Learn Dota 2 - SGLeroy's Regular AMA, NA immortal pos 3 player, ask me any questions on how to improve your mmr and I will give you answers.

SGLeroy's Regular AMA, NA immortal pos 3 player, ask me any questions on how to improve your mmr and I will give you answers.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 09:44 AM PDT

Hi, im a NA pub star and im trying to promote myself as a coach, my first AMA's went really well and got some great feedback so I thought I should do a regular AMA on r/learndota2 trying to continue to help you guys while also putting myself out there.

If you want to know my current mmr or hero experience check my dotabuff here: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/44544729, keep in mind that my dotabuff wont show competitive games/scrims on it, but as an example ive played like 500 dark seer games but it only shows my pub experiences on there.

My specialty is position 3 but I have a large amount of knowledge in all areas of dota, I've participated in many tier 2 events and leagues, including FPL pro circuit and JDL.

If you want me to join you in-game to analyze your gameplay and give you personal coaching lessons, the best way to contact me privately is through Discord/Steam.

Discord: SGLeroy#6314 https://steamcommunity.com/id/SGLeroy/



Ask away!

submitted by /u/SGLeroy
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What is an autoexec.cfg? - GUIDE

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:05 AM PDT

I've posted a short guide to autoexecs in a question about keybindings, I figured it would be better to share it with all of you instead of letting it rot and be ignored in an old thread!

A. What is an autoexec?

An autoexec is a config file in which you can insert certain commands that will then be run / become active when starting DotA.

As far as I know you can basically change any setting that you could also change in-game via an autoexec, such as hotkeys, auto-attack options or video resolution, but the real deal is that there are also things you CANNOT change inside the game options.A lot / all (not sure) of these options can also be used in-game via console, but you'd have to re-enter them everytime you restart the game.

Over the years they've added quite a lot of options into the game client itself (such as Right-Click Force Attack for denies), and removed things that were kinda well-known in the past (such as being able to change the interval between the black lines in health bars - for example, as an Axe player, you could make it so if an enemy is below the last line, he would be in Culling Blade range).

Besides having access to commands that aren't available in-game, an autoexec.cfg can also be handy if you want to set a certain option to a specific value - for example, hero icon size on the minimap or minimap misclick delay, or even mouse sensitivity.

These can sometimes be tedious to set up precisely via the in-game sliders, but with a config file you can just insert the specific value.

B. Is an autoexec.cfg legal?

Short answer - yes. It is a feature built into the game and supported by Valve itself.

However it might be possible that certain commands are illegal in general or (more likely) in specific tournaments.

Autoexecs have been used by many (or probably most) pro players, including in tournaments, and several players have shared their autoexecs online in the past.

Using an autoexec in general is not what people commonly refer to as "scripting", such as just recently with the Armlet or Meepo Poof scripts, or in a mroe broad sence Skywrath hacks, auto-silence, zoom hacks and so on.

However it might be possible to make Armlet / Meepo scripts via an autoexec too, I do not know.
Thanks to /u/andyandcomputer :

Just to clarify this: Scripting multiple actions like "Armlet off + Armlet on" is not possible with autoexec.

It used to be, but was disabled around 2 years ago; anything in autoexec that would cause multiple commands to run in response to one user action do not work, except in local games with cheats enabled.

As far as I know, autoexecs DO NOT allow commands that are not allowed by the in-game / lobby settings - so for example, you need to create a custom lobby with cheats enabled to use certain console commands like "dota_range_display", and adding that command to the autoexec instead will not make it usable in non-cheat games either.

I am no expert in this field whatsoever so don't take anything for granted, but I'm 99\% sure that all of the commands I will list below are legal.

