True Gaming What are some games where you are a protagonist that is actually "human"?

What are some games where you are a protagonist that is actually "human"?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:10 AM PDT

I'm talking characters that aren't ridiculous climbers like in Assassin's Creed, characters that don't take a bullet like some Cyborg Super Soldier, characters that see a monster and are actually scared, hell even some characters that are afraid of heights.

What's a game where I can play somebody that feels like "me"?

submitted by /u/BlooFlea
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Which modern games do you think will be timeless classics?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:11 AM PDT

Modern as in, was released in the past 5 years. Or still be a "good" experience over at least the next 10-15 years? My opinion:

Nier Automata: The story and whole premise is amazing and beautifully told. The characters are wonderfully complex and genuinely original. The gameplay is also fun and doesn't rely on crazy flashy animations or gimmicky hooks.

Horizon Zero Dawn: I would say probably the facial animations and some of the cinematic points in the game are going to age the worst. Many of the side quests will also seem dull/trivial. But beyond that, the gameplay is genuinely unique and compelling because of the enemy variety and how it is possible to tackle them in so many ways. The map is beautifully designed and its brilliant art design will hold up well, I think.

Bloodborne: Unique premise, compelling gameplay, beautifully designed enemies, great music, etc. I think time will be kind to the Souls games. I just replayed Demon's Souls and it was still a blast.

Persona 5: Engaging plot, beautifully distinct art style, wonderful music, and charming characters. The quality of life improvements since Persona 4 will definitely be further appreciated. Won't definitely age well is the fucking slow ass text dialogue and shitty fast fwd/text log.

submitted by /u/69Milfs
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What massively popular games did you NOT enjoy (not necessarily think was "overrated" or "bad")?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:29 PM PDT

Keeping in mind that it is perfectly possible to NOT enjoy a game and still think of it as "good"...I really didn't enjoy The Witcher 3...

  • The combat doesn't compare favorably to its contemporaries such as Soulsborne titles. The actual mechanics such as oils, potions, etc. and dodging are fine. Geralt controls like too much of a tank and there's too much of a delay in between combat attacks being executed and being able to do other ones. Swimming was also terrible.
  • Geralt is a bit unappealing in a few ways. He certainly doesn't behave this monotone and gruff in the books. He also comes off like too much of a male power fantasy, specifically how scores of attractive and scantily dressed women always want to fuck him.
  • I eventually got sick of using detective vision, following the footprints/track marks, and then killing whatever you found. I felt as if this mechanic was relied upon too much.
  • Sense of progression just wasn't as good as other games. God of War has pretty light RPG elements and is mostly an action game, but even then I felt a stronger sense of progression when leveling up, acquiring new gear, and unlocking new skills.
  • You can't really interact with the world in a meaningful way, but I would say that most open world games suffer from this problem.
  • I think the writing was good...for a videogame. The setting, characters, etc. just weren't unique enough to overcome this (premise is good though), especially when compared to actual novels depicting similar things. The writing in video games are getting better and better with each successive calendar year, so I don't really think this aspect will hold up as well as people want to believe, even over the next decade. I honestly feel as if Dragon Age: Origins had much better writing as another "gritty" fantasy game.
  • Overload on map icons, although I can see how some people thought of this as a "plus".

I also didn't enjoy Fallout 3 as much as I thought I would. The main quest plot wasn't that good, the shooting out of VATs was terrible, and the map design kept ruining my immersion (like WTF is a settlement doing less than 50 feet away from a den of mutants and death claws)? I definitely preferred New Vegas.

submitted by /u/69Milfs
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Designing a party size for an action RPG

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:45 PM PDT

Hey, All.

I'm getting into the mechanic design for my game project, working title Project Thorn, and I'm having some thoughts on the design of the party mechanic I wish to implement.

For purposes that make sense In The narrative, I'm designing a character who has a fighting style that's more stealth oriented, but also has the ability to swap essence with another character amongst her party, along with a unique play style (Similar to Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin or Shantae: Friends to the End). What I'm thinking is whether I want to design about 18 characters with a unique weapon style or make it 9 characters with 2 weapon styles.

The former I think would allow for easier animation but would need great attention to make sure each of the characters make sense and have a place In The world. The latter, on the other hand, would allow for a more focused cast but also require more animation. It's not a detrimental factor, I know, but still one that I think is worth attention.

Any input you guys could give on the matter would be most appreciated. Thanks. :)

submitted by /u/mean_emcee
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Which highly regarded game will age very poorly in the next five years ?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:11 AM PDT

Sometime we can all feel that the hype culture in the video game industry and the amount of money throw at marketing department from publishers can build a level of attention that feels fake or over exagerated. Fortunately, as the year pass people tend to realize that some highly regarded games have poorly aged and probably didn't even deserved the amount of attention they had in the first place.

Which games fall into this category according to you ?

To me, Breath of the wild is one of them.

