Diablo - Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 06/12/18

Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 06/12/18

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:00 AM PDT

Welcome to week 50 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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I think I appreciate Diablo 3

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:02 AM PDT

I don't know if it's me getting older (approaching 35 fast now) or just starting to diminish in patience and/or energy, I am starting to think that this so called "dumbed down shit" which is Diablo 3 is actually pretty great for me.

I have seen many people complain that D3 is not hardcore enough, especially when compared to things like PoE. But as someone who have tried PoE for several times but always give up after a few hours, but have spent hundreds/thousands of hours on games like the Division/Warframe/Monster Hunter...I am starting to appreciate the fact that there is a Diablo 3 out there that can satisfy my basic needs for farming/looting/leveling and feeling badass in a fantasy setting.

I have never played any ladders/seasons before. Two months ago I have played Season 13 as a Necromancer out of boredom (I finished the game 3 times before all as a wizard) and oddly enough it felt great. The gameplay and UI control are fantastically fluid (especially noticeable when I tried PoE after playing 60 hours of D3) and the fact that I do not need break my head over how to avoid breaking my character during level up and I can switch builds and experiment on the fly simply feels great. After a long day of work, all I need to do to get some entertainment is hop into the game, check out the bounties, and off I go to kill stuff and get loot and see increase in my stat literally every few minutes. And now I am really anticipating S14.

If I was younger, or was more hardcore, I would agree that D3 is so dumbed down. I was a Dwarf Fortress player after all, and I was a tactician in a WoW guild, and I disliked Icewind Dale because it has less interesting stories compared to Baldur's Gate or Planescape:Torment, both of which I have finished several times over, reading everything every time.

But now, I don't know if it is sad, but I can't bring me the time or effort to do hardcore gaming 7 days a week anymore. After a working day, buying food, cooking food, having dinner, clean up the mess, do some random chores, and before getting sleepy (nowadays it'll be 11 PM before I start feeling really dozy), I would be happy to have 3 hours of gaming. So now, I gave up on DF and enjoy Rimworld much more. I gave up on all serious MMOs and prefer to play multiplayer coop games that I can join or leave whenever I want, like the Division or Warframe. I still love serious RPGs, but I almost always got distracted after a couple of hours; I am still too lazy to keep on playing PoE2 (Pillars of Eternity, not that PoE). Sometimes I almost half-jokingly consider that I should try out Euro Truck Simulator, a game that I mocked in the past, as I could not grasp the concept of "casual, leisure, relaxed" gaming. I actually like driving IRL, and I loved trucking around in Elite: Dangerous...

So yeah, probably offending hardcore Diablo fans, but sometimes I do appreciate that D3 isn't so hardcore that I am forced to trade with other players for good equipment, need to plan my character leveling route 50 levels before, and need to read tons of leveling guide to see how to optimize my character. All I need to do is jump in, get a few levels, and then go to sleep. Perhaps one day I will suddenly have the urge and energy to go real hardcore H&S...but for now, it is good to have a decent gaming choice as D3.

submitted by /u/HeresiarchQin
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Chris Metzen in 2012 confirmed D3 was the end of a specific storyline

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:32 AM PDT

Here is the link of the interview

We have seen a few threads these days concerning the next Diablo game and where in the timeline of Sanctuary the events would take place.

If Diablo 1,2 and 3 were a specific storyline, I think the next game will be far away in time from the events we have been playing in for 3 games now.

No more Deckard Cain, No more Leoric, and no more bald barbarian that looks totaly like D2's barbarian but its actualy not really him but probably could have been him but its not for very unclear reasons.

I think the new game, being far from everything we have seen in the Diablo universe, will be very refreshing, and I hope they makes us forget everything about the last 3 game so they leave no room for comparisons.

This 4th Diablo game will need to be quite revolutionary in the RPG/ARPG genre to stand above current games, and i feel like completely leaving currents storyline and start anew is a step in the right direction

submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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Season 14 1-70 Leveling Tips Guide

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT

Does Diablo II's Ladder Also Reset on Friday?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:34 AM PDT

Both D3 and D2 are being reset on Friday the 15th correct?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/NeedMoreVespianClass
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Found my old D2 CD and key

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:58 PM PDT

But I bought it digitally a year or two ago. So the now found key is pointless. Think anyone would pay for it or should I just give it away?

submitted by /u/Atiouss
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[S14] What class will you play?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:22 AM PDT

It's that time of the year again..

Let us know what you'll be playing S14: https://strawpoll.com/sra7y14x

Would love to hear everyone's opinion, and if you are still looking for a grp: drop your IGN, Class and Region. That way people can team up and have a boost S14!

submitted by /u/Smurfmeister1
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What is the fastest build for hosting powerlevelling runs?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:55 PM PDT

What would be the fastest build to use if I'm intending to do a lot of 1-70 powerlevelling runs? Assume that I will be a decently geared level 70 (not in 100% ancients or anything, but at least having all the legendaries I need), and spamming T6 rifts to run through them and kill as many things as I can as fast as possible.

