Megathread: Hystria Speedhacks/Botting Black Desert Online

Megathread: Hystria Speedhacks/Botting

Posted: 04 Jun 2018 11:17 AM PDT

In the interest of keeping the front page of the subreddit condensed and on-topic, we'll be referring all speedhacking/bot/dupe discussion to this megathread.

This megathread will be moderated the same way as any other post on the subreddit. Any images/videos/discussion with names/usernames visible is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban. Ghillie and non-flaired characters are acceptable to post.

Any discussion on the hack names, where to get the hacks, how to use the hacks, and otherwise is also strictly prohibited, and will result in a ban.

To report a speedhacker, botter, or duper, send a ticket to Kakao through Zendesk.

Posts condensed down from the front page:

Again, for clarity: any images/videos/discussion with names/usernames visible is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban.

submitted by /u/Blisschen
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Daily Questions and Answers Post

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 11:08 PM PDT

Hello and welcome to /r/blackdesertonline! Please use this thread to ask any simple questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you.

Also, check the sidebar for links to some helpful resources.

This thread will be refreshed daily due to the huge number of questions asked.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Trust no lifeskiller

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:23 PM PDT

Naruto! Naruto everywhere! Stop this shame nerf fuckin Naruto.

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 01:52 AM PDT

When you fail tet Dande and end up doing a full roulette

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 07:33 AM PDT

Game crashing when switching characters since last patch.

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 05:44 AM PDT

No error message, nothing. It happens in 1 of 3 times that I try to switch characters. When it does not crash, it takes up to 20 seconds to go to the loading screen.

submitted by /u/Khoraa
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Do you actually enjoy bdo?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 04:12 AM PDT

I recently realized that between the shit enhancement rates and the poor chance of sniping anything worth getting on the mp I was jo longer enjoying the game I had spent so much time and money on, so yesterday I let my vp expire for the first time in almost 2 years and uninstalled. And you know what. I smiled.

This must be what it feels like leaving an abusive relationship. I will suffer no more BDIke Turner

submitted by /u/Gecko4lif
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Reddit > Playing the game

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:13 AM PDT

How to keep your grinding spot 101

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:10 PM PDT

Tri Urugons or tet muskans

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 04:50 AM PDT

Which is better for DK if she has full other tet boss (giath as helmet)?

submitted by /u/mclericp
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Best Money Making Spots for 150~AP?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 07:12 AM PDT


submitted by /u/Ahmet2039
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[Tool] Life Skill Calculator - Public Beta v1.3 (Final beta!)

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:20 PM PDT

I already made a post about this about a month ago, but it's been a while (and three versions have passed), so I thought it would be a good time to make a new one. Plus, this is going to be the last major update before LSC leaves beta, so I'm hoping to rope in some more people to help test it out ;)

Anyway, lets start with the fact that this is a beta. Use with caution, and please report any problems you encounter!

While LSC will soon be moving out of its beta phase and into a full release, there are definitely still some bugs, inconsistencies, performance issues, and so on. So, I always recommend double-checking the math, and checking recipes on BDO Codex or the like - especially before acting on any information provided by LSC.

So, what is LSC?

In short, it's a standalone, no-internet-required, application for Windows desktop. As for what it actually does... allow me to reference the LSC Wiki page:

In simple terms, LSC is what the name describes: a life skill calculator. More precisely, it's a highly sophisticated tool for calculating the profitability of various crafts, helping players find things that are worth crafting for minimal effort. If you're tired of constantly having to look up recipes, calculate costs and profits, and accounting for every little detail, all just to figure out if a single item is worth making, then LSC is for you.

One key feature of LSC that makes it truly special, is that it comes with an easily configurable item database, complete with an item's recipe and market value. Using this information, LSC can calculate the profit of hundreds of items in an instant. What takes even an experienced life skiller hours to research and calculate, can be achieved in mere minutes.

Unfortunately, just telling you all this doesn't help much, and severely underplays how powerful the tool is – it's definitely something that needs to be used to be understood. So, give it a whirl, or at least take a look at the user guide to see some screenshots, and get a better idea of LSC's functionality. :)

LSC Public Beta v1.3:

LSC User Guide (with screenshots):

(You might have to reload the PDF a couple of times to get it to load properly, if you don't want to download it. GitHub is a bit wonky...)

If you're concerned about downloading a mysterious zip file, here's a VirusTotal report.

I've also set up a Discord server for help, suggestions, and bug reporting - or if you just want to chat with other users:

Also, since there will definitely be questions about this: LSC is not a hack, cheat, or anything of the like. It does not interact with the BDO client in any way. The likelyhood of it getting you banned is the same as if you were using a wiki. In code terms, the only "external" functionality it has is reading/writing the database file and some user settings binary files, launching URLs, and opening a Windows explorer window/process (specifically to where LSC's item database is stored) – that's it.


Because I like to eat. Eating is good. And this took hundreds of hours to make. Seriously though, don't feel obligated. There are no ads, and nothing will ever be pay-walled.