  • The end boss is a huge joke and quite anticlimatic (he looks awful and is way too easy). It's an even bigger problem when he's the focus of the game.
  • The developpers hid the most important cutscenes on the map, probably because the game was somehow rushed or important contents were cut.
  • The dungeons all look very bland when compared to previous Zelda games.
  • No grapling hook.
  • No way to explore underwater while it was a staple for the serie for years now.
  • Lack of ennemy variety. You'll fight the same 4-5 ennemies, only with different color schemes.
  • Most of your weapons break after some uses and it's really annoying.
  • The rain stop you from being able to climb and it rains a lot in this game.
  • It runs quite bad on Switch (even dip below 15fps) and it's a real bummer because the artistic direction is one of the best ever.
  • Nintendo thought it was a good idea to lock some iconic items behind Amiibo. Amiibo that inflated in price because of that and cost now 3 to 5 times their OG price. There are still no way to buy them without Amiibo to this day. That looks like a new low from the industry, Nintendo or not.

Edit : And of course, Nintendo fanboys being triggered because I did voice my opinion of Breath Of The Wild and criticized Nintendo for their awful practice of locking actual content behind plastic figure. It's almost a stapple at this point, it's almost like resetera is leaking on this subreddit.

submitted by /u/Debian47
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How do you feel about the popularity of video based "content creators" in gaming culture?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:33 AM PDT

It's become nearly universal now: critics, let's players, streamers, essayists, analysts, these sorts of content creators on Youtube or Twitch have become a major part of the gaming community at large. Many people will engage with these things over the act of actually playing a game itself, often substituting watching a let's play or a streamer play a game during their free time rather than doing it first hand. Everyday forum conversations about a game frequently feature references or links to analysis videos on them: "Oh it's funny that you mention xyz, because this youtuber mentions the same thing in his video on the game." Some of these people have even risen to a celebrity level of recognition and their opinions on games they stream or make videos of can make or break a small studio.

So I ask, what do you fine people of Truegaming think of this element in the current world of gaming? Is this a positive overall force in the industry, or for games as a hobby? Why has gaming in particular fostered such a level of interest and engagement in this kind of content on a level that, say, video reviewers of movies or books never received?

submitted by /u/Bladethegreat
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A Question About Graphics

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 11:48 AM PDT

I realized during the Steam Summer Sale that I don't care for a games' graphics, but simultaneously, I don't like it when a game looks cheap. And I realize that sounds contradictory. Anyone else have any thoughts about that? Where do you draw the line for graphical fidelity? I've never done game design/coding so please forgive me if this sounds ignorant.

Edit: Thanks for the replies everyone!

submitted by /u/ajaart
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Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:19 PM PDT

I'm new to streaming and I've always wanted a capture card but does anyone know a good reliable capture card that's a good price?

submitted by /u/A_TERRIBLE_SINGE
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Concept for a Saw game

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:39 PM PDT

I have thought about this idea for a while. The game could be one of those make your own choices game like Until Dawn. Story wise they could make it when all the apprentices are still alive. So, basically it's Logan, Hoffman,Amanda, Gordon, Eleanor, and lastly John. It could feature the games that took place in between Jigsaw and Saw 3. There will be 3 different types of missions.

Preparations: It is basically the apprentices kidnapping the victims and stealing supplies for the traps. They will then go to a location and set up the traps. There will be security traps for the victims trying to escape from the game and the main games for the victims.Gordon will also be the one to insert keys into the bodies of the victims or poison.

The Game: These will feature the victims and the traps. They will need to work together and try to survive the traps, but if you fail to work together, people will get hostile and everyone will try to kill each other like in Saw 2. There will be specific messages that the tapes will say that the victims need to remember and certain details from flashbacks that the victims will have of their crimes.In the end either everyone dies,some people die, or look everyone lives. At the end based on how mentally messed up you are you can either be an apprentice or decline and live your life.

The Detectives: These will feature detectives that we have seen in most of the Saw movies. They will feature Tapp, Matthews, Perez, Kerry, Hoffman, Riggs,Straham, and Logan. There job are to figure out where the next game will be while trying to figure out who are the apprentices of Jigsaw. You will need to go to locations where you believe the hide out is and ask questions to victims who survive the games. While this happens, Logan and Hoffman will try to remove the evidence of what is going on without getting caught and will try to kill the other detectives if they are getting close to finding out the secret.

What do you all think

submitted by /u/TheSteroDude101
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Violence and Gore in Gaming

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:54 PM PDT

Is there a limit to how violent a video game can be? For example, is there a limit to how much violence a rated M game can have but still be Rated M.

Also, what's your limit when it comes to violence in gaming? Personally, I really don't feel squeamish when watching deaths cuz I'm already desensitized.

submitted by /u/TheSteroDude101
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The kind of Zombie game I want. Set early outbreak

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:40 PM PDT

Early Outbreak, world is beginning it's decay into a horrific nightmare. Nations are desperately trying to contain the rapidly spreading contagion and millions are dying everywhere. Social Order is quickly breaking down. You are not a special cookie. You are just another face in the crowd fighting tooth and nail against all odds as Planes fall from the sky, car accidents happen on every street corner with gridlocked traffic for miles and millions of NPCS trying to survive. Resources are dropping. Riots in Grocery Stores and Shopping Malls. Military Forces doing all they can to halt the spread of the virus.

