Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - June 30, 2018

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - June 30, 2018

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:08 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Necromancers in Guild Wars 1. Can we get this armor as skins? I'd love to get male chest piece.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:34 PM PDT

Cannot unsee this glorious map bear

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:48 PM PDT

TIL the Roller Beetle hops when you rotate while walking is toggled on

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 08:13 AM PDT

Kourna is rushed and unfinished

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:11 PM PDT

Kourna is a map full of wasted potential. It very much feels rushed and incomplete. I hope that we can get an update to finish it someday.

The north and east of the map feels empty and tacked on, with an almost total lack of anything to do there other than get POIs. The hidden pond behind the farm is similarly pointless and also the portal to it is very strangely placed. This issue with parts of the map being empty of meaningful, repeatable content is something that was complained about when it first happened in Bitterfrost Frontier, during which, by the way, we also complained about inventory spam, which again appears in the form of parts. There are also a bunch of little strange nitpicks, like needing to run an event to access Beta Vault, not needing to enter Alpha Vault, the very awkwardly placed beetle wall for the computer core, and the issues with experience and loot not being given by lots of mobs. The biggest sin is that Gendara is mostly inaccessible, either in the map itself or during the story instances.

The most glaringly incomplete element, though, is the meta. It gives lackluster rewards (access to them is also poorly designed, resulting in people begging mesmers for help due to the access key not awarding properly), the final meta boss is generic and uninteresting, and there is nothing story-wise or really at all interesting happening with it. The meta very obviously was meant to be a 3-lane thing like Silverwastes, with us attacking down all 3 bridges and conquering the fortress (the stuff that was happening while we were infiltrating the sewers in the story) and was rushed out with only a single lane in a usable, but not finished, state. No place is this more obvious than the west bridge, that nonsensically ends in a blank wall. There is barely any sign of the corsair fleet other than the one extremely tiny shipwreck; they were probably supposed to show up later in the meta like the ships in Palawadan. The cannon events on Kourna are another indication of this; once again only 1 part of a 3 part meta was finished and these were copy-pasted into the slots to keep the number of items in the Kourna medal collection the same.

The entire meta needs to be properly redone, with a full and proper battle over Gendara, otherwise it's just a massive waste. Do something with the empty parts of the map too.

submitted by /u/void2258
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Senpai noticed us! Programmer and creator of the beetle mount reached out to Tyria Drift [DRFT] to see how players are utilizing it!

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:12 AM PDT

Lena Chappelle is back, working as a freelance composer for GW2 (Wrote two tracks for episode 3)

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:26 AM PDT

The choya have really evolved - first dancing, now this!?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:35 PM PDT

Implement mount races into vanilla maps!

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:56 AM PDT

In wintersday they allowed people who didn't own PoF to purchase a temporary mount for silver.

I feel like implementing races with a temporary mount into vanilla zones may be beneficial for the game - it would allow newer players to test mounts and feel how nice they are.

It is also very fun to do races! They could tie these races to some new current event and bring achievements and various rewards to each race!

submitted by /u/Spicemeatbal
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[SPOILER!] Act III inbound?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:50 AM PDT

After thinking about everything that happened so far with Joko, I have arrived at my own conclusion as to why things went the way they did. And I do indeed believe that Joko will be back in some way. He's not off the list. Here's why it's so likely:

Joko is not as stupid as we are led to believe.

Yes, many players believe that Joko has had it coming to him. He's silly, his kingdom is built on lies, and he got tricked by Balthazar in PoF. Basic stupid supervillain who deserves to get killed off in an anticlimactic way, right?

No. Joko is a bit ridiculous, but he is also very dangerous. He is immortal, knowledgeable, and above all: a great strategist. You do not create and run an empire such as Joko's Elona based on luck and a few parlor tricks, especially if most of your most loyal subordinates are just your own (albeit intelligent) marionettes, who do not raise a finger if you don't tell them to.

Now here's why Gandara probably was a super elaborate ruse:

THE PLAGUE: So, this episode established that the Plague Scarabs go through multiple generations before they achieve their ultimate potential. However, from what we know, there would have been no reason for Joko to send the weaker "1st generation" scarabs to Amnoon, instead of waiting two more weeks and blasting Amnoon with the full force of his 3d generation scarabs. Joko did it for some meager testing, nothing more. Albeit he DID expect more casualties. But then Aurene showed up and fried those plans. Either way, Joko does not care much about bringing Amnoon to its knees (yet). If he did, the PoF decision about posting Awakened guards in Amnoon would have had drastic repercussions by now. But it is, by design, inconsequential. Guess why.