C. How to create and run an autoexec.cfg:

  1. Go into your Steam folder and follow this path: \Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg
  2. Create a new text document in that folder and name it "autoexec.cfg". (You might have to turn on "Show file extensions" or something similar in the folder options; if after creating the document it's called "New document**.txt**" you should be good, if it's just called "New document", Google how to show extensions. Replace the ".txt" with ".cfg".).
  3. Open autoexec.cfg with editor / notepad. Add any commands (see below) you like here. You do not need to add a certain intro line, commands can just be pasted into the file below each other.
  4. Save your changes.(Depending on your settings / OS you may not be allowed to save it there. In that case, either save the document on the desktop and then move it into the folder, or change your settings (e.g. disable / change Windows UAC - Google what that is before doing anything.)
  5. The next time you start up DotA, your autoexec.cfg should be loaded in the background.

It won't really tell you if it was successful (maybe somewhere in the console, not sure), so just go into demo mode and test one of your new commands. Can be something as simple as binding something to a different hotkey.

  1. If your autoexec doesn't work, you can try the following:- Right-Click DOTA 2 in the Steam library, select "Properties...".- Go to the "General" tab and press "Set Launch Options...".- Insert "+exec autoexec" there and accept.

D. How do commands look like?

The three basic ways an autoexec line / command can look like are this:

Option "value" bind "Key" "command" bindtoggle "Key" "command" 

The first sets a certain option to a value, such as the size of your minimap hero icons to 500. The second binds a certain key on your keyboard/mouse to a specific command in the game, such as binding A to attack. The third binds a certain key to toggle between different states of an option / command, so pressing that key once will turn something on, pressing it again will turn it off (afaik more than 2 different states are possible). For example, you can set a single hotkey to toggle between the different auto-attack settings.

Mind the "quotation marks" !

You can add comments behind a command by using "//" (no quotation marks) followed by your comment, so for example:

bindtoggle "F5" "dota_camera_lock" // Binds F5 to toggle locking/unlocking the camera to your hero. 

For the most part, "Key" is just represented by the letter / number / F-key on your keyboard, there's also "kp_1", "kp_2"... for the key/numpad, "ctrl" for control etc.

I don't have a complete list on this, but I'm sure you can find out more about this somewhere if you're interested ;)

The commands / options all have specific names that aren't always obvious. Inside commands, underscores "_" are used in place of spaces, so one command for example is "dota_camera_lock", another is just "disconnect".

I'm sure someone could go into the game files and find out much more about that, but a simple man like me just copy/pastes what other people have in their autoexecs; I suggest you do the same unless you know what you do!

One last warning: Watch out a bit when changing certain values. It's not always possible to easily restore the defaults if you don't know the default value and without messing with / deleting your autoexec or more.

This isn't really as grim as it may sound, it simply means that if for example you set the RGB of player 1's color to something different, you'd probably have to Google a bit to find the default setting.

E. What commands can you use?

I will post a list of commands with explanations added in the next message. These are for the most part commands I use / have used or considered using in the past, it is by no means a complete list of all possible commands. Some pro players have posted their autoexec.cfg's online in the past, I will try to attach links to a few at the end of this post if I can find them.

You can copy-paste the full command (including the comments / explanations if you like) into your autoexec.cfg below each other.

The bound keys or the values to set certain options to (except for 0 or 1 for on or off) are just examples which may or may not be reasonable or close to default settings.

Please let me know if you find any that don't work / don't do what they are supposed to

[Something interesting I found out while writing this - I'm on a different PC at the moment with DotA installed, the settings from my autoexec work in-game, but I do not have an autoexec.cfg in my DotA folder.

Apparently the autoexec settings are also saved on the Steam Cloud, so you wouldn't need to create a new one / bring your autoexec on a flash drive when changing PCs (unless you want to edit the autoexec at a later point).]

