League of Legends - Tf Blade is the only player I believe when he titles his stream "Road to Rank 1" lol

Tf Blade is the only player I believe when he titles his stream "Road to Rank 1" lol

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Febiven says he understands the Echo Fox awarded victory but, "The refs didn't explain anything. I think it could have been handled way better. At least tell us what's happening, explain why, not just 'get off the stage: you lost.'"

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:41 AM PDT

PSA: Please do not ever teleport to Heimerdinger's R-Q

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:59 AM PDT

With my main man coming back into the meta, this just needs to be said.

Teleporting to Bertha will deactivate her for the duration of the teleport, and I promise, if I placed her, I need her. You're either sentencing me to death or denying me a kill, neither of which I'll thank you for.

submitted by /u/Sittinginchairs
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Zven and mithy look like a joke compared to when they were in EU

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:42 AM PDT

I thought they would get better overtime but man was i wrong....

they have not looked good all year...

forget best in the west, they look like an average NA bot at best for crying out loud. What went wrong?

submitted by /u/FooFighter233
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Faker: "When it comes to playing all 5 roles, I can confidently say that I'm more experienced than any other player. "

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:11 AM PDT

Never forget, it was on this day one month ago that we were supposed to be playing the Clash mode.

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:42 PM PDT

Yet here we are with an apology and URF for 2 days not even through Memorial Day for US residents (Monday). Yes I'm bitter, yes I'm salty, yes I want to be fighting other teams of 5 in this clown fiesta meta.

submitted by /u/Graves_Cigar_
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Aphromoo Pyke outplay

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:17 AM PDT

Splyce raises $2.6 million in a round of funding

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:04 AM PDT

New Darkin lore updates

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:08 AM PDT

Holy Shit, Sivir's Chalicar is a darkin weapon containing Ta'anari.

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:32 AM PDT

unexpectedly, the mages of Runeterra learned how to contain the remaining darkin. Through secrecy and cunning artifice, the physical forms of the Ascended could be merged with the celestial power in their hearts

Zoe taught mortals how to seal the Ascended, or Darkin, into weapons.

Her hands were inside him, and Ta'anari felt his heart being cut away, felt it being lifted from the cage of his cloven ribs... yet, still, he lived.

Zoe took the panther warrior, Ta'anari's, heart after he was weakened by killing the others and told the mortals to take it to their weaponsmiths, saying they would need a different approach for the rest of the darkin, the ones that didn't show up to the summit.

Now Ta'anari wasn't exactly malicious so I wouldn't count him with the other darkin that try to possess the mortal that uses their weapon but it sure seems like it's implied that he is sealed in the weapon nonetheless.

EDIT: I do apologize for the spoiler, if some mod wanted to change the title and flag it, that'd be lit.

submitted by /u/IITheGoodGuyII
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How good is Doublelift, really?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:20 PM PDT

Take your NA bias away, obviously LoL is a team game and I think DL is insanely talented.

How good is he really? What EU ADCs would you rate above him? What ADCs in general would you rate abov him? Please try to be objective and not turn this into "EU vs NA" etc etc.

submitted by /u/00Sparty
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Tyler finds a visual bug

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:40 AM PDT

Neurocat notes they are NOT going through with the Fizz changes

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:40 PM PDT

Xayah Fanart made by me

Posted: 24 Jun 2018 10:46 PM PDT

Doublelift's opinion of the NA LCS crowd

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:14 AM PDT

MSF Coach Moose: "If I had to credit anyone the most on Misfit's improvement, it would be Jesiz."

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:31 AM PDT

Meteos gives a shoutout to his benched buddy

Posted: 24 Jun 2018 05:19 PM PDT

Auto-Refresh Cooldowns in the practice tool should also refresh Runes like Electrocute

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 06:15 AM PDT

Just a qol improvement, they should also add a spawn Baron button. It would be also a good idea to let people test every Champion in the game (even those not owned) so new players can test if the champion works for them. And while we are at it let people pick every skin in the practice tool. (Yeah I know we have plenty of youtube videos showing them off but playing with a skin themself is a different thing) Also a reduce level button, I sometimes want to test damage spikes at different levels and I need to refresh the game everytime for that. And my final recommendation: Change runes and champions ingame, so you don't need to restart a game everytime you want to try another champions.