GANDARA: It seems very convient. Joko extends the Commander an invitation to Gandara, apparently where most of his remaining armies are stationed, and where all the super important remaining plague experiments are being conducted. Jackpot, right? So we quickly gather our forces - primeval spirits and sunspears from PoF, corsairs from episode 1, Olmakhan from episode 2 - and teleport them right to the enemy's doorstep. But is that really a smart strategic decision? Cordially inviting your enemy to lay siege to your most crucial and well-guarded fortress with everything he has? It's not. It reeks of pomp and thoughtless arrogance. "Come, see how impenetrable my fortress is! (Except for the super convenient sewer entrance.)"

I tell you what is a smart strategic decision: Luring just about ALL enemy forces to a location that seems crucial to your plans, but is actually just a /distraction/. It has been said by the asura: We cannot set up another portal like this in the foreseeable future. So now all our forces are concentrated in Kourna. And getting them away from there will take some time. Time we might not have.


So. This one is important. Remember Joko's most crucial words in Rata Primus? He uttered something about the "old me" and the "new me", specifically about having learned of the errors of his past. The "new Joko" does not waste time boasting, leaving his plans vulnerable just like that. He seemed very cold and calculating, porting away almost immediately and leaving the busywork to Lonai. Fast forward to episode 3 and suddenly Joko really. Doesn't. Care. He's gloating and taunting happily and excessively all the while leading the Commander through his vast network of traps beneath Gandara. He even hands him the convenient tool (the ring) so that the Commander can theoretically get to him without being weakened in any way whatsoever. Then, in the final fight, Joko doesn't let up, taunting the commander even more. This means that Joko was never in a situation he did not want to be in. He was in full control, all of the time.


The commander has made it to Joko, and they are having the epic showdown both have been anticipating. Joko seemed really keen on it, didn't he? But why? If there is something we know, then it is that 1 vs. 1 does not work well for Joko. Joko lost against Turai Ossa. He lost a second time, against Balthazar. (Assuming he even saw his capture coming.) Joko is not some sort of field combatant. He's a schemer and a strategist, that is where his strengths lie. He uses hidden knowledge to his advantage.

Anyway, there are two options:

a) Joko is a moron, and really thinks he can (and should) take "the slayer of gods and elder dragons" entirely on his own. Doesn't seem likely, does it? While we see that Joko is indeed very powerful, it's still a risk. And the new Joko doesn't take such risks.

b) For reals, though: Joko may have died. But he did not lose. He staged it all and ultimately died, but while his death may or may not have been real and final, his loss certainly is neither real nor final (for now).

DRAGONS: From his monologue, it is very clear Joko knows about dragons and what their role in Tyria is. It is so easy to overlook this because in public, he boasts about singlehandedly mounting their heads on pikes. But this monologue has made it very clear: He knows about the role and the importance of the Elder Dragons, of how essential they are for Tyria, and he would NEVER actually attempt to take them down.

However, from the first story mission, we also clearly know that Joko is aware of Aurene. He knows she is powerful, he knows she is loyal to Commander, he knows she eats magic. Yet he takes ZERO extra precautions against her entering Gandara. This ultimately results in her sweeping in and eating his face.

Once again, two options:

a) Joko quickly forgot about that "tame" /dragon/ the Commander is running around with, since it is such an everyday sight, and he never even bothered to integrate her in his plans, because, how could Aurene possibly interfere in in any way... right?

b) Jokes aside. Joko is probably interested af in Aurene. He may have joked about her in the first story mission, but he was most likely obsessed with her as soon as he found out. There is no small chance that everything he has set up in Gandara was in anticipation of Aurene, including that super convenient dragon sized window he was standing just beneath while giving his monologue. I'll give you my final thoughts on this in a second.


The last piece I am basing my assumptions on. This one is a bit hidden away, but thanks to the subreddit, most people should know about it by now: Joko left a message to his loyal subjects, a message in which he ponders the possibility of his impending death by "having his magic unbound". We know this message is recorded while the Commander arrives in the torture chambers, so it should be authentic. And I do not believe Joko is lying when he ponders the possibility of his death, since this message is not directed at the Commander, but at people who are bound to take notice of his absence. So he has prepared for that eventuality. Let's leave the fig leaf mumbo jumbo aside, I don't believe one word of Joko having created gods or Elder Dragons. What I do believe is that Joko is considering moving past his role as a monarch, and that this sort of farewell is, in a way, sincere. But here's the thing:

Joko isn't one to melodramatically ponder the possibility of his own death. If he speaks of the possibility of his death, it is because he ANTICIPATES dying, but cannot possibly bother to explain why he does. In the end, he even chuckles. "IF i happen to survive this little insurrection. Once again, two options.

a) Joko totally doesn't take the option of himself dying seriously. But why then record this message in the first place?

b) "happening to survive the insurrection" is actually the less desirable outcome for him, which is why he chuckles as he says it. He wants to die. By having his magic unbound. By Aurene.