List of commands:

engine_no_focus_sleep "0" // makes it so DOTA keeps running on full performance when you are tabbed; highly recommended for streamers as viewers experience huge FPS drops when you tab out otherwise bind "6" "+dota_control_group 11" // 12, 13. ... bind "9" "+dota_control_group 14" // you can set more than 10 different control groups if you want bind "kp_1" "say /thanks" // You can bind certain text messages / chat input bind "kp_8" "chatwheel_say 57" // can't remember what 57 even is; says something from the chatwheel bind "ctrl" "+dota_unit_movetodirection" // Holding control will enable directional movement, see original post; it cannot be bound to ctrl inside the game bindtoggle "F7" "dota_camera_disable_zoom" // allows you to turn camera zoom on/off ingame; sometimes useful for stealing Aegis or so) bindtoggle "F10" "dota_camera_lock" // locks/unlocks camera to hero. I use this to creep block bindtoggle "kp_9" "dota_mouse_window_lock" // locks/unlocks mouse to the window; useful when watching replays or so bind "F12" "disconnect" // disconnect from the game (not abandon) 

// Minimap:

dota_minimap_rune_size "325" // size of runes on minimap dota_minimap_creep_scale "1" // size-multiplier for creeps on minimap dota_minimap_ping_duration "3" // ping signal duration on minimap in seconds dota_minimap_misclick_time "0.3" // clicks on the minimap are ignored for 0.3 seconds dota_minimap_disable_rightclick "0" // rightclicking on minimap is ignored completely if this is set to 1 

// Colors:

dota_unit_use_player_color "1" // 1 makes players use colors like red, teal etc.; 0 makes all heroes use team colors - green vs. red 

// the following change the red / green / blue color percentage for ally, enemy and neutral colors; three different commands for R / G / B. Play around with the numbers if you like

dota_friendly_color_r "0.6" // friendly unit color red percentage dota_friendly_color_g "0.9" // green dota_friendly_color_b "1" // blue dota_enemy_color_r "1" // enemy red dota_enemy_color_g "0" dota_enemy_color_b "1" dota_neutral_color_r "1" // neutral red ... dota_neutral_color_g "0" dota_neutral_color_b "1" 

// Health Markers:

// The following 7 lines make changes to health immediate instead of delayed: (I think these are without quotations for some reason; try with "0" if this doesn't work) dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max 0 dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min 0 dota_health_hurt_delay 0 dota_pain_decay 0 dota_pain_factor 0 dota_pain_multiplier 0 dota_pain_fade_rate 0 dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255" // Makes big health markers transparent (0-255) dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "255" // Makes small health markers transparent (0-255) 

Links to autoexecs:

EternalEnvy's autoexec on JoinDotA https://www.joindota.com/en/forums/691-joindota-and-community/693-community/198283-eternal-envys-autoexec-cfg#page:1

Arteezy's autoexec on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2xt8xn/arteezys_autoexec_looking_for/

SMD's autoexec from GameLeap https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSj3ASAXBDPx7-hHiIVzTLskJbnn57lph_a9-B_G_EY/edit

PS: A lot of the commands especially in the older autoexecs don't work anymore, such as setting the health bar thresholds differently. I haven't experienced any issues when using commands that don't work anymore though, at least not so far - they simply don't do anything. Again, no guarantees though, use at your own risk.

submitted by /u/InFearAndFaith2193
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Dear TA players, in which situation should i get a blink dagger before desolator?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:16 AM PDT

New TA player here. The title says it all. I appreciate any helps :D Furthermore, after blink and desolator, how would you guys itemize depending on the situation?

submitted by /u/vanducks
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How do you chose between being ward bitch and going for big items

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:48 PM PDT

2k support here (wannabee pos 5), i usually chose randomly based on whether i wanna feel smart dewarding people or just get some big items and feel OP, nothing logical here.

So, how do you chose either path ?