Mass and Micro gameplay. Two story modes. One where you play as a soldier or general and trying to contain the virus with a map showing the nation and a survivor story mode which is set in the early days and eventually if you do good or bad depending on the Containment campaign society is ether broken down and Post-Apocalyptic like say Walking Dead's timeline or fighting back a la World War Z and Humanity is fighting back.

I run an Apocalyptic horror themed YouTube channel that is similar to this. It's called Operation Containment. I used to have a much bigger channel called gamepwn but it got shut down due to some movie clips I posted from the Dead Rising movie. It had close to 10,000 subscribers and over 12,000,000 views. The statistics are here.

These clips inspire my game idea and the idea of my channel is a World War Z style war against the unknown.

Secretary of Defence briefs panicking United States during Zombie Outbreak

(I Am Legend) New York City evacuation pt 1

(Fear The Walking Dead) Military arrives

(Resident Evil Outbreak) U.S. Military quarantine Raccoon City

(Resident Evil) Outbreak

(Resident Evil Apocalypse) Failed Evacuation

The Great Panic

(War of the Worlds) Mass panic pt 1

(War of the Worlds) Mass panic pt 2

(War of the Worlds) Ferry Evacuation

(28 Weeks Later) Military announces Code Red

(28 Weeks Later) Outbreak pt 1

(28 Weeks Later) Outbreak pt 2

(28 Weeks Later) Military vs Infected pt 1

(28 Weeks Later) Military vs Infected pt 2

So my perfect Zombie game is not set in the currently overdone Walking Dead/Mad Max/Book of Eli post-apocalyptic world but one trying to survive and fight a World War Z. Society is collapsing but it's not their yet. You don't only worry about the Infected but mobs of humans rioting and looting or getting trampled in a crowd or hit by a car or a Military Evacuation site is being overrun and your trying to make your way through both crowds of panicked survivors and Military shooting into crowds, People turning and Infected hordes attacking everywhere etc. Fighting the Outbreak instead of set after the Outbreak like most Zombie games.

submitted by /u/gamepwn22
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My new YouTube channel

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:38 PM PDT

What's with the hate-on for maps?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:02 PM PDT

So, I've been reading/watching a lot of content analyzing various games, esp. RPGs and adventure games. You know, the big open world ones like Daggerfall and Ultima (and some old, obscure game called Skyrim). And if there's one thing that I've seen reiterated through all of this it's an utter hate-on for maps (well, specifically mini-maps, but I personally don't see much difference). People complain that they make the game too easy, and they miss "the days when NPCs would give you directions and you actually had to read and pay attention." (Ignoring the fact that there were never days when that was the only approach).

And, I guess I understand missing more in-depth world interaction, but removing maps is not the way to go about it. Because, at least for me, maps are an immersive way to remove unnecessary burden from the player. Or, to put it another way: if we are going to forego any visual aids to help in navigation, then why have any visual aids at all? Why force the player to have a tiny little notebook at their side at all times for them to write the entire game script in? What's the benefit? Why make the player do all this tedious work that we have even solved in the real world for hundreds of years instead of enabling them to do what they want to do, that is, interact with the world? Especially when said forcing is more immersion breaking than anything. Think about the last time you gave someone a location: you probably gave the place and its relative location to some landmarks around it. Think about the last time you were given a location: you didn't know where one of the landmarks was, so you looked it up on a map. Maybe that's just me, but that's far more, well... normal than "go north of here, then east at this rock, south at the tree, west to the other town, and then it's east by northeast for a day." That's.... worthless. Especially if it blends in with everything and can only be gotten once.

So, again I ask: why do people hate maps so much?

submitted by /u/accountForStupidQs
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What’s the best Mass Effect game?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:38 PM PDT

I've always wanted to try Mass Effect because I've heard so much about the series. But I don't have the time or motivation to play 3-4 games and all the dlc. So I'm wondering what you all think the best Mass Effect to play is.

I don't really care about story so I don't necessarily need to start at 1 unless that's the best game. (I know it's a great story, I just know so much about it already I'll be okay)

Edit: I just want to say I'm not trying to bash the story of Mass Effect by saying I don't really care. I just meant that over the years I've heard so much about it that i don't need to play the game that's the best solely because of the story. I was looking more for the best gameplay.

submitted by /u/troopa2
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What Games Do You Think Will Age Poorly?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:30 AM PDT

It's interesting to look back a decade or two and see games that were considered pivotal at the time now being slammed for ageing terribly. What games do you think have been released in the past ten years that are considered pivotal but in a decade from now, people will consider to have aged poorly?

submitted by /u/jake_ormrod
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What’s a game that was ahead of its time?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:54 AM PDT

What is a game that was well ahead of its time that If it were to be released today would have a bigger impact and reach a wider audience?

submitted by /u/AussieGameStation
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Why so many redheads ? God of War, Horizon....

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:50 AM PDT

I just played a part of god of war when there is Freya, the boy, and Baldur the bad guy, and that's 3 redheads.

And then I look at horizon zero dawn DVD cover and ... red head again.

Is this a trend ? Do you guys have other example of recent games with redhead protagonists...?


submitted by /u/Floppowerww2
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