Killing Floor I dislike the update.

I dislike the update.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:02 PM PDT

There. I said it, but let me explain to you in detail why:

1. New Weapons

Doomstick: This thing feels horribly underpowered now after they nerfed it from the beta. I can't even kill a Bloat in one magazine and the spread feels more random than other shotguns. Why should I even bother with this thing, if I can get the same results with an upgraded Boomstick?

Static Striker: Weapon looks cool and that's about it. Has extremely wonky hitbox, especially against Crawlers and feels clunky in general, but that's mostly because of the parry changes (still, you can't see shit while blocking). Also, there is no real force behind it's punches, which takes away from this weapons coolness factor.

M99: One of the two good additions to the game. I missed a bolt action sniper until now and this thing feels really powerful.

2. New maps/enemies

E.D.A.R.S: Nice idea, but they feel so much out of place, I can't take them seriously. Also, fcking lazy design.

New Maps: Air Ship is the second good thing added in the update. I love this map, it's designed really well. The other one is crap, I already forgot it's name.

3. New Mechanics

Reload Cancelling: WHY WAS THIS TAKEN AWAY?! Nobody complained about it, in fact, it was one of the few things, that elevated good players from the rest. This game feels much slower now, which is NOT a good thing.

Weapon Upgrades: The worst part of the update. Nobody wanted it and it feels unfinished. Every weapon was nerfed, so that this system could be integrated, which is just bullsh*t to the point, that most weapons feel like shooting marshmallows until upgraded. To add to that, it kills the team playing factor, because nobody is sharing their dosh anymore, as they are too busy upgrading their weapons.

4. Conclusion

I have the bad feeling, that this update was a big mistake, because it feels unfinished and took away more than it gave us.

I suggest removing Weapon Upgrade System completely from the game WITHOUT a substitute, as nobody needed/wanted that anyway. The rest isn't as bad. Sure, the Doomstick could use a buff and E.D.A.R.s still don't fit in, but these things don't break the fun like said system and the removal of reload cancelling.

Thanks for reading and possible grammar mistakes.

submitted by /u/takeonethough
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I'm a little miffed at requiring 10,000 Common Weapon Skins to craft a single (probabilistically battle-scarred) Master Crafted Weapon Skin

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 12:31 AM PDT

I usually play KF2 every day. The new update, while initially cool, has probably stopped this game from being one of my go to daily games. What a fucking shame man.

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 12:29 AM PDT

There's very few additions here that were good, and Tripwires signature fucked up balancing here in full swing. Airship is amazing, lockdown is meh, new guns are cool, 1911s still obsolete, reload cancelling nerf killed my enjoyment of GS as a skill based perk, upgrade system is fucking redundant.

I love you TW and your game but what the f u c k

submitted by /u/coolhwip420
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1 word to describe the new update: CLUNKY

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 03:42 AM PDT

No pun intended. After the patch, the game feel like it lost the smoothness in gameplay. 1. The upgrade system hurt the experience more than improve it. I played few solos today and was like "Why is this gun suddenly so weak?" and I remember every gun was nerfed to put this system in. This system should only be available in Endless because it get harder and harder so upgrading weapons work there. Having this in Multiplayer Survival would kill the experience because why throw some Dosh for another player while I need to upgrade a weapon to make it viable. 2. Why was reload animation cancel removed? It add a mechanic that player can improve themselves on. Is this a Zed rights movement because we killed them a minutes faster than it should be every wave? 3. E.D.A.R don't fit into the mobs. You see pigs, clowns, fat clowns,... than a random robot? They should be a weekly event where they are "mini boss" level and the boss level is just a combined version of 3 of them. 4. The new content is enjoyable as hell. Love the steampunk theme, nothing feel better than stuffing a Fleshpound full of lead using a quad barrel shotty. Also, RGB lighting on weapons (haven't open any Neon MKII yet)?

submitted by /u/Markquerade
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Just putting this out there

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 03:58 AM PDT

apply the upgrade system to endless and leave it out of survival

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:54 AM PDT

it makes the normal game seem broken

submitted by /u/EmbryonicMisanthrop
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So, the new Doomstick....

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:37 AM PDT

This gun was amazing in the first beta and now it feels like shooting a bubble gun. We have a fucking four-barreled shotgun that deals the damage of a pistol in a game where all that matters is killing Zeds and turn them into millions of gibs. What's next, making the RPG deal the damage of the HX25 pistol?

submitted by /u/MisterKraken
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I think Mrs. Foster’s voice tracks need a remaster

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:12 PM PDT

So I'm really happy with Claudia Black's performance as Mrs. Foster. The sound quality though is a bit iffy; I think she's supposed to sound muffled by her gas mask, which makes sense to a certain extent, but it sounds TOO muffled and weird IMO. I think she'd benefit from a remaster to improve the clarity and volume of her voice so we can enjoy her lines without her being drowned out by other mercs. Is it just me, or does anyone else find her kind of boxy and thin sounding?

submitted by /u/Kid-With-Knife
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Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:01 PM PDT