Now, this was quite some stuff to read through, but here are some personal assumptions to sum it all up and maybe spark discussion.

  • Mostly everything in this episode was staged, and Joko using theater terms in the first mission is supposed to hint at that. But the Commander really isn't much of a great thinker (sorry, Asuran PC), so that went completely past him.

  • Gandara was just an effort to get the Commander's forces out of the way. Joko has at least one other plan going on somewhere else in the world, and even if he hasn't, it is nice to keep your enemy busy and to one spot for a while

  • Joko wanted to be eaten by Aurene, but he doesn't want the commander to know just yet.

  • Joko still has plans for his kingdom and we will have to see what they are in upcoming episodes. He might not have any plans to rule it anymore himself, though. Him throwing away his staff might hint at this. (Sorry, had to go full tinfoil mode here.)

  • I tend to believe that Joko is not truly dead. Even if he is out of the picture for a little while, he is not gone. The monologue in this episode is, to me, the main confirmation that this character is not to be thrown away like Lazarus was.

  • my most educated (and hilarious) guess is that Joko is trying to rise to the power level of an Elder Dragon, and his being consumed by Aurene is only the first step in that direction. But I see how this idea is polarizing. I just believe that everything that happened in this episode went according to Joko's plans. To quote another franchises' supervillain: "Sometimes, the best way, the only way to win, is by losing."

Thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/Taiaho
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Going from personal story to HoT is a huge stepup

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:06 AM PDT

I love it. No more face to face dialogue cutscenes(i mostly hated these), everything is voiced in game instead. Makes my character and others seem more "alive". Actual cinematics and better storytelling.

Hope PoF is even better

submitted by /u/mody_bird_s
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[Spoilers] LS4 Ep3: The BELCH...

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:13 AM PDT

[Beetle Race] Dredgehaunt Cliffs

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:26 PM PDT

Thought I was looking at a Guild Wars 2 map!

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:12 AM PDT

Anybody dislike the Roller Beetle Mount?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:03 PM PDT

I see some positives on the front page, but what's the opinions on those that don't like it as much? Share your opinions on the mount.

submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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[Question] Has anyone got the Scarcophagus Dye?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 08:54 AM PDT

I've been checking the TP daily, at least 4 times a day, and have yet to see a single Scarcophagus dye on sale there. I also bought 75 Awakened Dye kits myself, and didn't get it at all. I'm starting to think the dye isn't even in there ... or I'm just going crazy, but the RNG is terrible. Has anyone got it?

submitted by /u/Lord_Graves
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"How do you get in?" "We need a Mesmer"

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 04:49 AM PDT

I love this. Mounts!

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:24 PM PDT

Played at launch and a bit of HoT.. just returned and acquired the Raptor mount and I'm in love! Best mount system ever! So fun to just run around frolicking!

submitted by /u/Ataniiq
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Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:15 AM PDT

[Lornars Pass] Racing-Track-Map

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:37 AM PDT

Mist Trinkets don't have Plaguedoctor stats

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:42 AM PDT

Hope Anet will fix it soon, my Seraph scourge is waiting

submitted by /u/KurtySuit
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Lore wise which playable race is physically superior?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:41 PM PDT

My Plains of Ashford beetle track + TacO markers.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:14 PM PDT

Decently-sized track via most of the map with a few cool jump places, drifts and landmarks. I suggest starting at Vir's Gate Waypoint: [&BH8BAAA=]. As I have a potato for a computer, I can't make a video of it but I included custom TacO marker path.
The map
The .xml file of the track.
Here is GW2 TacO page and how to use custom TacO markers.

I realized there's no indicator which direction to go. Track goes clockwise, so from Vir's Gate you go north.

submitted by /u/Samug
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[SPOILER] Joko's really just a theatre geek who had their first taste of authority go to their head.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:14 AM PDT

I mean, think about it.

It all fits.

submitted by /u/Narrrz
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How do i survive for more than 2 seconds as a weaver?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:17 PM PDT

Doing HoT stuff, everything is one shotting me. I get downed over 25+ times during story missions, auto attacks do 1/3 of my health and lots of abilities usually literally one shot me. It doesent help that i have to be in melee range to do anything.

Any tips?

submitted by /u/mody_bird_s
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