RimWorld Oh god; I’m a pawn, aren’t I?!

Oh god; I’m a pawn, aren’t I?!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:30 PM PDT

Difficulty: Extreme

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:27 AM PDT

"6 cases of the plague? Whew, I have just enough hospital be-" *RAID HORN*

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:38 PM PDT

[Sea Ice] When you can't feed another mouth but at least it's free money

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:37 AM PDT

Well, that was my fastest defeat ever.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:55 AM PDT

Basic starting scenario (crash landed) unmodded 1.0.

I started with three colonists, one a melee guy, one a shooter, and one a pacifist. Oh, and a wolf was my random pet. I was playing Randy Random on the step above basebuilding, I forget the name of the difficulty, but it was relatively low.

Everything was going fine when suddenly:
1. My shooter guy goes from being completely healthy to having a heart attack.
2. My melee guy is actually a surgeon, and used a medicine on the shooter.
3. Surgeon went to go get another medicine and the during that 4 second run the shooter died.
4. The wolf pet immediately decided to go manhunter because the guy that had the heart attack was its bonded master.
5. The now manhunting pet wolf immediately kills the pacifist and then go after the surgeon (my last guy).
6. Wolf heavily damages the surgeon before being downed by the surgeons knife.
7. Wolf and surgeon both die of blood loss.

This was day 7 on an easier difficulty.

Man I love this game. That was pretty unexpected.

We didn't even make it to the first raid.

submitted by /u/Kooreth
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Drunk dog irl

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:32 AM PDT

raiders before attacking a colony

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:41 PM PDT

Those are some shitty names, Danil.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:23 PM PDT

Google's "Quick Draw" AI is getting quite accurate

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:10 AM PDT

What Was the Worst Situation You Were Put Through?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:14 PM PDT

I was playing on a three person colony (all prisoners I'd found have just died before I could save them), when I get a message about a prisoner stealing a radio and messaging us. I decide to send 2 of my three colonists, expecting a short assault on an enemy base and saving the prisoner (who happens to be in a relationship with one of the colonists I sent). About halfway to the camp, I get a Mad Boomalope attack. I deal with it, but didn't know at the time that the Mad Boomalope would explode. It blows up next to the house, have to put out a fire, deal with the burning monkey (pet we spawned with), and my injured colonist. When I finished dealing with the fire, I got a message that someone grievously injured arrived at my colony. Before dealing with the animal I go get them. Then another person arrives grievously injured. As I put them in a medical bed, I get the animal that was on fire into a place it can rest. I send the colonist to go doctor the dying people (she had 0 doctor), when I get the alert that my caravan arrived at the camp. After a long slog of juggling the doctoring of three people, then the doctoring of the doctor, and destroying the enemy camp, I sent the newly reformed caravan back with only minor injuries, and some nice loot. They get back to base, only one colonist is in bed, (it wasn't one of the three original), and as they get back, the one colonist under medical just dies of blood loss and infection. Thankfully it didn't end terribly where I lost everything, but it's still the worst thing I had to be put through.

Edit: I replaced the Non-specific, "exploding animal", with Boomalope

submitted by /u/TimelessTinkerer
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A meteorite just landed on my base literally meters away from two hospitalized pawns.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:26 PM PDT

https://imgur.com/a/3gAQ0PJ It landed right on top of where my stonecutter would have been standing if I was a little less lucky! this is the furthest Ive been in the game in so many tries.

submitted by /u/Joe_bag-o-donuts
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Weird difficulty on caravans

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:56 PM PDT

So, I've been playing an unmodded version of rimworld 1.0 from the perspective of a new player to make sure I can accurately note things that brand new players might have issues with.

The caravan system is vastly improved obviously in this version, but I think it starts offering missions to early for how hard they are.

Two examples:

First mission was about half way into the first year, mission was to grab a supply stash of about 45 herbal medicine. I thought this was a pretty good deal and sent the entire colony packing guns and bows.

The map was full of manhunting hares and my colony died.

Second example, again about half way through the year I get a distress call from one of my colonists father, hes being held prisoner in what the game described as a "small camp"

Took the whole colony because why wouldnt try to save my colonists dad? Well the "small camp" was several buildings full of enemies loaded out with good gear and guns.

Again whole colony died.

