True Dota 2 - Solo Offlane - out of meta, but how do you handle it if you're forced into it?

Solo Offlane - out of meta, but how do you handle it if you're forced into it?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 06:11 AM PDT

Just last night I was on solo Offlane as Faceless Void against a Lion, Juggernaut, and Rubick.

I was so zoned out for the first few minutes that Jug got a 2+ level advantage and could simply bully me. That meant the supports were freed up to come and go as they pleased to other lanes.

I ended up feeding an embarrassing number of times while accomplishing zilch, and had a really rough start. Eventually we found our footing and we came back, but I really wish I found a way to deal with that lane.

This isn't the only time this has happened lately. I feel like my Offlane early game has been especially weak as the meta has so frequently shifted. Also, Jug is a total PITA to face when decently supported. If there's any enemy hero that can get me chain feeding it's him.

So any tips?

submitted by /u/Veeshan28
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Is WK aghs solely a "win-harder" item?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 10:07 AM PDT

I'm convinced this is a super strong item in pubs, where it can give a team the ability to close out a fight they should've lost.

But it usually seems like I can't afford to be buying this item over other stuff i need (bkb, ac, mjollnir). Have people had success with aghs as part of the "core" item progression?

submitted by /u/14-f-cali
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Midlane Dazzle

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:59 PM PDT

I understand that the notion itself is knee deep into meme zone, but my past few days' experience of using and playing against him gives me an insight.. that he absolutely obliterates any low armor enemies - even more if it is melee.

The key is in his poison touch... which deceptively deals high damage to those with low armor. Paired with medallion, a lvl4 poison touch and a few poison refreshing hits will kill anyone at early levels.

As midgame goes though, you need one of the supports to be able to step up as a core as you step back to cast more graves in teamfight.

I believe he might be viable given above conditions, and despite his horrible scalability as a mid, the fact that he will crush any appropriate mid matchup would be worth consideration upon drafting.

some example mid matchup that he would be advantageous against: Ember, Alch, Kunkka, Storm, and maybe Venomancer in the first few levels.


submitted by /u/MingYong
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Assistance with Meepo

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 06:05 AM PDT

I Need someone to babysit me and teach me how to play meepo .. if there is anyone who can make time I would appreciate it a lot ..

I play on Se Asia and I'm free on weekends and committed to learning the hero .. open to all form of criticism .. Yes I'm a noob

submitted by /u/A-Big-Quasar
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How to play Nature's against Spectre?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:42 AM PDT

I'm low mmr, so I'm not entirely sure if this belongs here, but every time I play against spectre as prophet I just feel useless, she can avoid sprout and use her haunt to chase me down. How do you higher mmr players play np vs spectre games

submitted by /u/smithshillkillsme
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New WK build?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:45 PM PDT

You guys think the Lycan build (HotD, Necro, AC) can now be viable with WK as a tanky heavy push type role?

submitted by /u/st9vn
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PL's strength in the current meta

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:12 AM PDT

I was watching the TI hub the other day and they talked about how PL is really good in the current meta. Can someone explain why that is the case? Anytime that I encounter PL the hero has been really underwhelming. Is there a specific way to play the hero that make it strong?

submitted by /u/DehGhostDoctor
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