Fallout - The best synopsis of New Vegas I've ever seen.

The best synopsis of New Vegas I've ever seen.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:09 AM PDT

"In the beginning, I sided with the Mr. House. The promises he made swung me, untold riches, fame, a new, better wasteland. Hell, not even a wasteland. A land of freedom, a land without the restriction that the NCR could bring.

But he started to act like an asshole, so I killed him.

I worked with the NCR after that, just to see their point of view and gain a disposition of them. Couldn't even finish the quest due to a glitch. I could not talk to my contact, the screen zoomed in, then zoomed out. Then she disappeared.

I couldn't work with House. The NCR contact had said "OOP I DON'T EXIST" and the Legion were rude and had cool shit, so they hated me.

You wanna know what I did? I punched Caesar's fucking face off with his best friend's magic shotgun fist that retrieves the ammo you just shot into someone.

I walked into some shack. A guy was like "WE GOTZ DA AWSUM GUN WE GON KILL ERRYBODY" and I shot his fucking legs off before putting decapitating him post-mortem. I took his gun and sold it to a robot that gives you weapons through an impenetrable box with no dispenser slot.

I helped some balding guy become the Elder and convinced the lesbian Felicia Day that the Brotherhood were dickheads anyway.

I helped the Boomers because they had the balls to shoot nukes at me, and I would not want those people as enemies.

I slaughtered the residents of Primm after rescuing their mayor because he was a retarded pussy. They never stood a chance.

I helped Boone find his way through Legion slaughter and convinced him he had no choice. It was not his fault. I showed Veronica the light of the world, and suggested she leave the dark. I saved a mexican Zombie and killed a blue giant wearing a wig. I saved Rex with the brain of a scrapyard dog. I repaired a flying mechanical eyeball with my bare hands. I showed Arcade that the Followers needed a man like him, a man so brave and kind of heart. I acted as a tool of revenge for Cass. I helped the kindly super mutants, because they were a hell of a lot nicer than their Capital Wasteland counterparts.

All who opposed me were the victims of my wrath. I activated the robot army to terrify people with my presence. I beat the shit out of Cthulhu with a katana under a red sky. I told the NCR to leave, because I respected them, and reasoned that they would be safe in another area if left to their own devices. They were fit to rule, but not this place, not my home. My charms were too great for any woman to resist, my feats too impressive. I slaughtered all who crossed me.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

And I drank more Sunset Sarsaparilla than any man could ever endure.

All of this, with a pink afro."

from here credits to poster Skeleton for brightening my day.

submitted by /u/astral_plane_crash
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Happy Birthday Bethesda!!!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:26 AM PDT

BOS-logo in Fallout 76?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:51 AM PDT

In the video " Introduction to Multiplayer Gameplay Video " you can see at 1:45 some barricades near a crashed vertibird, which appear to have a BOS-logo on them http://prntscr.com/jzygvd

submitted by /u/Schlitzie2g
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Some absolutely adorable Fallout 76 fanart by Mail1984

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:56 AM PDT

As much bitterness and acrimony as Fallout 76 has inspired, there was something so sweetly hopeful and uplifting about this art that seemed so in keeping with the spirit of the trailers that we've seen that I couldn't not share it. Charming work from a talented artist that I've been a fan of for some time now.

submitted by /u/shoe_owner
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My thought on a Fallout set in Detroit

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:14 AM PDT

Imagine if you will. A world of dilapidated buildings, streets decades without repair. It's a lawless place, no police, no fire department, no power, no water.

 Then, the bombs drop. 

You, a descendent of the original vault dwellers. You've heard stories or how fearsome and deadly the streets were before the war. You've seen the old news footage, the riots, the gangs. It's almost become a myth in obscurity, the story you tell your kids to keep them in line.

Until... a series of explosions, grinding and banging. Then.. silence. Now, almost like clock work, a rumbling goes over head and past the vault door. It's loosened the seal on the door, and you are getting warnings of seismic activity threatening your vault.

