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The amount of disconnects and server maintenances since 5.11 became absolutely ridiculous

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:03 PM PDT

I missed out several days when i wanted to play but was unable to do so because play button grayed out / unable to login or some other server-related shit happening.

I lost a bunch of TP because im being randomly disconnecting in ranked lobby (thus getting deserter in addition to TP loss).

I swear almost every day for the past week i saw this screen

What the hell is going on?

EDIT: Oh and yea nice API for server status fetch

I feel like im playing some pirated shard of Smite by now.

submitted by /u/Hronych
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I gave the name "Eve"... wasn't disappointed

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:02 PM PDT

Conquest: The Easy Way to Become Accustomed to the Main Mode

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:52 AM PDT

So your friends see some SPL gameplay one day, and decide to take you to the hardcore firing range that is conquest, and you get bopped because you don't understand a thing. What the hell even was that about a fire giant, or gold fury? And something about ganking? I'm here to do my best to help teach anyone looking to be walked through this intimidating challenge. At a reasonable pace. So let's start with a few basics, under the assumption that you're not training-wheels new to SMITE or MOBAs.


When you start out, you're not going to be a masterclass player. You'll make mistakes, you'll have role preferences. Find something you really connect with, and go with it in Arena (or any mode you like). Don't worry about being good at every role when you're new. Some people will say to be decent at everything, which is good advice, but that comes later. You like Ullr or AMC? Practice hunters. You like Tyr or Hercules? Practice warriors. Just become comfortable with any god class, then you're ready to


I know, the conq map is really spooky. It's big. The main components are the 3 lanes and the 2 jungles, as well as the Titan. Each lane consists of 2 towers and a phoenix, per side of the map. At the end of the lanes is the enemy Titan. Will elaborate on this more in a minute. The jungle is home to a host of buff camps and 2 main objectives: the gold fury, and the fire giant. In your normal game of conquest, the roles cover different areas of the map.

:: THE GOAL ::

The goal of the game is to kill your enemy's Titan. This involves sieging their towers and phoenixes beforehand.

:: ROLES ::

Each role has a specific place they'd like to be. The Mage lives in the middle "mid" lane, and the Assassin lives in the jungle (covers both sides when needed). The Hunter and the Guardian* play together in duo, or the "Long Lane" (as evidenced by the name, it is the longer lane of the two side lanes.) The Warrior lives in the solo lane, or the "Short Lane".

*some guardians are better in solo, but that isn't important right now.


There are a few terms you'll want to know to understand allied callouts (I think this is also a good time to recommend you become familiar with using the VGS system).

- CC: Crowd control. Basically anything that inhibits your ability to perform actions normally. Slows, roots, cripples, stuns, etc.

- Gank : A call for teammates to head to a lane, to initiate a multi-man fight against unaware enemies. [VGG].

- Bruiser : A type of build in which you build a healthy amount of defense with a bit of damage tacked onto it.

- Glass cannon : A build or god centered around very low defense/hp and incredibly high damage.

- Split push : While part of your team is pushing a lane or in a minor teamfight, you go off to a vacant lane and push up the minions to their tower to create a problem for the enemy. [VVVP]

- Duo / Mid / Jg / Solo : Shorthand terms for Long Lane, Mid Lane, Jungle, and Short lane, respectively.

- FG / GF : Fire Giant and Gold Fury, respectively. [VAF] [VAG]

- Rotate: Move around the map, essentially. You'll never be told to just 'rotate', it'll always be followed by an end destination, i.e. "Supp rotate mid", which translates to 'support, please move to mid lane'.


I don't want to make a 3 hour long post about how each class works, what gods are good... that isn't top priority. Here's a VERY basic rundown of the classes.

Mid [Mage]: Weak early, gain strength mainly through the items they buy. Disgusting damage. Generally stay in lane and push minions, occasionally take xp harpies (the birds in the pockets next to the midlane). Good teamfighters.

Jungler [Assassin]: Pretty strong all game. Their job is to get in, deal damage, and get out. Rotates around the jungle, helping teammates when needed. Ideal gank participant.