Patreon (Under construction!):

BDO family name: Hesterry

BTC Wallet: 3QZDJ3JaJdtCBYVnTTAfvsYVPRnr8b3Hsh

Last but certainly not least, a special thanks to my early testers, Eddit and Ryalin of Espers. You two made an incredible difference in the overall quality and development speed of LSC. And a big thanks to those of you who picked up LSC early, joined the Discord, and gave me your much needed feedback. Thank you, everyone! :)

Official forum post:

submitted by /u/DrHesterry
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SA server market

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:26 PM PDT

Black Desert Online Xbox Trailer (E3 2018)

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:17 PM PDT

Can we please get rid of this crap? I haven't even logged in today and I get this message.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:14 AM PDT

They're everywhere now monkaS

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:00 PM PDT

Ninjas say...

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:36 PM PDT

Dk or Lahn

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 07:18 AM PDT

Hi! Been a while since I have posted something, so excuse my mistakes. I am currently playing DK lvl 57 420 gs. She feels ok, I can see that her grind speed is good, but the mana management is exhausting. Also I tend to get bored pretty easily in general so the dk is a risk with the spammy skill that you pretty much have to use if you rotate right and fast. On the other hand, I leveled a lahn to 56, got the awakening and went for a spin at nagas . AMAZING clear speed and very easy on the hand /eyes /brain. Her mp and hp sustain is absolutely crazy, while the dk is the exact opposite. Her mobility is very fun, in small bursts, but very fun. I like her style, but not any more than the dk's. My question is: would it be clever to reroll to lahn, considering the fact that I must sell my weapons and wait a lot for them to actually sell and then given the price of the lahn weapons for pre-order, I would have to enhance them myself, or should I continue the dk since she is a safe pick? I am afraid of the fact that lahn may get boring as well and just plain regret having to go trough all the hassle just to realize I have made a mistake. Is dk a better pick or is lahn worth it?

submitted by /u/DeathStar30
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[Urgent] Save Your Internet - EU Copyright Reform Proposal - Article 13

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:10 AM PDT

Moderators please sticky this thread as it needs more publicity. Just like Net Neutrality, this would affect the internet globally and not just the EU. I also know this is not related to BDO but it will affect players in the EU if not stopped.


Recently, the EU Parliament has made a [copyright reform] proposal for new legislation that would effectively censor all internet traffic within the European Union. The following videos will explain more about Article 13 and how it would effectively destroy the internet for the EU:

Video #1: The EU is About to Destroy The Internet #DeleteArt13

Video #2: Update on EU's Copyright Reform Proposal #DeleteArt13

Link to petition: Save Your Internet - Delete Article 13


Additional information (provided by u/lavock):

EU censorship machines and link tax laws are nearing the finish line

EU copyright reform/expansion

submitted by /u/Intense4Play
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BDO Controller UI?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 07:08 AM PDT

Hey everyone!

Just wondering if they plan on updating the PC UI for controllers (or even at all), esp given the Xbox announcement? I just downloaded to try it with a controller and everything works, but it's hard to keep track of what's what as everything still references the keyboard binds.

Alternatively, are there UI addons/mods that might correct this?

Thanks for your time!

submitted by /u/IWillGuideThee
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Should I change classes or will I be fine?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:59 AM PDT

So I main Tamer and played it ever since I started. I'm still kind of a noob at the game. I'm only level 55.

I really enjoy the class more than any other class but I'm really competitive and pretty sure I'm garbage with it rn lol. Is it worth still practicing the Tamer after getting awakening or will I be completely screwed over later on if I don't learn asap.

Tips are welcome too!

submitted by /u/Alpharen
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How many shakatu seals are we up to?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:52 AM PDT

For people saving the seal what number of seals are you up to? Wanna make sure I didn't miss any or misplace them.

submitted by /u/Progamingcinema
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How did you choose your main?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:54 PM PDT

Hello fellow adventurers!

I recently started playing BDO about 4-5 weeks ago. I have a level 58 Wizard, but have found it almost impossible to leave Velia the passed 2 weeks because find the very thought of continuing to grind on him incredibly boring and mundane.

I tried leveling a Valk to 56, and I definitely enjoy melee quite a bit more than the spell-casting style that the Wizard provides, but Valkyrie gameplay just feels clunky.

I'm the type of person that likes to focus primarily on one class so that I can try my best to master it. My main interest is endgame PvP - both 1v1s and node/siege wars. However, I'm having a hard time choosing a class on BDO. I'm afraid of investing all of my time and money into one class just to have a repeat of what happened with my Wizard and not end up enjoying it.

I guess I came here to get some perspective.

How did you end up choosing your main? What is it that keeps you playing that class as opposed to all of the others you could have chosen from?

submitted by /u/Qwimby
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Tamer atm

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:18 AM PDT

BDO for XBOX confirmed!

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:07 PM PDT

Best/fastest way to farm money, is grind or lifeskills?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:06 AM PDT

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