You've been selected to be the one to exit the Vault. The vault door opens, a sight you thought nobody would see. You make your way past rubble. You find yourself in a tunnel, something has been trying to get to you. A light is at the end of the tunnel. It's bright. IT'S COMING AT YOU.

You press yourself against the rocks. This is the end. FOOSH! CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG!

You follow the metal beast out of the tunnel. You find a sprawling urban utopia.

TL:DR Fallout set in Detroit. Detroit is better after the war than before.

submitted by /u/keyonastring
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I just started playing Fallout 4 and I don’t know what the fuck to do

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:41 AM PDT

Am I retarded?

The concept is amazing to me and I was hyped to play it but I feel so lost.

Got any tips for a beginner? Stuff you would've liked to know before playing for the first time?

Thank you for your assistance.

submitted by /u/GiganticFoquo
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My friend is now obsessed with Fallout 4

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:58 AM PDT

He got super hyped over Fallout 76, and when I told him how good Fallout 4 is, he bought it.

All he's been playing for the last 4 days is Fallout 4, constantly updating us about his progress. He just went to the Institute, he's in the Glowing Sea for some reason, and found an empty suit of Power Armor (with a core) and a dead body nearby. I told him to find the fridge next, and he's currently heading towards the picture I sent him.

That is all.

submitted by /u/ctan0312
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Fallout inspired playlist. Please enjoy :)

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:35 AM PDT

Update on Warner Bros. Westworld Lawsuit

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:35 AM PDT

So apparently Warner Bros. responded to the claim that their game was a ripoff by saying that the game developer told them it wasn't, so Warner Bros. is going to stand by Behavior Interactive on this. Here's a link to the updated article: http://www.ign.com/articles/2018/06/28/bethesda-suing-warner-bros-for-blatant-rip-off-of-fallout-shelter

submitted by /u/Nanemae
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Why didnt they make settlers mpre useful?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:30 PM PDT

They could have been so much better. Like if they spawned with randomly generated names and could have building-related perks that de-necessitated you needing said perks to build advanced structures.

submitted by /u/Tschudy
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Some interesting emails I found in New Vegas.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:32 PM PDT

What Vault-Tec experiments would you like as Overseer?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:00 AM PDT


You have been appointed Overseer and are about to be briefed on the experiment being run at your new Vault..

If you could choose it, what would you like to see as an experiment?

submitted by /u/Gatt_
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Don't download the solar cannon from CC!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:54 AM PDT

I purchased it and now have the 0KB glitch for the first time since I reinstalled the game. No mods, just CC, never had a problem until now.

submitted by /u/EntoBrad
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[spoilers] Fallout 3 ending questions

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:04 AM PDT

I sacrificed myself at the water purifier, so if i were to buy broken steel would i be the same character, also i tried to get Fawkes to go into the room but he refused to, if anyone can help i will be grateful.

submitted by /u/H0N3YBADG3RNATI0N
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I'm surprised that people haven't argued over the Couriers death

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:07 PM PDT

I say that because being shot in the head and being completely fine afterwards is wild.

The Courier can still walk, talk, hold memories from his past like going to Reno. I don't know I think it's a little, strange there isn't debates or arguing whether or not that scenario should have happened.

Personally I really like it. Being dug up and finding your own killer is unique. Still I find it weird how it's accepted by the fan base. Considering there's people who have issues of much smaller story elements in other Fallout games.

submitted by /u/blazetrail77
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In order to get Hyped for 76, here’s the Fallout 4 Diamond City Radio Playlist!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:00 PM PDT


I'm super excited for 76, so I started listening to the FO4 Diamond City Radio Playlist!

So, I decided to share the playlist with all of you! Here you go: https://itunes.apple.com/ie/playlist/fallout-4-diamond-city-radio/pl.u-vx2JxtBD5qv

Hope everyone enjoys it! 😊😊

submitted by /u/HeartletTullius
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Bloodbug Animation

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:25 PM PDT

200 hours into this game, and this is the first time I've seen the Bloodbug animation.


submitted by /u/Spyinc
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The full story of Fallout 76 (maybe?)