ADC [Hunter]: Weak early, gain strength mainly through the items they buy. Not great in teamfights, but can absolutely shred through pretty much anything in a 1v1, and are the uncontested fastest objective takers come lategame. Relies on support to protect and peel.

Support [Guardian]: Decent early, strong mid, weak late. Very tanky, lots of good cc and initiation tools. Sits in duo with hunter for the early game, starts rotating around during the mid game to act as a second tanky jungler. Despite not doing as much damage, do not underestimate this role. It is essential to a good team.

Solo [Warrior]: Strong early, good mid, ok lategame. Tanky, good damage, good sustain. 1v1 the other solo laner in a contest for tower pressure and lane dominance. Their job in a teamfight is to bully people around and pick away at their health.

:: NOTES ::

- Some guardians are better as solo laners than they are as supports! Sobek, Cerberus, Xing Tian, and Artio are almost exclusively used as such. However this is a very niche point, as they will absolutely still fill support just fine, and at lower level this will translate into absolutely nothing. You'll get a better grasp for this stuff as you improve. This also applies to other roles, such as Ravana being a jungler, and Loki being useable as a solo laner (please dont do this).

- Wards are very important, and i highly recommend you learn good ward placement regardless of the role you play. No one benefits when people die due to lack of map awareness, but everyone benefits when you buy wards.

- Ignore toxic players. Conquest is inundated with salty sailors. They VGS spam you? Don't take it too personally. Them being salty is making them play worse, which subsequently makes them screw up, and makes them angrier. Let them be.

Edits: formatting

submitted by /u/Sorivius
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Hi-Rez is there gonna be any sort of change coming to console role calling or may role queue?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:27 AM PDT

Players on Xbox just don't get the fact that top 2 players are top elo and their role choice is prioritized. Those at the bottom continue to argue the fact that since they called the role first they deserve it. On ranked conquest this is just horrible to deal with now that duo queue is gonna be taken out I'll have to worry about one extra person that doesn't understand this situation.

Give the game something so the players understand that the top 2 are top elo, there isn't any indication of it either, so player keep arguing this with me when I actually read about change that with top 2 being the highest elo on the team.

Or give the top 2 players a 5 second head start so that they can call their role before the bottom 3.

Honestly one or two games with someone on my team arguing with me about this fact, I'll usually handle. Then there are the matches where people just throw cuz now we have 2 mages and 2 junglers, since "you stole my role im gonna throw now"...

submitted by /u/immaCutn
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Hi-Rez doesn't want to give three daily bundles, we don't want just one... why not give two?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:59 AM PDT

Lock it behind 100% goodwill or something if you really care that much.

submitted by /u/Bmoot44
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I Animated LOKI Turning into FAT LOKI , DragonBall Z style!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:49 AM PDT

Infographic | SMITE Patch 5.12 Recap

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:00 AM PDT

They ruined Tyr's default voice pack

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:53 PM PDT

Its like recorded from simple recording studio now...

submitted by /u/SuicideSheeps
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The Results of my Music and How it Impacts Performance are Finally here! Here's the results!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:48 PM PDT

So, as promised ages ago, the results of my survey on music and the impact it has are now here! Forgive any poor formatting in advance as my computer plays up somewhat when typing for a while. Also, I've cut down on some of this because I need a reason for people to read the article when it's released later this month! Check that out for more info in general, as well as the responses from the Magazine Staff.


  1. What Platform do you Play on?

Quite a simple question just to get started. 66% of people stated PC, with Xbox coming in second at 22% and PS4 at 15%.

  1. Do you Listen to Anything While Playing Smite? If so, What?

Around 61% of players gave a yes to this question. The majority of answers was obviously music, but a few responses stated streams, podcasts or youtube videos.

  1. If Music, What Genre do you Listen to?

The most popular genres here were very close together, with Rap, Electronic and Metal all within 3 votes of each other. Rock was the second lowest at fifth, with Indie coming in last. The 'Others Specified' Section here was fourth and mainly used as a way of narrowing to specific subgenres, but J and K Pop and Anime Soundtracks were quite common here as well.

  1. Do you think that music and/or what you stated you listen to have an impact on how you play? If yes, how so?

Here, 35% of the answers were for a no whilst 65 stated that it did. The explanation as to why is where it gets interesting however. Roughly a third of the answers received stated that music negatively impacts how the person plays the game.