submitted by /u/3D2Y_Blackbeard
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[Champion concept] Shrek, the Onion Knight

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:18 AM PDT

Lore: Shrek is an ogre who once enjoyed a solitary life in a swamp. However, the evil Lord Jericho "Farquaad" Swain claims Shrek's swamp as his own, and relocates all captured Yordles and Zoe there, which, as you can imagine, does not amuse Shrek one bit! Shrek confronts the Lord Farquaad and a deal is struck. Lord Farquaad agrees to relinquish Shrek's swamp and in exchange Shrek will rescue Lord Farquaad's damsel Princess Katarina from Infernal Drake. With his trustful companion Donkey, he prepares to venture into the Haunted Isles and slay the objective.

Passive: DONKEYYY!!! - When out of combat, Shrek is accompanied by his faithful donkey, Donkey. After 5 seconds of being followed by Donkey, Shrek becomes enraged and will deal (10% max HP) bonus magic damage on his next auto attack. 2 seconds after being in combat, Donkey will flee Summoner's Rift, even if a spell is being channelled. Donkey will return to Shrek's side if Shrek has been out of combat for 5 seconds. Donkey voice quote on return - "I'll stick with you!"

Q - Onion toss - Shrek throws an onion in a straight line. The onion stops at the first target it, dealing 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 30% AP) magic damage and stunning the target for 1 second. The onion explodes into many layers, dealing 40 / 60 / 80 / 120 / 160 (+ 30% AP) magic damage in a cone shape behind the first target, slowing all units by 30 % for 2 seconds. If Donkey is with Shrek, Donkey is thrown instead, knocking back all units Donkey passes through, dealing 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 (+ 60% AP) magic damage. Cooldown - 14 s / 13 s / 12 s / 11 s / 10 s. Donkey voice quote upon being thrown - " That's right fool! Now I'm a FLYING talking donkey! You mighta seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a DONKEY FLY!"

W - Ogre stench - Shrek expels a fart that surrounds him (400 range radius) and follows him for 4 seconds. Enemies that enter Shrek's flatulence take magic damage over time (10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 20% AP) magic damage per second), and are rendered Brittle until they leave Shrek's passing wind. If Donkey is with Shrek, Donkey violently sneezes in a cone shape towards any enemy champions in 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 500 range (if multiple enemies, Donkey sneezes towards the closest target) every second, dealing 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 40% AP) damage. Cooldown - 20 s / 19 s / 18 s / 17 s / 15 s. Shrek voice quote upon letting loose - "Better out than in I always say!"

E - DO THE ROAR! - Shrek does the roar, dealing 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 40% AP) magic damage to all units in front of him and fearing them for 1 second. If Donkey is with Shrek, Donkey is unimpressed with Shrek and is emboldened, being able to stay for an additional 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 seconds in combat with Shrek, before fleeing Summoner's rift. Cooldown - 22 s / 20 s / 18 s / 16 s / 14 s. Donkey voice quote upon Shrek roaring - "Oh, wow! That was REALLY scary!"

R - DRAGON! - Upon cast, Donkey summons and rides ;-) Infernal Drake. Donkey and Infernal Drake become controllable by Shrek and will attack targets Shrek designates. Each dragon breath deals 40 / 70 / 100 ( + 30% AP) magic damage. After 30 seconds, or if Infernal Drake is defeated, Infernal Drake and Donkey will flee Summoner's Rift. Shrek can cast his Q, W and E abilities while he controls Donkey and Infernal Drake. Cooldown - 120 s / 105 s / 90 s. Donkey voice quote upon Dragon attacking a target - " I'M A DONKEY ON THE EDGE! "

submitted by /u/Captain_Cry_More
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List of reasons why crit itemization is so bad right now.