Parrying Problems

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 05:38 AM PDT

Ever since the latest update I've been having a lot of trouble blocking/parrying. Finding half the time it won't even work and I'm just getting chewed by the larger Zeds. Are any other berserkers having the same trouble or am I just seriously losing my edge? Tried multiple controllers, doesn't seem to fix the issue..

submitted by /u/gnarly_weedman
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Upvote to bring back reload canceling in future updates

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:52 AM PDT

I feel this has really impacted the feel of the game. Like many others posting here, the gameplay feels slow. It doesn't feel as fast paced, as fluid, buttery whatever fuckin description you want to use. I appreciate the hard work Tripwire does on these updates but this major overhaul really changes what kf players have been used to since the games first release. None the less thank you for the hard work but please bring back reload canceling or some variation.

submitted by /u/Moose-Munch
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The upgrade system reminds of something

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:48 AM PDT

I will mostly speak to the ones who played during early access but : remember the resistance system ?

It was a system put in place to help overall balance, to prevent perks from all being a "do everything". Good idea, but bad executions. We had things like shotguns not able to kill crawlers at point blank.

The idea itself was kept but fixed, and the game was improved from it. The game came back to a stable state and everyone lived happy.

I expected TWI to do the same with the Upgrade System, because it's the same situation : good idea, bad execution. What really looks like a potential solution for endless, where players complain about the lack of ammo+firepower on the later waves, not only did not fix anything for endless, but penalized standard play.

But now that the update came out and the only thing that was actually fixed were the Tier 4 downgrades, I really wonder if the Upgrade System is going to be fixed at all. And this is without speaking about other things in this update, like the Railgun nerf (not being able to 1shot decap a Scrake on HoE is not safer than the M99. More shots = more risks).

The Upgrade System, as it is, is only encouraging :
- Solo play : why spending money on teammates on others when I can do it on myself ? And no, telling players to cooperate will not work.
- Money mismanagement : A fully upgraded Tier 1 item will still be more expensive and even weaker than a fully upgraded Tier 3/4. No, it is not making those low tier weapons "more competitive". - Powercreeps : I'm not sure what word should I use here, but the only weapons worth upgrading are the weapons that were already the strongest. And the 9mm as they don't cost weight. It's also discouraging loadouts that included the Medic pistol for healing.
- Balancing nightmare : now, not only all the weapons have to be balanced toward each others, but they now have to be balanced at all upgrade levels and toward all other weapons at each upgrade levels. TWI shot themselves in the foot here.

I only hope someone at TWI will look back at the resistance system and learn from the past : please, either revert the upgrade system or shape it to make it work where it matters.

submitted by /u/Quenquent
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Bug in buy menu causes cursor to snap around

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 05:11 AM PDT

Help, after the summer update on Xbox one the game crashes after launching

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 05:04 AM PDT


submitted by /u/AmoreIF
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Nerf the Doomstick

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:21 PM PDT

's thirdperson audio. Like seriously, I can hear that thing super loud from a mile away when a teammate's using it and it's pretty annoying.

Also make it powerful again and make it a tier 5

submitted by /u/mayonetta
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Question about switching weapons

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:20 AM PDT

quick question: is there a way to make u not skip guns without any ammo left? i know about holding down triangle but meh i dont like it. and can u actually equip your knife without holding down triangle? for example when i want to switch fast to my knife for parrying an incoming flash pound.. ty in advance

submitted by /u/Sittybob
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Prestige Bug????

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:02 AM PDT

So I prestiged every perk and played endless with beserk, got him to level 23 and now he's back to level 9. Is this a bug or something going on here I'm not aware of?

submitted by /u/therealbettywhite22
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I want the narrator on the airship map to be a playable character

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:24 PM PDT

He's so charasmatic I love it and I've been on this map for 5 minutes

submitted by /u/lordg52
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Guess the amount of dosh I was able to donate

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 02:54 AM PDT

Please let Mrs. Foster be able to wear the Horzine helmet and other helmet cosmetics

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:38 PM PDT

If Mr. Foster can equip them why can't she?

submitted by /u/xXy0td3
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No Dosh-Vault Crates on PlayStation 4!!!

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 07:55 AM PDT

You still can't get Dosh-Vault Crates on PS4!!! It's the biggest problem with Killing Floor 2 on PS4 right now and Tripwire should fix it Asap!!!!!!!!!! I won't prestige any Perk until this Problem is fixed!!! Can't realize why they haven't done that! If they don't fix it until this summer event I'll not play this fucking game anymore!!!

submitted by /u/Marschall_Art
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Does the King Fleshpound have a unique voice?

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 03:57 AM PDT

I literally can't tell if he even speaks with all the metal and gunfire.

submitted by /u/BrokenBrainBleeding
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Multiple Prestige levels

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 07:38 AM PDT

In this update there is only 1 prestige level?

submitted by /u/voxmachinaforever
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How do you get the steampunk mask?

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 07:36 AM PDT

You know the woman with the m99 in the main menu has it or if you know steampunk mrs. foster from kf1.

submitted by /u/Xm0s
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