  1. Are there any songs/videos in particular that you listen to constantly while playing? If so, what?

This was more of a fun question, to see if anyone selected the same song. I did receive a lot of interesting answers however, including a 'Friends Fire Mixtape' and a Finnish metal song with a music video of a chubby guy in a nightclub smearing hotdogs on his chest to beat Swedish Jesus in a Street Fighter style dance battle. I wish I was kidding. Link if you really want to see it. (nsfw)

  1. How do you feel about other people listening to music/other content while playing with you?

The general consensus here is that as long as the person isn't blasting the music through their mic and listen to callouts, then there's no problem listening to music.

So that's the barebones results of my responses, hope you guys enjoy and find some interesting stuff out! The full article will be out near the end of the month, keep an eye out for the post as we always submit it on here when released.

submitted by /u/FenrisianFang84
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Baron Ultimate

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:20 PM PDT

While I am thankful for the balancing for Baron that has already been released, I do think his ultimate could still use some work.

Since it is a mage ult, it isn't surprising that it does a lot of damage, or even that it stuns; I think what is surprising is how easy it is to hit and how safe he is in it.

From what I have seen, the ability has too much mobility. The fact that it both has a long range, you can move in it, it can pivot, and lasts for 3.5 seconds means that regardless of relics and escapes, most of the time the baron can secure the kill. I think if any of these four things were changed the ult would be far more tolerable i.e.reduce the range, cannot move in the ability, cannot pivot in the ability, or reduce the time. I think this would go a long way to reducing player frustration while retaining a lot of what people like about him. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/the_killer_cannabis
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Adventure was a fun experiment, but I think it's time for it to go

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:19 PM PDT

It has no redeeming qualities. They're curious modes that have the fun factor quickly fade, being justified with their existence by creating huge grinds that forces you to play the adventure mode.

I'd be perfectly OKAY with you having to buy in to the adventure with little to no grind. That's also an insult too, paying customers being forced to still grind, just half as much, with the option to pay even more to get rid of the grind!

I just want to play the normal game. Also, how can you improve matchmaking when a good chunk of players are wasting days or even weeks grinding rewards in adventure mode? Getting all the rat skins was one of my worst moments of 2018. The only reason I carried on was out of spite--It wasn't going to break me!

That mode served no fucking purpose. Once you played it like 2 times, you played it every time, 500 more times. In the time I spent grinding it, I could have finished 4-5 AAA games. Imagine playing overwatch's soccer mode, but that's all you did, for a week. Wouldn't you go crazy? Insane? Want to finally cut your soul from your meat shell?

I have only touched the medusa adventure like 4 times, and I don't regret a thing. Free shit you say? I call it a part-time job. "Here, lift these rocks and place them over there, then pick them up and put them back. After doing that 100 more times I'll give you something, FOR FREE!"

TL:DR Fuck adventures, bye

submitted by /u/MultiplePenguins
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Taco Thanatos Penta. With a nice Ne Zha!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:45 PM PDT

Cyberfox Da Ji highlights an issue with her 3's Targeting

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:23 AM PDT

Evening Folks o/

So after downloading the patch, getting the new skins and taking my favorite Foxy Lady into the Jungle Practice to try the new Cyberfox skin I noticed something.....interesting. The "Marker" for Da Ji's 3 teleport was really high up and visible. I thought to myself "Did they just make it bigger or just move it up higher?"

So after jumping in and out with each Da Ji skin I compiled this album showing the marker at close, mid and max range. Turns out they just moved it higher and makes it much easier to see. But then every other skins Marker is obscured behind the enemy health bar at mid to max range.

Now you may be saying "What's the big deal? If the enemy is by themselves you don't even need the Marker!!" The problem arises when enemy are cluster together. Need to get that Hydra/Heartseeker proc on the carry but teleport to the support and whiff the burst damage? All because your teleport was slightly off because you can't see the Marker to adjust.

Not a super big issue but one I'd like to highlight for fellow Da Jis and maybe see the other skin have the same treatment as Cyberfox.

submitted by /u/AtlasHeracross
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