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:00 AM PDT

  1. Infinity edge build path requires 8 waves (4 minutes of having to last hit perfectly without getting forced out) of perfect CS during the laning phase just to get a B.F.F sword in a meta where poke is king (The average minion wave gives 105 gold with perfect csing and gold generation a minute gives 120.6 gold. with a siege every 3 waves that gives an extra 60 gold) .Not only that Crit itemization by itself is the only thing in the game where the core item of crit users has to buy a expensive item which has a build path that is horrible. This can be easily fixed by just changing the build path into 3 pickaxes. The fact that other classes have good buildpaths is what allows classes like mages to be able to afford getting things like seeker's arm guard as a defense item against a threat.
  2. Infinity edge makes armor penetration less effective to build. What do i mean? I mean that by converting 15% of the critical strike damage into true damage. it means only 85% of your damage will benefit from armor penetration. Effectively making things like Lord Dominak's and Black cleaver passives 15% worst when paired with 100% crit.
  3. Stormrazor as a item is counterproductive to use as a Crit ADC and is actually only beneficial to spell users. What do I mean by counterproductive? I mean its effectiveness is based on a style of using spells and weaving in an auto to benefit from the passive every 3 seconds down to 1 second depending on attack speed. When the primary style of crit users is to be constantly DPSing not being a mage. Not only that its effectiveness basically falls off as you get more crit making the passive bonus on crit more redundant and a waste of gold to delay your build in where the average game ends before 30 minutes across the world (according to league of graphs). Source:(https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/game-durations)
  4. Essence Reaver was changed to only be good on champions who have auto resets and ultimates that don't interfere with their playstyle and must have basic abilities that will benefit from 20% cooldown reduction on basic abilities. While, before Essence Reaver as an item have a good buildpath and general stats that could benefit all Crit users if they desired to use the item. So, basically that removes majority of Marksmen ADC pool as either their ultimate ability is counterproductive to use to proc Essence reaver's passive, or don't have any use for the 20% cooldown reduction on their basic abilities. Basically that just leaves sivir, lucian (I mean it is usable on xayah because her kit's basic abilities benefit heavily from the cooldown reduction) as it's best users ADCs who have auto attack resets in their kits naturally and can use their ultimates without wasting the passive on esseance reaver as a useful tool to get their basic abilities up. This small subset makes fighters like jax, renekton and irelia (Other champions that can be consider here fiora, yi to lesser extent) the actually the best users because they can benefit from having their hard crowd control up, along with their defensive abilities up more often and do more damage in a team fight. While, also being able to proc the essence reaver passive instantly with an auto attack reset or a dash that applies it on hit.
  5. Zeal items in general don't provide enough stats to justify their costs of 2900 gold. When you consider the fact that for the same cost you can buy a duskblade that not only provides a massive spike in damage against squishes but also provides the best anti-vision control in the game. While, also wasting gold on critical strike chance if you build 2 zeal items with Infinity edge. Whilel, also not getting any of the nice components other classes passives have on their core itemization. Like Sheen into Trinity force, lost chapter into any mage mana item, Warden's mail into randuin's omen/thormail/frozen heart, Spectere's cowl into spirt visage, cataylist into Rod of ages/ abyssal mask. Again, the only other class in the game that has this is support itemization which can get by with just the utility of their kits and cheap itemization that is cost-effective and have good build paths. I mean the only subclasses that doesn't have this is mage supports but again get by doing insane amounts of damage with cheap magic penetration itemization. While, also in many cases out damaging the mid laner/bottom lane carry due to how much damage they can do in an area of effect. I mean the most reasonable thing is not to decrease zeal item costs but instead reduce the total critical strike chance down from 30% to 25% and give more attack speed to the zeal items when completed (keeping in the goal with riot wanting to delay powerspikes on crit but just shifting the stats to be better at 3 items but weaker at 2 items).
  6. Damage is extremely high and bursty making it harder to survive long enough to output damage. Especially with the nerfs to protective supports itemization (reducing % shielding/healing power and shield duration down) making it harder to survive long enough to put in some damage using crit. Some solutions here is to either start nerfing damage in general or give more defensive stats building crit itemization/ activates. An example of adding defenses to crit this would be giving 5 armor/mr on infinity edge that scales up with 100% crit up to 15 armor/mr . An example of defensive active would be a zeal item with no passive but an active that knockbacks a single target on a 90 second cooldown.
  7. The game is extremely snowbally and ends fairly quick for crit to be a relevant thing. Meaning in most cases a game is decided before a crit user can even get their 2nd/3rd item. Meaning its better to build other things first. As seen by the meta ADCs (Kai'sa , Lucian, ezreal) All of them spike off non-crit items a strong early powerspike or a strong mid game power spike (Ezreal manamune).
  8. Other classes have taken over the primary benefits of taking critical strike users. Fighters have taken over tank busting due to how effective conquer is as a rune. While, towers and objectives in general have become better for other classes to take as infinity edge's bonus damage no longer applies to neutral objectives like baron. Mages damage towards towers has gotten up over time as the seasons have gone by (auto attacks on towers becoming pure magic damage making magic penetration more effectve. Buffs to AP ratio that auto attacks do against towers). All on top of towers such as nexus towers and inhibator towers loosing health making them easier to take. The addition of Rift hearld and the increasing of minimum damage to 1500 true damage on rift hearld charges doing almost 50% of a tower's health. Baron's damage has been nerfed to a point where it is rather easy to take with very little risk at 20-25 minutes with just 3 people. Making the team that is ahead can just clear baron and pick people off without having to risk too much health doing it. While, gaing a massive 1500 gold and a buff that makes tower go down within 20 seconds of baron buff minions reaching a tower; along with buffs to anti-tank itemization that mages have had over the past couple item reworks.
  9. Critical strike being extremely easy to itemize against using ninja tabi and Randuin's omen for the re costs of 1100 gold for ninja tabi and 2900 gold for Randuin's Omen. Ninja tabi just flat out removes 12% of all damage from all autos related to crit along with it's armor. While, Raduin's omen just by itself is the cost of an entire zeal item. Removes 20% of critical strike damage, basically reducing the Critical AD ratio from 2.0 to 1.6 agains the randuin's omen user, Nerfs all attack speed by 15% against a target (How it works is that attack speed slows apply to base attack speed before all attack speed bonuses). While, also providing 60 armor and 400 health to further reduce physical damage by 50% with just armor alone and an extremely useful active to stay onto a critical strike user with a 2 second area of effect slow with a radius of 550 that slows for 55%.