So why have a feature where you are offered to do things so early into the game that you could not POSSIBLY have enough resources to survive. Does anyone else feel this should be tweaked? Or if not for new players sake warn that early game caravans are very dangerous and not recommended?

submitted by /u/Onmius
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[1.0 unstable] Crafting clothes value for money has a rough breakpoint around excellent

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:54 PM PDT

Some simple maths:

80 cotton for a duster = $60 wholesale (80 * 0.5 * $1.5)

Excellent duster = $82 ($235 * 0.5 * 0.7)

Good duster = $68 (195 * same)

Normal duster = $56 (156 * same)

25 cotton for a tuque = $18.75

Exc = $21

Good tuque = $18

Norm = $14 (yuck)

From now on, my tailors are going to be predominantly haulers, given that people with 14 and 15 crafting seem to usually make normal quality clothing.

submitted by /u/Iriah
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What are the best mods for caravaning around the planet?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:55 PM PDT

There's always at least one stoner at every wedding. You do you Jack.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:50 AM PDT

1.0 revisions changes

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:17 AM PDT

Hey fam, is there anywhere that documents the changes made after 1.0? I've noticed lots of little things like steel sprites and whats said on here but can't find anywhere they're all listed.

submitted by /u/Psudopolis
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Strange traders

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:50 PM PDT

This faction came over to trade and after a while of them being in the cold. one of them started to fight another resultiung in the loser dying. i wondered what my colonists would do to realise that one of them just took one of the fine meals the victim had and just ate it on the spot and then walked away. a while later i got a notification that they were leaving. but they didnt. and then another one started a fight that somehow resulted in two victims with the trader who started the fight walking away.............But i got their guns so im not complaining.

submitted by /u/MrMuffin969
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Hitchhikers guide to the Rimworlds – Volume I - part I

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:23 PM PDT

Welcome to the very first installment of "The Hitchhikers guide to the Rimworlds"! a series which i, as the head of the redaction team, hope will once become a necessary utility for anybody planning on crashing on the distant, unhospitable Rim!

The infamous rimworlds. Planets that defy every law of physics, statistics, sociology and so on and on. On the Rim, there is only one law, that being the Murphy's law. You must at all times remember, that what can go wrong, will go wrong. You must expect the unexpected, be always vigilant, and prepared for the consequences.

There are two key things you need to keep close to your heart. First of them being a towel. Believe it or not, a simple piece of fabric can even save lives on the Rim, and when the times are dire, it can always be sold for a hefty profit (Its a little known fact that some kinds of textiles are extremely valuable on the Rimworlds). the second is this phrase from the original series of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy:

"Funny," he intoned funereally, "how just when you think life can't possibly get any worse it suddenly does."

This phrase truly encompasses the whole essence of Rimworlds. Things are always on the verge of getting worse than ever before. The goal of this new information Database is to prevent such thing from ocurring – we'll take a stroll through some of the most usual scenarios that can occur on these distant worlds, and how to prevent them, or at least salvage them, should the worst come to pass.

As such, we will start our first volume of this brand new, extensive database by one of the most essential pieces of information for survival on the Rim. We'll again introduce our readers into the matter by quoting our predecessor:

„It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes."

Usually, we'll be just confirming the words of the original hitchhikers guide, but this will be an exception – just this once, we will be denying it. For there is never enough potatoes on the rimworld (or any other vegetable for that matter). Potatoes will always be the blood of your colony. Few have the luxury of landing somewhere nice, where there is just the right amount of sun, clouds and rain for the potatoes to grow properly. It will mostly be dry, hot desert, or a cold, distant boreal forest. So yes, the potatoes must flow, as they will often be the difference between life, and death.

Because of the ultimate importance of the potato, we will take a look at the first thing that can ruin your day on the rim. That being a blight.

Dont be fooled, as menially as it may sound, a blight can bring your colony to knees. One overlooked sick plant is all it takes for you to lose all of your precious potatoes and succumb to famine. Because of that, all of the currently growing crops in your gardens and farms must be thoroughly examined and, if necessary, cut down.

And so ends the very first installment of the successor to the „Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". Remember to keep calm, to not panic, and to carry a towel at all times.

Sincerely, Your redaction team!

submitted by /u/ricky12351
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“The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.”

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:38 AM PDT

I guess we will just have to call her... *silence*

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:42 AM PDT

Stun glitch

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:02 PM PDT

Has anyone else been getting the glitch where a pawn attempting to stun their opponent makes them stun themselves instead? been driving me crazy

submitted by /u/enanseru
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[1.0 unstable] soaking wet now applies to anyone in the rain as well

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:53 AM PDT

It took me a little while to understand why everyone was wet, but this is why. -3 for going outside, stepping in one tile of rain.

I like it!

submitted by /u/Iriah
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Which mod allows for colonist to cook when it goes below a certain threshold?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:52 PM PDT

I remember having a mod once before where it would allow me to set a limit when I need to cook again. Anyone have this mod?

submitted by /u/BrutalOn-nesty
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A meteorite landed in my storage room...

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:09 PM PDT

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