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:18 AM PDT

Fallout 76 takes place 25 years after the bombs, reclamation day, but in the citadel in fallout 3 a terminal says that the vault was intended to open 20 years later not 25 so some may ask why are we leavening in 25 years later not 20. In an interview (I believe it's on fallouts Twitter) some guy said we would be leaving the vault searching for those leaving before us the "survivors " as he called them. With no Npcs in 76 it's safe to assume that the didn't make it. But what killed them? Here is my prediction for the story of fallout 76 ; In 2077 we enter the vault ( not sure if we'll play through this but we will enter) we live there and grow up there. 20 years after the bombs the overseer calls upon a group of highly skilled dwellers and instructs them to check if the wasteland is safe enough . The dwellers don't return. 5 years later the overseer opens the doors officially to let everyone out, not sure if it is safe, before we leave at the reclamation day party the overseer tells us all to find out what happened to the dwellers. So we leave and We find their remains. It turns out they were killed by these scorch beasts and we must find a way to kill them all to make West Virginia safer. In an interview with I think it was Pete Hines he stated that we can use the nukes that we gain access to to close in the holes that the scorch beasts emerge and breed from so I believe that that is actually what we must do. We kill all the scorch beasts. THE END BADA BING BADA BOOM opinions?

submitted by /u/bonolit
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Favorite fallout gun

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:54 AM PDT

What's your favorite gun in the fallout games?

submitted by /u/noahrenn
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Just wanted to share a screenshot

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:30 PM PDT

Hey yall, took an f3 screenshot and edited it a bit, was happy with the outcome so i thought i'd share it


Edit: bonus, fourteen sugarbombs to the first person that can name where this is taken!
Tip; sign in the background

submitted by /u/9Payload
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How Should Fallout 76 Discourage Players from Always Shooting First?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:32 PM PDT

With Fallout 76 being entirely online and having no human NPCs nor factions, I am concerned that the majority of players are always going to kill other players. I would love to see a fallout community that is committed to role-playing but I am doubtful that, that is going to be the case. Clearly 76 will be much different from games like Rust & DayZ but player interaction could be very similar. In Rust and DayZ the incentives for players to act passively are very weak when compared to the security and benefits that come from killing.

I don't think the fallout community wants to have a game where everyone's mentality is shoot first, ask questions later. Even if a player's best option is to act passively, game theory has shown that people are going to act so that they save their own skin, even if a better outcome is easily achievable, if they run the risk of having a bad outcome if they don't. Because of this, I think Bethesda not only needs to incentivize players to act passively but deter players from killing others. At the same time, players should still be able to kill other players and earn something beneficial. It wouldn't make much sense to make this a useless or terrible option for players.

My first idea is to add a "reputation" value to players that can be viewed by others when they're relatively close to the other player. I feel like this could be practical but maybe it takes away too much from immersion. It might be difficult to create a system where working as a mercenary, protecting friends, helping other players, raiding, or faction warfare differently effects this value.

I am curious what others would like to see in the game to help with this because if something isn't done, I think 76 will be a massive failure and Bethesda will have to add a lot NPCs for trading & etc.

Edit: Maybe they can have "tiered" servers that players can earn access to based upon the recommendations of other players. Not sure this would work but maybe you can balance how much weight someone's review has based on the ratio of their positive to negative reviews.

submitted by /u/aTumescentPoke
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Hot Take: Fallout 76 Is Just An Official Mod

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:00 PM PDT

The people complaining about Fallout 76 would be orgasming over it if it was just a fan-made mod for Fallout 4. That's the tea. Fallout 76 is just a fully-realized official Fallout 4 standalone mod. People need to stop treating it like a main, canon entry in the series and treat it more like what it is: a very cool, independent multiplayer mod.

*You can't change my mind meme voice* You can't change my mind.

submitted by /u/DoctorCarty
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