Edited: Added another reason and adding more things to # 8.

Edited 2: Updated format to look at easier.

Edited 3: Update Well to while was tired when writing the post.

submitted by /u/Darkshadow5s
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Heisendong coaching LCS player GGS Deftly on Heimerdinger

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:57 PM PDT

Want a chance to play in a highly competitive 5v5 league with a unique format, that also provides a great chance to learn the game? Join Revenant eSports!

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:33 PM PDT

Hey Everyone! I'm super excited to finally be writing this out because it's been something I've been working on for a little while now.

First, I'd like to introduce myself! My name is Ryun. I have almost 2 years of competitive 5v5 experience, as a player, but also a staff member that has worked with leagues very closely!

With the help of many others, we have worked hard to create what is to become Revenant Esports. A new competitor in the amateur 5v5 competitive scene.

Currently, we will provide one league; our main attraction: The Divisional League: Competitive LoL for players from Bronze 5 - Platinum 2 Along with that, we are working hard to provide an extremely competitive setting that I will talk more about in the future.

"Why would I sign up for a new league when I can just play Clash??"

Clash is a fantastic way to get that quick competitive fix, but what sets us apart from Clash is that we are able to provide a friendly community for new players entering the scene as well as old ones wanting to try out a new league. I truly believe that the community is one of the best parts of playing in amateur leagues. Along with that, I am working on options for coaching for those players that are eager to learn and climb.

Having two organized teams against each other with full communications is a totally different experience. I was skeptical when I was first told that, but when I actually gave it a chance I was immediately hooked. Turning league into "what team has the best communication, synergy, and coordination" instead of "who's the most mechanical player".

I understand that many of you, including myself, will still want to play Clash. That's why games will be played on days that will not conflict with Clash so you can still fight for those in-game rewards!


Revenants Divisional League format is what will set us apart from every other league. As far as my understanding goes, it is completely unique to this scene. At first glance, it may look confusing but I promise it's as simple as it gets.

The League will be split into 3 Divisions: Tier 1 - Ash Division Tier 2 - Havoc Division Tier 3 - Aonia Division Signing up you have the choice to join as a premade team with 5-8 of your friends. You can also sign up solo or with up to 2 other friends, including yourself! Once you sign up, your team will be granted an average rank. Depending on that rank is what division you will get placed in. For Example, if you signed up with 5 friends, and you all range within Plat 5 - 3. you would average around plat 4 and be placed in Ash division. Or if you signed up with a Plat 3, two Gold 4's, and two Bronze 2's. you would be likely placed in Havoc Division or Aonia.