Some things I've tried:

  • Wormwood/locust chicken WD - This is what I used the last time I tried this. It definitely had the movement speed, but sometimes I moved too fast and locusts spread too slowly to kill everything before I went offscreen
  • Multishot DH - kills the screen with a button, but I kept running out of resource to vault around fast enough
  • Tal'rasha EB wizard with Mirinae/wreath of lightning - not bad, decently fast with 100% ingeom teleporting uptime, but it's still inherently melee-ranged so I'd miss some mobs here and there
  • Sunwuko bells monk - haven't played this in a while but I remember it being similar to MS DH (could clear screens but runs out of dash/resource, and also a worse AOE-range per click)
  • I haven't really played the other classes before, so I'm not too sure about what they have to offer

Note that I'm not looking to push GRs with this build, so I'd be open to creative ideas that aren't top-tier pushing/T13 farming. I know there's T13 speedrun tier lists out there, but I'm wondering if there's anything faster and better at clearing if T6 is the maximum that I need to go up to.

Also, bonus points if I don't have to spam too many buttons for the build to work (like wormwood WD where all I have to do is recast chicken when the timer runs out).

submitted by /u/watermelon_juice
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[NA][HC][Discord] Need fourth for season start

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:11 PM PDT

Need a fourth human for racing to 70 and completing the 6-piece journey on Friday. Two of us are EST and one is MTN. I'll be streaming on Twitch and we'll be communicating via Discord. We'll be going hard but not elitist top-meta-strats-snapshotting.

camelspiders#4621 Discord


submitted by /u/camelspiders
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1-70 build guide?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:20 PM PDT

Does anyone have the thread that has a 1-70 guide for when you're leveling up? One that shows what skills to pick as you level? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Soflotripperdad
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Returning player with questions!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:56 PM PDT

Hello everybody! I played Diablo 3 in the very beginning of the game, before Act V, before PvP, before Necromancer and Paladin etc... The reason I stopped playing was because once you reached 60, there was not much else to do, you either farmed gold to buy equips at Auction House or created another class. I am planning on getting back to the game, and I wanted to know what is new. How is end game content? What are these rifts everyone talks about? What can I do after I get 60? Thanks!!!

submitted by /u/MoonHaa
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Season Themes 15 - 18

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:09 PM PDT

Best Support Monk Build?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:05 PM PDT

Looking into this coming season after a year off. I'm going to be playing with my buddy who plans to run Pestilence Necro. Can anyone give me some guidance on what a complimentary Monk build would be for that?

submitted by /u/TolomeoR
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Best speed 99s solo ?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:59 AM PDT

Trying to decide on a character for season 14, played a crap ton of monk last season, mostly solo, I got really decent gear and feel like I got as far as I could with it. Right now I am wondering what class to play in season 14 with a focus on really fast and easy GR99s for lots of lvl 100 augments. I play 90% solo with the only thing I do in groups being bounty runs and sometimes lvling up lower players. I am thinking of getting back into Necro but can't seem to get the hang of the pestilence playstyle of waiting for cooldowns.

I've been doing tests on my non season, with monk the fastest so far at 99s in around 6 mins. Barb was much slower than I thought it would be (tried several hammer builds and EQ) Also tried Tal rasha meteor wizard, which was around 7 mins for 99s.

Would really appreciate any feedback from the community.

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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just another day farmin T13

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:52 PM PDT

Diablo 3 T6 Snapshot Leveling Trick

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:46 AM PDT

Playing Necromancer for season 14 without depending on long cooldowns - is it viable at all?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:51 AM PDT

So, I played a bunch of Necro in the past and enjoyed it quite a bit (just after release), but with the patches that followed and the evolution of the meta it seems that most, if not all builds now depend on short damage windows spread far apart (more specifically, centered around the Land of the Dead cooldown).

I personally find that playstyle very unsatisfying and annoying (though I don't claim that applies to everyone), and so I wonder how much weaker builds that do not rely on it ultimately become. Is it a difference of a few GR levels? A handful? 20?

If it matters, I tend to play mostly solo, but occasionally join some group from an ingame community.

submitted by /u/AedanValu
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Neato mods....but not really though.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:36 AM PDT

Was playing some Diablo 3 on my PS4 and some monk joined my game and had an aura that just killed players. They need to add the ability to kick someone from the party or this issue needs to be ended immediately. Please Blizzard add a permanent season to the consoles or someway to get away from these shit mods.

submitted by /u/Rambo_Prime
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Are servers down on PS4?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:15 AM PDT

I am a total newb here so sorry if this is a dumb question. I am thinking of gettind D3 Ultimate Evil Edition on PS4 and my friend who has it on PC said the servers are not operating for PS4. I have no idea what he meant or whether he actually knows anything about the case

submitted by /u/larrybobinski
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Been playing HC while waiting for season start, I died today

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:31 AM PDT

My 11 month old unplugged my router. Had almost full shadows set, running RRoG so I could get that 6 piece bonus.

Not sure if I want to level another HC char or just wait it out now.

If anyone knows of baby proofing wall wart covers that'd be great.

submitted by /u/Wetzeb
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