Civilization - [art] someone wanted me to draw Victoria

[art] someone wanted me to draw Victoria

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:14 AM PDT

I just had the most unfriendly civ6 game

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:40 PM PDT

I decided to play this game as Japan in a very friendly way. Make alliances, give ai good trades..etc. It was going so well until the medival era

Cyrus invaded me to claim my land. I fucking hate Persia and i have bad memories from Civ5 when they invaded my perfect Egypt game and ruined it. So i trained some samurais and conquered 2 cities. I'm a good guy right?? i gave him the 2 cities back after the war.

Philip was my best friend and i was so generous to him but he kept spying on me and killing my governers. Everytime i tell him to stop he is just like nah.

Herald kept asking for my paintings for like 1 gold or something and kept telling me "hurr durr where is your navy" and invaded one of my city states. I ended up joining the emergency call and razing his cities because no warmonger penalty.

Jayavarman kept refusing anything. He doesn't even wanna look at me that piece of shit and he culture bombed my tiles.

Tomyris kept telling me that i'm her bitch everytime i see her face (denouncing, war)

Gitarja declared a joint war with Tomyris against me.

Gilgamish Kept telling me that he is my friend and i'm his friend and didn't even help me in a single war and he kept ruining my religious district with spies.

Every few turns some spy spawns barbarians outside of my cities. I'm not experienced with Civ 6 so i have no idea how to stop them. And then Cyrus, Tomyris and Jayavarman declared war against me for no fucking reason. I had to levy city stats to survive but man that was hard. I hate every single civilization in this game.

At the end of the game before winning science victory i kept building nuclear missles and nuked everyone.

submitted by /u/Baloota
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I need your support to keep making great mods like Iceland, Siam, and the Great Blue Hole! Come join me on Patreon and help me keep this going! (also you get to try out Vercingetorix early)

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 06:26 AM PDT

XXX hot Brazilwood porn

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:58 AM PDT

I didn't even know this was possible.

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:32 AM PDT

5 turns until the Astros declare a joint war along side Pizza Hut

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:00 PM PDT

Dutch Campus porn

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 01:06 PM PDT

When you play singleplayer, is "not winning" ever an option or expectation?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:38 PM PDT

I have been playing Civ on and off for a very long time and I've noticed a pattern. I play with the expectation that I will win eventually in any given game. It's more a matter of when and how. If I don't get a reasonable start, I'll just restart on a new map. Or I'll forfeit if I get overwhelmed and get set back too far. Though I rarely ever get dominated. AI is so easy to fend off. It's just hard to progress while defending.

The AI is just bad. We all know that but we play anyway. And the developers seem to have no intention of fixing it. I think I know why. My suspicion is that fans don't really play for a direct challenge from the AI. It's more of a story that unfolds and the AI is just there to provide some drama and pace. Yes, we strive to be play better, but it's only to make winning more satisfying.

submitted by /u/huuaaang
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R5: Cut off their borders, you can check my last post as well if u want

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 11:37 AM PDT

I've never seen this happen before

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 12:52 PM PDT

Looking forwards to destroying city states in my Germany game and...

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:45 PM PDT

c6 - what happens if you Boost a tech that is in process of research?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:08 PM PDT

Let's say the tech takes 12 turns to complete. You've completed 6 turns on it, and have 6 turns left. You complete the Boost...

1) no effect?

2) remaining time cut in half to 3 days remaining?

3) original time cut in half, 0 turns remaining?

submitted by /u/Illsonmedia
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Anybody ever use forward settling and gifting the city to push two rivals on opposite sides into war?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 12:05 PM PDT

I think I last remember doing this in Alpha Centauri. Civ A on your west and Civ B on your east or something, found a city near Civ A and gift it to Civ B or vice versa, or even both, and then see if you can maneuver them into wasting resources fighting each other.

submitted by /u/FlorbFnarb
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Settling New Cities: An In-Depth Guide - R&F Tutorial Series | Strategy School #7

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:12 AM PDT

Pericles be DROWNING in chocolate.