At the beginning of each season, we will host an opening tournament to kick things off. Each division will participate in their own single elimination bracket style tournament. The opening tournament is purely for fun but also gives us a chance to see if your team was wrongly placed.

Once every team has been placed in their respective divisions the normal season will start. It will be a 7 week season with a total of 6 games and 1 bye week that will give us the opportunity to host some fun events!

Now here's where it gets fun, at the end of each season the top two teams of each division will move up to the respective division, and the bottom two teams will move down. If you placed 2nd in Havoc, you would be moved up to Ash. If you placed in the bottom 2 of Ash you would move down to Havoc. It works the same way between Aonia and Havoc. During the main season, you want to fight hard to prove yourself worthy of the higher divisions.

Along with that, after the main season ends we will host a closing tournament. The closing tournament follows the same format as the opening tournament. The difference between the opening tournament and the closing is that the winners of the closing tournament will be granted discord rank rewards, and quite possibly some prizes! It's essentially the playoffs but it doesn't affect the main season bracket.

With the official launch of the league, we will be hosting a tournament for the chance for a team to win some RP, so come join the server and say hello, have a good time and possibly win some sweet sweet RP!!!


With that all being said, if you are interested in playing please join our discord. Once you join the discord, located under the landing is where you'll find everything you need.

Our admin team consists of:






So if you have any questions before joining, let us know!

I hope to see a lot of you in the Discord. I will be in there along with others to answer any questions you may have. Also, feel free to ask any questions by responding to this post!

submitted by /u/totallynotryun
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Invictus Gaming vs. Suning Gaming / LPL 2018 Summer - Week 3 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 06:59 AM PDT


Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Suning Gaming 1-2 Invictus Gaming

SNG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter
IG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Subreddit


Winner: Invictus Gaming in 32m | MVP: Duke
Match History

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SNG zoe camille lulu draven lucian 51.0k 7 3 H2
IG taric swain vladimir aatrox darius 59.3k 9 9 O1 I3 B4 O5
SNG 7-9-17 vs 9-7-24 IG
XiaoAL ornn 3 0-1-5 TOP 1-0-7 2 drmundo Duke
H4cker nocturne 1 1-2-1 JNG 1-1-6 1 taliyah Ning
fenfen kassadin 2 3-3-2 MID 4-3-3 1 irelia RooKie
Fury kaisa 3 1-2-5 BOT 3-0-1 4 yasuo JackeyLove
Yoon shen 2 2-1-4 SUP 0-3-7 3 alistar Baolan


Winner: Suning Gaming in 26m | MVP: Fury
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
IG taric swain vladimir tahmkench rakan 47.8k 8 6 H2
SNG zoe camille lulu draven taliyah 52.2k 10 6 C1 O3 B4
IG 8-10-16 vs 10-8-25 SNG
Duke drmundo 2 3-2-1 TOP 1-2-5 2 aatrox XiaoAL
Ning nocturne 1 1-3-5 JNG 2-3-5 1 graves H4cker
RooKie irelia 3 3-2-1 MID 1-2-7 1 braum fenfen
JackeyLove lucian 3 0-1-4 BOT 5-0-2 3 kaisa Fury
Baolan shen 2 1-2-5 SUP 1-1-6 4 alistar Yoon


Winner: Invictus Gaming in 34m | MVP: RooKie
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SNG zoe camille lulu taliyah cassiopeia 56.8k 9 3 H1 I4 B6
IG taric swain braum rakan alistar 65.7k 11 11 M2 M3 B5
SNG 9-11-16 vs 11-9-21 IG
XiaoAL drmundo 2 0-3-5 TOP 4-1-3 2 darius Duke
H4cker olaf 2 2-2-3 JNG 1-3-3 1 nocturne Ning
fenfen irelia 3 5-2-1 MID 4-1-5 4 ryze RooKie
Fury vladimir 1 2-2-3 BOT 2-3-4 1 lucian JackeyLove
Yoon fiddlesticks 3 0-2-4 SUP 0-1-6 3 pyke Baolan

submitted by /u/Megalodontus
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