Btw, question about early gem (like, Wand Tranq Urn Gem) : is it totally stupid to invest 900 gold on a gem i'm gonna lose in less than 10 minutes, or is the map control/gold & exp return worth it ? I have done this a few times and it felt good because i could just commit less in fights and keep it for a while, but nobody will check my inventory and look for a gank in my bracket so i don't get punished as hard as i should get in a normal game.

submitted by /u/Zjand
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What more can i do to save this game (offlane doom)

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:20 PM PDT


(AVG mmr high 4k - low 5k)

We have a 9th pick (our team last pick) drow ranger, which i think is very situational (i personally considered drow pick absolutely need to be the last pick or she get countered very easily by numbers of heroes and we have only one hero that benefits her aura)

What can i do as a doom to save this game? (rotation, items, more communication for my team to group up,....) any criticism about my plays would be appreciated

submitted by /u/Healthypoison
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Sniper CD reduction talent and Midas

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:36 AM PDT


Sniper got 25% CD reduction at level 10. Midas cooldown has been reduced once again in last patch.

Midas Sniper got 67.5sec cooldown and takes 12min to pay for itself.

Is it worth it to buy Midas on Sniper ?

submitted by /u/Ythio
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2 randoms, very different quick questions

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:01 AM PDT

  • 1 Is there a way to access thorough stats of your games without turning your profile public on dotabuff ?

  • 2 When you don't have enough dmg to get a LH but your tower is going to kill it, is there a workaround? Like some sick timing, hitting the creep at the very same time as the tower ?

Oh actually there is a third : What kind of can-snowball-into-carries pos 3 you like the most at low MMR ? BB, Abbadon, LC... ? What else ? Ive seen BS do okay.. Can Viper work ?


submitted by /u/Norz80
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Looking for some advice

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:09 PM PDT

Hey guys. I've been trying this game on and off for the last couple of years because I was a LoL player. I really love the mechanics of certain champions but the biggest issue by far is knowing what item to get in what situation. I know there are ingame guides but which ones you get first and stuff obviously depends on your opponent. I feel like it's very hard to go solo in a game here since most of my friends play LoL or something else and I don't really have that guy who can tell me what could be good in what situation (I do thing duoing in a MOBA is the easiest way of getting a hang of the game).

Another thing I've been doing for a while is play Overthrow but since the meta is completely different there I assume the ingame item guides aren't as good there so I'm also looking for advice on that. What's good to get or is there any nice video on the subject? (when I search on YT I get all these Overthrow meme videos).

submitted by /u/Jeffroiscool
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Storm spirit advice

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:03 AM PDT

When I jump someone(let us assume nobody else is there) do I stun and silence at the same time or space them out? Obviously vs Magnus and Enigma spacing is better but in most ordinary situations I don't know what us the efficient way.

Also how does one deal with shrine and courier steal, at 2 mins they run out of their 3 tangoes and start flying themselves boots or something idk what...

That is precisely when I need my bottle and i get very tilted. I'm usually forced to back at 3 mins cuz I run out of Regen

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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Bunch of questions about Supporting

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:40 PM PDT

I personally love playing support, particularly the hard support, although till this day a couple of things stick to my mind which I'd love to discuss.

So firstly, wards. I usually give one to my mid and keep one for the safelane, this usually results in the Offlane being visionless for some time. Should it just come to a point where I ferry some wards on the courier to the Offlaner? The ward on mid also ends up expiring eventually, so at that point, I either leave lane and go ward if it's not too hectic otherwise if not should I once again just focus on trying to ferry them on the courier?

Another point would be ganking. I've started making a habit of buying a smoke really early on for this. Now generally speaking when I decide to gank what seems to happen is I'd end up waiting on the enemy's side as our wave wouldve pushed in too much, this usually results in me having to go back most of the time essentially resulting in wasted time. Am I just ganking too early here, should I anticipate the creep wave's position better?

Sentries vs Gem, personally I don't really like picking up an early gem in pubs because people usually don't coordinate too well and an early lost gem isn't that great. A bad habit of mine is to spam a shitload of sentries each time we're against invis/techies and this really hurts my item progression sometimes. Obviously vision will always be more important, but I feel as though there comes a point where too many sentries is also a thing. So in this situation would you just buy the gem and tell some core to keep it? I feel as though this might start giving me some breathing room against invis.