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:18 PM PDT

When barbarians are strategic geniuses

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 06:45 PM PDT

Thoughts on Rise and Fall?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 06:33 AM PDT

Hi all, recently got into Civ 6 and just realized there is all this dlc I need to get more leaders and such. Rise and fall appears to be a bigger bundle however since it's more money and has more features. Is it worth my money and does it greatly enhance the game or is it bad and a waste of money and time?

submitted by /u/Awptown_Funk
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Any way/mod to improve AI?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 12:43 PM PDT

Okay... just finished my first game. Domination Victory. Warlord difficulty (easy-med). Probably won't play that easy again. Anyway. I'm on turn like 200. I'm ROLLING everyone. AI is shooting my tanks with crossbowmen. Okay?...

Two things:

1) I'm outside of China's door and they're making demands. Or saying "you will give all your resources eventually!". Ughh, bro. Talk about breaking the immersion - wtf is this guy talking about. This happened multiple times

2) I'm rolling across the map, like 14 turns, to conquer the last civilization. Won't the AI ever just say "okay, clearly you win"? I play a lot of chess, and it's proper etiquette to tip of your king (literally) as a sign of defeat, to end the game and not waste everyone's time with additional turns. I play Starcraft 2 (real time strategy video game) against AI, and they will offer a forfeit option if you're stomping them heard enough. Why do I have to waste multiple turns, and real life hours, rolling across a map, getting interrupted by barbarians, updating sciences, cultures, replacing productions at my cities, etc etc etc? It's like..the game's over... can I get the "W" and move on? Not trying to sound like a pricko - but is this possible?


submitted by /u/Illsonmedia
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The concept of a civ esport league/series

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:55 AM PDT

Hello everyone! Alot of people here play a lot of civ, so I wanted to aska few questions: How would you go about making civ a esport? Would short, point based victories be optimial, or longer games where all victory options are available? Should players start in the ancient era, or more like the medieval? What Is the ideal amount of players?

For example I was testing online speed but only 200 turns with all victory options available. Tiny map with 6 civs. Seems like it could have potential.

Feel free to answer and add Imput.

submitted by /u/ScarPirate
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Magnus must have been here!!

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 03:40 PM PDT

I Can't Keep Up With the AI

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 06:43 AM PDT

I'm not new to Civilization (I have 277 hours in V according to Steam). I haven't really played it at all since high school around 2013 and any talent I had has faded away.

I've played two partial games recently. One was as France on King (5) and another as England on Prince (4). Both games have had a similar theme: I end up playing away in the background accomplish little of importance while the AI races ahead and ends up at least an era beyond me. No one ever really declares war against me so it's not like I'm getting conquered, though I'm getting beaten in pretty much every other way.

I'm very much a 'slow and steady' kind of player when it comes to these games so that's probably the problem. I'm not in a rush to expand and almost always play tall. Even though I feel like I'm doing alright, I look at the demographics and I'm in last place in nearly every category. I gave up on the France game because it was 100% obvious that I was going to lose by the Renaissance, and I can already tell the England campaign is hopeless and I haven't even reached the 17th century.

I played with Vox Populi in my England game. It didn't make any significant difference.

I'm probably going to start over as someone else. Is there anything I can do to make sure the AI doesn't just steamroll over me?

submitted by /u/AbeFromanSK
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PSA: If you see a repost of the District Cheat Sheet, please report it.

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:57 PM PDT

This is the exact title of the post:

Civilization VI District Cheat Sheet v3.0 - Just think of mistakes as "Easter Eggs".

I don't know why but this has been reposted multiple times (presumably by bots) and is very outdated. It's even in our sidebar with a note that it's outdated. If you're still not convinced, this is the original post in question. Really, reposting material especially one without crediting the original poster will not be tolerated.

Edit: This goes for other reposts too. If you've seen a repost lately, please report them as spam.

submitted by /u/Bragior
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A Retrospective Civ I AAR, where I point out how the game evolved over its iterations

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 06:04 AM PDT

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