Stacking camps is something I'm trying to do more often. I'm aware that this should mostly be done when you have cores that can take them easily such as Sven and what not, but I tend to forgot about this alltogether sometimes. When is the best time to focus on stacking camps, i.e how can you identify a good amount of downtime to do this without neglecting your more important duties, especially if you have something like an Alch on your team, I guess this is more related to gamesense. Heroes with summons for instance would require you to prepare earlier since you'll need to move them to different camps all at once.

Big thanks for any responses!

submitted by /u/shaneonoqshane
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How come some peaple's denies are indicated with a question mark?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:18 AM PDT

It wasn't always like that.

submitted by /u/Adepo
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Hey guys , could i get some advice on how i couldve won this game as ember spirit?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 08:46 AM PDT

Why are pros building treads on ember now?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 08:41 AM PDT

I know ember is being picked more as an early-mid dominating hero now and building travels are kind of wasted net worth on an early ember. I also get that treads enable more of a fighting build on him, but why not phase boots over the treads? Ember doesn't really benefit from the attach speed as much as the raw damage from phase boots right? Is tread swapping really that much more beneficial on the hero?

submitted by /u/Stewaga
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i can't tell which terrorblade is the real one?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:22 AM PDT

is there any picture on which is real?

submitted by /u/Lord_Trolldermort
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What to build on late game Axe?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:15 AM PDT

What should I build on Axe after boots, (possible vanguard or hood/pipe), blink, blade mail? I usually go heart and/or shivas, then travel boots. But then what? I always have trouble coming up with late game item ideas. Everything seems mediocre.

submitted by /u/AeroponicGardener
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How Do I Improve?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 12:21 AM PDT

So, I'm trying to get better at the game. I'm not sure what rank I am, (uncalibrated), but if I had to guess I would say somewhere in Archon. The point is, I'm bad. And I really want to improve but I don't know how to. I always try to think about what I should have done differently after a game, and I watch my replays occasionally. Here is my dotabuff. I'm also on a huge loss streak, because I suddenly started getting put in high skill and very high skill games, and I have NO clue why. Ever since it started I have lost almost every game, so I'm clearly not good enough to be there. Any help would be appreciated, as I'm starting to lose my mind with not being able to improve.

submitted by /u/hilariouslijah
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What do you think I did wrong?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:04 AM PDT

I lost 2 games in a row to obvious booster but the question is, what exactly could I've done better?

#1: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3981159388

I'm the AA. Brood was the booster

#2: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3981244150

here I play rhasta, Arc warden was the booster

submitted by /u/twitchtv-pingstoppa
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Slark snowballing against all my games

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:34 AM PDT

How do we usually handle Slark in 3.2k? My team usually picks then he last picks slark so we can't really counter pick. How can we draft properly as well as prepare for him?

Just lost as Arc Warden mid 3980958086 to a invoker combo with riki aghs. Their team fight destroyed us with void ult.

I'm not quite sure why our position 1 ursa was so underfaRmed. We really didn't have team fight.

During drafting how do we prevent a gank heavy team like ours and encourage a more team fighting oriented approach? Spirit breaker, bounty and ursa just doesn't have the AoE. Our warlock was just the golem aoe but that's about it.

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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How did we lose this Arc Game?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:30 AM PDT

Arc mid I was winning and so were my teams but the score not so good Was wondering what happened this game.

Match iD 3980958086

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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Oracle Purge info

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:26 PM PDT

I understand that oracles ulti false promise purges off basically everything. But i was wondering what spells does oracles Q fortunes end purge off. If anyone has a list or some way i can tell.

I know some of them like warlocks Q and W fatal bonds and shadow word. Bloodseekers silence. Maybe some of venomancers skills.unsure.

Please advise. Thanks

submitted by /u/pandorahi
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